Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1949, p. 5

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jfct6cmll mr fttid mrs wm jackson of toronto visited with ur and ifa nortaias mechrii on suiwuy 1ra stanley coy and sandra of toronto visited at tht borne of ur and ur g k lanti cm sunday mr charlie mcpherson and hif family of toronto visited friends in acton and rock wood on sunday mr and ura crahua kennady of toronto and mr and mr jack smelhurat jacqueline and douglas mckarhem or islington vlauad thjr home on sunday mr and mrs j c ivarait and miss ejvs pearen spent last weelt- nd with mr and mrs huwrt a comfort si ann alto visited at niagara falls and st calhar- mr and mr c ranney and family mr itarold robertson uiun m snd e ramshaw attend d the wadding in toronto on saturday of miss ella balnbridge to mr clarence itagarman the marriag wu solamnlsad hi wood grn united church a reception u held at the home of mr and mrs ed freeman bister and brother- in law of the bride at lew- la street guests were from acton ormngevule and toronto engagements mr and mra fter a barfcw cuatph announce the aagagamtat of l heir daughter murial therlsa to kenneth carlton dsllenline aon f mr and mr william iuluntlne of orion th martaga to take plant arly to novaanbar fottteth wtddino annrvcftsaky masked by ml and mrs muffin about slsty fhrndi and neigh tnur met at the homr of mr and mrs arthur griffin on wednesday evening october 12th to honour them on thrlr 40th wrdrtlng annl versa ry thr rooms w rr decorated tn pink and w httr and the table centred w 1th a wedding rake and ptnk randies fnr the occasion follow ing euchre mr john locker acted ss chairman for the program consisting of s reading by mr fuvd instrumental bv olga locker readtnc whrn ps snd ma get sick doris tim music messrs f smith nnrt 11 mcmillan reading how thi ctmom looked 40 rnn abo mr nvd mr and yn cirlffin win pnsintid with a invrlx studio couch b mfwrt fred mcarthur lb rt ivrn tred short 11 ami hill thompson on be half of th pomnumll nnd mrs u i rinv itltim rmd the address xpnumnk the cimki w ishi s that went with it llnlh mr nnd mrs griffin mad fltltrtk npliis and a number win culled on for ech ea a dolntv lunch win nered and a social evtnlng spent anton thiwi present wt rt twelve who had ptti ndrd the wedding 40 years ago also prt m nt were mr j o martin nnd son theodore mrs hobt rt sh ki um of vint land and mr i f huntsman 1enmilli of ll latr or acton tenders for sanitary sew erage system including a treatment plant and pumping station s ilt i ml r will i i rt bv tin un i- immk 1 ii i 11 ol hi lull tilmu i uiinv i in l n it l u i ms i hi i i nm i nit i i h 1 m t i i tn i i trui ii n ol i t i wjn ontruetm a und it iiu hi t s t miniii x m u 111 111 v v su x t i i 1 nit h lt in mil l s nut t omit ti tis ti in in i t i t luu s t uu rtiul llxv t i im i t nm iron mn m nn t uiitmct lii hi uv nil inuix i n i tpo of mttin1 tnainitmit plants nnrt ttrr sn mlinj ljn pump uu million i i v m foi rtmui tit wntiij ml ami j inpt tor tmmtmud ilonumu and ndus trial si wiji plwns nd spjt itimtii nv eli niiiv ih oluain d tht consult nit kiikinw rs utderu k andtr son unntftorc atv em i or- onto on rtvtm chetju for s25 0h for a and b and a t ihhj tlptdr ti5 for con tract x stwer pixiilos ma be vnmlned at thevtlflce or the en gineers eaih tendeffiuist bv aivumpan- lecl by a bid bond or certified cheque made out to the corpora tion of the village of acton for an amount ixjual to sl or the total tender price the successful con tractor mutt auppl a perform ance and maintenance bond tor son of the alue of the contract lou