Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1949, p. 5

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thursday november 17 1m the acton free press page wv mr ken mackenzie la on a busl- nro trip to pennsylvania this wk mrs r m mcdonald spent ouple of days with frunds in toronto this week mr w j um of acton i sited in montreal over the wti k nd with mr and un ian mr and mr charles svmnn of montreal vinted with the home folks over the uoekend mr srtr un martin kaujrd of strathroy were wnk end s laitors viol mr and mrs t j itassard friend art glad to se mr cam eron ieistunan able to be about again after an illness of mvitii sseks mrs fllrartf giuo-m- of kit heftt r visited with artim friends m rrmrmlirsrkf day and ov r the tvbe04i mr ami mt norman niiull and hildri it of niagara alia nk eivd imu w ith mm it mrlvmald mrs it t mrkumry and uii uargant j mardonald of tril wrre vliilun with ftnndn in town n sunday uessrs john k duiuin of llrii 1n and4vilfrvd gray of ayliorr vulted with mr arid mrs john c dennis this week all will be glad to learn that rev l pickering who has heefl aer loualy iii fir many weeks i now gradually improving mr and mrs william near and mlas anne msrdonald of kltihcner attended the fowl supper in knox tiun h in monday evening the friends of mrs itoht lra r will he pleased to know that she u toing fine after an appendix on ra lion in oorlph general hiaspital mr and mm klrby williams and on of port credit and miss martha tt of toronto we re v 1st tors in acton on sunday and attended the anniversary services in knox church ftjujajttnfasfttez whkdjmo at uamfton uctofty mattel ohmrdt of situi ucv lmhs ihcmvmma aiini pn8kmf uowtr avmui mfaa a m limtui avxl1l organttt and choir ladar sunday novuibix 30 1m9 11 00 a m m call o 0 church too pn a ftwiaan lntrmllan rav a o w fuwuk will con- duel bath sarvlcaa and lrar4i ur wm ucrmt tannr aololar si paula cathedral uondon oat u4u alng at tha man ng aar- vtoa all an conlulljr invlttd ragttamu ofiittif la tfsmiii knox innusi aoon rv kntucsr n akuhybono h4 uiuur sunday movku11kh 3u 1iub 700 m dlilu worship wis pm sunday sclwol and lllll lui 7 00 p m ilvln orshlp thay that wall upon lha lrd anall rrnw their alrmifth atxn ofiaa ft oonik sunday 10 k a m 11 jo ir churrh neels ftta 415 novkmhtjt jo imj ckumtay school the itallglan the m mission d ypu iland hdo pm if you have no hurrh home worship with us 4h albu0 olurrtf aaguaaag ws ata w o uaatasa ba sunday novhmhkk jo 11m9 sunday nest to advent 10 00 am sunday school 11 on am holy communion and iteglnner a class 7 00 p m kvenlng lrayer a waiooma awalu you a lovely wedding took plan at st mary rectory brampton on saturday afternoon at 2 jo clock november 5th im0 when muriel theresa daughler of mr and mrs ivter n rbee prampton u as united in marriage to krnm th irlton mhi of mr and mrs wm ilallmfim orton h u tathtr sullnnn htvi n in m itrijim bv hi i fithi r the hrld u i- r xli int n lur silin fushioned with a fitted bodice a weethi art mklim mid lit s sle m h u hi h u in mbrvnd nd i in ms t ai in and rhlnt vtom the foil skirt hid linked kidi pnnrls diul her full lmth mil miis hi id j in plici tiv tulli illusion utin em hroidentl in vd jm u aitd rhim ton p i sh uore thi grihm i gift a necklnc of matlrhmg ear ring and j arrted a uunut of nd ri the bndr wajl imr b hrrv with the hoard child welfare director ddrevmp ha i ton board th child wrlfnr mlim tt at present set up the province of ontario is grnerallv rtcognized to te the twl existing nvu hi re in vounjrtr alster mary ann fowned n pale blu motrc taffeta a coronet if w hltr mum in her hair and arrvlng a hiliquet of red rt mr tlnv llallentine brother o the jfroom attended thi groom as twal man at 3 10 o clock a rrcep tion was hld for fortv fue giieats 1st the home of the brtde parent which was decorated throughout with largv houquu of hronsa ytl- low white and maur ninmi reci v ing thi guests w ith the brldi1 couph thi bndi s mother chose a pwn of atl blua crp with black arrrssories nnd a ctr i flail v by prvlncial granu the the world all ovir th provinrr tntmnilm pnr iv tmmg mudi m the d- lim nt f children s aid shirtlis l