Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 8, 1949, p. 2

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fxott two the acton free press thursday december g 1949 2ti artmt 3f rir jltras pubuabrj tt tfeuuu ac to ovlsr atitkhwu4 i uu j poi ofitc ooiutatt cmt subsournow ratesi ueti stt fc adhutal atfu 4c tt u adi avkotvu fc okrs cbaf dw w nvuiui advibt1sjno ratts 0 j4nclu u4 i i iiiwui cau- km4it allksuyk trt 1 1- will t uln 1 cvsu u prm p p4 jtim i u col twl m u malar ittftt rl will lull lur tar rru i ml btwd prtl j iwh ummhswi rqumr4 mi writu by lk 4wrtut w m bmm ma tih crigf i idumr uulr ft i vnilai ik itul u mi u ftt w44 bf tw irm lis lukiiity fefclt t km h ktfapaxttua l c tj lttb liltfltusmi ik pt ai4 fcr w aotaj rtr bav g ablxir dius kiu th rphonu diiaril luikni ollu- th part that pleases in is the fact that practi cal courses have been introduced into our educa tional system which takes pupils beyond the technical or high school level we hope the academic side of education will not suffer but without a doubt many years were lost by young people in practical training whp had neither the desire or ability to pursue the academic studies i m college the ryerson institute of technology ii opening new opportunities for these young pople the school is new and in the years to come will undoubtedly fill a long felt need in industry we like the practical outlook and were- do lighted to see such plants as in oshawa co operating with the institute in putting into prac tice the theories that the students have been ludymg l s a phase of our educational system which has been neglected too long ryerson institute has made a start not only in printing and ournal ism but in a wide range of practical courses which will have a far reaching effect in the de velopment of skills and making more efficient canadian craftsmen unequal loiilatten cfltirtdn 4 seven hundred weekly nrwiiim s npu nt ill shade of xjiiikai and fdilunal 3joczlfotfc5yotczioczz recollections of acton m thi y flic mi l f tin expananc teaches fourteen years of enrxrience has shown the folk of ntw 7raland that the prunnst s of a lalxir party and socialism are not the answer to their problems last week the electors voted to end the regulations and restrictions imposed by the ocialist regime and get back to the free enter prise system it is to te hoped that other nations will profit by experience but often the only way tc gain knowledge is by tough experience and the even tougher method of the road back to recovery the sooner we learn to do things for our selves and stop depending on governments to work magic with the people s money the sooner will return an era of progress and expansion working of entirpr n reflectifto fto0u there have been many fine anniversary editions reach our desk but in the weekly news paper field we believe the brampton conserve tors seventy fifth anniversary number recently published was the tops from a paper that has been a winner in its class on many occasions excellence is to be expected and the charters have done it again a cover section in four colours is a work of art and something which will be preserved for its historical and production value the anni versary number has seven sections making a total of 92 pages the largest weekly we have ever seen it covers brampton and peel county historically in a very thorough way and iltus trates the social and industrial progress of the town and community with much interesting text matter as well as a profuse array of individual pictures it is also worthy of note that in the seventy- five year history of the brampton conservator the charters family have guided it successfully for all but 16 years for over fifty years the late samuel charters was at the helm he was not only a community leader but was member for peel for many years his example has been followed and expanded by his sons and messrs c v charters and r m charters have focussed irwjhis seventy fifth anniversary number the progress that the newspaper has helped establish in the community our belated congratulations en the issue and the success of the years are sincere and appreciative of the work involved in such an undertaking sansibu proposal after their experience this year most people will say it s about time when they hear of a bill now before the senate this would have daylight saving start and end on the same day and hour throughout the country and also have the railways conform to the general practice established if one had set out deliberately to create the most confusion says the financial post he would hove to be pretty smart to give us something more complicated than the present arrangement some parts of the country did not have daylight saving at all some started much earlier than others when it came to ending the measure there was the same lack of uniformity during the war daylight saving came into effect all over canada at the same time and it also ended on a uniform date surety whatever authorities