Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 22, 1949, p. 6

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pxgesdc the acton rtee pttess thursday september jj 1m0 ltqf dairy entry for mutow fair knlrt for ihe hal tun dairy show to be held at milton on september 24lh hjveeen rolling into the ag ricultural office during the past wrr on friday evening of last wn k agr ujturl itrpreaenlalwe j k whiulock stated that prospects point t approxiipattly s00 head of ifjthnn t finest jurmwyi llolateins arjd jerwys bring on display the itffntal ludgts will be as follow ifulstt mi k a irinn hrantfnrd jrrws j w pauley of caledon mid fiuprnwyi wtn brooks pans ln tdntally all th fleu ari prornimnt br is of thr bntd on ii tl- will ttljujlcjti ifallim atf and suln club mfin nen putting hnutintf toucttrt to their fxmbtff sraltered over ihe county 78 calf and swine flub members arr mak ing final prrparatlon for their arhteement day at ml hon on sep rmtrr 24th the calf club show ha for many years bcrn a highlight of thr milton fur thl year 4 club members will have their calve on display for a m ilarr associate director of kitensiun for the ont dept of agriculture in the swlna club lug where w p watson i ivc stork com m tail oner for ontario will adjudicate 34 yorkshire gilti will parade for inspection fine weather prevailing it is gning to he big day for kaltnn jra and alto for their parent and friends who alway constitute an interested and crowded ringside ploumrn select site near nortat thi farm of james llussrll at noral is to be the site of llalton big annual plow ing match on thursday october 27th stated c f pickett president of the llalton plowmen two eicellent and ftelda are available and plani are now under way to surpass the big match held a year ago on the farm of fr- win ciunby at tansley special classes are being provided for local plowboy sh soiling demnnjlralloti leld at m c droty farm a goodly number of interested spectators followed the demonstra tion in tub soiling ataged by it- mc- duffe and sons john deere agent of milton tn cooperation with dald wrndnver of palermo on the m c beatv farm trafalgar town ahlp on monday afternoon of lasl week professors downing and webb of the department of agri cultural engineering and n j thomas of the soil department at the oac were on hand to super vise the laving down of the test two subtler were in action de spite the ery dry condition of the soil both machine penetrated to depths of u to 20 inches eight different landa were sub boiled some at m inch internals other at 5 and 10 ft respectively the ii id will be followed with keen interest not only in 10v but also tn succeed ing ears to determine the effec- tlvncvi of the practice in haltons in nv clov loams jfalfnn dairyman installs loafing stable during the past year or two the american farm papers have featur ed a new practice in dairy cattle stabling in order to determine for himself the practicability of the o- calhd 1oafing lum a t wood- le prominent homeln brooder of the milton district ti now convert ing hi stable oxer tn trt out the idea liu identnlu a 1oitlnu bam u ii mable where the dairy cow not its mi ner doe the loafing in short instead of being tied m alalia for some se en months of the ear the will be loose in a verv large box mali equipped with feeding rack and watering de ice the only time they go into stalls is for milking when thev will receive their grain ration and than only four at a time the advantage of the loafing stable as we under stand it ilea tn its greater comfort to the occupants improved haallh leu udder trouble etc the idaa would certainly appear to havt real pout bill ties because we have often wondered that our dairy cattle tied up tn th- conventional way by the neck for a period of nearly seven months stand up under it as well as thev do- in any event were very glad that the idea is going to re ceive a fair trial in llalton mr woodleys many friends will follow his experiment with keen interest milton erin baskets of white and orchid glad- loll graced the altar of bathel un- ltd church drumquln on satur day twplember 3rd at 3 v oclock for the marriage of annie violet clifton only daughter of mr and mrs otcar clifton milton to george touglas currie eldest son f mr and mrs george currie of georgetown lte krd ainswurth officiated hrly lal tiiurljy morning thuitfc fornii un ifitrv into the of fid and kliu of thi milton dittrtrt i opt rutin mtiuttd n hnmli st swajink vjo in iah fiom tin n gi tfi polue ttlmilted having made good stsuullng in the finals at ingersoll bobby adam who has already passed the tnlranre or medical teats received his call and left for kingston on monday to commence the four- year course at it a m c work has he gun extending the seating capacity of milton aran karly monday workmen were to be seen demolishing the brick wall on the sou i hern aide of th build ing they say this work will be speedily completed before skating and hockey season begins canad ian champion forty