Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 22, 1949, p. 10

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vaox1tm the acton free press thursday december 23 1440 ix bmnu it lu i fc ulvuk u i waa bohn bonus- to mr rut mr uer- vyn uonua 6lh con nawaira- wea on sunday llhj daughter 1st acton scout news december 1h pow wts mr and mr clark ho te nonawme is bring orthv of it nam scoutmaster v dill and his scout meet every f ttiiltll on mndy night th brownie under j mrphai are in poumalon each ti ui tu sdav afternoon after school ssss x jl2 lwr nlm ik cub tr lond sun fin mr and m nh to announce the blrtb iif a daughter joan marie ihr patience of their fallant leaders at tuelph ceneraj hospital on rihrr charlie and eddie wed lecember n vtaj nesday night u devoted to the olrl judy mother ud baby doing j ur rrd ihiw and mrs stuckey sm dill entertained the leaden of haltun county scouting on de cember the tth would like to pay special tribute to these stout heart ed leader who devote their time and thought to make scouting big ger and better hoc u wood troop was invited to the christmas meeting of 1st aetna troop but owing to an important meeting in rock wood could not at tend it will be more convenient when onto watson at st josephs iloaplt- al tuelph on thursday ltc- mber 15 1m9 margaret hoohu ktauffar widow of the late wil liam wataon in her kind yar a1derson in drumquln th una trafalgar townahln on thursday iwr lfc i4 w s alderson beloved husband of una kenney and dear father of tom in kcmoiuii anotrson- in loving memory or j wa have our kitchen and toilet ar my dear mother 1m ertrud anderson who passed away in january 1w5 mother will i- hum- for chuilmi if n in m dreams atwai r m mlered bj daughter ada mfhcner ihow in loving memory of a 1 ar hutband and father krrd s iiiom who iaed away lc- ienhr 23 lmii love gramel gift remem- tuance sadly missed lovingly re- i membcra b wife and family lohdon in i ivingnmcmory of rn darling son and brother at- i wn wilfred why fated very ftuddenl in ttlndwiron decern her jsih im3 lie was just a dear kiltie rosebud a sweet little fumer from birth l cod took him home v un mm before he u willed on earth sadly muiat b miunmy and brother wane cjuuw of tiianaul a happy christmas lima and nun thanks to my many friend in and around acton for the many tokens of love and good wishes during my recent lllne may god bleu eerone mrs k j cald well 2 knox avenue mr alex bell and mrs j c leslie appreciate dreply the kind ness of all hat was shown during the itinera and at the time of the com modal ion complete but just for the present we are slowed up tejn- pnrarllv for the need of hr neces sary but which we believe will he forthcoming in due course from our faithful supporter it has rump to our knowledge that overlooked the name pf allan cordon w hrn rctmrtlng those who so graciously donated their time and talents in laying the foundation of the basement workshop and kit chen we regret this nvrrslght and hasten to itate that allan gordon worked on the foundation from the tart to thr finish worked faith fully too since our last report we have re ceived and gratefully acknowledge donations from micro plastic 910 sammy rtrunrlle 100 mr ii smethurst is d r mclean 3 w it bracken 13 j ii iloulton 910 k s cooper 910 e e tlart 910 i d rachlln 915 a o clif ford 93 h ii in tort cup rent free 93 r j macarthur 91 o mus sel lr 91 mrs m mcfadden 91 force electric products 950 better accommodation for better scouting is our ibm motto your in service scout group commtttet johnnv goy chairman nasalnii of ul pear of the daughter and sister earl c bell the smpathy expressed and the kmdl act wfl 1i he cherished mrs charles roberts mr an- ble moore sophia and arthur wish to thank their friends relative nd neighbour of churchill and osprlnge for their many acta of all n dn tneaaaf v pswth y auid beautiful floral tributes during their recnt bereavement ftaltttl cttamoy w1ms crlaaahomshtr f08 buttm quality fur the fourth time in four triea in the iwit five ytars banie creamt ry has won the graiul championship in annual butter quality impruvt mriu cumpetitlon spunsorrd by lh ontario cr amrry aaaiaciatitm the dairy topped a field uf k2 intrtr to lake the lawruun shield with 173 00 point out of a possible 300 in the final compel 1 lion corn- bringing reautts of t hree ol her competition the