Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1949, p. 5

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s thursday december 1 jm9 the acton free press pack tvm mr and mrs w j van norman guiph visited friends here on sunday friends of mr st w russell will be pleased to learn he la gradually improving from a knee injury mrs mcbernle of walkrrton visited at the home of mr and mn john wood during the week mn e j lustard hat been in toronto owing lo the serious illness of her sister mrs ann somervuie mr john wood attended the oallaghi r stan eland wedding at thi first ilaptlst church in guelph on haturda afternoon mr and mm c w masalcs mr and mrs it u davidson accwtina tiled by inspector and mm sluice milton attended the offlrial on n- ing of th n w mountain vi w vhil saltfle t township of whlrh mr john imi i prim ipul uet utt ruling thi nt ll n mor tluiii utldlng wi r mr and mm o v writes mm john p ark misa rtllth nt lira mm it gosling mm m st vnium mr and mm r uk h and mis ijilian mr calx all of toroolo mm n slim y lielfountaln and mr and mm t storey llrampton niith filftirrlf of cfiatwha aaua oaatria rkv locks wotcnohq partonasa ttowar avnu mb o c uibmm jlyiul organist and choir laadar sunoa dkcrmiiht 4th ljio jo 00 a m sunday school 11 00 am ihe ospel 7 00 pm rhe kingdom of god hw la o w roreman ha minister in charge will conduct the service all are cordially fnvlted isrtftbgtfrtjut bfcttrrlf ta knox eauncn acton uwrv iuihkut ii ajuormono mji mlalatar stmat ik rmmut 4th im 11 ml a in ordlnallun i hilrn 1 1 p ni sututii s houl nrl hlhle lat 7 0o pm divine womhlp they that wait upon th iord shall ranew chair atrwigth the nflusmot bison wedding satuiday 1n knox church in knox presbyterian church acton last saturday afternoon lana may morrison daughter nf mr and mm jaa morrlaon bacama the bride of william ernaat naliai aon of mr and mrs cecil natlas ill of acton juv rnht ii arm jrtrong officiated trse wedding music was played by mr tad itan- aan and during the signing of the register mia- joyce ilennle tang i lvr you truly given in marriage h her fathrr the- hrtdi wore n gown of while antln with peiirl and uce insets and matching coronet pearl headdress hhe carried a houtuet of red rosea maid of honor miss nora nurse won pink moire tafetta and car ried n bmuiuel of red roses jct mnn wns mr victor siorev oualn of ihr bride of lielfountaln nnd ihr uihrn were mr wm j morrison brother of the bride of toronto nnd mr dnvtd nellm brother of the itom th r cept ion w n held in the imdn school room where the ivirile aid entered lo the many kuests hie bride s mother re- oke1 in it him k dress matching nt i awsorle nnd conuige of red rote shr n oaalsled h thi molh i of th groom in n nia suit bint k ncceisorn nnd cor vte of pink nivi ror tin uiddlng trip in windsor nnd i doll i hi brldt won- blm tnlfetji with him k nut swtrh s upon th ir it l urn thr will rcsldi at it lv i at inn out of town kttni pnvnl wert from llrnrni ton il mountain nnd loronto i nrknkkvkd auction sle nf household furniture garden tool kte- 1 hi i mlt rslgned tune niinul t istim turn- tioin mr h 11atk1a it se 1 in 1uhll autlon nt hu nililtiu t lli i am mm ton n hatt ltl lk kmiikk 10th i at 1 u t i lot k the following ilvinl ihkni hllltmuho heshrfleltl ii ml chnlr to mntcii recent l m w 1 uphulsteretl l nt ire liihlc tttf leg in hit j oc nstnnnl chnirs j smnll inhles sttml 1yi i rht ljinp hrldm limp 1- irt si re n kug tt pelt hilm foi minn 1iano and mihi i mi th nl iiim j llooktfises 1 with hutltin rtdlo copper ket- ii mit ml and lit nip 1u tures ushltns ilotiks ornaments nnd oiindlt stuks dimm kck1m hlkmihut ultimo koom sulti im