Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1949, p. 1

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eht j jfttihbft seventyfiflh year no 21 acton ontario thursday december hi 1949 eight home print pqes six cent forty nominated at the best meeting in years munition mi linn put forty rundi public lrtfrf shown in affair of now town of acton ae- cumatioa civon for roovo and dopety roovo council of 1949 cornpllmonlod on workfinancial pohio wff in yoan wlhi previous doficit cloorod and rudgot bauncod the biggest n in acton tn yt ar dat up for in turn for ihi m w limn of arton for iw and showed a kti lotrrtkt in nmnli ipul affair thi council chamims whhh hai lten quit ad iitht for iiuii ip was jammed last ndav nlfcht uii1 tht main hall was hurl u tiuii more citizen pamh ipat ing in the nominal i ms or ihi muling of cftlum that was hi id lii 1 jounimi nt w us nmdi 1 th num auditorium f th tovii m1i whin rumination w r d t land clord i h to t it ik j m gcarhn thi following had nominated mnsur a mason t i r r mrculrhi n w j btatts th ion jorif a hifvr r tvhr leputy jb v w mr land w itoaifl j ii creighton councillor j j stewart itav thompson w mtimki thos wat- mn jr w roaiel n hraida dr t g oakes n bow its thos cookr u youngblut f dav ivm thos nlcol i llnlchcn j 11 rny- ston j j goy t lltnun j liar grave wm coon j chapman j oreer h creighton s couetl school hoard t watson jr j ii creighton w wolfr j j gov n row leu j hi id ii ii hinlon puhlir utilities comminiomr thns worr c m hansen shooting incident aim in court at milton mlton jiiurfnt i d in o mafodiatt c utl gw brook or a mik last widm s d r that maglstrati km langdon could 4 kuiiiiix of tin shooting of a yming ya tow n ship jouth a i s on k lol r 21th tht plan spring start on cton swimming pool at a mi eting lavt night thi build mu finfniuft uf miiii it ii 1utkr win on k muikni nd thi ion joins w t askid t ac t plans nail and un appioiitnit dt on ih alton suimimiik pool and pi nt to tin coitimiltie on januars lhth it i plarwntt to g t umr part of tin roiisti u lion dun lhit wilk in t rnulttti with thi funds on hand v huh un- will om r tlomk tin onimltti e v ms tnjhvn riil to t iik i mini wir to ion livilt on tin pjik iti mil nitfki pit him iuti plans a ii wirt m s fuinishiil t tilts of hail lm n hi urxl f idu ti ulll 1 vus till fire saturday held to furniture in east end home alton rut ui ijdt hd j fall idli satufda tifti niikn whin fin in j hiurfn id t ttu i mdru olllk ulatk 2hi mason liilald u thiltiuniiiit ttu- tuuj uak filltrl with sinrki fiom tin minmldi nut hi ti if ii id hut dunum was iiii iinki to hi tun pun of fuimtun ami a mnall pati h of f lhir us i iiik mum rf th fur lb thought to haw hi n fmrn a liri tti butt v hi n toon on doid on thi ihit if tul mniral trrat hv mir toronto star lonrrrl urn former iviint kftiirn to addn hotar inh uhi ho hi itl eleetion in acton for mayor council bylaw ml iim n ji l 1 in i tl m ittita all i i i i t tin f t i hlrh cr ikh th mc ri- r 1 ih h lni ih md clflrrn mrrflnp at thr cltlirn i meetin followid nomination j ii ton choxi n rhairmi mit tmi and in hi opi i marks mr cn ithlon o citi7i n s appr dillon of hour and k work of council nvi vt thi ion join ri pit std that thi v jir ion commit li t hair n n bir thi ir npoit firjt with hi lejwrt to follow diput himvr f- thr poinli d with justlfiahlr prldi to thi ftnan rial ktatrmmt in the hinds of th ralrpicrn starting the mr with a drfictt of thoo which w n hou n an tfw2m at nmrmbor lmh ima the prr nt reixrt how ed onl 1212 02 or prartirall a bilancrd rr- pxirl the annexation of the cres cent had horn complrtrd and the uork of the prr lou council com pleted cnvincll of 1m0 had ano paid thr rtwl of watrrmatn in thr new hourdrntirc section which had been oerted uon bv prr loun coun cil he told of the