Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 5, 1950, p. 2

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1 artrm 3 rrr jlrrhb iubiibj i vr nuuj at jut oui autbufurj rtmi tlui autl fo 0it ivpitrtat ottawa ltid mtiaa s nalfc 5 tc kwik ou mi aai lbtu la gtvca wtoa ttt ol addrvta ia raut4- airt ebtimnc bates om aaaliralina j a fvra t iiumii ciumi fc alltunish trr putioa tli b tafcaa j rrror lh vrt prr jtiiif uuiwj umbi on lb ili idw that ll u1 liab4 u at rr ta aay u ya hrrruad uium pfeuj al advanlaataaat rrjulrd iiiw b laa 4vrlimr aal r tunrd to tw fr baslaaas ojftca rfulr u d t thr advertiser b4 with tub arru o car imuai platalr d ta vrtllaa tlvaraea aaj ta llai ra ii aar ai4 ta al cofrrttaj bp tfc f prm i luwilr aaau aot aacw4 wik a prufwuli- j lb alir cot of aih itwl lb bat kiuplfd to i ha m ariwf baar lw lit bibdi ataa- uccuptrd by leik dvrtiwmai jjirfu mi ttuimri olltra i taking stock this ii ihr lirrw of yrar wlim itock mkmg wml not olwrtyi fxulfif tccortiti fl rwceiiify fven before itm- dflyi whin such detailed record had o lc mrtintnirud for imtislicrtl mid novern ment retorcf mid tikirmn purpose the month of january and par tic ulir ly the first wol or o of the month has been stock taking time it is logical that once a year a period should irt andc to not only take stock of world possessions but also a stock takmo of the procjress made and the benefits ttccrwd from experience progress seems always to be marked but fhe lesions from experience are often not so pronounced tike new years resolutions they are some times confining and often abandoned ft we take our pathway toward progress january is stock mkinrj time in the business world and in the period of after war recovery is very important this year with new goods ir befler supply new products replacing those in use for many years and new methods the re full of years of research during the war yeus and since it has been deemed good business to sustain stcx k the outlook for the future a out i seem to indicate it was time to revcrsi this policy since stocks can soon be replaced trie sloe i tak inq of 1 950 is important therefore in riiny was it can b enforced new tears and chi ctmds accident records show what may tx done by strict law enforce ment and the problem o drinking flfd driving it it can be done m a holda time it can be done at all times and a more nqid enforcement of the remaining clauses of the i iguor control act would prove a boon to all enforcement requires the cooperation not only of police officers but the rule of common tense on the magistrate s bench and more faith in police officers than has hoen shown in the past too often police are put on trial rather than the accused and we have every sympathy for the officer who is conscientiously attempting to do hts duty and protect life and property the holiday law enforcement has teen a fine example of what can be done just why en focement and law observance should be any i different at other times of ihe v hard to un derttand and illogical the liquor laws can be i enforced if they are not the fault lies in the policy defined by those who frtmr that policy i i loolit good in 1950 i say s the financial post after review mg re ports from over a hundred leading business ex ecutivcj for canada as a v hole 1950 look- like another cjood vrir ven hardl expect to see it eguil the record ot 1 9lq f that was on extraordinarily good year indeed but the general outlook tor the next x months at least continues favorable but there will be soft spots both as to areas and industries largely be cause our vital trading problem w th great brit am and other sterhnq areas s 1 remains un solved in looking forw ard we svkjj realize the extent and significance ot the vast development which has taken place m the past ten years there has been enormous growth particular there has been a substantial diversification of industry this means there ar elements ot strength and stability m our economy very dif ferent to the situation of 1910 or of 1930 we are now consuming a greater proportion of our production even in such basje lines as agricult ure mining and forestry the development cf the western cl fields and the iron ore m labrao i or and quebec means new obs new wealth new industries its amusement devices for profit th citizens of the quen city decided to seek legislation that will allow en open sunday commercialized end with all the ballyhoo of peanuts and popcorn and sideshows were oldfashioned enough to be sorry ebouj the decision of toronto voters we have watched the spread of liquor legislation from the cities outward to the smaller centres we take it for granted that toronto will get what ever tt desires from fhe ontario government ancr we therefore view with some alarm what will be forced on the rest of the province as a result of the vote on monday