Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 8, 1949, p. 1

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ht jvttim jfrtt ftoss seventy fifth year no 22 acton ontario thursday december 8th 1949 eiqht home print page- six cavil sewer bylaw approved ready for contractors alftans guild rcpotts good vear titers nty omens actons first mayor on novimur to the st allans all lill iimmmwat 4yiwhfcw va1am9 19s0vmrffuj clay ispe to b- uj in contjrucfiswi- afa dalaju are afvanoaw md tiatty oaluy wll ft in charge w lc ivubu0 cem- paaifclwi cva n hr- atrle4 ihumi mfui ceujh has smell defic acton council mrt in regular aeaslon on turaday evening with deputy iur tyler and nun cillors win mrltrod t nlci ami i- ilolchrn present and itnsr jimn presiding councillor let t w rosrell j margrave j freer and mivor kitit a mami wen present at ihr imitation of cnunnl to become artpiainted vrilh ouncil work rioi lo rmtimitik of fi e mr laev r muninapl auditor w is present and had a in tared h clule for th mrwagi rt txntuns and fjao disciivvd the imh of txtndk council diau uwd thr term of tin bond from 30 to 30 vi ar if long r 1 im than 30 ant was iivsd it uould tx nrr ary to appro h the municipal hoard for a changi at a aixcial mi ting of coum il on inilmr lit council aulhorijsd thr paym nt of t on an catenation nf lh option on thr dye prop rty nd if thia could not br arranged to proceed with thr purchase of thi property as a site for thr wag disposal plant thr aalr of thr land kii proceeding a d legation ftom thr junior and midget hockey a roup was pn m lit to dlxcuu w llh council arrange ments for thr anna thim vcar or g a slrrn was sixtkcman for thr group and mr itollouav rsplaintsd thr program thrv afckcd for a net schedule for operation of th art na tht division of receipts for thi junior uu agreed to br tht mini a that given tht intcnmdiatr rluh thr division on juvt nil and th minor roup w ns left to thi jud m nt of thr council it a mikc ted thil a man could im iinkd to make ice and r for tht nnk at f0 ht wk iiul that a st r tarv mikht in ngad it t3 ih r night for the nifchts work cd account i rt assid for p- ment as follow c f i alhrrland fr m n ii s loading snow i w agar coal rmmion mtdrl 12 dinners canadian legion u reath acton home furnkhlng t cutting trucking snow g robinson garbage art on free prraa ivraonal staltonrrv cabinet grand and to supplies llalton count grader w d taltxh supplies ontario pro tncial police bell telephone re police g chapman supplies municipal world supplies fred j struart 104 04 12 00 4ft t 24 00 1000 11 v 30 00 m m 162 40 7 00 1200 300 m0a 4s5 63 404 d 13 fl lfil1 s130a06 james gladderv requested addi tional street lights on the highua uesl of toun this matter uu left until next year mr shook of the national sewer pipe co pointed out the advantagts of using itrifted clav pipe rath r than cement pipe in the construe tion of sewer lines clai pipe uas used in milton and collinguood but uas not used in georgetown because the could not suppl the glaied plpt at that time he read a letter from a com pan w here cment pipes were installed he asked council to use careful judg ment on the type of pipe used tn the towns sewers this com pan blade cement as wtll as cla pipe but uould not recommend the use hi cement pipe the processes used te making pipe were explained to j council i u mcmillan on behalf of the ttt memorial committee present- ad a financial statement of the com mitter total funds collected were m7st0 and contract for the monu- kent was 1700 this left a deficit f 371 j 1 the funds anticipated lutd not yet been forthcoming but this uould be dealt u ith as soon as possible it uas suggested that the present amount available be paid en the work and the balance uould h paid as soon as possible surplus funds from the wanservice league wr likely to be turned ocr on the balance due on themonument mr