establishing of frolnrlal police in acton and rc- fiiniihlnu of the town hall the taxi were inert aited but 11000 of cbliktton had lmen retired and allan ilrok u oiin a ton f toi uiiikir hi whs ruling in n ht ri iliiwn w it ii with hm mmi r ahn and a fniid itoas gold thoipi on tin afli rnimn of ortntx r ju whin he hiard u shot and fell a hurp pain in hi lift fthould r with si laid th v win- puts in a purkitl or on tin road l admit fiom moffut to haltonville w hi re th four miuni miti were loadliik tin ir guns i ask d them w hat the win hunting and one r plied in a aar i astir matim r iimi drooki testified after thi had tfone alwut 200 ardn he hi ard a hhot and fi it th pain in hi fthouldi r i jumpil off thi wagon and mv mster jump h1 nfli r mi thi n was another j hut and 1 shnil her down tx hind the wagon a ft w nunuteii latrr we got bark on the wagon and wint to haltonxilh whire i called fur ii diktor and poli itndi r cnim i saminution bv k y iuk witmsj stati d hi didn i think tht four wen hunting trow hut phensants ttir four liiuni nun wire locnttd bv iuwju onklabh j a m nivin iiiiout a mih from thi vim i of tin ikidint luti r i hut ift moon he ti vtifisd thi r win four iinv in tht tr and it first this diniid in ing in the icmits tut lat r in dlcatcd whin thi rar had ixm iaikhl makistriti ki nm th m 1mjdon ri gisti nsd a com u lion nainst four j ounn milton mi n i sti rd who win chartiinl with mating a com mon nuistnci this win m h fined 10 and each ortli retl to pi i cost of 11 in d fault of pay mini thi wen to scrvi a month in jail thr m cond chargi of discharging firearm on a public highway u a w ithdniwn b const nt of crown attornrt ilovd w hingle while the court ns unabh to ussru pa mint of medical ixpinset incurred it thought it might b arranged to iiinn rtiit of the fines b convent of i tht crown an inspection was made i of tht site w here thla offt nse oc- i rum d ntid the court could not ne i i n n mm w h mi used could not ha e strn the w ign from w hrre the shot was find the court was i not itlrtlv concern tit with the tn- jurs to nrthiks but w hctht r the hunters had the right to discharge firearm on this highwas this court is of the opinion that dis charging finarms on a public high way ob iotisls endangers the tni tlltnc public thercforr the min ner in which then- gtins were find l t a common nuisance and a con- iction w ill be regitered against t aih of 1tu baseball benefit fund last acknowledgements to be made next week v th ih misi hill it m tit r otil f t tin fn ik of th 1 1 mod us 1 r m iiiiik th i km m nk th rommitli linv di i id d tht fund hhould ik rlosd and thi trust fund ml up for th ixm fit of tin fnnils anordingls th iat n knowh dg mi tits to ih fpno w ill tx- inji in xt w t k of uny final donatltms turmd in until tin vla nimin tin oniimlti t apimtlatt tin splendid response tf the publlt and th plitidig fund roll cud i ado attn11 hi h 1 st to d mi ht wi pr nli d w nh i mo i 1 in at tin s w ill n 1 n 1it ih i tmlir m quit tt 1 t nl il lhioiih th iiirt s 7 tf sftir vhowjll th coinxv and nw tearlirrs consichn hv ilalton board acton was now in a good financial position councillor w m iod said he would be candidate for dt putv here he una glad to see so mnnn citizens present and frit the new interest was in part due to the fatt that arton was being made a town the installation of arwers hud side tracked much of thr work on the road this sear and some saving in estimates had been made hen he felt the financial n port ga e a true and gikvd picture of acton pom t on if returned to office hi would do hi hsbt count illnr hotchen told of instal lation of new stnet light and re- no at ions at the tow n hall if ngaln on council he would mdeav- ci ur to gie rmii iwtter sirvin councillor t nicol said it had betn a buvv vcar and in his find