Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1949, p. 2

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th- acton free hess thursday decembkk i ims 3ty artntt 3frri jlrrbu autkotuaa tavatur t act oatari a rm o asa subscription tatis m tw uiuti it ftftc tatllil saiu 4t- kola u w tkaau h bn cbaf f uirau u remul advlbtttlnc katcso apfntio ft ia fiwu wlu kuafa allamfh iuit ita will b ukra 1 lwi vr- ik fr fm ttt artua i il o vadttmtajaa tksl it will ml b ubl iur rruf ia ar wwn aaauia harfaaai uli a ffaof j ouch ajvottlmstml tutrd ia by th tvr14f aaa r umh tit vft vti buitab olfur dulr at bj lb 4drtimr ft ad vilb sab error ar rrcituai puiali aat4 i wrilia lbraaa 4 thai if ar ca n aatad is aai corractai t t ft ii luvbtlitr abii aoi ctmj ua fupotk oj lk at of awa 4trliwrbi tfc arct4 br lb aotod law i lb bal pt aup b link aatf tiaaataal c abuip di1 1 v ulur xri epiionls mmmui aad bumm oflu pa nr w th t w matter how bd v superffcul picture my b britain it not to be counted out a mighty ob of reconstruction it being done every hour labor and every ton of tel hat a hundred different claimant there are blitzed building to be rebuilt homes to be put up in place of tlums factories to be modernized a world clamoring for merchandise and dollars that have to be earned more freedom in the marketplace unquestionably would have gotten the ob done faster and more efficiently but there would still be need for sacrifice and hard i i work i britain is making progress toward recovery nnd the people still have spirit and industry and a wealth of world trading know how in their make up i chromcles ol ginger farm rmih- in christmas not xmn f w weeki thf christian proplfs throughout the world will again observe the nrwiiverirtry of thi birth of the prince of poacp he saviour of mankind known as christ o fcmlxr 5 i now callel christmas id ednbrj vela 1o maintain band on monday cititnv will ix nst d to vote on a chflnge in tin livid by lnw which would if given favourable aistnt on both qo sliofis makt tl e annual grant to the band at the present rale cf 500 per year moil citiens will recall lhat the prusent by law carried with a good majority and was given in recognition of the achievement of the band in musical competitions in waterloo end toronto bands are not built in a year or two and it behooves citiens to provide regular fund each year if they would have a creditable organ zation in acton and acton boys and girls band is a worthy and creditable organization for acton we favoured the band by law when high awards were being won and we favour the pre sent grant a year or so later we had hoped and said to editorially that the question would be placed in simple terms on the ballot the voters will vote on two question what the result will be is anybody guess and it could be negative placed in this form if you want the grant to be 1000 or more vote no on the fint question if you want the grant to be 500 instead of 1000 vote yes on ixsth questions the reason hhis vote is necessary a all is the change in acton s esxetsment system this year in conformity with the new county ystcm be sure to vote on the band by law and rssure a portion of taxes going towards annual maintenance of this great community asset ff your day monday is election day the one day in the year when ratepayers have ttn opportunity to make a choice on the management of their town or the coming year its an important day and ha a direct bearing on your pocket book ince you a a ratepayer provide the funds in taxes with which municipal affair are earned on it is fortunate for this or any other town that men of expofumce and ability are willing to assume the municipal duties and spend time and thought on the conduct of town affair citizens owe these officials a debt of gratitude and at least voting support at the poll if you approve of their conduct your newspaper attempt to keep you well informed on council proceedings and from it and yodr own knowledge of muni ctpal affairs all can keep in touch pretty closely monday is your day for selection