Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 8, 1949, p. 8

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tfaotf tagmt the actonfttce wbs rtmimnav wxyunm i im ill in littim nuh m btti i fcesf uem faemltueseu lew aexy cwtie ivevafa fcu- born ironsiik t th nurvlng hnmr arton w friday isereinher j 1u4u t jony and tanu iroruudr art on the gift if a daughter aiatpr for jan i and klckey mother arul ha by doing fin ilrnahil suddanly in ottawa at th hm o hla daughter mn alfred dtuuj on j rttlay ic jad iwy will am urnaub formerly of toronto and art on mbvml husband of km ma cam a run in hla 78th yr lasuw of tflankm ur and mr kaglnald hlak wui tn thank thalr rrtanda and malgltlutura for thalr klnrtnau after he fin i wish to take tiili opportunity af titan king all friend and neigh bours of artun arul aim ilr ar- rtt fur klimltm lwwti in to many different way during my ii in howard lamhert mun folks find that thr ri pri nulue a fin clinlii cifl in lh 2 m prln tuii tin n a fim dtiit n th n aiirfiti t in ai tint at mi itul kul llli mill kh1 im u juki fuurtri n slmpping ilii fnrr christmas id nlv of t in i uml lot nf ihnin if you dn it iii at til what ti small world wnlmi day morning tntniito mill n mcnlutorx wrrr reporting ttu lr first fall of snow this y ur tl iim send in vnur ropv rarl dlsplav advertising should im in thr offur tut monday of ui h wiek your rnoneratiwi during this busy san will im apprrt luttd in 104h canadian ronsumptlon f patrol rum producta was jr5 im- strtat gallons pr person enoaadad la tha world only by thr unltad state consumption of iuw imperial rail ana 1anta claus can ie real in many homes i just inn i klitm what t i v inp in do for tluixtnui- tlic in the uirruil moth i told tin t hild rrn n aid miikii v i an i afford tlv extra i xm ium anil tin i hlldn ii will im m dlhiipihiiutid if sunlit claim doesnt conic at thii turn of ai tin n in main mother m llulton oimn actittl the uruu il uf u bit ik christmas for th lr t luldr n thi clrwiinntiiihik ar ftoiu hnnii to home the fathi r nuiv im ii mi artlv out of work umxihiied dm lor bills ma hnvr ud up thr saving which win luld asuii for christmas or it nin slmpt im ii matter of the fnmil living from day to da on svn b w small imome that then is nothing left fir christ mas llut it all adds up tn tlu same thing tin less assistance comes from ouuide the children m these homes ulll vakr up on christmas morning to find emptv stockings you can help b aonding o dona- tnsn of monov tovs fmnt or iloth ing to the children s aid societ tn the tank of comment itumdmg milton prrhaiwi vou belong to an organization which would like to make a contribution as mam did last vrar gift should reach the chtldn n aid office within a wcrk befon christmas so that thr mi be dis- tributed in plentv of time then hants claus will comf after nil to mann homes which he might other wise have overlooked more miles pes ga1xon somrw ber always theri rumor about a car that will mak 3tiq mlln to thr gallon thats a figure tn the currant arn it u likely to br i long time before that sort of thing is in tight warns the financial post but real progress is being madt toward improving gasohnr mlla- ag within sight is a combination ot engine and fuel which will give from so per cent to 45 per cent more miles to the gallon every major automobile man- ufacturer and oil coropsny is working on it one firm has svl- read got one of the new typa engines tn production theres no secret about the gasoline just new plant and technique to make it tn quantity the combination could save can adian motorists 100 millions a year united states 1 billion how long will h take on paper say the experts it could be ready in two yearn actually it will be more like five or ten and than it will be a very gradual process and will depend on tha degree of oooperaton between the two ln dustrles serving the motorist fromno on it i just a gue tlon or timing wimiam mtmaiiil 1u lath cm and friends in this hnmr roiiununltv wt n simm ked to xp of thr sudden death on krutay last of william minahh in ottawa mr and mrs mi nubl had gonr to ottawa atxut a month uo to im with their daughter mrs alfred il4lotig he was in his 75th yrar wlllium mrnabh was a sum nt thr utr arthittald u nabb and mar garet