Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 8, 1949, p. 4

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pack rotnt the acton free mess thursday december 8 ims district news various items contenting aetiviuta in coaabsunities nriy where many of our rdi arc intefwcd rockwood the wa or st johns church held unolhi r iucctssful vurlc ty fair in tht town hall friday tvm inn w hirh a- wrll tittindtd by jounj folkb and frown ups some 157 was taken in during th tvm- intf which will add ctmsidt rubly to chun h funds m jorih for polltt vlllak tms tr wn hi id monday in the town hull which n milled in thtr rt lee tion of th fnrrm r count il for 10v jollowinn art tht fitfun s for council will r hunt iw clifford m dou 7 1 li j ay i- iw i th oth i lw t nil id iti s aium ft ft ul ii uv v uv ilv w r if iw i i tn ut mindev 4iiiitu s r m w ii hi ht in th ifslvt n in chun h wh ii ii indiii lion r iiiiinv w us t arrud 1 t hi hint n w 11 r who i 1 in ti i ho fi bv ballot pn viiiu v rrs1 wilhjimsofi cofi dmtid iht miviii u sistitl bv lb v w j walk r ft i of ilt a ft w w rt pnsnl from rdi n mills hfui out lh for tht wiimii follow jiib th mrvm rt fr shnu ids win vrrvrd lii lh imim mi nt bv tht ladle of tht rnnjfn nut ion and a brlt t norljil tlmr tnjoved am a r mu ii of tin mild wmiih r on sunduv and a tjuit k fret t up skating was enjoyed on thi nvt r monday as wt ii as htx kt y in lutt afternoon campbellvilu a r r pacific jtmlwuy y rtlon station katli i 11 lo in rid a ft w eden mtlls mr and mrs janu oill rtvin lm nt a wt k i nit n 1 1 ntly in th hoint of mr unit mr hint r an drrso i tuoiilo mr- a antl rsoii who t itl six nt muk with in r mfi ntuii l honi with tht in mr alb rt stt wart was hi pleawnt urpris on saturday inii whtn about twtnty t niploy of the canadiun tht out iph juncti t rtd at hi homt mm la hour with him ifi- has n r fitly rt tlrtd fnun tht railway in thi course nf iht v nlrijc tht y pn x nted lilrn with un addn v rt ud hy mr melville acniw and wrll mltd wallt prt nltl by mr milhi who tn i half ofl rail w v pr jiiliit it mr stvrl ihaiiktl ill iho who so km ik otribotit unit made it b i i- int mil omi dul lions to mr add mm h rtj and rvn on thi hulh f mr h it thank you i i for the splendid support accorded me m electmq me as a member of the 1950 council for acton jjy thanks to dll the electors of acton it is a trust which 1 will do mv best to fulfil i v jf j greer j 7 thanks to all your vote and influence is appreciated in elictintj me to artcxi council for 190 i will do my best to serve you wi ii mid lo one nnd nil the compliments of tin k ajjn ray thompson i tin nt iiiilth tht innutl nitttini of th mi n mills ommunitv lob wts ht itl in tti town hill n rrtihit ivinmi w ith thi l i tn m of offin rs for iftto ttiost i i titl w rt pn sidt tit mr n s mrhbill vi t prt suit nt mi ii ilirdi n st t n lirs mrs mursbill ji tr imin r mr j mi intosb i viiiitui mi rs w mr um musm 11 hurklork and i- rank sniitti a rt prt si ntntlvi from tht wa of th limit d and pn im r lull hurt hi nul worn n s instiliid is to im ippoinltl in tht lliir fu turt tin in km ik i was judii com bin wh t- a v t int nm i lu t dk on j- mull litlitlotis whitli wts ninth uppr riili l iiitn ti vv vrl mil so i 1 htll hour spt nt tilt mint tntnls of mrs i of 11 will b i i s 1 t 1 mi sin i- mo b i cim raif anl ton mi- flmbt xi s i knilt tht fun ta t 1 mi etl it h sp mluj tlv h th i iitid all hp plt ix tfi h fur in r i 1 ph ahlmit 11 of toronto t il vitb nli iiiiiu il nut tint of tht u m s mil 1 a nf th pn sb t run chin th vun hi id in tht ihunh a hot dinin i was m rvt d b mr charlt- antl u ill nt iisb tht u ms nn tttnk 1 mrs mim and ditutins wn contlui td b mis w i own and mrs h ctlllw rtson ht ports show t d a spb n diti m ar s work and the allocation was nut hnuon nf tiffin rs wa tt follow pu sub nl mr w uiwnt ul vut piimilt nt mrs w mtlain jnd vii ln m1i n mr ii goilon jvt i tan mis w gil u rlnii assist nil mrs d clark tnimii1 mr clurls lsb as distant mis ftl lilt intun s i t in mi- 1 m ii donald la biar mis k loidnn cllad tut tuns mrs 1 mllni p mrs v lowru horn lit lu rs mrs j l lown and mis l clark wtuom unit wtlf art mrs j mtliu mrv v uowrit mm w giuhtuoii nnd mn j mat oimiiui thr ladle aid was m chariic of mrs j d uowru who oiittictl tht nuftuii