Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 27, 1949, p. 1

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xt juion strt wftss savonryfiftri year no 14 actqn ontario thursday october 27lh 1949 eight home print paget six cantt conservatives reeleclexeeulive at annual meeting t i ja f4wrj aw fvvifuul allan s nicholson of burlington was chosen president oi the malum progreelve conservative auoria uon for his second unn at the an nual natliag held at th town hall club attended the tuesday meet 1 i acton vj4 ca scfttasy aodftessh meetino of totaiv ctua clifl sutton secretary of arton vmca addressed the weekly lunrhron of arton rotary club on tuwtay jl outlined the hlatory of the ymt a moviriwnt and iu growth and influence 1a the world mr sutttan alao outlined the work ti buuld ilka to accomplish in ac ion member wererpartlcfjlery inter est o learn of the many axtlvlt l that owe thalr beginning and promotion to the yjjcjl three- vial tort from the cuelph the 75th anniversary walker lodge friday m we ire j p makrvbm4 walker lotjoa and cewfeiraej grand lode hmr on w rw darbymany hikttem at annivwury 8 a aqua law friday nlk wfcw masons fro ontario canvargjgj on acta la uilton uoaulay evming- all of the la executive were returnad to office another year with the exception of charles leatharland acton who has been treasurer of the hal tun association for ot past ten years in declining the nominettan mr leather and said he enjoyed his aaaoriationa during his term of office and tub milted the name of john grer of acton to succeed him stanley hall m la conducted the installation of officers who war allan s nicholson hurling ton praaldem first vice president ing and the secretary outlined plans for meungs with orange- llle and drampton cluha new scout hall official opening tomorrow night tomorrow r rldav will a mrmnriblf nlfiht in the floy stout movi meiit in arton l or thirty rar or more lh churches and kindred organisations hsve been a a uccleary oakvllje second j klnd n providing uartpr for vice president mrs m ityckman i ow troop frlda night the dream the offices of third and fourth vice mt s true and acton scout of presidents are to be filled by those named by the ii si ton junior pro greastve conservative association later uruce flugcrald secretary vice presidents of various muniri ficlally open thr new seoul home on grounds glvtn by the school board never w as a public building built by so mint headed by the srtuit pall ties are acto k tyler milton i croup commute rilljt ns in atl o t elliott jlurllngtun v n f f lif helped and guided the lionahan naasagawrya andv tk rtintnbuled and chrered it on frank trafslgsr uilton mk lesry rdav ni h l invited those from georgetown faktlllc participate in the official open hiqueaing and nelaon have yet to ln lie named i tn hell in 2k4u with cedar log delegates to attend the prnvin ding and the kitchen and base meni w orkvhop now under con trurtion la 2418 wc understand the main building ia paid for but tht malcr acctlon will he com pletcd the fundi srr a atlablr the wall are up and the roofing on at present the main hall has rubber tile flooring and is heated with fire place and oil spare heater a fine flag lone sidewalk reachea from unuad work by membera of the rximivktiy 1o xhe ent and a rial annual meeting of the auoria lion included miss nose her pur llngton mrs c a martin uillon i peter tully nurllngtnn george r i bllott uilton alternate da i gate were urs h purkholder trsfal gar urs c ucdowell i1onb w alawson oakvillc and t tyler ac ton i cmphaaulng the necessity of con the greatest night in the tmtoty f uixkiny in a tn maihrd th isevinty fifth anmvt rsar tf wal her lodge ati au tl rtdav vening it was hutory making in i many reipeds in fact in all re mcru about 300 mmxit from all ovrr on a no partlciatrt1 and eti yed a banquet that taxed the i w iting capacity of 1m th lh gynt r mium and social room of the y m ca there was a menu that wn t alto one of the highlights of the anniversary with turkey and all the trimmings i lat kriday night w the flit ocean on m the ixxlge hutorv th it a ruling grand mtrr of the j ord r had vinled in acton it was i a happy ckrcumitanre that mii i wor pro j p ma her occupied thm i important position ai this orca on i no one could more gracloul and efficiently serve in thr pott and i none could haw f a fun r m pag with the masonic bit thrt n i itund in the itdge rimim mb kion vn n the addrru of lh gumd mat r an hiu rical krt h f jwlki i read bv v w pro 1 c it m intmh and minl pr aentattnns the fiftv ar cw 1 u prr nted to v wor pro wm cooper by w pro cha darby in memory or iht late hugh wal ker founder of the idgc mim iiwibel walki r prt m nled a awoid this pnu n latum on htr u half made by w pro t g coll f guelph in memory of the late pio daniel talr a presentation to the party the president deplored ctitl eiaiu from some sources the worst