trm hr hud gained a lot of t xp r- irnct funds hud not bvn us till able for all the park ipprov i im nts da i red but the mom had b n spent to the liest advantage if he wre in office again he would trv to give more time to this work raave theron jones iiid he had bsmn fortunate in ha infi t pible jnen on council with him he told of securing provincial point- for acton and paid tribute to thwork of mr f- hnrrop on the force for so man year he felt he would uftrifrv rum five gihvd mrtco in the new powjunlo hockey club lion as he was vers capobl in all guests of guelph w dtpartmenu on wednesday next tht- reeve told of counts coun cil uork and ihe plan to build an old peoplenhome for ilalton he explained the start on comenatlon of water he said then were a fine group f nominees and urged that all qualify chairman c hansen of the pub lic tmiitle commission told of the installation of a new pump at the jfpring and he repairing of the present pump as a standby thu continued on fflo five two applications for a position on atton m hi ml staff w re found un suitable w hi n tin north ilalton distrnt iloard m t in milton mi mondav ivining ilimissioii w s n n iv til from th i iwrlmi nt to li ih ajri tiltur silnn ul un aton shikl ami iiiisohhm wiltn start d this month uixli r mr i mrlan tht r agnation of mr- i m ir 1 it us pari lim ti nhir on th milton staff was mtiptid with r gnt and thi s t n lar w is iristrm lid to ndvt rtis f i b oh r for this arann on a full timi bisi a litltr from th alton ymca hoard giv ihi sinn fee ns pn v lonslv for thi usi of thi gv mna ium if howiver use f the fucili tli s w as un rt used hv so per rent thi cost would ih- an additional 100 the board ulso ngn ed to arringi for nnv other st hind artiv i tlis a times that the building was available thi inspector reports that win incomplete wire not di tit with at this mi i ting and accounts p issi d amounted to 7112 48 a lettir from thi department of education requested additional in formation regarding a piece of land that had been pnpoed to add to the milton grounds the hoard were informed lhat it was unliktlv the land could lie purchased owing to illness of thi owmr member of the staff of the mil ion schikil rrut the board and dls cuvsed sihool probli ms follow ing adjournment delightful n-fresh- ments of sandwuhes tukis and coffes wen sersed thi e w ere primluctjof the home economics course and the board yerr in reartv approval of the efficients of mrs macarthur and the students after this sample of n suits achiev ed sir uhlv im gi un t h it i ngi from nous il v ii il to lurit humotou mim h is two f thi m iiiih rs of th una 1 1 tt iv i stit ginups ii nd ih ir jiiiompanist mr m i ifht r di monstrald his s i skill hi a i loop of piano a i ill his all who h id the priv ih tr uf hi aring tht otnniihlort s and mr ilithti i sin trlv hox that tin v will iilum in lh mar futiin so that th itpl- of alton iiuiv have ihi opmrtumtv of partaking of anothi r veiling of iscillint enti rtainim nt tile program was nm mil in thi knox chun h choir in a group of numbers r venlng ii v mn tin awakminjt horus and go down moms hi v h ii aimslrung thi n intiimlucesl the memlm rs of thi tjuarti ttt harvard kdu k first ti nor arl tapsott mtuiui t nor mill i ad r john itintftiam iwi itom and donald iarrish biss and mas t r of rinmoniis tin following program w is pr m ntttl quart tl das wandtrn st ho im rt am mi r st hutit rt lit id n losh in st hotx it i solo donald iainsh nations i llvmti bithovn o isis ami kir iv mrt i wiinrlt tte spirituals st indin m th nd f iravtr mdliv w r vu thi rt stal awit johu i fit iht haiti of jmiho solos john itinkham pilei mi s son tschukiwskv nom but th unit iv in art tsihaikowikv yar mrmth rmr wrtrloek- ah liar on thi prurn quart ttt hound for tht kio grand sea shanls trunk on me