are necessary can get together and work out a similar arrangement for peacetime h sx ith and of free onixtt unlike ihi if daily sisters they wit no hams r o vtnwld ik- harons of the pn ss it is th ft for en only very rare occasion that they agre on a i ardtutar policy or procedure and when sixh agreement is reached canada s governmental authorities have always given them a considerate earing that is the case now as the 5a4 memtwr papers of the canadian weekly newspapers association ask the federal government to revise its sales tax policy the weekly newspapers of canada collectively are big business the big gest single influence on opinion in the dominion individually however they are small businesses owned and operated in the main by small businessmen they live by advertising and consider pubd cations financed by private advertising the surest safeguards of the freedom of the press yet with 1 their relatively small circulations they are faced iwith very strong competition for the advertising oollars the government s own child the c b c now shares a portion of the weeklies former icvcnuc and is expanding on funds derived from lax receipts magazines of general or farm con tent regularly undercut town and village news paper subscription prices in the hope of building c iant circulations and thus attracting advertising collars which might find their way to the rural press weekend newspapers not a few of whom feed on sensation in their drive for mass circuta tons also boast to advertisers that they cover rural canada and there is no need to use the weeklies the weekly press is not afraid of this typo of competition weekly newspapers play a vital role in the life of the smaller communities they ere better read than their big competitors and the advertisements which they carry are also letter read and thus bring better results i but weekly newspaper publishers do object to taxes which neither the c bc nor the mag a 7ines nor the weekend newspapers have to pay i on every ton of paper used by the weekly rap of canada there is an 8 per cent sales tax payable to the federal government there is no imilar tax however charged on paper used in canadian magazines or american magazines sold in this country there is no similar tax payable i on paper used in the production of most week end papers there is no similar tax payable on paper used in comic books or pulp fiction maga 7ines yet all these media are advertising competitors of canada s weekly newspapers that this situation doesn t make sense is cbvious it is equally obviou that the members ct canada s federal legislature will realize the need for equity in sales tax application this dis criminatory legislation must go back in 1899 j talr frwn tk low of tit frc p f tfcufuy dm ttfc iwm knnanis swamp t 22 3rd nri kuiuetlnjr vtat miiii on tur daytu mr wm nrwlun lime kouju murk tt down that friday 11 iermtwr 1ko0 was a warm briuht fall likr day and that the mer- t ur rjhtrnd m devr at noon mr alex waldlr had a lettvr la it werk from hu n mrtir alex anil wlllarrt who hive bn in m anil ha thr- jtait two year lliey are doing ery well in the wiat and have taken up a quarter tlwi they have a eon derahle arreage rrad for rmii itahl rtid ftlixk of tia titan of h r w agon and hinder and mm in a ewwl p mil ton fur fulute iuuu ilie r iiionl of the fi in f mi klindlnic tht gnrdtn al i lir i mali n twii mmli oll itn lru i nit til ti- n l tt uu h tihl im itn itj i in if tli li l jm i with ti in n iu nt 11 lint ami ins onlf nli1 tt it iw llnif uml 1 i l f i 1 i it th mtsm in ml nl itit 1 it nn i ni tin v1 p m pnriin at i n lost on of tit r im xt t it lmi oils hiik in 1h innovnl of mi jaunt tlnrk mtllor tor two mr tit hat in uplod n mhi in l in munli ijuil council i mr a j currli hpr tirf w ii t i wit injutfd at v rln show h n ho rut hurling htm whllt on hunlh rare were itln mi hat had a nttapn and it nol improving er i rapldl editorial notk it may seem difficult to realize that christmas is at hand but two weeks from sunday will be december 25th back in 1929 tajten ftam the lam t the i- we- lra tttuntday imv v vrthini hiv i r tl w mt r ainartut irul th l i h tx 11 an llnkllnn a 11n seoul li it ikui of iht district is ih idk luiiiml out in unit s u tt mi ft in at tn i mr it ktni who h is n ttttmint tnt in th ii ink of montr al t for tht p st liu irs h ts htn trtnsfiriil to hrnti h in toronto during tit ir n il nt t in ac tun lhth mr mtl mis kinpp hu i pruol tht ni s im s ihi ihl ii hz ns hiolr remtal is rtkrft td in man clrrlt s tht nmmnpil t tions on mini hi ditl not brini out a i r 1 irj ttt with otih hi school ttotitl 1m ill conti stt tt the mi mlxts rhriod for next rnr wnr missp j m mrdonnlr i lit sw hk and mrs a v has hi othi r mi mtxrs on the htwird art ocorro hall mrs n m wilson and k w masters judci and mti h 1 mrxin n rrixiit corrs of rrlatim s frirnds and ntsichttun on tin sdj tht ir oldt n ufxldinj da maltltim 1 hih iii uns on saiurdt noxrmtm r i l n duhlm street i n