purely selfish interests want a commercial ized sunday judging by the vote toronto has a majority of those who place money above all else nd therefore earn for that city the name that adheres to well hogtown our sym pa thy goes to those other fine citizens of tor onto who do not deserve such a name but are of necessity placed in that position in spite of their opposition the vote proved too what many have felt for some time that the press does not influence the voting all three papers were opposed to the sunday sports ft aut ton ship ktfwmn th nawspapar and advertiser the relationship between the newspap r and its advertisers is as important to ihe riewsparer reader as it is to the publisher newspapers ott sometimes unfairly accused of lx ing subservient lo the advertisers who providi the tt venim upon which the newspaper exists this erroneous im pression has been gathered bemuse the aver age person knows that the newspaper must have advertising to exist and therefore if he happens to lr of a suspicious turn of mind he concludes that the advertiser must set ihe policy of the newspaper not only is such a suggestion untrue but it i unfair both to the newspaper and to the acf vertner practically every publisher will tell you that few mere h ants ever attempt to dictate the policy of the newspaper they may t x press opposition to some stand the newspaper has taken but few would go so far as lo threat en the newspaper with withdrawal of business if that policy was not changed to conform witt the wishes of the advertiser the successful merchant is usually successful tiecause tie is an honorable man and few would stoop to the lev i of threatening a newspaper txtause its publish er had different ideas on i given question th in the advertiser the relit i oris tup bi twee n the advertise r and the newspaper is similar to that which exists tx fween a merchant and his customer only in ll is c se the publisher is tin merchant and the ad ertiser the customer the advertiser purch i space in the newspaper because tie has a sto to tell the raders of the paper he uses acki r fising as ft legitimate means of drawing custom ers to his store if the newspaper continues to provide service required and adequate returns tor the investment the merchant continues to advertise when he feels he is not getting that value tie ceases to advertise that too is the relationship which exists between any othei merchant and his customer so lonq as the cus tomer feels he is getting good value and service from ttie store he continues to be a customer when value and service cease he takes his trade tlsewhcrc bowmanville statesman z3qlzz3fqtrcdolcijoco recollections ol acton notrlfo fo11czzioc back in 1900 tajkaaj frttn ik lawnn t th fr pt ttturaiy jajmary 4 lte th frv 1reta hju arranfd with srct moure and gould to trn4 orraikirnl correkfiohdrvrc dmertptlvr of their voyag xprr tmrea on th fujd and nvron- rriwiu at the ua of uar in south africa lioth have previously writ ten for thrue columns and their ttttni while on other expedition have rn read ulth interest a tjulet wedding wu held at th home of mr archibald mrnu on tued evfilny when annl- 1 the eldest fiaujihler and iu id i jones t tsionsj loctmio live foreman for thr ottawa arti- prlor and larr sound lallwn al mldauikt w re unlttd ii ht wedlock ainui tmociilmk fndn inoii ink the fm ml rtin mil is fut nlnrm t r ihi ir ijn m v frnm- tiikim in rmirm t uristr u tiiii n thi imir f itrk sirfl jm i hliit as run in t mil rn it lij 1 nr j ws f uri 1 li im n lirt inr r in jilui1- i im iik ii1 i t i rklin u rv fiit t inj mi wrs a s unci j a mun 1 ft oi nw mr cvtriin fnr the mar ll inn 1rn i rui in t in inter i its o mvrx w ii sii timl sim m-sai- v t srnsth 1 c urodl nnd k ltd r left i i wim k f muiiltolta und ll not thwvl mr j ii nu s ol man ret urn i jim wiek fmni ttir nirtti after working th rough the em tit stnt a nu n ui or tw h innijm j- marrirj iahf i tsijf al the id n i hi limit s uinmtv 1 i houutiir 7 tli t v iiim pti trism urih i uri vm led h lr i it ri u ton nnd li itolml hi r in 1 jiln irit 1 nrcn lo a iil daughti r f iti 1 lslit ii of 1 nn iownshi m st in s hck i 10 i rtun w iwih- f thurmlai j r id s i un foil i 1irl l iinditi in f lb- i rrr ir- inni llll ll i mr v i i r trin t iimnrtui imh t fun hi nmpinn at kn nlnj inn in t nn inn rim ijuilt i rni ind ttim t lo 1 fuiuh i ct sun 1 i rend of tl ion nto imi run cli i u l tn rongrr i jill to t ic m n l stwrt m a to f oinlnier church editorial notes 150 henceforth mr nnd mr hnii d ii m at least ia inter d dn re filkd but it can be t come unt mticipated trie svtamp ny dav nov avetiiii li tf i js l n j- th ivr u am mf i i mi i vmh on kridn willinm wilthi ir m dnnmnd we1iin it thi ir h mie on lik sfitiirdnx lird i- t mi mn n sine s hut da st in i i al ms norm nning i willi i e not only a green christmas