make it as you deem best in the interests of the town as a whole christmas it should tx why tht n in all too many cases is tins i lallowtd holy tlinjini hoflinid to xmas it rhang s a txautiful word with a safd sigruli find into a meaningless abrupt and ugly bbrcviat on tiom in the i now claim thdt the i iter x in xm is the grei v letter chi wntti n x and in is th initi il lettr r of tin gnr k word for christ j as we pause and fi fleet upon the true meaning of the cherish d holiday we find that tripped of its tinsel its bright lights its festivi ties and the giving of gifts and exchange of christmas greetings the christmas season holds a reverent and spiritual meaning which tome times become obscured in the bustle of the day and the prevalence of unchnstian ideologies does not this reverent and spiritual word christmas have a tendency to become obscured and to dim the true sense of the season when we replace christ with an x each of u can do well to pause and reflect upon the meaning of christmas look beyond the tinsel and frivolity which has become as sociated with the birthdday of the christ jesus fnd see that upon christmas day god sent his only begotten son to save the world writth hpnitur f tfc aetaa fr frwc y jwkmhunk p cuuuue i uiiiirr coitit i to onurui liu iltfinll and nujir lefirilrl mic tfimn in ifjrue plm t when the radio mild it u a unlit lj in i iiitu it s four twluw nut t nur front d an t 1 mi t lit it i during th nlht 11 dt l til i fifiti im low fot th jm i il nuvi intx r that wm old i n uj h frtilii in the vai k whin it w ii nil mild iuni jul i ntuirid i in atlhila cr ini nil the un i nl mi il it- til in tlm dii in i is ilw hutolmuhlw li iik t um t ii wit i mm w h hnv hi n i m ntri ol mi i it l t ui in t in iht tnr t tll ii om i itll i h i ii mii in ik w h it j ihlni i k i i iiiv f 1 lw lu j tit mil h i iii hi mill it ii 111 kll j ii t ii ii v hm j l illl t t i k if s lttl 11 it t thr ul 1 ill lm till iii mm uf i hi in m uiish public bu tines it publics butjnet the federal government s tendency to hush i p certain matters that should be made public comes in for sharp criticism by the financial post the film board incident is not the only one in which the government hat hown its predis position to secrecy to get itt laundry all done and everything tidied up before public view is per nutted the recent mcgregor report on the flour milling industry is one case in point the situa tton for the government was vastly worsened rather than improved by its illegal decision to withhold the report for 10 months in public affairs there is nothing that isnt the property of the public the press is the public representative in finding out and report ing how our busmest is being conducted trying to conduct public affairs in private it dangerous and it never works for long warning by a dean emerging from retirement dr inge of st p s london the gloomy dean voiced this warning either the nations must surrender some traction of their independence to a supcrnational authority which will have the power to settle disputes peaceably or peace will be restored as in the roman empire by a knockout blow by the strongest power this last looks painfully like t tartar domination of europe and asia shall we have the sense to choose the former alterna tve the chaplain of the united states senate tev frederick brown harris made a timely comment on the dean s statement writing in the washington sunday times he said but the fatal trouble is that the former alternative namely ust adjustments of the dtf ferences dividing mankind cannot be chosen unless men and nation change communism is out on a world wide tcale to liquidate one class and put another unchanged rlass at the top of the heap socialism often sincere enough in its attempt to eliminate ex ploitation in order to bring the good thing of life to all people it still dealing with unchecked selfishness which can wreck any social scheme even in a chastened capitalism manage ment and labour confront each other with belligerent bitterness and suspicion in a