Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 15, 1949, p. 2

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fjuat two the acton free press thursday decembei1 is ib41 pwuta4 arrjp tbutur si aetna eli aolkoru b cuu mi1 fol cmuc depevftwaat otlawa subscription fcatuu uu4 siw ajiimmi iu 4 fetxh sti j mv tatt uu k sj4a adv kbt1mmg latkso imbuim j lta i i0 i akkjb m will t uk u m tfc uflftb4i llui u will 4 fc tutu for wr rror m mr unuwal htttudtr uun p uwnl iiaijiiiti wnitw br tu a n lumj w tw vr vmm uduu ufa l fca bf ik fc4rtu j tb mmil hw cr tw rrm pv k utuuty kh hmj wk fwprum w uu ft l tjma ik im rcm br ik tiw kw ta lb vuii w br iwh tjtwtlii c aluir ml it uito triephohea- ukmul batem offuo rj mlbr skiftlng taxation amwen to financial post question clearly illustrate ir diveriify of opinion held on the financing of municipal service and obighont throughout the country majority of replies do however ee need of ttronger meaiure being taken in regard to tuch itemt at primary education unemployment relief low renlal houiing care of the aged etc and having these transferred to another agency on the other hand correspondents believe that in the case of many social wrvce tolulion does not lie in the transfer of responsibility but in a change in the methods of financing federal nd provincial properties in a municipality some antwan advise should pay the same rate of taxation as the public such gathering of opinion may be interesting and varied but there is always uniformity in one respect and that is that the financing should be shifted to other shoulders the demand for more public services has been the means of putting taxation at every turn in municipal provincial and federal fields each tries to avoid payments just as the individual but each demands an in creased service the result is excessive adminis ttation costs in both collecting and distributing and a consequent deduction from funds payable municipal taxes hit most everyone pretty dirrctly terhaps that is the reason why they create more attention than hidden taxes most folks do not stop to think that the cjasoline tax is over a quarter of the cost of the product that on a packet of 35 cent cigarettes the tax collected is over 20 cents and so on down the line the town puts in sewers and there s a tax collected in many ways that adds thousands tc the cost the chain of taxation is endless but certainly it gets heavier and shifting of the load r only a temporary solution b time for indulgence many have forgotten the startling truth of these words good christian men repice because now there is hope god has come among men all the power of thj creator of the world is available if men will turn lo him to solve their own and their nations prob lems with this burning in their hearts men changed the ancient pagan world step by step through centuries punctuated by the blood of martyrs men worked that the plan of god might prevail they lived and died for freedom of conscience freedom of speech for the abolition of slavery and the sanctity of the home then there came a halt people surfeited with prosperity and privilege took god for grant ed they thought they could run their own lives and their countrys business by human wisdom today the great heritage of christian civilization is in jeopardy a good tlrwe to uv writing in the fergus news record last week cditor hugh templin gets in a reminiscent mood as he notes the thirty first anniversary of hit feature and widely read inside page thirty one years does not seem long to look back but il is true that there have been many changes in all thfse communities in that period there was no travel by motor car in the winters of 1918 and no bus routes many of the highways were not through and trips to toronto were over the concrision lines there was no radio in the i omci and the circle of travel and news was more community tound the past thirty years have seen greater ad vancement in ontario communities than the pre vious century it s boon a great time in which to live and there is every indication that the years ahead will see even greater expansion in this section of ontario for those who witness the r ext decades anniversaries are great times for recollections especially as we grow older following the growth of a community one gets to know so intimately is interesting and growing with it makes it doubly interesting we reentered the weekly newspaper field about the same time that mr tempi n went back to the fergus news record and naturally found a common interest in us anniversary recollections last week we were both young fellows then and well recall attend ing district press gatherings when j c templin h p moore mr wright and mr mills were among the senior editors many recollections crop up but then perhaps they would only in tcrest the two chaps who were beginners thirty one yeirs ago its been a busy life