ier ci nt w ii ka mulalion dlan f new llruns v rt nch icuna the community was shocked at the news of the sudden death of william smith who collapsed and died while playing ball with fellow members of the boy scouts on the school play grounds on monday evening dr b c prior was called but the lad was beyond the skill of human hands before his arrival completing 12 courses two cale- don cirls helen nesbit and duru glasiord have been awarded top honors in junior women s institute club work the village council has contacted m highly recommended firm of en gineers and a new and better plan will be drawn up and estimate givefi fur the municipal watt r work project adtorate oakville ituildlng h mud in trafalgar township front the firm of the year until tin end of auguit numtx red 10 for m tout or tfloaias councillor kn emmi rm nt d it motion tn count il mixtttiy night tht ttlt police d partntent te uthoriled to oerate the traffic liming devlre in plain clothes on dundas street he stilted it had been the esperirnrr of the depart ment thai motor lu were escaping parsing through the timing section because they sjiw the offlrer and rame almost to a stop thus making the test lmtosslhle ifcmald u green of oakvtlle was in the front rank of 187 canadian hoys recortimendid fur cadetahlpa at the canadian service colleges kingston s hoyal military cotlegt and royal itnads near victoria it was disclosed last weekend by de fence minister brooke claxton he was one of four air force candidates to be awarded 1300 dominion scholarships trafaloar journal the sunday school lesson sunday september 25th donald mcnabb r ft ho 2 georgetown ont axu ttijlwion tviemagtuh introduced by a canadian firm is automatic tele phone answering machine which will answer telephone when owner is absent and record meaaag cal ler leaxe is reported in the fin ancial post no change or con nections required in present tele phone equipment can be used as a wire recorder and operated man ually will record both tides of tele phone conversation company sta tes in the fait four years we added more than half a mil hon telephones and installed new equipment in every ex change in ontario and quebec at the tame time we were able to make substantial improvements in service but it took a lot of money over two hundred million dollars tkr rtmsiru much to be done many applicants are till waiting for telephone service and many more sub scribers present service is not adequate to their needa we intend to meet their wiihes and to continue malting the service clearer faster better in every way thi i will take more millions for new equipment and buildings as in the past this money mutt come from the savings of thousands of canadians uho are willing to invest in the telephone butincu thi iell telephone j company op canada the psalus we sing goldtn test- on magnify the lord with me and it t us t xalt hi name tog th r pa m 3 umuii tiit zj 42 12 u0 1 2 18 17 rxmikitiii i r vi ry want mi t is 23 13 the foundation thought of the flint four vawi is jihovah is my bhephiid th figure stands for i jf e protection and provision on cod i pint tiuht and olmdunte and allowing on mini s urt jno 10 i in 2ti jv en 33 13 luke 8 3 4- b a io 2u lu u 0 mu 0 361 it u shepherd s business to feed tin khe i und lamb and by making hinim if my thi ph rd jt hovah has undi r taken to make it ills liuklnrii to provldi tne with pasture to meet rty neej so david tonllnues 1 bhall not want this anyone who is mire that he la one of jehovah s she p can confidently say who jt houh s sheep are jesus plainly t lis ui 4jno 10 3 4 ft 77 the italrn leads on from lh- gt in ral statement to sjmhiflc wantl supplied in verse 3 we have four want supptird lest ftod drink hading ijterally trarulate1 he miki th me to lie down in pastures of tender grass lie leadeth me be side th waters of rest there is a twofold rst in this verse the pas slve reotuf sheep lying down tin the 1 soft young spring gras the active r st of walking beside the waters of rest there is a twofold rest in christian experience passive rest lust lying on jesus bosom active test in rt rvlng the lord without fi ar in holiness and righteousness bt fore him all the days of our life cf luke 1 74 75 matt ii 28 m there is food as well as rest where do we find it is there any other food so easy for a true sheep of christ to eat so juicy and delirloui so nutritious a that which we find in the word of god there it drink as well a food jehovah buds hli sheep right beside the waters of rest what the waters of rel are jesus teln ua jno 4 14 7 37 30 the ifolv spirit is the water we drink for the appropriateness of waters of rest cf gal s 22 there is guidance also he lead eth me not only are there still waters there but it is jehovah him self who leads along the bank thu leading is continuous and constant he leadeth not drivelh in this and the following versea there are fmir experience into which and in which he leads water of rest paths of rlghtcousn ss a holy watk into and through