est or an tender not nece- jtarlly accepted j mcgachi town clark and treasurer fftitttthftdpj tfttttrb sttttrrlf of cjtw kfcv l0 parsonaga awdu sunday octohtr 3rd mv 11 00 ajn morning sarvtr 7 00 p m evening service all are cordially invited 9fvegtfutti umrrlj bi 3fmu2km knox emmest actton rev rort il ajui8vono mji mlauur f3uway octobkk 3srd 1w9 hot am olvlne worship wis nm bunds y school and uible las 7 00 p m the evening servtoe hat been withdrawn that the members of kmu church may attend the llaptlst church an nl versa ry suftw eharrli aofon be chlft b oowb iii t sunday octoimk jlrd ijh 10 v a m sunday school ujv am and 7 ik pm 107th anniversary kev j will lamson ii a hltti lreton onl special speaker slolst miss kty ixonomovi kltch ener on i rl oct j t 4 13 utxslon lund 0o jyju stewardship com mission if you have no hurch kcone worship with u i autaaa cujurrlj laacuau mir w o lajrta ba mtnuav kttuiujt jvxl 1mu lyuilly 1 0 01 a m holy communion 11 warn sunday school 11 k am morning irayrr and llffftnnrrft lam 7 k pm ivmhic irayft a walroma awalu you wt patterson ro hielaju la kya rrsmlaitua 1s uyndiiam ht oltaoapff stag completely ju4ppad offlcaa below maher shoe store ortasptlat fajui iicu otpfoud fob next kfsuno and appl for a dutch farmer- amll standard wages on 1 rra contract t n month plus ittng quarter reliable hrlktlan inple from holland menliun uhat type of farm ou hnic nnrt uhat lilng quart ers available apply to rev 1jxn f itrltun it fulewr lurea aee taraato oml great interest wlien new assessment figures announced fcowftaued fro pag on colin uccou at t13 from last ears taos considered the tncraaaa too much in view of the strt and conditions in this section of town john brankuwicx at t3i from titv last year objected bjit found that at this figure his use would likely be lower a rile whit at fl700 to last years 1750 asked for a recheck un the property albert van gits asked for farm property adujitment the chicken house on skids was not assessable gordon cunningham felt the land at s1234 was too high- howard allison at u0m had the same complaint- ed jennings asked sn sdujitment on his bowling alley wm thompson st flso aiked a reduction ron lullentlnri gsrage at 17s75 was to be reviewed by the assessor cart laambert from 11 100 tut year to 13s0a asked adjustment ernest cole total of 1w0 was asked to be considered harry oakley st 1173 wu felt to be high john stewart asked comparison of hit tltlt with assessment on similar properties anthony hufnagel from floo last year to tmu this year asked consideration of firm property charles townsley for a total of 91m3 from last years hm asked for a check ox the property and its condition the assessors agreed to review many of the cases shout which a i complaint was made to recheck the figures and the conditions of land and property and will make a re port to council who will then make a decision on all the complaints submitted court of itevlslon adjourned st mldnlfht and council started ies tion at 1330 a m a by law wu read u required empowering the reeve and clerk i to take any option on land from harry dyk the purchase price will be b00 the option la until december 5th- i account were pswd for pay mi nt ss follows ptistmafttrr htumps 10 00 j 1 nni frnrt v li u r fees t 00 a luc wrmni 2b 03 tu ii ti 1 phone co w rvlrea 12 23 th uniiwm motors supplies 40 so acton t rf ivesv printing und advertising halton countr grader acton f11 air urant school trophy presented at the north halton public school athletic mat at acton last fri day afternoon ullton school pupils won the trophy for the moat points scored here principal