lidv jam scott thi turtlt dos folk tun mille ho drv bonis piano solos io ijghter scht rn m r minor mi ndtlssohn r tndt ilsrt malagut na ufimna quart tt whirfenpoof smg cihii watt r nolan old man hist r jtromi kern ilklev mkir mt namara s band the same old shillthigh th mrainptjti ltub oil tutidav niiht this tk as th si aki r r th i vi nurg a form r r d nl of this dimlltt and on who had p nt his s h dais in attoti di janus j tall nan hlf lahiallan f ll tniviisitv of w ht rn ontano rinnds h i will t inti ri sttt to hum tht this spring dr talimiu was tlitttl u k how of the itoval sot it ty of anatla dr tatnian gav a most inti n t trig umr st to th kotmns i llmr of ailv pioini r divs in ootiio ml th lift of thi all through ih vart lhlt has ixn tti th ir of mn o w ik t th i in ms dv w h th ih ml w havt vnh iloi i ut all w th n t it mon ui dr i to s i f f h tors it vai i in t iiv i it i h i p hit ol lis w ii m t a l in nh intl u hi- 1 th 1 ii s of pnn r la- nd hi vit wtrn this li n of tli i hi w ttl1 2m ttfnil thr ilalton forum milt on itti nd d th tuntv ih lown hall mtlo u i 1st in thi u h id nov i of 11 it s hi dm llli district president addressed meeting greenock institute on h h f 111 s s hi fall plowil itl tattt ii al tings th t islfll nirunk w i heltl thtlr nov iiiini meeting nl the home of xi i i pet k ergelow li init- lltn 1 it idi t mem tiers t visitors f t hi dren were present itoll call wa n tuh k oupper menu for thej mm on institute day a donation was kivn to the itoti itder fund s t k i hlldnn s litis p4tnl in loionto also the salvation arm itie next mtttlng will im- held n wit k earlier r iiot k l i was dlvltled intsi thnt groups enrh group to hold n mm in i venlng in lnrnikk miihi l ftie winter hie film on fro n otitis put on m rtninnk schiml hv miss found wns veis mu ti injised it sjiowed the i or ret t wv to prj fotds for iik ker tints or honii freezer seven i from hi le nltendt tl i ht ilns and perstmnhtv innlinno held in illtlshurg mrs k moon- didri i 1itstilent was gurst apenk er hiking as h r topu home nml conntrs st irtuik w ht n lln w i inst oignnied nnd telling h w it lias in i pit wsimen for the insi yi vears to im- tvetter hiimemnker no just housekei per mr i nnr nnd mrs j i allen wtre csinvnois tor hie ftllowlng program solt mrs ii c turn i er mono to live fr plensnre aloiu i h dfit full purpos rending h mrs if itelit things to hi memlwr paper on puhltclts mrs i near contest on mush mis klva penren wltji thr win ner mr c allen a lovels lunch wn servetl bv the hoste- ntd iommittee uv sum m th fhr id lakt the nnd tship erin township willllavrelertion rrrvr and council there will be an election in erin township on mondav for dt putv reeve and council goldwln hurt ha been returned as reeve for 19w and members of the no i and no 2 school ana boards have nlst been accorded acclamation for dt putv ritv e geo scott and albert whet ler for council- n i- griffin mil m mccutchctxi j a swaikhamtr geo wallace and alsin white time are to be flitted one social night enjoyed by members of acton council on frida evening the reeve it puukeeve council and mem- it n of the ataft around the coun cil table with thrlr wives enjoved a hlcken dinner at the dominion inn tie gathering made a fine time for not onlv council hut thi wives who- have during the past mar had husbands who gave long hour ts conduct municipal mtfa rs after the dlmner all the group attended the nomination meeting in the town hall the first practice of actons jun ior d it am will be held in dull on wednckdav next december 7th in guelph memorial gardens thi tvam will leoe acton at 7 45 h attind a junior w game at the be hest of gyelph btltmore hs before practice ah plavers and pro- i 19si m vyoralty contest the apecu are requested to be on hand foreign trod glvts cmnadtant onethird of