idinj titltis r btttiniini inmntinglv nwir of the iniidrtmnii if the niimniiiit md jin tiikin an nrlivi p in tb ui rk of tin various uriilits th w re f of t hi in rouniking r markv m idr b mr p rt ibaiimont dimtor of child welfare for th pro v inc of on tono at a met img of the hoard of dieeetor of the children s aid soci tv of the count v of llalton hi id at the home of mr c f thompson sup rinl nd nt o n tui sda evemng nomber 8th peaumont was invited to meet ind staff to discuss j present trends in child wrlfan and itoxsiblr wavs in which this society might improvt and broaden its pro gram mr iteaumont pointed out that a large part of the strength of child rrni aid societies lim in thr fact that thev are d mocratic organiza tion i govtmed by private citizens and largely financed at th local lev 1 1 but xuperv iwd and co ordlna ted bv the provincial department the so ictus are assisted flnan favorable bids received for sewers for acton front la tied from pao tar thr sewage of acton and be conaturted on victoria avenue and waa designated ci th second known as c2 was for a plant that would handu a portion of tha waste fron heard mo re and co plant which was eitimaud at twice as tnuth as actons nrnlt five contractors submitted bids start ing at the lowest bidder these wire toronto t onitruction co i plant 3m0io 2 plant 0l 73 75 carur coottit ihmi o 4 2 plant iiadj07s0 feo hardy 1 td toronto ci plant 71 34500 c2 plant i1u230 71 kevmone contrai tors windsor ci punt 1737x3011 3 plant ii au 12 schwnger conliuitln co 1 plant 3 113 00 plant ii2k4m b3 several of tha conlractora brufly l1rr1 urtril and jiguuer and rvm aikct queatl mi s part on tonstroitl w co had two vears esmrltnr mi uim hi mil im and colling vmnl tin v wn prefvaret to ijn a cttrit ami tart vtork in 10 tav toronto ctultrudiim c had 1mjii tre plant in five ttif f mil towns and avaure1 a g mm job immediate delivery was auuml n con rete plpr or in vltrltid t lay with no delays connlete costs to get a complete picture of the sewer coats for acton it is nrii ry to add to contracts a and p and ci the coat of equipment rm pairing broken nav ments and put tins grave on atru securing land paying lrupcthr and living lowanc for raaldaat anginaar n- gineering fes f e of th municl al hoard printing interest and egal it l eatimatrd this total cost would e appntslmatelv 3s2 77 for v i in fled clay pipe and itttjlm for diner te pipe this la assuming that the lowest tenders w re ac pted 1 should also te notid that this include- laying of laterals to the lot lines of all houaaa and tha buildings it u cstimatm that plant based n bids necesxarv for acton disnm al with complete service viuld cost vnotort to build a plant to handle the additional estimated toad of peardmore and co would ost s4viu33 or roughly an additional est of 011637 tnese figures were presented to mr ruddlck engtnear for daard- more and co and knglneer andt r son agreod to supil the romp tr v with additional figure for fiirthr study and also thi m w ige n nt il that would he applicable for thi i rv ire council nnd ininn rv dicu ii cases before ihe fall assizes here this week musical kveninjr of riigh merit booked for cton txttmmwwlatiowi mad rw coualy auiuut0 fuwtfi0 th commodores rousing col orful nvale quartet of kinging n lemalnirt are fcaturd artists on ihe toronto stars fre gooil niuvlc concert to i hld in knos ire bytttiii chunh mi nivrmli r otti 9 from 8 to 10 pm tha rep- rland juiv 4r nl popuur group ranges from clasa ral to humourous and include negro spirituals western ii nuitinsit v ll7ils i btlvh ngs ojmr 1is and a generous supply of rn- ies of which iu never tire r at the fall sitting of th- supr ourt of ontair foumt a tru hill agalrlst hiimiillott othi ihrieihl with rs of a 17 ar vhimil girl mi april lt in th only i iiinlnal ns m h dulid to b haiid at thi assize tl sinnrtlilng of ever tlwontyrlmlnal action tob m r wrytwdy beard at tha fall sitting of thai y thr -im- r 1 1 suprema cburt was day4 yaatar- m ui s rt y whan a defenaa eouaia waa v tm r lenc f 30 not unable to continue owing to chi- duilng toronto star vr 1 al lllnams of hu wlfa l nt n handahell lttl suinriif r hits