smith and win imrn at sunnvdalr ont ii strnt most of his life in arton and wt well known here ilr was an rmplnyre of storey glovr co until 1030 when hr moved to toronto mr never lost interest in arton and friends hare and was a fretjm ni visitor tack home he was a no mlwr of thr oddfellows iwlgi and or the united chun h and a slatim h utwral lies mm hl u if who was prior to murriagi ml i- mini unit nm he lravt two lauiiht is and a mui mrs mwruan t iinvis 1jih1ui fng j uu loni olluwii uiid ton minahl toit iif llu fanilk of tin lull ahilm mi nwbli ttnet niiiuin ni ii of alton mr it jn n of i it hi mkii and mr mi1 1 1 il 11 of ilinllton siiiuittm of ntiirn j riiiiu in llil tiiiiiiuiult k- t ull r th o in h ii im n u in nl i th fin il v h hi on mm i i ft rnn iiin th fun wl ii 1 f v ii lit aloi it- x li ii w auim i foiui i ininn1 i in iii itnll l clnirih hi r w hi n lln f mult was in a ion w m m risted ut thi si rvn iv id v mi j fonniaii maov fill ndn gather d j in siiiitilliv uml in tiihiitt to tin lift of william minubli uml many i floral trihuds alio imh i stlinoiiv i f inteini lutt run nl was in rahmiw l iv alton thi pulllmar is wm i a t llrown john miclim smith win coh i john 1- lh man and frunk mc inlnah human capital by jaaasji ijslar rottadg it ts alwavs u pit usun to haw soimoni tuki u forthright k ut one of tin urm old rmr ihnt ii for muiini d ihlnklnt w ii h some of our will inlenthnd near inl ii ltiiils tin idin for in no thai nuiiiam ni nt has lltlh u l 1i th individual th truth ij that h op ni nm nior unpoi luiil tlum uioiu i n to hard hi ml d hu in s nun i without liilinstd int ulk nt d volld mill to hlippiut ltslllllh th in st in inaki n prociens ut its lio i itir outlu iittrui t have i hind us in ibis slntimnl i the lui if i m rii in i of a man w ho i bus lo il ul vlth people tioth n ruv lumi r and rmplmn j william i hon president and lhieitnr of dominion slon s it s h who sa s j that eopli art mnri tmjmu liint than dollun and tin n ninn t i gives ts simpli m simpti that oiu would think it would ik- obvious to t m rvnne phvsual aisi ti mr hor se v enplnins can u txiugtit with monev hut ihc must im develoed b popli attructlvt stores and pimmi men hnndlie i an tiring cus tomer lo a buslneio com em hut if their kimkl will is to im- retain d ii must im- done b people dollars ma help the con pro- ide giod iih ations pleasant sur nuindings mwlcni equipment and sound goods tltats nil the can do thev can bring the customer in contact with the spirit of the store as represented in its people i one hint of inncliv itv tn these people the suggestion of lack of in- tenit fuultv or grudging sen ice i mij rasil undo everything that the vastest expenditure of dollars has accomplished only grim necrs- sltv makes us deal with people we hne nason to distrust or dislike mr horse s business is ntaillng j its contacts with people are near and intimate and the facts of dis- j trust or dislike hae quick reper cussions but all business and all industries touch people somewhere j so what is true of retailing is just an true if less immediate when it is matter of making steel the product its reputation its public acceptance in- no better than the devotion of the human elements that ercnted it can one imagine that management that is intelligent enough to dinct vast industries is not intelligent enough to realize that the worker is the primary capital w tthout u hich no other form of capital has on importance or significance realizing this is one reasonable to suppose that the management w ill callously alienate or w ill scamp unnecessarily the human capital that is the heart of its undertaking chilatmas quiz lviryoui knows ulun christmas rorni n bid ion iviivair know ttu atlswt rs to llu chiutinus iprite- do vou i wli rniituii of do of lb woill 1 iiut clnhlmus u u m i nl it i 11 mil nt i mini nl 2 wh n wa christmas day firl n it hrut 1 on i mix r i sim uimui ad 4of im mm th birth a jisus k simu atmut a d 1j 3 win brought i he t us lorn of as sim luting si nl h las with thr chtlstmtts asofi to amtrlttt a ttu pilgrims ih thr puritans ci tin dult h si tlh rs or new amst r dam 4 in what country an plum puddings yulr og and ami ingrs synituille of chriirtrnus hurt la thr nrthrlaiuls ib kjiguud r switi i land