their national income john pell is principal of fine new school the many friends of mr john pill former teacher at lairne school north of alton will con- j gratulnte him on the progress he ha made suite coming from the wist starting at uime school in n different educational svstem from the wist and taking summer rours- is each sear and working hard with the aid of his partner mr p id he won his n a and wa i n gaged as princijial of fruitland pubtic sthmil but last kndav evtning was the crowning point in mr pell teaching when he was chosen as principal of the beautiful m w modern mountain vlt w schtwl saltflctt township when it was official 1 op ned this schikil contains eight claxsnmms i industrial arts home economics and j a large assi mblv njim which ia to be used a a communitv centre as well as a librarv teacher room ind nure s rikim all are on ground level each classroom having an exit nnd the w holt sohiwil mav bt emptied in lev than oiu minutt in cast of enn rgenrv t two former reeve of acton will contest the election thla year for the honor of being the first major of acton whlchvjtai been raised from the village status both have served as councillors for acton for several terms f j mccutcheon left and a mason right are the 1050 candidates for mayor i changes in staff i at acton branch bank of nova scotia i transft rs have bet n made in the ktaff of tht- hank of nova stotia her mr ken randall hah bt i n trniuft rn d from bngdi n to thi acton branch is assistant account ant mr and mrs randall have moved to acton with thi ir famils of two children and art living on mnon boulevard milton nm the jiome town tif mr and mm randall l and the transfer to acton brings them back to their own local dls- trict mr george greensides who has- been on the staff here for several venn goes to the branch ln toronto on thevorner of queen and mccaul street j nd iiilu i m from tht floor h ihouiht ilalton sh in soil i una tv at should limn nlrat liuining ami i o opt rativi i nt r pus itob llowurtl who was a wing c mmandi r in thi hcaf and who is now farming in ilalton in partm rhlp with two brothers who wen also hcaf wing com mandi rn statttl hi has a growing ml ml rat inn for thi canadian farm i r but tit would like to see him giving tntler nupoii to his farm oig mijutions tin first sptakir prof tolton of th oac gutlph wa intrnduttd hv j k whitilk prof tolton who itmik us his topic sk la iiiglin ring stat itl hmn forums an a mt i ssitv to ruril mofih tht rt must im a to ojm raltve lis tussini of prohl ni in agriiultun if w an to mi in tain our conntrs as a nation sot lulls nml econoinh alls hi said sim lal sen in i must kis i m bal inc w ith phvsn al vt i on if wi an to avert dlsisti r th sp akt r reconum ruled co op iritlon as im ing tin wiv in w hn h ihi fiinii r rnav obtain hi just ior hon from hi produi thi farmer h d tlartl should control his pro ion piittualty to ih tonstinhrs t ihh prof tolton nlsn n grettttl that ihi rt is mon i riislon going on thin that of the soil discussing the th vt lopiiu nt of pi rsonahts he said th hisis of nil dilightful nt rsonali- t is st if discipline he live bi st vi ho t rves most the speaker t intruded prof tolton was tender it n vott of thank bv mr dennl i aw n nee tin- second spt akt r introduced bv bob howard was john madn of cherrv hill farm and folk school mr maden who i a native of denmark expainetl the folk school a it originated tn hi country and a it is being develop id in ontario he stated that den- marks great advanctnunt in tcgis lntion for the good of the pt oplt could le largely cn dited to the folk schitil you cannot tabulnte the spirit of man statt d the rjtakcr and in the folk school mt n w or k for their fellow men ptople learn there to blend the i lemi nts of tronomirs and living in ordinarv life thev learn