male 1 nil organic utlrtllv splalnlng to tha jury mr jua- mie ale said mr illrkay who was nprtrartng for iton wood would n it complete ms duties hut harry lime would continue tha atrns t ir tjie prbionar lie waa granting ilit adjournment to allow mr hard to become familiar with tha bm- the criminal action is halng coniinoed today thtl i iml mil i tx aiil iv mr jo ti al vailhitn stan v knnjcht ulrtff v u in lt im rwi wright it ndoil miv ihert executrix of the will of jwik ilteft plaintiff vs rpora tl wi of ihe town of corgi town w aixl so1t jackson onitnu tlon o ltd john h haidv ilaintlff vs i l h i with thre rellow chor i loyd cnvssnula defendant sawn lfcpr ormed sarlier divorce aitloni wre ltvtel on the 11 do- wet with miuirul ttokt and leaning crown allorny ijnd d llingle hrrk heek in true tonsnrta welcomed hli inlshlp on his first m they mnuint ihemaalvag mmt to llaltim county you wlll hr it the company with liiai li i m n never d ii ju jiapp tr hn nifihiriu rt n all sir irullvual it i ic it 1 iial lv un t vim a i ifls hivi rt injutnr tanu of thilr ow n thrown ttiilir tl i i hi ir niuki a director and ar- rr ng 1 l ail iaps4v1t was rrwtral dirt tor nnd arranger fur tjie navy v sea shanty hhr whoae t was the noted new avaland ovar natika during tha h w iranacanarta lour in itmj lin ihe large wst practh ally init rtsoioa taparolt buy a watch don t buy una bwaus it has a lovely caaa many cjiaap woiks are placml in lovely rases i on i bu iuie because jt s highly advertlsad you pay for the advertls ng which imai off tha real valua of ha watch a- amther thing if you needed tha doctor you would not call in ine plumber n ir would you call in tha sunday school supt if vou oiilel tlie aollce just rcmemauk that when ftuyino a watch gardiners watch and clock shop solo find the hompltallly uit as warm here as you will find in any tin r ounly in ontario th people of ihe ctninty and tnemtters of the h ir fit nd to vou a vi rv waiin wi i come mr dingle added this is not the first turn i havi iniu in milton oort room but n t in thi premiit iitioii 1 can ion firm your warm hospitality it i an estn to pi auf e to go ulmot from town to town and rem w at quaintanci and i do hope i will l allowed to come link on a futon occamon ilia inrdship declare in bis add revs to thi ct ind jurv xfr juvtlii gtb kim an intt n m ing hislornal outlini aixl di m lop ment of juries in the engllah speak ing world he 1 u rvrd th n wi n only tw n men inrun 1 rate in thi t elr unusual harmonies indeed u y wtie aald to tie ntt good that vou could i lose your eyes and in imagination fill in ihe clipping of the tmrlmi shear and ihe odor of hair dn using and ahavliik sivap a ih weiks went by their rep- rto r widened in include serious nurntxr unlll finally thr began to win i lie admiration of tbe who i asl the following ear when tha company split into thre- uniu for overseas sirvfi e ii was inevitable thai the commodores should be 1 1 me a solo feature- with the war over tiny became n itimnnd for oncer u of all typaa for tin v are a group with many facets to their iersonalltlea and arcompllvhmenia kvery season show improvement and in milton jail adding it speaks well hpr audiences are always to be it li rilhi r unumil in this da ami 1 fconll smmtrlng of regular arp i followers inpmiit wh do furl hi instructmn ibi ir liivpert ion ship paid inliuti i t urdln j lutiis iiin uid to thi di rir 1 1 in t of thi court loom ir using th ri d 1 or ilion mid fiirnthinis f he judges chambers tw o ihvorit in horn w n ills l v d of with 11111 wtodmixk vv uimhivtikk u mi nnltl decn nisi thi momil jitkwm vs jai k ti w s d ft rnd for furtht r ivi di no to in pro i need i- olio vi ing the inspttion 1 f 011 n tv iluildmi- by th cirand jurv resuming council meeting about thi following rt jxtrt nnd n i m 12 v othi r matlcn w n d tit w ith mi ndalions were nwidi wi tin the agreement bf twnn thomas membt rs of the grand jurv at thi wan and pert ware was u ad for avuze wish to thank vour iord taking ovr th wal rmalns ind bv fr hl cl in matruthv them whn his proi r was in kddreis lo ut we tteg ihe sew agi pi n until midnikh arranging for mitliik the mot 11 1 