trophy was won in the name uf don mrkerule but ter maker at ilarrte creamery dairies from moat parts of on tario took part in the competitions which involve frequent testing of butter in the sis month period be tween may i and october 31 about 300 000 iba of butter from bar tie creamery are involved in winning of the trophy to place high in the final com petition a contestant must be above average in the other three contest the barrle firm took a first a third and an eighth out of many entries the firm wis ftral in a cleanliness competition involving testing for yeast and mould as entrira third in a quality contest m entrira and eighth in a mineral workmanship contest m entrtia for winning the yrast and mould competition thr firm was awarded the canadian vrn table parchment n trophy for th third time in fivi jran j tin firm w ix lutrd as having mutlr 100 t r nl first grade butter i during tin romikctltlon prriort of lwi ibifl 1047 and itmd having no tntry in 1m barrie buttflt soij in acton by iovcu mos meat market to fcxks who are iittie and folks who afie big eoiks who are round and folks who are slim to just all the folks we know merry christmas lovell bros meat market star clea saturday dt 34 at 30 p n until wadiwtday dm 31 the classified section buy sell exchange wanted etc advertis nietit under this haadmg vr oab with ord- up to t words addluotkal words lc p r word if rash does nut ar cuinpajiy the ailviri li merit minimum charge 10c end ir pir word additional for vacli word ever j3 subsequent insert mo ac for sau salr cillle pupa 8 wnks old lmionr llurll hi salr 2 tlak and tan foa houmts auaranteed phone hi rorgettwn it ix1st white housal with tan arm and threr large black apota and while feet w walklns ih fchiifcaisifcfcfcaifcaiaibi bhatlsafclifchfchlihfcfcfciifch of ljrlfllf of our ollo may i take tho puaiurc of wiilnruj you llie heart j- o the ii nion and ex you our urn f apprc irttion kxi wv 1 1 rtnrf plfiinnt niiocifl r tioytl during tle pa expert radio servicing tlw home aitu hassard radio liiomc llaj wm r bracken utiooiiautiuuuuuajuiauxkkauuuiuiuuukkiitiiiiiiikkiuuiiiiukk wwwvvvwitvivwtwiaitivtittmwhttiimiywiiiittiimiwvt penguin club annual merrv christmas everyone winter arrived officially wed nesday thcrv is still hope for a white christmas and now there are two more shopping dav till christmas the local post officr ha been undergoing it vcarl flooding rain and miserable weather arem to be the rhii f topics ihla tesk advtrtihtn express thrlr irettmitn thix wit k throvinh our ctlimn skatmc for thi children lnst salurdas 4 th fint in thi an nj this vir atton x i town will m-iufiur- ate its fitm toiuuil on j inn irv 1 at an open meeting chntnts pitiiv and lonctrts are filling up th h awn and mak ing it a busv tim for all the pj club i plannin spe lal christum nt tiv itl v for th ir part in the tlolulav s awn i oviarvl aaint carelestiesa at christmas partuularlv and make it a jov ful time for venonr child rv n aii out of mhol now until januarv int now the christ ma spirit reall g t under wav alteniate delesatts elected bv halt on liberals were chas read- head rather than gi rradhead a listed last week i merchant should remember their new years gre tings and have them in our office earlv to injntee- publication i early copv for advertisement and news next week will help us help the mall help vou displuv advertisements should reach the office on monday a number of gift subscript vtns to the free prra cvme due this month there still time to renew and send the gift that lasts all ear many find the home paper a very acceptable remembrance each year i the following are the winner of the draws held on december is by acton lou nj 487 turkey newton hurst acton goose a schuek acton chicken j allan acton turkey john moore ac ton goose hint hyndsv guclph chicken j kingshott acton to all of our good fnendi we extend a sincere w sh for a happy chrntmaj wright real estate and insurance christmas dance friday dkckmkek 2inl v m c a noveity dances prizes s f l wright 20 wilbur st acton phone 95 n b wright 358 york rd phone u93j guelph realtors insurors valuators x christmas eve dance saturday december 24th special prizes admitwon 7sc pmr pnon christmas night frolic 12 05 midnight monla morninjr dmmuimt 26th admission 0ntlaman 75 ladies 50 kok maik a plr dlnatte suite natural with rei trim and acme