foster of milton receives the trophy train principal uckentle of acton u pupils look on free press photo 4 mm 430 200 00 the amazing thor gladiron in action irons presses steams automagically c6jm m topay e4s mr s370 12 a mi inn u jis pavmd mpyi cring tht m put kyi to take the ptare of tht heeve and ncr pt all dull s of thi iteevc nt mich times as the fle i rommiuu ns him to do so a li tti r from the cml enruwied n op of tht i tter m nt to the llotrd f trnn4krt commlwlonrrt a traffic census had been taken und the letter n mi wed the pro reeding toki n to date on putting a u amine signal on thi crossing the railua in view of thr finding- agreed t har the signal installe 1 th cost of instnllntlt n was i ttl mated at h000 and it u a suggrsteii that di imon ot the costs be bonic to p r ci nl of the cot of instum lion r nuiining nftt r the rant fio n th itmlunn gnidi crosaing t ind 20 p4 r ct nt to thi dipt of hifch was of ontnno 20 p r cent to acton and 20 m r cent to thi hill kii annunl malnti nnnre 1 ix pctid to km race 4w00 tht traffir n iimh tak n ovir a fort enht hour p rud hv 1 poditrim trnffu uink the cio mg was 010 north and fim mth vt hitvilar truffit wan h7 m i th ind 2wlfi m ulh tinn mowm nt- 22 ist in i 22 w t iwilchini nu i in nl- 18 t it ind 1 wt th md tnuminr w i r uthiritd t i ut i chiijin f r si t triff f f r tin ht inn n tniti n if at t n into a town c um 11 ti tl nl ml ii o in it it 0 i in on tin d i wit li i il i it mllhl t l utmd on tuts till rs hi tth n imutwktv md ltti t automatic gladiron it irons shirt beautllully to 4v4 rainutm even sunplc an iron fussy things children dresses ruffled curtains ate flat wor thr wt iag paatl no ttahoihomo mpting no baclfachi folds to small ttorag space vhaal it anywher you want w uak cojav in and ttv it too vi manning electric mm ftmsst acton hi j n pi ided th ci ik it p rttd that iftt r di ti mmi with th n pn mntutim of tu gri i ii h cv it was di tidid tht ni chanm would bt m tti in itmtwitum with p irking of bu v on mill strt thi cli rk nad an ngret nn nt with f f ltarrop who will assunu th dutit of ttitotr building m- shttir sup null nd nt of klttt park and arena collet t tun of t lictnts poll tax etc and superin ilendnt of all numuipil work tc i the salary was 2500 snd the con- i tract will be for three mar messrs m mcmulap and a mills i of acton branch of the legion re- i ported that lieut goemor law- son had consented to be in acton on november 11th and unveil the soldiers memorial a tentative program uu outlined for this event which will commenw at 10 jo a nt on november 11th dels 11 in con nection with the service and civic luncheon to b given were discus- ecl the clerk was instructed to arrange for the luncheon and con tact all org an ust tons or injividusls regarding the catering the clerk hsd letters from several industrial establishments regarding the proctslmlng of a holi day on november 11th in view of these oplnons and other consider tlon it was derided that november ulh would not be proclaimed a holiday but request was made that all cltliens who can would mark the day suitably permission was granted the ac ton legion to hold the annual poppy day on november 4lh and 4th the clerk was instructed to order a wreath on behalf of the corporation to place on the hot dlers memorial council discussed the new ar rangements regarding mr harrops position and that of town foreman klrkneas the by law engaging mr klrkneas was n srlnded snd a new agrei ment was to be drawn up outlining the duties of thear town tminvii ko that thi y would coincide t vii understood that mr marrop n n w position would take tht