thing in the world la for any of us tr lay down on the job and a lot of things ran happen to bring ut back strongly in the not too dl tant future he told the co mem ban present lt nicholson paid tribute to the worker of the party and in the candidate during the last election while the results were disappoint ing halton a conservative party ef forts compared better than those in othar parts of the country he said brtafly gklng his observations dur- tng a recent trip to england he amid ha thought england woutd navar come hack under aortal ism basic and fundamentally the cbnaarvallve party la still strong in the country and we will have to kaep conservstlsm atrong before the country continually declared ulss sybil dennett kc shf praised the work of the executive and members of the nartv for their coope ration during the last elec tion campaign sunley halt mla gave an in tereatlng description of points of interest he has v tailed in ontario resolutions were approved to be sent to hon george drew k c lion lealie trust and to j m mr donnell for hla success tn winning toronto greenwood on monday following closing with the natio rtal anthem a dainty lnncheon was aervad bv the ladles flag pole ii being rrrcted for scouting purptiacs the premises are now suitable but for completion of project and grounds the bovs still have plans for a lengthy project gftand vauey citizens homost sectetaty who sesveo foktv yeat harking forty years of service as secretary of grand valley school board mr wm ruchanan father of dr a j ruchanan acton waa marked last week when 300 citt- tm filled the hall in that com munity to capacity and paid tribute to his community servtcr the chairman of the board presented to mr ouchansn k specially en graved sll rr medal marking his long service to educstton tn grand vallev we note from the grand allev sar and vldette that dr a j buchanan of acton waa alao a guet of honor and the final apeak cr on the program honoring hia fato r ilk i f a v i working tool u as rifld by mrs taylor on h i tx half ihn pri v nlution was niali by w pro 1- j suit and llr xi symiwi t iti wai piimdd ovit by w m w j ibatty and th rand masti r took occasion to tunimi nt n favourably on the tondiut of udg mult r by tht mau r and hia ktaff f offiiyr tin brtnou i hall or halls wt bliotild nay uidred were in kiniig w ilh lh iniortance of ih k till in tin mi al wat uiiil try iru- lad of the tjnittx thunh at a h i un was a n at bookli t giv iri iht ixlge hlbiry the progrum f ihi tvining and the im tun f tin fund mattt r the masli r f ite ixtge and the founder all i in luting mli n wete glwn anil tin- iffnri of hmo it wa a sou vi tn r if the as ion that wa prittl and w ill im n taineil for er it niadt t irsi mbli the mt r mavm apron a tug hrw story birthditv cak mai pi mil into the hanquat loom bv pix r r itummon it w hi titltnallv dif itntid with m lilniii mtd iinnlv i mar dati i ind m t r milur i ut the take w ilh i hi im1m nviurd a ltd 11 wai mrveil duiimk thi evinmg crnci glvn b h w ilr k v i i- kenny and the loan to the king rmed to im thi nutional anlbm th uuim in rami u1ir wa promxi4l u din s stum ind to thi mmlirsbvit v pro 1 n thi c jmplx ii quart tt i ntn birliil vm ral splendid numbers to itu prog lam 1or th fvrohml to thi toft it ui in oi van to nniovi soon if tin latrlti from the grmnimum m ihjt all the brithrtn could as mbli in thi one rimni tills too fcanfttiucdtm pope fur hjimikiii benefit just mm short of si 000 mark pus wifk am the hanhall hi lit fund for mrs hulrt and th fumil git jtiith r lhit thai puts u within ii ih f tin 1 fo0 mark wi pit du ii d i im unh ti it pridntlon is quite likrly to tn hue wi alv uggtid that tin- fund 1 m th rmliiluil ut liiilttrufi infoi mid f jmtiji i rjnirationi u ho v a ut to tin it 1 1 bud mil it is filt thi fund ih uld tx k pt op n until tht sa am tints un im ludid our lal indiitiin it n t i ac mm ii fr nirali hi th fund tmai an th i uiik or so mav vm urgt thit if vi u dioire to mjilii a on tilt u 1 1 o ou do so us mxiii a jmis mbh aain w jut xay dive ui r hi ait ilirtut s i r nr thr a know thj t i nlv i f tins vuik pmimih fkr wlidkd 1 n imn uml ni il uinlxil 2 00 r run iu i r i 1 unit i liursh 1000 11 1 kuihliii 1001 i m ii mr i 1000 w k rah in sfto ken and ann iii w 10 00 im rliitru hill t un 100 00 baptist ihurcli 1 07lh miivtrar llrm on simila s ii ndjd congregallonf attended and enj yeil the servlcea on hjn oriv tn xjnnection with the 107th nn versary of the j up 1 1st hurch in ao n pev j wlllumson p a it ph of ltton waa the gul speaker and gave irvplrln niehsmes at twxh morning and tv i nlng servlies lie guest sololil waa miss t ty riiruimui f kitchener and her numlwrs nd the anthems of th i hulr contributed much to he tar i of praise al the evening aerv rr the usual denuml national courtesy waa hon and oie services of tm un lti and kimu i hurrhes were withdrawn and rev mr foreman and