hanop reported that the de- partuent of highways had agreed j to arect speed signs at the entrance to town on the east and west mr i harrop said mr klrltncss had been working at the arena and mr j churchill would now be available for the work at the arena for the bannfit nf the new council ukl hugh graham u itb 20 tnt mbrrs 1 present the presld nt mrs nelli uni in i charge the tuaiutir mrs dolphin gave a n port on thr yi ar work tht re w ai 1170 u mad at tht fall itaaar and a balaiht of 233 in u bank to xtait next viar with a shoit busliu m nit t ting was prize winners at st josephs bazaar held last week th annual hur ur of st jdi rph altar s u ty w u held in lh church hall last f ridav and sat the in u nt plan of op rations were reviewed it was reported that thr depart ment of highways was willing to plow thr highway through town if mr harrop arranged to have the cars off the streets sanding would n fouowj by thr election also b done as required council discussed at some irngth the type of pipe to be uud in th mwrrage system and other matt rs in connrtlon with the installation thr solicitor m ad thr pnmfce1 money ily law that mut tx sub milted to th munu uml hoard for approval the following rrmilution wu- pa r1 that we hi tt by r pi 1 iimiiu tion dated now miter 14 140 with r rct to til for 4 vn rsgt avt m nd that v it r if ii ilv tile tn- ued in r admg the initio ing hv law 4 vi all d ishhis i tt 1 tt t th is u i at 3 n r rt nl 2 ni klorm s w is m mi tiii to tin nii m 3 a i ie d to mgn conlrn t w lib rrt 1 tkt sparton nmnirtim i urmlilv looil 4 tie fitt w itif nta on il lx n tiimii will im in 10m and 1 lx ntiin s a vnilvin dliuu t wan liklv issued in jum 10v injiiid bv a ton itotarlant nt tin th following rt solution w i pat linn r on turvlny and thi rtmt red that tht tn asun r lx and he uas from a fun two year old bu k n hereby authorized to transfrr thr brought hotm from thi sewerage account if the conra j vic hum try a tion from th flank of montr 1 to particular int rest to bi the llank of nmi scotia in acton uas anotht r f iilur of th gutht r log amo- maon wiii honor d w ith a special cak to th fust m n or of officer for 10i0 the following i bsj officers were rlr ted prt sldent mrs jamblr vlo pn sldi nt mrs joins hon pisldnt mrs n 11 1 orr rpomli nt s mrs kootltbj ite leatl nat s c mm fountain a tiaiiin r mm lliydon assistant tr asun r mm hunt r altar j m onwnoio mrs phln kihtlr asbbbbi mis mil vhh1 imiiillt mis arn im a j 11 mrs lligiv mis sulton mta ok tlie tin ting rlos u ill thr ai l n miph hndutln o t u d iihl ful tunc h w- mihi t th lm4 i venison diiincr at acton notary a masojijirst mayor by substantial majority krin vtrrs make cliungc in 19 a 1 1 ith r iiim t x urret m r rm tow nship w ben albert wheeler wmh finme d ptilv reeve by a votr of 40 ugitiiikt 432 fur his lone op pom nt w ho was irice 1 solt ffpiitv mti for th jt two yean itw in hurt h s l n n tuinil for ins thud wdf u ivt a 1 1 bout vo4no mjay cke si cewttiltos whk ieiwi ge luujtg two f ccun cillr haeuriwd aud oraiaf of 1s00 efuurwd by chism 4 to 1 and remar bylaw rapaaiad with sity x r e nt of th i g ibli votir eat rn nig their fran ctiisr ui monday and the miiu s irnwilnl t lining time that many inon imjii not gi i inside tx fore ixlls usad alton vol rs t hie amm masxi as the first mayor of the town of adon with a mir ity of 2m lb vi r lli m1 li otv it- v wm m ix1 w t ucroide1 a n solution w as inlnduced and rrud to biithoi ui the comtnicllnn of a miinit ipul h u i ragr syst ni and to award a contract there ft ire and to aiithon th borrowing of tilt 000 iiixip ilt im ntun for thi con inspectors report on public school ifs very satislaclory naad for mora accommodation strastad ofhar ttomt on monthly agonda itiint on 22 foxis killrd ihilton forums krport on wrck dimiiioris i w pi i inul last fn ti n to th t- th fn all r turn d to whirl is id