simpht christianity at the cht rrv hill thtkil tht re is tn addition to adult education in pructical and cultural topics a training in crafts nnd nt nation and in gtttw will what can i do for my communitv is the idt a the student taki a aw ay with him mr mndst n gave a practical demonstration of folk dancing when he had the crowd participate in stvtrul of such dartt es the sptaktr was thanked by mrs gor don gray mr jack bennett in his own inimitable wuv jtl in ktme rousing ringing hi accompanist wa mrs gortt r for the folk dancing mr jtun mo i re of agintourt the accompaniment the cut flow t rs on the platform were donah d bv mr gortt r of kilbride forum 1 urn h was supt rs 1st d bv the mt nt mo forum numbers xn hour of visiting was ctijovd b all ovir- htard hen and tht rt wu the re mark that forum mt mbers are go ing to mike more t f fort this year to attind thtir nspectivc township ft deration of agriculture mtttings bob howard challenge 1 not go ing unanswered two con last for honor of ac tons first mayor and euvon qualify for six sls at rko council tabu fo 1950 rmvo doputy imvi iwiw commisiionor ond stkool board aro all acctamatlen vol or band bylow rovltion polls opon m to 6 pm ilh oil- town ii 1 th m a 11 ml p n from otil tl p n ail is lis hstivl my h ts 11 t v itprts ami 2 1 r mavor and kill wamih a m n 1 1 m t h t kill llll 1 til r mill lhl tn itl l w mi ll 1 1 kh cflllntll si in l litrl n llialiln s cull ii t k r vsii j jrn r j 1 irtrux i ilutilnn t nlr1 w hi ii j 1 hmi it tliiimpmin hiu imuii ii utilities ommismonui tl iiv w1 1 1 kh s linol luiaiii all lv ai 1 tnijitmn 1 ii i 1 hi n thn wllv ii ii w j vlf vi rs uill in m n iwi hillnti t f f all llk r off nihil 111 hi il m i ion tin llnnil lip 111 pn hft km 11 p iii tlm lll- lit 1 tl il un ii i hi luul will h iivn a third hiltot for vnt- inti on tin tuitid bv law iiil vuixl will tuatk in hil uiul no columns prov ithtl oppoltt each of the follow ing tui stums 1 are sou m favour of camel ling tin pav nn nt of an annual grant of om hilf of a null on thr whole ratable propt rtv in ihi town of acton to such bind or band a council mav bv n solution appoint 2 if the pn kent grant to isand of oiu half null is ram lied are sou in favour of tht pav mint of an annuil grnt of vofl oo for the sup port and mil of ui h band or bands of music ks count it shall bv n solu tion dt siknut coining eve nts annouftcrmrnti it l unrtl oi olhrt rrtil tlil hradibg at rtisicrh rwt lint with a amiaii lf an kouatrairali tt rrtiat i sia banntmkhurn si mu ctncert dttenvlwr 11 danck cnlnr vall- cowboy carlisle hall friday i vt em bar 9 1 p m admission mv 302 a euchre and dan re will be hrld in t mehouse memoitnl hall on iec j at h 10 sharp refreshments admission 40 come to the junior farmers fin lire nnd tlnnre at ixinie school ivremler lt at 0pm admission w lunrh lrssadesl fserhojiy welcome thi plavetta a sal ki rtii h hma1jjkk cmtadas budgetarv surplus for the first stven months of the cur- tint fiscal viar amounts to 30s3 millions as compared with 533 7 millions in the first seven months of last year the financial post it ports churchill ladles will hold of baking and last minuta christmas gifts on svturda drs- 10 in the acton united church s s room furhre nnd dance at crew sons corner hall postponed this friday on account of firemen s halt reg ular euchre nnd dance again on dei ember 9 the 1 aidies of st joseph church art holding u bazaar pennv sale tea and sale of hlirne baking in the church hall on friday even ing detembt r ilnd and saturday afternoon det emb r 3rd acton home and school aasocl- nilon lirlsimaj party monday decimber 5th in tbe y m c a social room at h 15 p m parents nnd trend wehime special christ mas entertainment carols contests and fun for nil

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