rangatle in goid t olid hon apply an mason dlvd mk saii- lry maple and tfe h firewood also apples by ttir itasket or itarnper w s i- n rigid rr 4 phone ll9rn tr mlt sa1k plumbing supplies in good supply at llilion a plumb ing and lleatlag acton ont lllark and gawanhed pipe all sites cut aid threaded if dnlred pipe flit ings soil tdii and soil pljte fitting sinks ttalti lialb lump puinos oiallow writ pump njltr tank phone mlw ii for sale i loll 1 m w u rt- l j l tin j uli iiihuiki at u vi ml pin s l j iwl 2 in w jnnl tiui tiiis jik an iinjili inmi tu in- at a muvmg u v spring pi ne i f link it on r i aed n4ariaja for a wnru 47 miitm silaii llh w 11 in ni indlloii at jljjuu 41 mnitai i h s4ylan ltk new jhxiuj j j 1ljllbouth j p4ksliui ijulk ludio riealer tic al vjtcxju i 41 1uid luxi w dan radio an 1 lualer just uvriuauld anl ui al abaie viuutxj 4u tiid diiv nupe at tmlulmi 40 loid utra mat iuuu al vj lirv milan cli b reati r 770 x 1 4h lord usrlik ilirs loailed lights etr and ud very tittle 1i7huj j used tractors overhauled and in al shape at pf7s 00 we hate ploughs disis u lu gu with the umd tiatiors 17 ord pu kup sew motor 1 ear ago new brakes ire and g ni rally in giod wn itt able shape 475 00 wi are wreikng a 1h r ord 17 1onl 4 liid ii lord fl lord m pmoulh 14 ifv u chev 11 t lit 2x hev and others 1 new 11 uhli ft rrf ngeralnr it a fcavinii if punliawe now 1 usitl fliitru wnsher j15 00 1 s1ikm1 umii 1 home airttanks mors kas trikin suiialile for milk r wuilifr r nn liki wirk earlys saies and service milton and t amilltiimijk i wantko wamhl hicks and fowt lllgbesl market prim prions coljerl jluilonvlile 1fg fading station llramplain v4w14 3l w wanirh l ihfv anfor old glassware old dtaiiea orna ments vases i i lamps dolls odd buitons odd silver and furniture i etc phone 41 or write mr ami mrs keith ilsrher king and union sts reorgetown u17 iost ist lmlr lrfth vlctnlty of jtlut- spring fihdium slx bucki and white female nmjnd 5 reward foi informallon leading to iter r covery i- jrnninjs howling alley at ion pfn ne v mliciuawious ol wr iv- s s fl r it j r wn1tw u dslr1i prntirik from ur ur h stor- all nr i rinln m j t immt will t m f i n tr- olimnle on i air f ir n ii r i r a fr i id t t h- rai ik nf f r vou i if t r u ti 4 o tf id il h uiwi f i f it nl is prlrl fll v ir k tlok hudtf liims in i arrmkid fir your i nvrni n full or wrll mr 4 milliard sin r swlng machlne o iv i undharn si cuelph jmle pi fi 4j m home ihon- ttlllt j farnworth memorials maaumaats at maaurata prsaaa r mrttky ltrttering rlara r4 at t t ul fjjil ont greetings everyone j macjiamie aeiua i may your chnjtmsi be mrtde happy wiih good gfoceric from merry christmas j l maihevoc m hon barrs attractively priced roe room modernaires orchestra moiiiouii vrcnn iisrlma6 ffliibtr at arton 19nur churrr sunday december is mornim htjtvkt ouoan ikkllpe fantntlf on anci la from hralnu 1 olorj wm ahmall holo the blrtiula ol k nf v nriilllner lxiroth simmon anthhitit llntvnia arv tvilnc simprr soiouta oeo elliot hlt titoaon plet an1 thcr err shrjiherda i wllann mnt vcldhutt and ivroth simmon solo ju bambini p von mr d mclean offertory piano and orcan duel oo ellloll at piano ohriitma choea surdo postlui5e from canuu for unto vt a childtrtlorn bjih tmemno sjisvlre organ prelude on to oirtatma thfm- anthem o utile toun of bethlehem sololat dorothy simmon duet o ulttle town of bethlehem f holton mra veldhuu luid dorothy simmon axthem m there were shepherd soloists mr cure pickett betty obion offertorv adete fldele e lemar postlude grand choeur e fut f lacey afcaihfciifclilifchfcvfclitifcaimilifcaaianfcaifcltnniliailfctvaifclafclnifcfcfcw bilton imiimliini ami lliatin phon 34 1w acton ont candy 5 3 lli si i mix i nuts 3 11 si 5 oranges j 3 doen si peanuts 3 ihi si 5 appifs 3 diw si t cookies 3 t s si j tangerines 3 doen si alio other 1 n ei at 1 equally qood prices wnwamrevvira were hurry ng our merry j chnstrrtat greetings to all our fnends coopers mens wear special jumbo xas oranges 69c dojen lettuce celjco tomatoes ludlah sew t srr t cauliflower turnips cabbaf t frm i lan anas crapw leemona iellrlou apples c herrits oranges tangerines flower dale tea mountain blend coffc canada dry coca cola grape juice sod water tom collins lirne boxed chocolates english biscuits cigarehei m1rsthlalllsjs

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