mill utlo kmiimmiiu township moiiitiiv nlm rs mi nt nl 7 10 with ii oik and thi th of acton and tingrululat club nil mu n was estindid rlrctlon to this off u a m v tx r r hilton wai intrimlui hov arnold i diuiik 1i t thi lion rm mon and w 1 on new mrmlm r aid ndunt meeting wai just on short per c nt and seer tnrv note o r an k otx t club auraogcvnenu with mr harrop and sli tn tion of thi said s plant j oil th h b w is um r adings tx for tx ing si nt to munlilpal floaid ti ndi rs were rct ivil for an n i inihiuinn for thi m ison iind th b ndi i of thi sout nnd uidt moth rs w s actptid at v40 applu itions wn no inl for th position of scitar of thi trm for th son tlir upplua tion t ii irrs likl for it nnk ing allndin fir s iinl makm the n-s- vvar n jiirs nt th nn na vtis nco ptml t 40 x r w k tin cli i k whs instruct to ndvirtis for a sirrttarv to m ii tit kits nrrtngr at heduli t tc a tti rs wn rt id from th sick children hospital n garding thr pamnt of accounts for pati nts mwpium shm ltost impro ls muting guliir public sihix was hi id on tut- ith riitiimjin joi this r 100 friends honor bride of wefk at several events v wolf th mi i torn inspi renmmod ition nun pt siilid atounts pasmi for juivmi nt in iludid iui1 t it phom to ta40 a w lit nton starnpt m 20 i tnd iu lint tt li gal s20 51 she p ulms flfl luims for fos s dstrovil si 10 a bv ihw to uuthoiii ih tim xirury borrowing of 20000 uxmi the ucurity of di lx ntun s isstiiil utid r llv law no 13 40 was iw n the rtjinrit r adings and ptm d tht lindtr of thi lunk of om min of ii00h72 for d lx ntun of v17 000 it x r it nt u wn pt d council ndjouriiil lo ith i on tx mix r li nt 10 00 m ni it p fr in nun agiiwe s it im m ml n 1 ine s s nt ha n none k burn d this nriil i k wen jmmrr 1 nass llornhy 11 i the hodo insgraham wedding saturday in toronto church llltl hi ill 1 1 4 til i t pupil i np k ilud tn p is ilt th 1lot ii imitld s f hous lm pupils iflj 41 pupils and pvt h or ji i id it i responsibility as ther were not considertsd indlgept and terms of payment had been offered the has pital bv the partus concerned ho iamtx rt asked that his bust ncss tax be w nttt n off for 10v since he had ceased busimu this w as granted a letter from hughes cleaver peknow lodged letter and said he would again take up thr matter of letter boxes for acton with the ptwt office department a litter was received from lever and lloskln regarding thr audit of the prior lo hi r in irrlis lust silnr di mrt douki is htkiins form r l hmnor otihim n- ft led it mvirtl showrs mis cordon llxl gins ind mivs mur in t himikiiis ht id a misct llanous showi r mrs julius tindliv tht brhli s mint n miscellam ous show r mrs j ami n kit hi n nnd bathroom shower thi office stiff of how 1 tt and smith a photo in irmnc firm lsn honcrrd eleanor i tl ch it 1 with a luncheon and presentation of mr lo ti iihuik ttff sl wart for in tion ii- also mann for thi u mi rs w h 1u 14 nt i is i would lx miuiiid nit trlbuti to th ind i iimmi ndi d mis r fine mumc instrui paid inbuti to mr xci hi nt can hi tin onto hii n 1 ih mi it h 1 and io lis kd tr d mrs ti ink lloitgins i undid in ni irti it i ci mix i lid at t to viii oui t inslimi rim thi school op prrriiilmn of hoard mimlxrs for tht inspectors valuril stipjxirt 0 a hatyitvyt t 1ttt t t i mr t lrki r and mr h hin lajv11 lixlilliviljlje ton of th monu and school ao nation atl nded the me ting jiiid mm s cairns was hostess to the i mr lrkir pledk d the support of itoyne ntrth 1 rafalgar no 4 rsutking kllbilde and omagi i he topi tarr we ginx farmrr i hv oul provoked real soul sear i tlng that resulted in rsceptlixt- rtll interesting remtrts the iuesllon as tn whether fin nn lat success is tlie main standard h which to judge if a farm r s n g mhi one drought n decided nj from tin of thrs tmilve forums ntltotikh i he wtir in agreement ihnl mone is inljiortanl loo as li what tthir