with a ptmiu nnd praor a full rt port was kiwn b tht- secrtlar nnd trtaun i showing a trihxi iui uut thf tltttum of offutrs u milttd as follow a pivaidint mr j o utiwru 1st vict- mrs jamo gtlbtttson 2nd vicv mn wriuht stcrttar mrs wnllace lasb jr asmitan mrs l clark trasuror mrv j mao donald assistant mrs 11 gilbertntin rovinu conimtttee mrs j mihu- ami mr h gilbert- son flow 1 1 coumi itltv mrs j milne mr w low ne mrs w gtlbertson and mrs j jjucdonuld auditors mrs w mclean and mrs d macdoueoll pianist mrs w early program committtt mrs w mclean w field und mrs r wright serol busines item were discussed wc welcome tu uur ucichbuihood mr und mr du u and family who purchased mr coxe s pmjurt on the guelph rood thr bnipath of this community j exti ndod to mrs chos young and faml on the passing ot m ymlng who has intm iii for a length of time wavs on how o im it i out hi nitduiti comniuriil win j n i n croup it ud is wt n luutb ln lis j nd win pitkitt ilipismu luiliri was njoyid antl prii win ru rs win mrs it hi t und lb h n agin w culm ron wulson untl in pirkt it luiii h rotnrultttt wui mt miami- itol rt hum n afnp im ii agm w wilhnm pickt it congratulations to ir antl mrs win itolx rlvm on iht birth of daughti r at mtinihltle wing of lh toronto fit neral llmpltul no 0 runn knim mt t at tin homt or mr and mrt jat hoim rt kin mr kdwurd parson was i hair man and mrs chi stt r s nin tin si i n lr topu for iht t iiiiik was as otht rs itsr us antl thi roup b adi rs mr k pantons and mr ilovd stokts found that farm forum r roups roultl iiuikt our com rnunillt s u im iti r plait in whitb to bvi a nt w project was si irttl im trig tht pure has of n w tuitams for nt fi schtmtl profrissiv t ut hn was i njtivi d antl tht prit wlnnt rs win m rs lldiil stoki s mrs chi stir smin mr hdward parsons and mr ja itnln rtson c ommltlct for lunch wt n mrs ni i son ilnwnn nnd mrs n martin on siilurilas ttiiint mr md mrs john gilmour nt rt nncd it i britlgi pjirtv for dr and mrs ii mtdonild of kilbndt mr antl mr- urn pollard of kilbrii mr md mrs km hull ml of uiwmlh mr antl mrt andn w r rank of n issi iiim antl mr and mm charlt s wir of ca 1 1 isli prlii w mm rs win mrs wm hull ml and km hull ml th cmplm ik ill i hi id i most sin i s ul tun turn s id out pmi risin i ut hn p irt in tht mist mi hall whin about ho foils 1ilh ml torith i pt ii w mm rs for i in hn u t n mis t cilmour and mr goru illglls mrs fred cnrr tt was th lmk winmr of th old fashioned tpiitt on w hit h tit krts hid bet n sold mr hm parki r was tht auctmn- et r for tht alr of nil set llanetui it nis w hli h h bt n donnttd do- nuts mid roffet were trvrd for rr freshments mrs frank quintan mined n ote of thanks to all who hi ijied to make sui h u pit nsmt i vt nine mr and mrs george ingus and fmiu attendtsd mulgnne ttuittsd church annkorsan strirt s on sundav mr and mrs kobert hourtson of lhm rt sjnk nrrled to sjeiid the winter with lr and mrs win kohertsoii and fanilh he mr j macnell pn ached his fan well sermon on sundm to a large rongn gallon bt forv mining to mont inn illinois mr lud crawford mr j at k mcphall mr itobert llurrrn wen inducted as- elders to sit with the session of the church the following joined thi chun h tn profession of fatth mrs itodger mahon m isses j oan king a rl it mltchelt and brian moorr also in certificate were mr and mrs wilfred greenlee communion was given at the ilose of the seniec mrs robert elliott pn- sided at the ymlng adult group meeting held in st da id s church on tucs- dn e ening the mtseting opened with carol singing a hmn and a pravrr bv mrs gihi ingus mr stewart cramp was in charge of the de otional period miss delia van sickle of the minutes and mrs wm robert of the encouraging treasurers report a donation of 25 was made to the united na tions childrens- appeal and 15 to the sick childrens hospital in toronto an invitatinnw as extend ed to the nassigawea young peo- plo tanumit uith us on januarys the mtist marianne and lois greenuhs sang a duet accompanied b miss norma brown mrs lljnjd cruuford held the interest of all in the gt tng of an account of her trip- to the west coast on august last my thanks for rtfjrtin icttifkj m to fvi on ai l ri un 1 fjo lo llu i lictor- of ailon a in tfif prttt i will do my utmost lo v you l hotchen do