tuding hul fet lithh n ml t chair imolimn llurh llik chult m ulin iurvi utk ijiblt wih ilrxp liaes sll tr lya and 1 m str itv h low er taml iiul hi jaidinlere t ar i et klin metal stand labe keflattir hruit duhon sandw u h 1lntt s t nkf and hread 1 rns vlt k dishes sllwr napkin kings lrv dishes cassitrtles silver nphin htmkv nnd knves ltrass trumh lin and hruah complete sm of dinner and offh sllve wntf set r crvitil water ine and sherlmtt gkats table um- ns uut 1 itble cloth dtn klltnl itkr i ibnirv lable nnd hiuvk j h ulng cah- inets arm chnu old chntr studio coiuh v ictimlii fr u otxl- en t andlestli ks 1 pw rlter nnd iitntul smoking set pumurv nnd lrnpes hkdkthnt kukm ivke mvm bods drover chest of drawcs j klet tru ked lnmnii 2 bnud- o i ljintp khtdlngstnnd i himi- aide tahlos dressing inbh i witker htvkor vu mirroc hooding lamp nnd shade lied firings nnd mntttvw ooden andlettcks drnnoi pteturos shtetjs ulnnkot puums ttc mlscfcltuvnkous electric washing mnchino kloctrlc voc- uvim ciiinor fc loetrlc lrxin ice bt ijiwn kurnlturt koldlng ilr dgo set of tnblt and 1 chairs cooking itonill infrn kny lntnp nnd cord uwn monor garden tools kev cnriuvitor toou nnd other nunutoun household effects tekms cnsh sott lemon t wvh clerk dn of snip no kevbrve as luv sapltst bhurrt aoton ciiaj k oowitx ieut4 suniav drcr mllut 4th ltwj 10 v am unday school 11 to am what shall we do um pm communion toopm special 11 y i 11 service ir d v lloaklna toronto sneaker h 1 pm h reside liour krl dec jnti 4 15 pm mlolo- iland hfhi pm i1yimj mat dee ird 7 00 pm ii y 1 u dlarlnlmhln fvangallam banq uet mr sid johnaon toronto afteaker if you have no church home worship with us l albatia siyurrtt aaltfaa umruv vv o luita ba sunda lk rmiiht 4th lmi advent j 10 n m sundnv sctuwil 1100 am llol communion and beginner lass 7 p in 1- venlng lnier t onflrmirilon srlce v edne- di dettmher 7 nl h p ni a walcsyne awalu you 40 nominated at best meeting here in years continued from pay one mw pump had a gasoline auxiliary in cae of a serious power interrup tion the new pump will give 160 gallons per minute and the old ont the same cost had bet n txfioo mr flansen pointed out the need for a greater supply of water in the ntar galley two norn meeting acton future acton was running close to the safety margin in supply and demand he stated 20 per cent of the water pumped was lost some place in the system he also gave statistic on ntw strvlc es ex ten lons etc touching on the hydro depart intut mr hansen told of the new construction work jointly with th iw ii telephone co a nt w sub stutlon woutd lulaassttfete em ted in 10v near thi n it propertv he told of n viiuii- and flnanies and aald the depurtrm nt was not short of fundft in spilt tjf thi f t that no increase had het n made to the corisiiini m id iolnted out the m ed for r pi act int nt of the prrs nt maiihiiiiv with u more pt rrnunt nt ttrui turt and miih of the furkd old imvr to bt allocated o this work mr thrw jiiici nf tht public st hool lutard told of condltlousat tht publu school wbirt thi- sao hlldren wt r crowding the build ing at present the nest few years will see greater increases in school population according to ct mui returns and start on a new school will be hecraaary he told of the finances nf the school and the im provement made a new boiler would be required before the next heating aaaaon g a dhls reported on the north llalton high school hoard the acton representatives rt allzed thi m ed for additional room at the public s hool the effort bus fur to huvi a ci ntriil school bad lt t n unsut c luiful nnd the ac ton officials had at cured informn ion on thi cost of in tiding