pil poinl nnd othi r noirv le tails im fore the wirk cm le st til ed t wh 1 doet nil ihe r ranging has urn organist and choir leidt r of hosednle presh lerinn hurt h for tjie last it years while terformlng ns a group he is second tenor hnrvnrd redlrk pi rl simps n ii c li first tenur john itlnghntn vomoiivr is ban tone nnd ivmnld parish wallace burg ont is itass li i an ulstnndlng piano soloist in his wn riiht nrcompanles thi qua sag of red rvtst buds and was as aurtcd bv the kooru s moth r dres aed in smokv gres with ttav v ac cesaorle and a corsage of red roaaa the bndr 1 table was prettily arrungtd centred w ith the three tiered wedding cake candelbrae of pink and whili landles and vases cu pink roses and frit nds nf the bridt catered tor travelling to istw york citv and new haven conn the brtdt changed to a tailored pearl grev suit wiih navv actvsaoriis on their return tht v will rsid on the 3rd line uest rh 3 brampton ocvlopb tcurtaaov now kadicabu colour television was publicly hown for the first urn in britain recently at londons radlotyrapla hunav ds m hy t th desthto re tlwptn ancial pott for the first 10 mon ths of this year 671 deaths were reported or 17 par cent more una provincial government having re centlv assumed a grvatt r d gree of r sponslblhtv m this regard a llvelv and stimulating dlscu sion led bv mr ueaumont tc- cupied most of the evming con sideration was given to wavs of in creasing membership and of inter preting the work of the socit tv to the communitv in ordt r to obtain mors active participation qui s- tions of finance and organisation were also ratstd and manv ht ipf ul suggestion given at the close of the nutting re freshmcnls w ere serv ed bv mrs thompson and the discussion con tinued informally over coffee fqoi sing township nnd was now annexed into acton all rights on the w ati rmalns w ere released tq the corporation for 300 and the usual water frontage charge were to be paid the agreement was approved by council after the by law was r ad and passed the by law appointing mcmlx rs to the acton cemeterv board w s read and named j 11 crelghton ii w baxter and iorne youngblut as the members of the board the new board assume duties on nov lftth another bv law was pssud accepting the resignations of trt former members of the board the clerk was instructed to pur chase two and a half tons of salt from thomson bros for use on the tret ts it was dctded to um ittmnt pi in the sewers as therx was u saving of 5000 on the contract price council adjourned about 2 15 am alcoholism u a u if inflicted disease abstainers are immune y hlli w rving overseas the ommodnres presented as many asl 10 show j a week and when ii came time to skim ihe cream off tho nv show for a ihremonths re view at iinilon s famous weitnd hippodrome theatre the commo dores were featured soloists one of their biggest thrills waa givlig n command performance for the royal family during their extended theatre run talent scouts of the british broadcasting company heard of them and they appeared on lnter- tkaft1c lucatlis mount ontario highways are increasing organization in cambridge eng land depends- on utreepolour mechanical scanning it was de vtuvped after years of exparimaots i a year aga highway officials want and employs both in the camera that pedestrian hazards are at si and the receiver rapidly routlag i seasonal peak at this time of year coloured disc the upripom i early nightfall and frequent poor advise vou that w have dul inspected thi court house thi ail and rcgistr offu ip the jail we found two prlsom rs the jail was clt an and sanitar we howi ver recommend that a refrigirator b lnstallel in the kit chen in th court house we found all j national broadcasts their popii- offices well kept and of sufficient larlty kept rising and they toured size france holland belgium and ger- the rt glitrv office appeared will man one of the bright spots in equipped and everthing in urdi r their memory was in oldenburg all officials were most courteous in northwestern germany after and gave us full information and the city was occupied by the can- access to all parts of the building adlans the army had taken