constant tug of war with legislative bricks a sorry at tempt doomed to futility is being made to build an altruistic edifice on the sinking sands of an unchanged society it is selfevident that the itopian plan will not work without the utopian man the only escape from catastrophe is to change human nature that diagnosis is as old as the matchless figure who enunciated the sermon on the mount and who insisted as he fronted he deepest needs of the individual and of so riety you must be changed born again he catted it editorial notes quite noticeable how all the predictions of a cireen christmas were stopped this week with on unusual blanket of november snow britain net out dont count britain out says floyd s chal- mert writing in the financial post after hit recent tour of the united kingdom says mr chalmers the one fact that ttandt out most in ones mind efter an intensive study of the british people at work is simply this- that no matter how serious the financial crisis no matter how difficult the problems of increasing production no matter now violent the controversies between the vote a you please on monday but be sure to use the privilege you have its a citizenship duty to catt your ballot and have interest in your town our neighbouring town of georgetown it apparently having many municipal difficulties since its police magistrate and now its water shortage have been hitting the daily headlines its an otd saying that trouble never comes single btc tana barfiiln- the united states payment of only tuo cents i an acre to russia for alaska in i 1867 pott an rt200000 to the ratcfayers of the towftship 09 erin lades and gentlemen having served the municipality as councillor for the past to yt id i solicit your vote and influence as a candi dah tor councilor for 1950 george c wallace ii ih ihlfl i lirnl i it in ks al fio n im na lw n unit rli t lint not l mtein tx low anil into tms i hi miik woint n nlf whs torii tin mot hi r i ium r it h pnxhhkl h r off prinj ilurlnk ttii iln wi 1r i ti 1 1 ir tmrn during tht vrnlnp nn i sitting up latr nt nijht wri for nnrr not t hr i m tilt nfhilnry inrtnrr it krttlnk his rows very wrll milm 1 ihnt is tic mtoih tilliin rnlf intlilr of two cks arvt llun nwm thi nrt tit t lltil jivlm t mr in ihi illslrlr tiul lmnlinll w c hntl mir lnl 1 of minion r tutu on thi ohlt nijvi nilw r ln rrmoidofl in rnis ullh whnt r il f i m1 tlu cl k in k kjiur1n nlyhl mi hi pit im tiavf tnin on htnndnnl unit ft r tin inst iwo months mm it n i- n li iv iurk mu litno in n anil ml ii uik s a lltth w titli 1 pi mljusti 1 n ti wunl u iiim u n 1 hiking fiu ii i t m m n m rnitik rmnth i ti vi thought oli if iik wi uit in stnmt irt tini nml diiln i luivi 1 i i up jit ths um irth hour i in n w i to tmi k to simi hr tlmi jinrt vkliil hnppon- i w ik fi thr- ttrntt h 4 tirt o t lo k anil nt r id u tn mirts pt iw lint irovimt li it r mi mlting up for i jik dun fiii k t this it suniln mornini pin stnnitnrd unit ou tlon i not i t i k i up i tnrl itut it rtlrln t 1 nn kimki 1nrtnt r was nwnkr in twitl in kt up and thnl ns that ilnhil is hnrd to hrrnk ltfnn iiiher n rmiplr of wot irii i pf ninrk d it wn n gmxl tdn to fll nn v wnrk to thr wrnthor woll i hno n n doing just ttint nm ii just so hnppfnid i hi i n uilt top in hrd whm wlntir stru k s sinldonh and of roiirs i mtsn t happ until i hnd it in ih frnnu s n kind henrird nelkhhour mining nl n to htlp with thf jnh m know this qiiillmi bihiiii s must ih ontntrmus thf v i hai n null tine a fi trnt tn i he noxr lownvh p wns iwfull hus rw nut shf hnd h in qullllnn for two dns and n ronmpiirnr columnist in this disirwt nlso wrltlnj nhmit thf jos uf juittinn so it must ih in the nil ant i nsk ou whnt tft ttr j h foiim nnont lime in rold storm wcnthir thr trouble is t tint oriif stmttm 1 1 s tiiinl to linf i quilt nlom ou feel mi just must jr on cot it mllrt i nnln ind sff hov mm h smnl f it is two filfnds win- tnmlnt ti to hi lp nn with m quill hut i nm nfrnll h thf tlnif the wnlhir it ts up i sh til hni m lutlt ahoiii t m hut thf re will hf mhers s