but if a chore were given again like mr templin we would re enter the same field j f recollections oi acton 3c7plofctfc5cz30td back in 1899 takrn from tk i taw of lh prr- rrrce oi thursday ur 14 ibfltf lua terrific tfale blw 1oq oni of ihf electric lam pap- mill slrwt the iuiwru1hriiirn arc not sufficiently liitid to staml uii iialin llnjomln j larrup has told ti is furm in aijuplnii to hjrie le ik for isum ami has purrliaxhl a firm in kast ounicuamuay for jsvmi work is progrpialnit al ttir flour mill and very shortly mrtars hum phrey s and llauk mill lommcnci operations with a flrl clan mill modern tn all its equipments mr a f llrown pnrsldani and ir torittr convenor of the li sry c ornmlttfe entertalnnl ihi meinlm r of the p worth lgu in mnlthimi hull last evtfilnt il v a a wry tnjintlt x i uilon dm or ihf nt hl tun sful rni- k of hofe in th rilwe li mr kuih rl akih m a imi tur after ai he ua m n wiju tl l ptli t hi hiistmn hill s1uk show 1 h ml i i 1 i hi mi poik christmas shopping many folks have completed their christmas fhoppmg but most of us are still left with the problem to be settled before december 25th the christmas season these times is extended well over a month in the cities but somehow we in the smaller centres have our chnstmat parades nd parties and most of our shopping packed into the last week or two immediately preceding c hristmas city stores may be sold out of many lines city mobs hive been picking the stores for weeks we are told and there his boon the hectic rush of shopping that city folks seem to enjoy it you like it you too c in pick any day and liae il but if you prefer the easier less tirmq and less expensive methods you ii find better values in your own home stores just look through the advert semen ts m this or any issue of your home town paper and make up your shopping lst from the suggestions offered you ii finds clerks in the stores who have a personal interest in you and your problems you ii find articles that meet your requirements and ou will not have the unnecessary expense of travel to shorten your christmas budget that s why we say christmas shopping can best be done at home in acton editorial notes the december thaw should be a real boon to ill communities short on water supply and also a help in the power situation stationary or lower prices on new models of cars is forecast for next year this in spite of new improvements and higher costs in wages and materials two nilii attempted to steal a street cir in i toronto rather limited ambition since they couldn t go any place outside ot toronto in the inf una n f tin m i i ui hint w i ml pi 1iuiir nt m mn wu i i wit in m hy frit nrti on ma in mr w jl slort and mrs v nu kiln li i on 1 in ja fix m ko lo xm nil n fi w wifhi back in 1929 lrom the issue of thr rrw lrea of ttturvday iwtnhr 12 1939 i h re ii prohnhly i kntlnn on ihr n arena this k the rom umlhir is ct rlnlnly fntornhlr for makliik i mr it knupp u ho has imtii the tffident lrnhurrr of the alh hilt luh vwii pnotit with it txiiuiifol t luh iuik ft- n kmm rc ohiutloti or lh m ik hi has xr rninl i i tin luh punwin nni im l and amox a 11 nrk ot m rf il n v l nni r in ll short fu in iiitli- i lavs nt lh wlnt r 1iui nt 4u ij h lust k norwil miiik l 1 s suktv i tin i iiiiimi i him h w ill ml r lt in it r on nl l ha lint rompol in ii i i i iim li i nllii n r1h in miii mil mill nut t with dim williams first i h i i a 1 i k i mil hlui 1 oil nn nn nnin i mmiinil oirls i m i in mill in ills loi tin kid ils lirj illll h at hi r home wlllui si alton on t rwla dtsimha 1 1 h mm i hall ulosil of lohn mi rtm it 1rhi in hi r 4ith onr ah ins suiulinl on purs im imlnt 10 19 j nt chatham ihurufc h dmonil aklnh uwi f thi lnt mr and mrs hurh ak ins in his mth inr l ist yi- everyone was annoyed over power utom all can help tiy cutting out needless waste these diys its ust as essy to turn a switch off is it is to turn it on miy not hive bttii indi in summer the first t of tins week but he mild weather and bright unshme wire indeed welcome after a real spell of v nter snow and temperatures i i- ime is a surprise to us to learn that otitsros population is growing al the rate of 10 000 per month we seem to be getting a fair hare of the growth m popuhton here in higher populition figures imjitiij time an eniplom r vsn tnter lewlnfi n mnn for a job anil nnkori him h lonr he hnd worked in mi pri wous position slt fie enr replied the njiplunnt how old are ou asked thi employer 1 m 40 yean old i i lou could ou work for 65 1 uirs when ou are only 40 0irtlmi i fin runner tit the automobll n n wiillnr chariot hulh vltn whtels for opt rntlon on laml b s mon stevln of holland in 1600 p vtures in the daily pipers show a santa claus impersonated by one of the members of i parliament at a christmas party it certainly does i not measure up to the santa claus impersona tions of the stores and