siandnrds wrr im nttnni ht imi mid atmo nil im i konl nelghlhoir 1 inlici tin k mm in e finvr go ni llslimk k p f ni s nnd mnrhlni rv in r piil i grow iiiim r and plow d w u i no folds s u nothing off the firm ttt it o t w ik orf w is mold inilng that lould appl to th i inrmi r ik1i who robs his soil u v ming tnrnvard fertlller ml nt mo adds something to this when if i v snv a gmml farmer keen his f m in it nn of w eels nnd also he hn n lkt wife immrrmnn suggests two additional farlors llukldlngs in gonl onlrr and al trndanre at local farm organii ntlons and maintaining n social stnndanl in the community town i ine thinks the kind of family he raises and how he educate trem shows what kind of a farm mnn is hannockhurn men women missionary society of st davids church on thursday after noon in the ahsenca of tha pres- inent the vicepresident presided tnd opened the me ting with a call to worship the scripture les- ctmetrrv hoard and h tng n was read by mus j held mrs a moore gave the secretary s re port nnd miss reld the treasurers report mrs geo inglls welcome and welfare secretary reported nuking seven calls mrs s cairns cheer secretary reported sending six cards to shut ins the liter ature secretary spoke of the prea- bvterlan calendars mrs menxlet convenor of the nominating com mittee submitted a slate of offic ers for 1050 which was approved the topic from the study book fnler china was taken by mrt j k mahon and was entitled the pioneer south of th clouds wai interesting also a letter written b r malcolm ransom subject the christian future tn chans- ing china in which mr ransom speaks of the yunnan church con ference it was most encshtr aftinff to see this oung church i not yet eight years old laying m7m for an mdigmt patient in the plans for the eart of testing that hospital lie ahead the glad tidingsprayer a letter frorn the fire marshall s uas read by mrs a moor a recommendations a letter was read from the work men s compensation board regard ing the coverage on volunteer fire m n council passed the annual grant to the acton fire brigade of a0 and alo doubled the protection to the fire brigade under the com pensation act two irtters from r v anderson engineer were received in connec tion with sewer plan one was a copv of a letter s nt to beardmore and co regarding their disposal problem the monthlv report of the pro vincial police was received th re w ere 3 convictions the account for mileage was 30 43 for the police cruiser counco agreed to pay 35 for the burial of an inmate of the old people s home and an account of office enclosed a cheque for 361 33 as assistance in the maintenance of the fire department under the new provincial grants system of assist ing municipalities instead of giving a mill subsidy council passed the allowance for deputy returning officers of 7 for election day and si for poll clerk duties adjournement was about 1 4 ajn tiiattx fix iiek the factory whistle blew- the chronic grouch put down his tools twelve ocjock he rasped im going home to dinner if dinner aint ready im going to raise cain fljid4fltui r i ain goi t eat a blasted blte rotarv nu report of the pretbyterlal execu tive meeting held in guelph rt- centlv was read by mrs menxies the roll call was answered by 17 members also one guest the host ess assisted by the social com mittee served danty refreshments and a friendly half hour was ani joed when cars art stuck here is o new device for getting stalled can out of snow as reported by the financial post it is a single piece of steel and provides non slip tread that does not cut or other wise damage tires measuring 16x8 inches it can be conveniently stor ed la car easily put in use new ywjcmakaruinul alargealsettufiui is available for trucks club to xccurt necessary addi tional rooms and urged that immediate action be taken in this ngard thi chairman welcomed the members of the