work off councils shoul di r and hi- would be their repre nntatlc with tht ratepayer the whole problem wa discussed with mr llarn p and mr klrknesi and both xpriined agre mrnt with the plans ithntd mr harrop wn instnn tttl it arrange for his an nual hnlidii tx f r- hiimlng his nt w diitlrk council n uo discussed a plan to n plate miiple trt rs in acton streets a n number if old ones had bun cut it wn as a start v trees were to he j hinted this vear ai co ints from guelph gi neral lit spit il for indigent patu nts were uj prt ed bv c oitncll th cb rk ws instructed to order to and inr half tin of all for uso t n the streets a it tti r from acton fair hoard i pressed api reciatlon of the co operation utid help of thi council w ith thi i ar a fair thr di pt of if ighw a s si nt a ri port of the expendltur s on the trils for this nr and the clerk prrintrd it to council the clt rk nada it tti r from the hi 11 til phone co with a copy of tht application for the c rnpanv to inert a vt ritea and the n ipiirement nice rir if the town di sired to opixim tht tppllcution council instruct d the jerk to w ritt is outlined and oppose the applic it ion for thi proposed in en im in rati s a mi tion was pi m d i v council com ring this ques tlon thi chrk n pi rttd hi had t 1 ph nd mr anderson ingtner nnd wns d ist d that tt ndcrs would ht it lt it is d this week for the twtr c nfruction in acti n a st t t f pi m wen to im forwarded t n m nd i tht irrk mwirttd that miss f ur nd i w a- w illlng t conttntit t it t s tiilnn if the ct mi it r h ird until mi nm ct uld bt tip i ntt i 1 i until tt avuinr thi s dutii tut rut bt nd th tn 1 of tht v ir mr v tl itumti v was ti s wil intr t nsslt tin b nrd un til th nt v ni nib r took chnrk ii til discuvad tht urr ink n nts n t sir f r th prt uu i il t hi t t iki chirkt tn ait ni two i i ins n uiirt d rt di c r itinr tn the t un mill nnd s m t quipmt nt n ut u v nind tw i tills ind billuix in fn nt if thi nil w r t i bt id tint d moor cuvtring w is to ih mipphtd for tht pohci ffici a tu w bed und two mat trtss und blankt i win to b st und for tht two c lis floor ctntring wus to bt put on thi post offici tluckrk ua initnirtid tn art- auction saijc in hamoa of b aaj tlraa llaaj hurpa- hkaatltaava llaaa rkaa yltur tmtt eaailamaa lm0- mma iuaj kanlanai i featal kla k the undersigned hsve reeied inatrucllnns from a1hki uinttjw t i ell by public auction at till rat tn all us text on the kockwott i ne of iainoa mile north of oustlr on wrnrhsjav wtohirr tsth commencing at one cltck uas 1 ktf ih1ai puitponi- smuitl hoilhp tljisy lrl ird i173jj1 born july 5th vm2 sine unman wonder er iam tipsy lrl ln ltoj milk record ral lbs test ing 17 bred man h itlth r ran ies ittue mwj tkrn jan 71 h imtt hrel june pjth lavlna prln imai 141157 born jan th 1u45 bred july lnl untondale lpy k44h7 born march jtitu vm7 bred jul mdh i incondnle laasa uvitxl lrn aug 11th lm7 open un condalf kimp llttkh txirn tet m lm7 open 1 inconttale i ll i7tisil horn ikec kt 1m7 open i inton in hi as im itliaij mrn i- eti j 1xh p n 1 i no ndsle printeui t7llmui um no jui h lm7 oj- n i ntn la h mnrthn ih17u txun aug hmh 1mm unnndsle whltl m wll imrn au htli 1im 1 ifioindale ibvlna puwi imi n n 1 1 hh loll ns ink wtie aired t knnv m ri resit r i inc ndilr itnd wl inrn jnn 15t n i ml llntorulnle vutt aiul jin ontlile sinrltl twin heifers hn a hi lth li llntonlnl bel lorn may jut 1 ml 1 inrondnle s linn urn jum jnd 1 hj tin ttilnle it slnn tx rn tul 4 1 ti 1ji i noindnle t ivn ik in ai rtl nd 1 m ht i ls i he t i nt ir ititns ni i rs ter kuatl t li rn june n i 1m7 ir1 tiy j h inann ail n llnm