pupiln nit of the district hi sjild ihr a bolt i tin iitlonal prog rum was v t ry mui h in a fog and tht pluns f hon dana porter and thi hu v 1 thi oniniissioti rt port left thi issvii try much beclouded mr a milium wns happv ul thi ititi rt st howii it fid that many of if you con tj da r i can ba of sarvica lo acton during th yaar 1050 your vota and influanca for this important offtca will ba appraciatad by amos mason for mayor of acton voting monday dembr 5 9 m to 6 p tn your vote and influence are kjectfully solicited for j a swackhamer for erin townsliip council for 1950 tht young mt n wert taking a part in thi community nf fairs he elt tht present count il should be com plimented on the work tht y had accomplished tht y had bem ft sr it si and progressive tht new as- s sgmt nt had bun a big talk the tuivsminl or rjti wirt not the kteatest things but the amount of taxt s paid was important indutry had taktn the grt att uu rease on the new plan and yi t th re had not been one appeal from this group mr mason said it w ould be a grt at honor to bt tht fimt mayor of acton and he appreciated being nominated for tht position per haps he would be a candidate for the office as he would like to have an activt part in sut h a progressive town mr y j micutihion said it wu an honor to t nominated as ac tons firht muvor whit h ht ap prutd but ht was not sure if he would 1m a i andldate mr w j iwattv appn latrtl iht honor and f it a vol of appret la lion was dui lo the 1m0 count il it- would like thr htmi r of 1m ing at ton fimt mivir but it wns ul m st ptimlt idly lmmsslblt and it was m t lik ly tluit h would im ii cmolllilt it v- tli ron joins rtallrd the bon i in im in at t n fimt mayor but i ircumstaii i s made it 1mims albl for him to k th poaitloti y tyb r as i rvi by actlamatton said hr would cairy on the work htmttd but wanted fthorti r hours for it for dtputy ittst wm milud said h would put llm and ffoit in the position candidates for council who were prtsent and spoke hrii fly wjjre nay thompson wm roizell thos cooke t nlcol u hotchen j ii boyston j hargrave wm coon and s collett school board nominees who jmike were t watson jr j w wolf and h h hlnton thoa ware and c hansen wt re nominees for the public utilltus commission and npokt mr hun mii itald that afti r 11 r 14 v ars on thi commismon ht did not plan to be a t andldate and would have a t ii ar fii id for thos ware mi ksrn litany and mason spun sort tl a ote of npprt t latum to mr hnnsin on his long and splendid municipal s ri that was en i nthusiaxtit dlv t ndorst d ty all thi iiutti nee mr cr ikhton tmiinttt out th il tht lnfcist undirtiklnk of council unullx the mmi i inst hall n and up i th it tltm h had not im- n mtnlltniid in this mi t ting hi fill ihr rakpivirs u i ihl likt to hinr a n port on thin proj ct it i s lorn s s ml thi ctiglnt t m u r titkint thi t nders and thi cm tritts iih tx iwirdtd within iwik hi told nf tht twodisposil pi mis thi one tn c i rt for at ton scw ni mii and thi oiht r di sign d t i in f r pirt if n ulmnn ind s dispus il tin t nini i rs r n working on it pi in to tre it 100 h0 l 1 vi 000 c ilh ns a dnv from this pi nt lb pointid ut th t bt irdrnoii and co an ai ton s 1 i f i vt mpliim rs and thi pr hh m f wast di posl is om th 1 could not b ni bid hi hop d for fin il ngn i nu nt on tht pn bb m th it would bt nd ant u tons t ixth acton ind ii ardn n ind c th im st v t f u thi pi mt w s i n the prop rts own i d h i it irdrn n md co but alton has an lfnntic siti wi t of vic ton i at niu r t v jon s f it th si w r tori stiuttioti should 10 nhi id this 4 in t r mnn it would pro id off s i son work for manv mt n