tj c hurt h ue ph b hv rn i damdton s vlstcd t lo a c mew art m a arton mamie unnp burnn dnunhter of mr and mrs wm v hums tuelph to mr ilnd i t- tithes tif drtrntt stn of ml ind mrs n forties act in modern furfarming springs from the practice of trapper in earl das of the fur trade uho kept foxei alive until their fur was prime j s m4h optomcirut 7 douglas street guelph eves examined glasses fitted practical education we were much interested to receive copies of the oshawa daily timesgazette last week noting that students from the ryerson institute had been given practical experience in writing and putting out an issue of that daily we know something of the difficulty the newspaper staff would have with so many students in printing and lournalism a word of praise for permitting- such experimentation is undoubtedly due the management end personnel in oshawa but that was probably attended to by the group the elections are over and we can settle rown to enoying the christmas season without any diversion of local attention christmas shopping can best be done now although some of us can recall when it used to be all done on christmas eve that was before the days of shortages and big shopping lists and when families were the boundaries of christmas remembering theres one export that s setting new records lust now christmas trees the financial post reports that some eight million trees are expected to cross the line for this vulehdeseason and of this total new brunswick and nova scotia alone will contribute about three million the balance will come largely from quebec ontario and british columbia i vn wyek cleaners phooe272 roys taxi dont we iateh40ne lit enley ittamme la tale courteous tooxly transportation sorvtoe pho ne 128 acto n tut ukdilutbd juice or calirobnta okamoia blended oiiirarku okajtac oearrrmurr juice 19c eomar coffee a- 69c oasfiolls dandee tea 38c us 75c nr whjiamb ruin orange and grapefruit marmalade 910z jar sockeye salmon 39c green giant peas 17c greea giant w ax beans 2 29c niblets corn 2 33e aylm er green beans 2 27c sweat mixed pickles 45c oakaoa rrur pea cafftb 1 vtoetajuj sr abtabaotja j j mt 5c monarch cake 35c mixed nuts slc 35c wunftv auiwos cajs mum and ms australian gkkdtww raisins pounds 31c budded walnuts 49c aylmer peaches 24c cranberry sauce iv 27c frankford peas 3 25c harvest margarine vl 33c bartlett pears 27c c o b plum puddings i 49c ox ydol 34c 7 68c ivory snow 34c 225c 32c 10c 3 23c 15c ftesh dailylaif lehuco calls tomakxt- cauliflower spinach salads bananas iceberg iettuce ss fresh arrivals tanoarines 310s doion large heads camage each florida or texas grapefruit 96s celery hearts bundle carrolls business directory dh w g c kenney isiintiur to or j a uenhw office in symon block mill st acton wflr pkui it bulilien i hi rsuu 1 dr d a garrett pkytlaun uwl hurgha cuiiir of wiiica and luvar ola- rjtiant klver street aton ontaro in itf ucntai dm a j huciianan asaj hurgaaa offlr irishman work uu1 uffic hour 9 a m to ft oai x ilay ikijjmonk its dr lll a birrs lmlaj hurga mill st rumrr redrrlck actos offic lluur duo in u sju bna ihkiiiunf 19 lxfial 1 i i al iii kland ii a afttn llarrlslrr a holiritor votary trrirw tt ibunr i i i l mobkin c luartartml arruntaata syi i rvl k lu jr nkimi a iiastuy 1 wj mt lnixlltan ft4g tt victoria m loronta if 9131 virmunauy 11 1 youn vs b vsc valartaary hurvaa office lirookvllk ontario inone uillon 14r4 1- oakls vs bvsc vrtartnarr hurto office and hnidrnce knaa aai atlon ltwna 130 himxlxantnijii the victob a buulst funeral home fuaermj horn ilvaifid amomlanai iliom v nitrtit or dajr srrving the community for 4s yrark w ili oljliny farm j acincy ijiritrkl a nl lel airicy in canate j lira ntficc kmi itlific toraate orktun ucrtatlva torn llrwsan iboiw jrorgtwit sxttv wright real estate and insurance u u klein n u wiugirr 11 wilbur ht 15h york k4 i acton ont uelph oal ihiino 95 phona 14bjj i aluatar raltar imearaao m 11104 r aportuil initltulv of canada mmhrn urlph a district koal i ttp board mmitkm curlph uatrtct innxr- i anrc alicnti ajuoclatlon wear ever waterless cookware i onl lilrlhut r hk h mam si tkaveijers guide vram coach uses coaches itave actow p m 4 43 p m bl0 pm im pm a 6 38 a m 8 ml am 1 1 a b umtbauad 12 52 pm 2 37 9 12 pm 10 4 a 5 27 p m i p i a daily rxirpt sunday and hou da b saturday sunday and holldaya railways i canadiaan national rahtimni i nil m am daily vxcpc sund 0 53 am 7 10 pm sub- day only 8 10 p m daily xcb4 sunduy tlyer at george town jt p m uniy flyvr at gaorgatowm 10 11 pm wnrtuml dntl rxtcpt suncu and mas da 1 bh jn suruta and monday inl 1 ik a m dally except sun fa b4h am fi so p m 7 44pm saiurda only i 16 pm sunday nl u43 am leto klycr at uplph except kiaiurcty and sun- da 6lfi pm ii worry makes yon blue let want ads see you thru wtpatters0nr0 roaeuius in kya muaf n lj htnoiiam st olnelmt pltaaa hal comrlataly equipped olxloaa balow mahtr shea stem ortheouat

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