darkness peril and testing into his own house forever in verse t we have a fifth v ant supplied healing or reliving inlgorating sheep grow wrarv and weak tcf jno 10 10 r v the sixth wnnt supplied guid ance nn longer by the water of rest but in a holv walk we will ncirr walk in paths of strnightncsv except bv his guidance he guides us straight on from the pit of aln into the filory of god ii furv fear rinmicd 4 the iord a sheep is now tnken into entirely new experiences no longer pasture of tender gro and water of ret but the valler of the deepest darkness thit i the force of the hebrew phrase shadow of death the psalmist has not merely the experience of liternl death in mind but nil ex peri rices where thit dnrkness is thick and profound gods sheep do not nl- wav walk in bright piths the pith im he so dark that we can not seenhead nt all we can scarce ly see the shephurd himself but we may nlwavs hi ar his voice hark nllevs miv lie between the one green nnd rich nnd peaci ful in thednrketv nllev jehnv afts shcc have no fetnt i will fear no evil a true trust in god banishes nil fear under nil etrcumitance for nil time tsn 12 2 2 3 p 3 s 8 27 1 46 13 phil 4 7 horn r 2fl32 and wh not fear for vhou art with me not because there is no danger but because w are able to cope with any dangers we mav meet but because there is one with us who is able isa 43 2 horn 8 31 hcb 13 m it is not until he gets into lha valley of the shadow of death that he speaks of the shepherds personal presence iii every longing satisfied 5 6 here the figure changes jehovah no longer appears as a shepherd but as a bountiful host think out all that he has spread before us on thv table no banquet on earth is like that as to the general character of the feast read psalms 63 s 81 8 note where we are feaatel christs own have enemies jno 15 10 tim 3 12 but our wonderful host will spread us a banquet trf their very presence we havr a feast while the world u feeding on husks the oil with which he anoints our heads is the oil of gladness the holy spirit ac 0 38 heb 1 0 1 jno 2 20 27 in ancient times an anointing was a necessary preparation for a feast and the an- uintum wltktka half gfrtrtt ia nkitury preparation fur the lords keait the nest st p follows natu rally my cup runneth over tor is an abundant drink ik you know the oe i flowing cup slow we luve the feot for our earthly pil grimage v j hut wi an not un guarded sun ly goodness and im rcy shall follow m 1 wish no better r ar guards or fwtm n than those god s goudneas and mercy loving kindnikni follow our ivrry alep hure is no doubt about it surt iv how well protected and mrfectiy secure we ale note how lng this will continue now we tome to tlie end of our pilgrimage ami pjls out of lime into ktemlty it requires the n t to interpret for us bji the wealth of meaning that is w rapped up in these o t words jno 14 1 3 1 tties 4 18 i7 wanted dead animals w ar paytmx tht ufct prvmiliaf steu tor si tr crtppud fiarta horses cattle hogs talrphoo coluot far imwmhtu rvla laing cartage okuiwfl wm ooitdon voun luotbo m e phead optometrist mtuuno aid mattbusea quick repairs to cbacw blnwoun puu gliawi tie u at owirt phonk iss guelph b4 m inn everybodys business ur own henef someone iini u a wrung you tan makr msiirr lefirr or worse by yu ruititmi marry ml al work at the same job hut when chefc esira work it he done al al ways has some rnutr for not overtime he leaves harry to finish up naturally harry resents he l on hut resentment and insj thus i m not nourishes hit he stxin keiomrt ffrimtliy with emnrtrn his own family ilctsu te of his irritaiion ins wtrk suffers how muih tettrr it would he if harry refused to he upset by these incidents or if he talked i lings over frankly with al or his imu and insisted on a fair deal so it js whenever mmymt offends us we unnol live lisp piu snd do rood work while smildrrinjt with resentment ve mutt learn to take these wrongs in our stride or get at the root of the trouble and try to torrrct it sisrtclv more than a genos- siion agu the life insurance kent was sometimes denied a hearing he took this treatment in his stride however and per sisted in his efforts 1 odae 9ryms readies that life jav laranie is a necessity and the modern agent is welcomed as a helpful financial advisor lz skinny men women giin 5 10 15 lbs mktvptwvmviem its a good idea to have a cmoict suppose you hnvo what you feci in a good opportunity which colla for bhhk credit if one bank cannot boo it your way or if you think you can get a better dcol elsewhere youre free to shop around banks compete to serve the moat diversified needs no matter how specialized nny of them mny be personal business or farm loans money transfers collections to name just a few more than 95 out of 100 bank loan applications are decided right in the field in the branches hj bank managers who take a personal interest in serving their customers individual nouirements sponsored by you bank

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