lte mr armstrong and mem den if tte cnngregationb joined in i tie nnnlwrsary occasion waler heaters lo be shut oif four hours daily acton factory to havo ntw ttniormn fo l larooe loaej thr uta rton tital to dab fail and christmas illustrations now ready for advertisers the new november illustrations for advertisers including christmas shopping suggestions are here and aval table for illustrations of fat ds advrrtlsera will find thia urvlce hi ipful in presenting thalr joods to local shoppers thar it extra charge for ih a service the only stipulation la that hlustra tu as must tte aelc trd by 4 p m monday the week of publication ask to to these new illustrations and advertising auggeatlona at the olflce plan your christmas cam palgn now to secure the local trade 75th anniversary of walker lodge acton teachers meet high school board monday taachers on the ataff of the ac- tan school met th north halton district board on monday evening at th october meeting tn acton and beam acquainted and diacus- aad achool matters informally approval wu given for the pur chase of fwoatan and helmets for rugby taaaru of tb school and alao etber auppuea tb princlpala problanu wart alao beard and ajtangad account of 7 70877 wt rt mitffh fnr py three are injured when car misses highway curve the yrmmo pmpl ar in hotfefto and car u total wrcit tb board authorized signing of j oawtraci with miaa ri tb acton staff for th school- yaar corraapoeuunca waa road la con- tsaction with procedlnga ln tb eauactlon of achool faaa dtw from tb oauletraf algar district for fcmipoi atunding tb uilton school aty mopob tb law firm- of lc- maaur and astgonary of toron- three young people were injured badly and the car completely wrecked on saturday evening about p m when the vehicle in i which five were riding missed the curve at crew sons corners skiddad into the ditch and rolled over several times in 100 feet of travel along the lg foot embankment au were taken to guelpb hos pital and three of th injured are till in hospital kenneth mcuul- len h of uilton driver of tb car suffered severe spinal injuries vera bast ell 1 pockwood racatv- ed a fractured pelvis and xracturad collar bone and florence nightin gale 19 rock wood a double frao t of tb jaw lag action rmulrod to- settle this matter tb board wtleomad back cbsli- ataan a beaumont wbo baa bn 111 for tb past two moatbs but la now ajround aua two other passengers in th car 1 wl minor injurieat js henry 10 of uilton was treated at the bfiabital for a badly uceraud scalp and was relaased sunday john stover 42 uilton was treated for a shaking up and shock corporal ray uason of actorc investigated the accident the car waa travailing east toward actun at to war angajod to procad wuh tb tin it missed tb iurv tb oceunants were attended by dr k b wallar of rockwood and taken by ambulance and cars to boapital a view of the wrecked auuimobil uavaa llttla wonder bow aom of the croup aacaped balng killed g w mckenzie chosen presioent teachers institute interesting arlnnt f the an mini mi vent ion of the teachers irstituie of halton were held on lrlday october jlal in flenwood ml kjiwt purllngton s ihkiu i1 iuvsioii groups wi ri featured far tin various grades i lie d vitlonal eii rrls were iinduilid h pev k lleathcole f st i uke a hurrh pur llngton nun mr 1 i skuie conducted the lrplors periled an adttreaa waa given by mr it i patterson of vmi school toronto on the eub- jed audio visual aids and n nadlng by mr c p itoutley aa si tnnt superlntrndent of t tement nry fatucntlon of the department of i- duration toronto dinner was served at he prant inn at pur inlon officers for next year are hon orary president j m d nyi s in pert or i i- skuce president m kenile acton vice president misa n jardlne hornby secret try mum ejnmcll uilton treasurer f v brown oakvtlle ixecutlve mrs p kennedy ks qurmlng mr oeorge ulchle kasaa gaweys mtsa plark trafalgar mr wm prant nelson and the princlpala of graded schools hav ing more than seven room e ling tul ik tltilities orrirnivki ri was j held im tui salay evening all mem ixis were premtit and halrnian c i m hans n n mdm a irttrr from ihe ii tim of out n krd that watrr heaters be shut i ff from 10 to u a rn and from 4 to a p rn as only a part if thr watrr h aters in stalled in arton are con titaters installed in arton are coav- i rn s that ran be shut ff for th p rual rttjuested i anothir letter from the ii k pc stated that wall r heata rs wi re i again available in limited quantl ties the price of the heaters had tx i n im ri jsii miiii what however ordi rs are lo he tukrn fir thrae hi sti it and inxurcd us neteil nolle was no util hat the niv t r w ould tte i ff in sunday from 2 lo 3 10 in order that the freli r hues ctiming into acton i ould te npuind a notice- to the i ffi ct wus to im him rtrd in the tn prewt lli lighting inginitr hud vulttd alton mid a r x rt was to tx- for warded