inn quit sur th i u in t t hi is aftr rfid n thls i w ondir hirt m in vonifn will ff the urm nn 1 t nut the quilting frame ah inottiti ndnntncf to stand anl tmif it is n n m nnd i v tht mi im in nt the gntt for tif 1t two mmths w hae hffn bfttinc our pinil nnv he re frim u olok to 110 nnd we hnven liknl it ii rtll kftw m minute ae w fll here w e nre acain w e went nfter the mnllthe rloi n1 i when we got to thr box honev smki on her hind tee until i gno her some mall to carr home t p- p thought that aai th- signal for having fun andstartcwl chjis- mg honey but honey faithful 1 1 ler taik kepi the advertising focl- er tlghtl in her mouth until the reached home loping along in the snowmlkea jnckrnbbt j special choice quality natures best golden cream corn loc 34 tin cask 2 40 jse tomatoes v ige pumpkin 21e llbbys o beans k 17c new law price prem v 42e ssr pudding 49c aubtftaliam 8ksolku raisins ic currants 7c cut mixed peel 17c asstd glace fruit 21c chinese ginger 8 11 black cherries 19c 3se msowvis w spice cake spxoial westons assorted sandwich biscuits 29c brown bear honey 85c dandee tea 38e 75c romar coffee 64c peanut butter mi- yjt kels apple juice x tsi isc blended juice w 23c orange juice w 25c harvest margarine 330 spratts ovals 18c five reaea flours x9 ijfct aylmer overseas paekacea 4 15 ask oxnt stoke manages job details heinz baby cereals fko x3e heinz baby food 3 tns i5c llbbys spaghetti v i3c jewel shortening x9c shellpak sheued nuts x5c chocolate ovaltine 5c crlspie salad onions tvi xjc palmouve soap 9c 1354 sunlight soap loe i miracle whip salad dressing kraft 32 0z jar if c lebro itttuc s ecs new navt ouangs no 338t doin ceiery hrarts bundl florid or tcxai grapefruit 96 s3i 1 i minimum onions b lb bo 15c 35c 15c 3 23c 39c fresh daily grps spinch tomatot sud banarus ciuliflo j u use classified ads for results busiiegs directory uaaicu dh w g c kenney pfcylilaa aj huggiim succnur to or j a utmtmmi oilier in symon olock u1u st am ob uk u a garrett inr of wilin and lijvor bt ttrann luvtr si t at i tar i r s uental il a j i1uciianan iwalaj hurga offi llmr illuck u1u ottict hours jam lo pa x kay i r i j liiom lit ll llll a blkrs uajilal hurga mill st jiikrr fnltrick arlrjar off ca lluurk juinu to 5jo paa illl illo 1 u ijai 1 i i a i iii kum u a aitun ltarrtlrr a soliritor stax7 pkatlai offir rhuiira f trnaa ia i i v i l iidskin hjrtr arruuntaala l suit ivfcx h tu jr nkiv4 iiaaov tio mttrvtoiian uldg 41 uloria st loronlo hg j131 rrrrrinakv li li younc vb bvc trlnary hurv of fir iirrxkv llr oaurt l7nne mlton liftri h o oakes vs bvsc wtertmtry 8urgi offlcr and ltejlerue kaox ava arton ihune 130 1 mlaftuxanroth thk victor a rimlst ttjneral home ftuwraj llm at1 amtakm ihotif to night or day scrinu ihi nimmun ty tor 49 yrrs wit i ol mio farm aanc irkl t ol li st aknr in cmna lltatl otif k nl llldtc torao ni nn j n mtativ toni llon wright rf al estate and insurance h l wkkmi n u mucillt ti wiltmtr st iw ork h4 afton ont uelph onl ihm t phone 14v3j njuavtorv kajutra imaureew miiiilnr pprnv inititute of l nnt in mnuwii urlph district heaj v tnir itonrd mimh n uclph a lhtrict ineur- aihi agents axsiklation wear ever waterless cookware i ih nl lnttitmt r rat skov l m tin st traeixers guide ray coach lines 1 coauihs avh acton katkeua w i m hh im hit am 2 tu p m ul pm ti xi p m p in blu ml pin u4ta4miad i 10 4 u in ijaj pin 2 37 mo i j7 pin 77 pin li pro iixm i p i rt dm i xi t pi suiul4 and boll- t sjturdj siimlaiv atui hoi tdajra railways canadian national bound dill t tl t m d til except simdjvi vu m 7 10 om sun- di tiu hid pm daily except sundtiv rlrr tt crifrtuttti ut p in d til hir at georgetown id 11 pm utxhfllerf dmlv t m fpi uniln nnd mov ti 1 r i m surulav aim monday nl i is ii m datlv tt t sun- cn h 4 im p m u p m atut oniv us p m sunday i nl mi ami llatfti lr rn l txitpt niturita and sun dae t ui p m wtpatterson ho bfwalajul u tya rwmlaihm iu wymdham st oukijril rinai sim complalaly equanpad ochom balow mahar shoa stor ortfcaotiaj

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