over we do tecommend i that a toili t for headquarters a large nazi base be placed in the jury room 2 that the padre needed a choir and the front door be painted pianist tapscott quickly built a signed j a elliott fori m m male choir around has oommo- dores and the auditorium was packed i follow ing demnbtltaatlon the i commidnres hegan a series of cor- tht re is onlv one wjv t drive a certs throughout canada and the motor nr or cross u strut afoot it s and on network broadcasts ouvi got to be dtfinivi ut tht knox preabterian church is most wild asi s bru and kno k thiir vt riunnte to hav arranged for heads agaitnol tries the w is mn the commodores to appear nov- smaks along thi road whethtr in ember jo h9 at 8 p m on one a car or afoot he w atchi s his j ol the toronto itar free good chances his aim is not to offer music conrerta doors open at 7 pitc uns psovtokb jobs i violence or shout defiance turvlv- pm all seats are free to the public al is his aim and the defence his construction work on the do i rr ex hod millions inter provincial company he has no ambition to be listed friends arrange project to pipe oil from edmonton j among the weekenders done in or shower for mrs to superior wis has b fun lortn uvtn to pass with a twocolumn elsie swindlehurst f kahle recently appolntod vies- ht ad for some calibrated single in prsksuuntond dirwctor of thcsun4 fctnceduringthemtdweululltrrj a m of th gir f pany reports in the financial post j killings he seeks only to get there m ool combing plant where flsie initial work is at the edmonton j and get home again he has no swindlehurst a bride of the month terminal and the ermine sask pride and cannot afford rage he is emploed held a miscellaneous pump station drives his car out from the right showr last wednesdi night at the for the defence h colours which in the vuwrs eye is a full variegated picture colours of fibres and fabric tex ture of skin the variajta parte of thw human body eon through true to hfe the ayetam worta at present on a eloswleireult prtn- 4ple that la colour visson is trejkstaltted from a special ejnra by wire to reoeivlnjr set weather making for bad visibility especially during th hours of heaviest traffic tht 1m9 canadian honey crop u eatlmatad at slsb8000 pounds a decline of 31 per cent froh ut near record year 1m8 crop of 4s14s000 pound 41 per cent of the nrccssarv farm land has been arranged for the rightofway options hav e been obtained on this land and on about is per cent of the land needed in saskatchewan laying of the line will begin next may and will be completed to superior by october if no serious holdup occurs kahle said about 1200 will be employed on actual construction and faying work small bargaining spare all he asks j after all were present and elsie of life is that it continue victory seated on the chair decorated w ith over other drivers is too small 1 pink and white strtanwrs eleanor prize to lure himfrom the defence he seeks only the one great triumph of the road to avoid an mans first wespon in wsrftp was the slingshot conducted a few quiz contests following his mar j one jordan and may palmer presented the accident but he has to eat a lot of bride w ith the gifts may palmer crow to keep out of trouble read the address after opening them elsie thanked her friends for the lovely gifts a dalnty lunch was served by eleanor allen and norms marzo 1 1 twice niowiy doors ope 6 30 pm mutual variaries from 6 30 to 7 00 p m thursday friday ami saturday saturday matin nov 171119 i 1 rfjsti i theistorvoe algreat horse immlmi s sigreatxove mjamericssiyierst jv msokuff gailrusshi ruth warrioc crlom gfnw0oo utyiulinn ms hauh tlnsa an aitaa uul tt n lv lt uui uu pucjt plum cartoon and short monday and tuesday novembu 3123 mo out again in again wednesday and thuisday novembu 1334 that wonderful urge -with- tyrone power gene tierney adult entorlainmmt companion featuke irci a rir rex harrison ttairing peggy cummins plot lalmt nwa time schedule the great dan patchthuri 7 32 fri sal 7 23 9 37 9 20 down to the sa in shtpt7 13 926 thai wonderful urge 7 14 10 08 etcape8 36

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