to the ommbnlon us soon u posnihb micro ilasllis an installing a new ntarhlne in tht ir plant and this rctpilres mora r the raparlty of the tratisfurmt r at present in uta let i had imn n itched and a new bunk was nit t omry the coat of tin m- transformers is rstlmatctl at linno pullngr wi re maite on the paying of accounts and alt who miss th discount tlay must pay th groaa amount of the account the tot lowing accounts were pas sed for paymt nl t j fv oroup in upper picture shows w bra w j beatty uaster of walker lodge u w bro j p uaher grand uaster of the grand lodge in ontario and tb newest official of grand lodge who received the honor from the grand uaster on friday evening h is now v w bro chas darby who bad the unloue ex perience of receiving this honor on th ffrst visit of a ruling grand uaster to walker lodge in th 79 yean of its founding lower photo shows a croup of bead table guests who are all past officers of grand lodge georft dekuenhana dean of djdgu in wellington district harvey ultchell frank ucniven geo guthrie and john kenney oldest living put uaster of walker lodge and wellington district r press photo circus rodeo acts presented in acton arena folks who dtdnl brave the chilly fall night on tuesday missed a finr performance when steele s calva cade of stars was presented in the acton arena under thr auspices of acton pntarv club the crowd waa disappointingly small for suth an outstanding performance the show tuesday had 1 nets o star performers there was a gti up of h trained horses and a dog rlr cua of a dozen animnti with atl th- tricks and more than any group would have the performers and animals were as fine as art tron in any of tht big circus perfoi u mce ithe show was well equipped with an electrical organ for it n musical background and fine equip ment for the acts the farm hand clown krpt voungstrrs and oldsti rs in laughs and four of the local bo s who took first lessons in ban bark horse riding were a bit dinxy afur but had an rxperlrnce they w 111 not soon forget concluding ftsturc was the newest bump ln auto mobile travel steele s calvacade of star- was a show that ran quickly and its two hour program was smooth enter taining and on of the best trn in acton arena they are worthy of a packed arena in any community llrll 7l phone 17 09 ii t pc ul onl im0l untlrrwimxl lit 3 00 lutri klrctrw prtxlurta 1 ii i inr and ablr arrrntrirf 7 19 maim electric co m canadian lnc matcrlalj 75 00 jaa 11 kcamry corp ii 33 mn 11 ialmrr 1200 kxprraa and transport th dominion stationers x03 130717 walireiarta deewhmeat neptune mrtrra md km 11 can ilratt co ltd 107 01 1311 is farm forum at iannocwurm elects orticebs for term pan nock burn farm forum re- otganlxed monday evening and the following officers were elected for the ensuing year chairman geo somrrvillr vice chairman mrs s matthews sec treas w j mr donald assistant urs w dobbie press correspondent mrs d s morrison ueetings are held each monday evening coming events asmejcart ol uriiage cttaitrrt or otktrr kcrati u ikta ktixiias ar cjird caala pr un with a btintaua tharg lur ts imista q jf mbs m simms x hocttss kt mkttno unittd chotch wjms trie monthly meetlnl of the wo man uuulonary society of the united church wu held at the home of lire u burnt on tueaday the president mrs e j caldwell presided and gave an intereattng talk on what u the ooepel to you setretary report were received from the tiipny temnerno and afuulon band commltteea the study book drawing with the yeara waa taken by mlaa bennett willi malnpriie and un a t brown an invitation will be ex tended to other loclellee to attend the thankoffertng meeting aire a t brown doted the meeting with prayer if youre planning otrlatttag guta now we auawaa th rree prees- with a whole yaar of local newa and pictures at tjjjo tor th relatives or mends at hows or away from haw italloweeri tea and haaaar sat urday october 29th united church s s room auaploae rrlaaujly circle 153 halloween uaanuered euchre end dance friday october atth lmv crewsoni oornars llall aua- plcee lo l no t acton prtoae for best dressed couple and fun- aleet dressed couple admission 35c 9t albans guild u holding a variety talr friday eventag snl saturday aftemsoa november t end 9 candy home made baking sale of work sen pond tor yottaur and old lucky tub tea with door prises lgj halloween dance acton town halt uondsy october m douglas and jlume orchaatra cood pilaaa judging of costumes at 11 oclock door prise aad lucky draw ad mission sue auspices lacaee legion auxiliary everybody wel come the regular monthly meeting of th duke at devonshire chapter ioje win be held in must church tueaday november 11 at 8 oclock al u0 th moling will be open to the pubua ut xv schofheld or guelph will gre aa illustrated talk oa conajhoae in europe everybody welcome sil ver collection n i irrq

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