you need a plumber phone h sfin calder church st acton let ms- estimate for your nfw bathroom georgetown etrgetown will im- using water from iht nt w wlf h tomorrow at the latest a motor tn elm ra has mtn borrownd from a cuelph el tt trical firm all iaitt necexaarj for the hookup line ben assem bled and ore un thur way from brant ford and a chlurinauon unit is bt ing rushed from toronto there is a possibility that tiie s- ttn will im in operation this even ing iloyseholders are meanwh le aiktd to tuntinue ntld econoray in watt r use until n miet is g1en that iverthing ii in order an illne ol several months us fatnl for one of teorgt tow n best known nnnhantv allmtt edgi furrull who died in lomnto o tihl hospital on vaednday nov iniliit itid with his son mr far nil oparattt n niory antl ililiin wnie tun on mtin stiet i and unt siiini tnl to mr john mcllean n tingiti nf si i vice as n main s i mil r ili ndhtlmutl t tassi nis will in ru1fd b t take t nre o in ik t rmln i mo im ill of the iiiplfun puhlii i1 utsult r n i nt siut ma- if pn i i huln n smw thnt t i- 7l tir uistl nt iis in that i tr miitnnd with 411 at present an in nnsi f 145 id raid si en in railways in canada have 4 vt mlle in operation 1kaiun4j aijcmon sale in n vsji t a w t a lownhlp of ltarnt htoelt implemefiu and teed i tu 1 udi i slgntsl jin h t n in sit in lid h h hlkhikoumjil ajul i uuim1xiushi lo sell h puhlli autln nt ut 1 wt si s iimi 1 iw p of snssaj nwt wt oil rllldat lr kmnhl 16th r ii 1 ihi ig iklltsks ing i t ii- n 1 nr 1 msits ami mi nth in ow 1 r- im 1 1 tin of snii llolsti in lb ift i ill al 1 l h kti in lb lit i in at lo i 111 in lb ih t hits i ii i f 11 l w ir hi it ma i i in- j pa congratulations to winners in big lucky draw at georgetown furniture sales hatw jmk armatraax orgarlown draws winniiur vntrira in ronlasl nb la tlnllll wllk cuarmnc sal at gtorcrtowa fumltara iulu m cl ibqlh rtetil aaabla th major winners mantel radio mr e h brown georgetown ilectric kettle mrs kay ostrander brampton i grilltoaster mrs w h sproulc toronto fair lamps miss a coventry georgetown mirror miss joan harrison georgetown come in a nd see our selection of christmas gifts mm u i h k w i at k 4 rnl lb ft rs j rat simis i mi llbol tl sfllllk ht it i h 1 shoithoi n spring hull 1 r at w is pt all pit s 1 rkshue s w and 1u pik nndv tt winn iikshm s v titsl nmimlhr t oikslnn s hrid viiimiitt 4 oi kslun s v im d n vi iiiin i oi ksliln s w t r til notmlmi 7 vttkshn s rt ik lo i md in v i k hn ill s pi wt t ks j iksliin pls s ks h i- i 1 a iiaiimns j mn t i ws ft ul h iv al ut tin his of t uiiiii vju mm t 1- i stint hiis 1 1 n t s s t hits i b 1 i i w i m 1 a it w ii i s f p t it i s i 11 siw i mi ii mn ss m 1 i u h ii itnt ss i ii i ii ti impi i ml- mn m h ii iv i i r m w m ii t ft hindi r n r 1 n i ii n m 1 it oil it i h mo v r in i d mtnion h 1 r ii m h m lis on 1 in i i i nt i n mt ink i lh ultiv it r s i lb r hnv p tk m ii m mill s idt r in g t ond hon i rut k ik n ii i h i k w n i i v tssu ut h irr w i in ulii s w i 11 p is i neim m ii v vii i sivts 1 m ii pi u i- it urv hn row 1 omh s i it rs kim r iinnmi mill 1 m platf rm m nit s st k lm k stnm lloit ii in vv art oil orum ami oil jn ul oil hium n w hi ti ii r i n t r llmvi n vil mn l r stove hi kt n sin pi in ritt s rinitston j r w ut sw wagon w hi els 4m i j win t i i r i i r ir h iins a i w jl pi inks ot w in i mnk hn knib ntn h us h ut mi s ks 1 egging t hams s t i simgs t n imsi pnrntor no ki s ivt ns the pni tin rs nn ttissok ing pattnt rship thims ash witli 1u k kci p i r oi sili i mi millnn u rk rrank pt tt h amtiontti home furnishings stdre phone 54w georgetown main st it your auto a brat it il eauly rilad we can faitmaka ii an untpailad child our technicians will take the kmks out of your car in record time at moderate prices in terms of fuel saved and com fort added this tervioa will pay for itself drive up nowi modtlzl sewcc jisj wwyw thompson motors ford salat and sarvico coodyaar tlrat phono 69 aclon many other lines on display gifft sullabla for all mambart of the family our grocery department it well hocked with item for your xmat baking aiso candyfruitnutsvegetabtes elliottbros w phone 38 wi deuvir n i use classified ads for results

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