it w is n iimiii ibli to antitipati that war timi housing w ould contribute 10 0o0 4jaard th dispnsil of st w act and tins w ould bring the cost within the amount tttd upon he ft it acton uas fortunate in w cur ing attractivt bldb from good con tractors answi ring a qui stion tht bt t t said the disposal plant could be plu t d on tht btardmorc mte icii if tin plant was not built lo care for part of the compum disposal campbell vilij mt mbers and adht n nu of st davids preibytt nan chunh gath- t red togithtr to honour lb v mr j mainul mrs mat nt ll and girls hu for tht ir dtparturt to mantena illinois usa mr f d mahnn was chairman for the ttnlnu aftt r a short program ht mr macnell was pn u nted w ith a b autiful hulova wrist watch on which his name was t ngrsved mrs macnell an upholstered chair i kathlet n a silver brae rlet anne a neer bracelt t and flonntt- a gold locket from the chunh the voting adult group pre m nted the family with a wine wool hlankt t satin txnind they both fittingly rtphid and a sm la half hour followed the community hi reatinn club held a progrumvr cut hrt paitv in the ss no 10 shxl prize winners win mm g thomas marlann giiihs hfly fills and walt r it bin thi mmmitlet in t hargi wire mr and mrs hay puikf mr mil mrs lit w rlry fl lis nd mr nnd mn harhs king tin n will im jiii tht r in two wi ks d i nt r fcuftts with mr and mrs wm king on satun night wire mr and mrs idm mi phall and mr and m rs john fa 1 1 v mr and mrs teo inglii mm sophia path is n nlibruttd h r mth birthday at h r home w hi re ftht- has it mj d fgr t r it yinrt on mi ndav the ladles aid of si david hurt h soil tht r frii nds and n lutiv made her tilth imv a pi i asanl dav to rrnirm ler w ith a shower of cards and gifu she is in good health and arts for her own home as well as being a member of st davids w ms and iadles aid and wi friends of william huberts were sorry to hear of his accldi nt he rdlppcd on the snow and fell on a circular saw cutting bis arm and n quiring thirty five stitches to host the wound he is in milton irlvati hospital saa gulls rartry gat far from ror even fhou that cross the oceans keep a handy ship in light for occasional restup parching van wck clenra ihon 272 the proprietor hnn sold hla- home wthnlulell clerk pap fthst acton troop boy scout er drive for old newspapers magazines collactibit will b mid this saturday december 3rd if poulbl puau hava papan in wall had bundlaa is facllitalahajitujatf this christmas give slippers a grand new assortment for the whole family choose from our wide selection e braida shoe store exhibit and sale sat december 10 1 30 lo 5 30 free admission afternoon tea 35c atk th man who rant onm hall tall you it maant graat uvinga in money bent your locker today rockwood qiitjid lockers phona 4sj tom nicol will apprsxala your suppoh in raalacfing him at an acton councillor for 1950 voting on monday 9am to 6pm be sure to vote your vota and influanca ara ratpactfully tolicltad for wm roszell for acton council i9s0 voting monday december 5th 9 im a p m twice niohtiy doora opan 130 pm musical varieties from 30 to 7 00 p m fridaysaturday december 33 saturday matinee mondaytuesday uiut mitchoh smiiu kl ceoofsmbctt neston december 56 tfimo waihst lasmian pnvua tuajitt mamh nah tom iuut haw att baa ht if taa m plut edgr kannady in flairt troubla and cartoon wednesdaythursday december 79 companion fatura jeanne cram george sounders fan plus latest news last showings today- the girl from jones beach time schedule harvest moon7 00 9 23 jungle jim7 57 1020 blood on the moon728 9 27 cry of the city8 19 fan700 10 08

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