home and school club and thanked thrm for the interest shown accounts amounting to 187437 were passed for payment and the secretary was authorized to assess the north halton district board for 302 14 it was decided not to dis continue milk to the kindergarten thi secretorv reported non resident fees of 46 00 received for november and that the grant of 53 per cent on 1100 d denture win paid 603 had been paid to the corporation of acton the secretary was directed to submit to the n 11 ii s d board a lcqutst fiom mrs parry for 12 00 wttklv wage for cleaning the high school the board approved the pur chase of magnats p books for students with defective vision and also a requisition from mr mc- krnzie for scrub blocks to renew blackboards mr mckenzie re quested petty cash of 300 the principal reported that dr o meara would not make a dental inspection until januarv it was considered that a visit to the den- tut during christmas holidays by pupils would ensure acton of a good report when dr o meara made hu inspection his visit will be an inspection only and no dental work will be done by him the property committee was authorized to have two lights in stalled to humiliate the outdoor rink at the school where evening skating will be supervised it wai decided to solicit tenders for redecorating near the stairway the lower hall and the rear toilet room this work to be done in the christmas holidays the chairman expressed his thanks to the retiring trustee for their splendid support the in on situid i olilhk m i church hv tht h v itoss k ami toll thi bndi wor a stmt li n gown of tn v chinchilla ian ovir in blue satin nnd a small hat with matching ostrich plume he r cor sag was of ravi the bndi s sis t r mrs w ii sproul was matron of honor choosing a dr ss of navy blue tissue faille and a small pink t ions improving marketing pra- frnthi red hat clrcximsmnn was the llcev and contributing to com brother of the grcxim mr gordon munity welfare hornby agreei hodgins toronto with the latter w hen the say he a reception for the immediate should aim to be a respected cit families followed at mrs sproule s izen in his community religiously apartment 401 indian grove for socially and politically the wedding trip to the states the bride changed to a hunters green dress with black coat and acres sories upon their return mr and mrs hodgins wilt live in dundas where the groom is a member of the provincial police force he was stationed in georgetown for a short time prior to going to dundas everton sunday visitors with mr and mrs irvln hamilton and charlie were mr and mrs alf coullng and mr and mrs w alexander friends of mrs hamilton art sor ry to hear she is on the sick list and all wish her a speedy recovery recent visitors with mr and mrs w ii llnrtnp were mr and mrs bert patframan mt pleasant mr and mrs ted jettin and patsy visited on saturday evening with mr and mrs max mitne rock wood sympathy is extended to mr and mrs omar parker and familv in the loss of their daughter marie who passed away at the guelph general hospital mr and mrs harvey jestin ancfj bobbv visited recentlv with mr and mrs bert patframan mr and mrs arnold wilson were recent visitors with mr and mrs alf boles mr and mrs duncan kingsbury and catherine visited mr and mrs mac mcleod and family recently j in toronto the mclcods are mov ing to thornbury where they have purchased a fruit farm mrs norman fryer and daughter have returned to guelph after staying with her parents mr and mrs omar parker will be held on january 3rd world cheata exporti in ims ware lower than in iwt due urge- pmontstromuadlass4athwior the united state means of increasing efficiency as farmers also brought a wide range nf answers omagh thinks u the facilities of the coop market to standardize prices kilbride say by conservation or building the top six inches of the soil by cooperating in the use of