ft what is thr namr hy whl h santa cjaiu is known in fram r ii fallu r chrlslmas b krlss krlngh st nkholas 8 fiom what lountiy bsvr ihe caiiadlaiin ailnpli d mini r plr as a uilhaiv to im alrii doling the christmas mason u frame ili fngland u spain 7 wh ii in th tost i of m nd hik 11 in t in rnlslmus turd- ii mi npu li 1h7j u i almiilt vi wll- u farnworth memorials meftumaau et mneltjt vtina cemjrtkity mtitchinij clera ud el mur uieijii ont i wish io thank ivikyonf thai vokd fc me thank you man h courn llitkltl llnl iliillnn wr expert radio servicing llllt iiomr e ai to rassard radio thank you to nil those who supported me at thje polls on monday my smevrest thanks r j mccutcheon 7 hank you to the citiens ot acton who accorded me on acclama tion to the acton public utilities commission i wish to express my sincere thanks i will endeavour to do my best tom ware f oometh w m p ix the dehuvilland comet the worlds first jet airliner recentl flew from the shetland isles toff north scotland to its base at hutfield mo miles in one hour the flight was mude at heights of ijctwetm 35 and 40 thousand feet it was the last lap of a ratine test flight of a hours and t9 minuteb the comet longest spell in the ulr so far i thank you to the electors of erm towiudup 1 wibh to sa thank you for the ote of confidence ou gave me at the poll on monday i owure you that 1 will en deavour to do all in mv power in the best interest of the town ship wishing you all the compli ments of the season george c wallace hockey club booster dance friday dec 16 aden town hatl mi icallcrjs oki llrmka the classified section buy sell exchange wauled etc ailvritimnihiits miliar this heading a oaafi willi ordsr up to wonts additional words c pr wrd 1 i ali duas aot ar nuiipany ihr suivn iibemnii minimum iharga 50c and lr par won additional fur ra ii word ovr a hubaaijusnt insariuiaa up i w i wr lovell bros meat market friday saturday specials ftarru trsnd 1st oratu crasmary butter 63c lb freth pork iheuldert freth hell or whole hams lb sliced ib 43c 49c laan port bum lb 55c fork ioin rp end djc roast ham bacon breeuetl eemeel sack smoked beck 65c ib 7sc ib sc b margene 32 c lb laan shoulder roatt quality beef 45c tander blade roast ib 55c leer hamburg if cll sirloin steak ib 45c meaks t son prime rib roast ib choice rump roatt ib tender round 55c sic 69c fresh chopped suet 20c lb for 1ali lxk sa1 h lti rnl rfo 1 int i tluwir 1 aitxi hh sair hihtniaa ilr dr live t mil 11 one 11 jo kok hai 1 ijidl s tmuikral ml sle 14 in j mi lgaii jm altliur m kt sai h i iv i y jmik t vi v i i iisonnlilr m i iliiiii j i ii m1 sai 1 htfri sale fii liilslnuib 1li n mailill ioiutimn mmt wanttd ras i in ivu ihsi 1 hn j wamh full niu saleslady iiiitwt aiil iallanl lthlnic mill m am m inn h inm ism m uiaeiilly if i r in or geiill litiillt mill sai h nl jsls ilrllviit lit situ y id n i ntid li mill sai i- imiilik ladlr sldi i ai i i iluilis ale i all stand i i mi avl mis i 1 ni lie h h sai t mm ii pi nm i f i iiillll ii lll u mtsxiatl 11 ii itu a i mnin si r h ai t nm t u v a i in hi in a it h mn ai i irii i i i h ki u 1 i i i k inihi ii i iii i h t h v i au ii i 11 wan i hi i mi ni n irtlrii til lillry llki j full nine afly j jilt a- i n w vanltt i wan i f i i i mk rin a innietalln i iiiik bus lir j i f u h mw hrtnilflg hl lt i it 411 iumih a mnd lail leu it l rtmiwi id jl uk ilras- i ill e i k lllle muri utl l l 4 a lit ai i i h h sai i i iil i i tn hijt unl ik ii mil i lul i vwv itv in i i ull l ml ii 4o i v li it d lb i i it li 4 a hi iltlni in k i wamrji oi ui nd fowl lllulit si itiatkrl pilio imionst i up i hulloiivlllr iiadlnc hi- lln liniiiin 14 h m i 1 1 a i i i r ii in a i us l in- i i mill i aifl ii iitniiiiiv mial iomil i u in i i iv ill 1 i i i an i jliofctir i i- ii ills 1 l t jl if ii i i wamh io iiii ash fur j ll lnmi oll tulxa unil li ills sea ol uillf ttolls odlj i mi in mm sikit ami liiinliure i 11 it 4 i writ a4r anit mi khiiuihi hini and ifnlon si ifimii in u ii ni iis vsamml imdit i v ml in i iv 1 hv mn in islunrd mil i i iiiih i i mli nt p m f ilthilliiu i ni tali wn iimi hall mini i hull1liit l1 lionl lo mill nl ihe ms nl alton iulilli- nl ilh klssi pvsi hni s hhi ii low st oi m y 1m1l in paiiithl lint i 4m vl i i in si hy ni rptid f