akuitn ruh u71 sir oat lnv m jtlh iwu itim llvlnk th7 ia rd in i n si pt 11 li 1 ms dnrn ijivm ltnk tl4kt7 siri iiruondnle imk js7xjj the fountnti n tf this lent wn pur hnseil tn m lt v mnthndnle f ahdonin i his is n kd pructl nl henl of fnrm now a thnt wl i pn in the milk pail nrul rnltn n mnl lt d dm him old ht hi 1 ow tn old 1st itonn heifer due tn i hi i w i r old bred auk hth in i ik ink wi ii ol a n i i- t sie r rl inr r 4 sti rs rising 1 r lit irrs iut rn sh 1 1 be rn 1 r ii ii rnst siiorth rn lb if i milk 1 111 sm v v in tn 4 hatrs 1 i ill 4- srtirlink huts j sh irl iik r wi s i- t ijinihs i mntute llnm ikxs kk ork sow bred auk is irk sow hied si pt l rk sow bred s pt ll lb i k shir sow hrtd s j t ll u lik nix ut 1j ths 11 piks nlmiut ithl ihs i 1ik u wti ks id ikain nnd kidlihlt lo t n t koiwl ln baled r hu mixitl irnn uk bus 1- nil hi it im hn lliukwhiut lift trislliiki in k hi b f halls ix arron shop 5 mul street west mil tcuhione suildino elda dickenson ohn wtdnhoav afttlnoom cloiad saturday ohn eveninof w appolntmmttt hiwta 345 noosessive consiivativi association annual meeting acron town hall thursdays october 20th toniomt boo o clock dst t ml t ltamit yql i im i- vi mil k iitirlnk h ju 1 nit t r i tim t i 1 ii furrow i 1 m ii in plate i o j t n w ti y nillt hi it n w m 11 1 i t i i l uln- it r 1 lr r- t n litis vtrtlm for undtrs for palntinff the town supenntejidents office cells nnd hallwav and the office of the pro incial police dt puty leev e tvlt r and the clerk were delegated to go to to ronto and purchase the necessary office equipment for the provincu1 police office comprising a deik a chair typewriter filing cabinet and card files etc the clerk was instructed to ad vertise for tenders for town insur ance policies expiring on november 15th of this year roadwayi about town would be helped by the use of fradv tot a day or sa r llttllsl imp i ml s 1s t i miinur sj ii i it i n ir mil i s lis lit m h 1 t h t hut t i m h iittlt i i frt i mil pi it i ih p b i w vk sit ikhs in arlv ul t i rd 1 uji hki utter midst u win t in il ri md sm t mhini i it nit m is plan n hamiih i crow ilirs pu lit nnd n 1 irt u nl mu tu tn us t niimt i mis io m- ntion itpi hsrai if not j r i ousl will tht iv re fnrm will ff i n d i tr wile suhjeit hid i hu slluihlon is bt st beinp on n rounr road whlcn hi billed to be hnrrt lurfncrd rext tummt r there i a warm and comfortable inul coered hou- bank bnrn with good itabl nt and the usual out huildinjr hie waer uppt u evd a drilled well never falling spring also n branch of the sned rniss the property there is said tj bt l0 acre under cultivation of a sandy loam soil ver suitable for potatoes fall wheat or corn this is one of the good farms of kramosa a town ship noted for its good farms hjdro available i terms on ll lstate i0t of the purchase pr ce down when aod i balance in 30 days or when posset- i tlon is given terms on chat t lei cash on day of sale hind ley a elliott auctioneers fred baptie cleric twici niohtiy door opaei 6 30 pm musical varialut from 6 30 to 7 00 p m ftloay and saturday sat matins octoefr 3133 800 abbott- costtuo heerhokiueil borisjmrtoff plul shttrt and woody woedpackar monday and tuesday october 2435 plut parilt of lha junpla wednesday and thursday october 3627 warner bros bio new twiuhphi op 1s4si robert douglas vlfjctfjtsherman jwykaid o o plu lattst news and donald duck last showings today- mr brhtilcrc goes to collrgr time schedule a and c meet the killor7 33 9 29 when my baby smilei at me7 33 9 27 adventurei of don juan 223 926 lm i i linimr

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