little- used machinery b being better neighbours irrigate and drain the soil where necessary by having soil tested at nearest agrcultural college s s no 4 faqueslng re port better qualitykeep less livestock and feed them better or buy more feeds mechanlz farm ing mora cooperation north trafalgar suggests a forty hour week will help to stabilise the price of farm producta this forum also believed it would help if ev- ervone would come- out to farm forum and dacuss our problems bov ne says try to keep abreast of new developments and methods hannockhurn advises mak bet ter use of literature available through the department of agrt culture and our agricultures rep resentative back up our feder ation or affricultur north trafalgar reported that their meeting had endorsed a res olution to raise 30 toward rec reation equipment for the com munity park but suggested it would be more economical to have swlngj and slides constructed local ly onthurday dec 1st twanty- flve people representing ten hal- ton forums journeyed to torono on the special bua chartarwd by annual meeting and banquet of miton cooperative to attend the united cooperative of ontario the young people also attmdad the cooperatlv youth conferanca for which prof harry hut ton of queens university was tha guest speaker the banquet speaker wai dr e a corbet t director of the u eat ion of the work or ijm0 thi it mil bv law was giv n ov rwht lining supixirt for an an i ual fixeil grant of voo rather than th pi mm i vv of hlf mill on the ta rati ui v ot rs favoured a grant against h3 opposing the band support th votr on repeal of thr presnl tiy law was almont kdi ntiral 33 for r p al and m t pposed th re wi rt a large nurn- lx r of spoiled and blank ballots in tmg and apixir ntlv voters on fused on th nest ions the mayor ml vnts wrr j loth mr mason and mr i hen had s iel on council tev of alton and thr ln- in troth was keen both are of many yean and have fr iv r tht ir lime in the is of acton to ire the first of acton t i distinct honor ikht will tx sought bv manv i it if its or ik i at illations mif due lth th ittins for the support iimii ind th conduct of a fine muniilitil i arnpilgn tn the first i lection of thi m wly formnl town of art on th n w officials will tak office at the first muting in linimrv lwi following is th volt bv wants on thi r lection for mayor thi ih it mason iki 133 m 111 vii mroitrrwhin 1 10 ml m m 393 majority for mason 210 for council griff l2 07 k4 134 4x7 triompm tvr wi di ik 43 llanrravp is4 1 4 103 411 nicol 114 m i vi u 303 hotrhrn 113 no 4 110 33 nnftzf1 123 la ai im 371 itnyston hi sb 71 103 313 oavivin 77 vi v m 134 ilrakda 72 53 41 s3 na onkc m 43 43 311 ml collrlt 70 v 31 411 303 first sl clccud nand nv iaw question 1 vri 117 73 34 01 313 question i no 41 10 17 m question 3 yrs 133 77 40 7 333 question 3 no 30 is 10 14 tl band giant will hereafter he 1300 annually instead of a half mill on the total assessment irnnbcewukt equitment what kind or a xaddla da you want th cowboy ailcad that duda with or without hornt tha duda pondarad momaaf brfor anawartnf without sb i xuaas doaant a to h mocs traffic on thaw nralrlaa coming events aaamuausrauat nf mr lias a coacmta or otkar bi air ihia tvaaaiag ara caargml wt eaals cor lla with a sslalaiuai charg r aar aa of jk woodslde christ ma concert and dance thursday december 22nd rto pm admission 35c and 10c dance cedar valley cowboy carlisle hall friday december opm admission 50c 363 john roocwood concert in rock wood united church on wed december 14th at 815 pm admls alon 35c s si no s naaaagaweya are holding their christmas concert december 14th at 8 prf admlatlofl ladles 25c men 25c ladles provtcw- the regular meeting and christ mas party of the lakeside chapter iode will be held tn the lsln hall dee 13th u b pm kaeh fflgmbetisaak r gift

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