parades chruhnat 1949 christmas 149 approaches the end of the second millenium since the birth of the babe of bethlehem shook the world to its foundations where do we stand in the matter of the geo- agraphy and the history of freedom we stand in the sunlit third of a world that i fast fading into blocks of midnight and twilight countries in them tyrants rule by force and lies there slavery or a concentration camp awaits the man who dares to differ holly mistletoe and decorated trees gifts and parties these are trimmings and traditions that have grown around the original christmas message until it has become only a legend and mabe if a championship or trophy were offered we might have some better shovelled idewalls about town nothing would be more appreciated by more people but there just doesn t seem much ambition on thepajtftnany to attain good standing as a champion mow shoveller optometry 7 douglas street efs examined glasses fitted one hundred and fifty children living in scattered sections of nipissing towviship will attend a central school recently opened there it replaces a two room school in the village and several oneroom country schools its reasonable to suspect that nipissing wouid have winter travel difficulties too as well as this southern part of ontario 1 vn wyck cleaner phone 272 i i when housecleaning dont put aside furniture thmf u can be reupholstered our new patterns and colors and expert workman ship will make them better than new for the beat in cbeaterfied re upholstering phone 87 acton 7 day service no waltlac bii prmau uiunru ilijril a tma not qjiitihiiiaa ij w 11 muulu u pt jack kudermann op john dick and bon carrolls mixed nuts in shell alm0hdb walhutb brazil ahd 7ilberts a man grade mixture lb 35c budded walnuts 49c red diamond laroe california nuts lb candy tor christmas westons holly mixed 9c christmas jelly stars rnud 25c mecortttleks french creams x9c trilby asstd choeolates u 49c mecermleks jingle bells zoc mecermleks merry mixed 3sc mincemeat ubbv8 28oz tih flotlll fruit cocktail 51c pitted hallowi dates i3c c r plum puddings v 49c ayimar cranberry sauce x xi c cut mixed peel 17c cut citron peel 15c assorted glace fruit vl lie seeded raisins 2sc 1mb or del my oaliforhia mu80at8 15 oz pko christies fruit cake 45c red glace cherries x sc 36c maple leaf lard 21c romar coffee 58 74c shelled walnuts 23le libbys fancy peas v 17e green giant wax reans 2 u 29c aylmer tomato juice 3 2c lynn vmy green reans 2 via 21c i aylmer choice golden cream style corn 2 25 eatmorf cranreriies lb ceiery hearts bundla v imported large carrots bunches freth tangabines slie 210 doien florida or texaa grapefruit siie 96 fresh daiiv grapei toitaoe muahrooma sauda splpach cauliflower green beana 25c 15c 225c 29c 323c business directory mkdical dr w g g kenney fhylbtoe 9a biirbim suoouor to dr j a ucnhad olflc la symon block uu1 su actoa lrlo ll iiiiiiiii l dk d a gahkett rvraua mt akuvu lurmr ul willow and luver jitxance itlvtr btrec ax too uotarto 1hone il dental dk a j buchanan ahwl sitfuai 01ll ullbmis mook uu1 offlc hour b am to eaa xray tlljjmiont 1u uk glougb a sirks daalal hurai u1u m curnar kradarlek ollca lloun sou a m lo sj0 itltlllont is usuai c f llatiii kland ba attov urrtatrr a hollcltor nolarr orrir z riwma 1 i vi u h hobkin outrtarw areouataata sutrnwn lo jrvuinh a iiabdy 1 u mptrupolllan illdy 44 victoria st torooto ms 1131 vatteiunajtv 1 u young vb b vsc mtmrimrr nurgaaak offirv llrkkvill ontaria 1lmine milton 14ar4 r c oakl5 vb bvsc trtnarr hurgoaa oilier and hrjdnce knoa ava a ion 1hona 130 mihcujancous the victor a rumley funeral home runrrl llafn ilta imlniattt ilium u niglil or day srrmn kir community for 49 yr i wll ioigmi1 farm ai n ijiriit a ohlrt atnc in caete jlfr krnl itldtf toronto uiritildmn hi irrioilstlv torn itrvrsm lline roriuttd uiw wright real estate and i insurance h i- wkuin n ii wriuht ii wilhur st 1sh york ha i artun ont uelph ont i ifinn- ft phone u03j bjualer realtor i mkn ai4lh a dutrlct kami t btntr hoard mtm rn urlh u uttrtct in nmi at nti association tra ki jj3ls uide ra coach ijnes oual i iks iu acton fjui hound uf us a nt h vi it m 1 1 4a a m h pin 4 41 p m tl u pm 8 i in titn m p m w rathouiul 10 4 tin l pm 2 7 pm 17 pm i in li 2 pm 11 li pm u dtiu imh minl rfiid boli- 1 si inin suml i nl holiday railways canadian nations east hound im u l vi in lnl trrpt vunrtji i tu nni 7 10 p m hub i ml h10 p m daily xcpt lunday ivrr at cirirgrtnvn ut nni i nl hir l gcorgcf- 10 t 1 p m umuwnmd i nl ixupl su rut iii nnil mo u 1 in surula tnt monday t n lis it m dnll rxttnit sunv ill n 4 nm t ji pm pm atunla onh jt pm sunday ii t a m iirtuinp lr at durlph rn pt satun1a and sun 1n t u m it worry makes yoa blue let wanf ads see you thru your eyes a rmpar kfe etaaateeaaae to maa eonault rm bell fhane mtm toum

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