n da tin ay a i ii nils of i 11 ult mi nl s nsoll w kill mid iwi ilid niil till i ai 1 li i in llu ai in ituiiua loots ti nh li l a1 lo in i j in l- hill mi l l 1 all li i ni nu mill st a ton ml 111 i 1 ii id a inn iuhlu- pi k i i 11- i altv wammi a i nil us li ih hx t s lai i a ion anna will ih i i id h u uikliitlanrd until liolnv iinilh im n j ut l i- in i mn i to niat f iilnu hlt sai f riumtilng silppllr llkil tniitl nu all mnr and in gool supply nt llilions iliimh innvin out s hul iiiii op intf ami llmlinif ai ton ont lilai a uiii m sini mini y im and fiakniilntt pljw all slzra rut 1xithi u i n i itnln and ihialnt it drtlrid llr nil i i pjit i n t mtn lntr soil plpr and soil pp nit hit i i i ink sinks in in ihuit sump pomps lttllo will pump s pt r frwiu ilmn him it lojt h sai i i a i i s ill i llmli nml im 1 nit 1 ii mil k a i k llll 1 lllpl m1f iy op vhnmp dnr unmp all rrparr lor tin im-mm- siimmi suggestions for eariy buying oualit ivrsliiiess varirt trt iiuihi hin i hi u inn i i in h i i i p m i t i i t i n i 1 m wh i i it i 11 lot uum i ntiit mxl t ti ilti tnloi im dinl in1jilliti i i nil milk hiiiii ih apph i i ii as ii luclimii llv for salic ft ii u i hun t- nut i pi n i oi 111 r t t annfi mtih mushroonu asimrngua 1 iju crrrn ilrans wnsrd li nns knni irns crrnniid corn tomaturs htbbon uimt k string carrot vvv pot atom fane spinach kldn 11 iii as lotk urn ns llmn hrnns snurrkraut cnnnrd turkr cannnl chlrkrn sardines lolietr r shrimp clnms chltkrn ai king kaling dates ending figs tirtiv ludslns lncr fruits shtllrd nuts crnnbprr sauce ih jeu apple jpll d currant jell bramblf jrll mint jell grape jelh c apple jell babv epoodk cube sugar fruit sigar icing sugar almond icing liable yrup k0ln dinger air lorn collins soda wati r rap julir urn kuk lee coff e hot ouxolate cocoa maltnl milk sweet onions sweet iherkln sweet pick ira sour jliklrs ilrtln oiies stuffed olive asmi olivrs mint sauce 1uked walnuts chow saucr chutney 11 a r snuc- rimlentus xmas cakes fuddinga fancy cookies huntl a palmer english blruis english toffee box chocolates bulk chocolate tin nuts potato chips cheezles popping corn nuts in shell xnuu candy suckara pop com annrj muith mini eineat iumpkln april ols prarhea ieara ilums chrrrles kaspberrrs strawberries applesauce rineapplr fruit salad cigarettes tobacco cigars choc bars cum kazor hlsorw serviettes sandw ich lings baking cups waxed iaper klernrx 1niwr cup wrapping tlssur full tissue stutch tape drinking straw ught bulba duh cloths mop coths pie plates claxs tumblers diabetic butter egg margarine swiftening sploe herbs orll lih w llitv at a lily i din h n a si mi luv n f w trin tors n nit lmplniiiiv whli h ran s ii nl ii old pin il sold this month 3 i i hon if hi n iiik rnloi nt a mn my n w iju nnd wftsh rs 1 i hfj 47 miniiry iim w h lown sej an llk iha i vt monan h low n s dnn si ei lonal 42 i sealall kup 11 mud ednn motor just in lng overhaul j 4l lorit fera seat riue 40 hold onv rnhl upe il v milan ij i iixlye selnn i u hev iimii h 1 wi or tl modi i a rosrh 1 imh t and plough i li m or 41 tractors and ploughs above irsrinrs at a real saving if miii hit year w ihis drawn and i trac- i tor drawn manure spreader at a real hartam kail s itrrord playeis etc at hive away prlres t 1sed tlr and tules most of the h pillar siei earlys saiis and service j milton and campbixlviuj miscellaneous ilanms lurit nml repi red th iiiii it nl 1 ivmiimhi fir i hi htwr 11 s i he p tors of amori have added iik ri ltn ih m- hoti ln k hntifrnve and llllf itosi ii lo ih- old oijm 11 a ni s mason n ninn with nt net i in tu sine and mn nli i ml affair imm m ai ions flisl mayor hie rrmain 11 i of the oll ouikll otillnui- li klve lettdershlp with the ii pt i n of i heron innts wh was fored lo retire ft ixisln- lb ii tluiii k t lo have i tar of iiul i ml 111 thla wrtk s4 pla e ut ordr now an 1 av- o d illsaptointriiefit se you lkitii o 1 foi wmdiw and w atftnng t le sewat oniiai i at work we hope j b halmkntdt m son jwoctw 5 wax electric p0luher check your needswith this list barrs ctijatiti grocery i quality i radio ervice giuiuiuwd rcpsln to ad haua and mafeb manning electric phonbso christmas price 4955 i hssard radio m 3 u sufei siamml

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