but a qreen nev ear as well does tax recollections to find a com par i son oakville llvltisf ulloil ttie nert tour cylinder cars wt have a license dee the st fee is ttppiicable onl to i made before 1933 that s the advantage i av mcj such flex bie leg slat on contrilniion i ih hopnil tuihl ib inc fund u tpr w il p num t rv of tht roird of gocmor of oikxill trifilur m ninriil lliw i itil it lit thtirvdi i vcninc nn t ting tin iiiumt of chtkue ntcimd from tht tuwn proceed cif th sili of sinnnm dnnture w i t164 the cjiffmnrr u a ic rnti d for l ih discount rot of prmtiiik and enfmnc the dbcn- turrs and b the deduction nf ji os s3 the iimnunt of taxe due on the hospital jiutldini- site trie town giiirantetd us jinnono and vi should rcene the full nmnunt laid chairman j m illnlood ynuncsters enjoying the seasonal hohda from srhcntl clarthim can participate in supervised re creational program taking place in victoria hall each week this is still latest organization group recently announced another project of the oakville re- vvas the union of the unemployed and its creation commission and provides jh tht h v ii i tili b r tiuous and xarltnt saia tnat tnij goup will not resort to strikes or t journal work stoppages to enforce its demands the ne calendars came along m spite of the dire predictions of last summer that the strike had stopped production after all strikes don t i stop the years rolling around v another new booklet came to our desk en titled the journal of calendar reform its argument is interesting and logical but one hes itafes at any more reformation tka titu slicks toronto the good has discarded the cam ouflage and decided to come out in its true light in its other character which is perhaps better known throughout the province as hogton tdoy mntent with sue days in which to q sale of motor licenses fov 1950 started on juesday and there is the usual early demand it will save a lot of inconvenience if you secure them early after all they are only good for 1950 and you might as well have a full years use of them laxc mmik qpivw cotton record lancashire cotton mills hne pro duced 20 70 000 pounds in dne week a uistunr record thti out put aehiecd in tht week ndlhfi november lth brought the total output so fur this ear to 873 100- ihk pnnnds cecil a carr optometrist cueifh t dsugus si tl 1091 bilton pliimliin and heating mum s4iw acton out quality concrete blocks concrete bricks cinder blocks backup tile iconomy beauty maple block tile ltd uru ohtjuuo ruiza on raoum uxplb einwooo vom mottl food vklmt fob touu douujul bebvk zoos ih pla01c 0 hkavi dont miss this change to but quaker tomato soup why pay more worth twice the price 10 oz tin 48 tin case 2 40 5 canada first green pea asparagus or vegetable soup 5c in donald duck8 drinkino 0lab3mclirem peanut butter 31e pink salmon 13c clarks pork beans loc quick quaker oats soe aylmer t corn 13c dessert pears 2lc r 19c prune plums v loc prunes 19c x4c 29c incnxjiy choice irew cnor maple leaf puke lard 18c hakvest margarine 29c ogilvies cake mixes 31c spice cake mix 33c swiftening sdsfkfs- i 34c heinz baby foods 3 mclarens pancake syrup v 29c society dog food 14c rommlller dog midgets 1 6c o polish 30c snowplake ammonia 7c bruces budgie seed 1 7c mu leal soap flakes x9cs uungs c c sauce m- lie si no 1 spy apples s lb i liusincss dirihtory msdicju w g c kenney isuwiiuir to ir j a ucniva office in symun block uiu et acton im puu ti tiimin m ru im no i pei potatoes pk cllq tomatoes pkg wnd carrots 3 lb fresh daiiynw cbbo colilor splnich radiih grp tinilui 29c 39c 23c 17c dr d a gabrett ltiytia aaj harsa curnrr of willow and ulvr sis hjitrnc hjvrr slrrt actun ontario dkkta1 dr a j buchanan dmuj llmfjiia office- liihman illk uju 8t- offlr lluurs dim tot pin x ilav tlujjhonr iu dr gtorgc a sirrs lwuj hurm mill st tmrr irdrrlrk a rtun offtir hour 9 00 am tu 5 30 pin- ttijjmonl 10 c i uaihiriand i a mtiin llarrttrr 1 llritor nolr luhu flftwr llun- iuaitnor iftl ifvf a mtjskin harirrrl arwunttuita sue vsrv to jknkins a llui i ui m ir p nm nue u vhiimi si loruiito r in ui ii ktfuisakv b d young v s 11 v sc rtrtnary fturcroji off trhvili onurlo 1h in- mihin i4flr4 i g oakf3 vb b v sc ctrrtnary sururon off t1 mtiu knox ave a lor ihoiu iv miscmjankoih th victor r rumiey mjni kal home i uiirnu iiimtm- hratrl mbulanc im hi t hi i r d iv utv fir ll t k h fafcm ac nt y lr i i 1 t ai in in nada h 1 lt k nl mld tnonu ml 1vm t pi dtltlvf torn llrwnn lhonr irnrirutun ssjw wrigm1 km al state and insukanct v r whicnt s m wuioirr 0 vrillmi si 3h york ltd artnn onl ui iph ont 1jkhm 9b phmir uuu al rrallnra inanrerc m tidm i aimihl institute of canada mpiihiv rudph 1 pitmt rtral v tal ilimnl m- ml rs u iph itr1rt itimi- riii aknls amkiitlnn travellers guide cray coach lines iiks ihwk at i id ui a m h ml m rn 1 1 4h a m j l pm 4 41 pm im im 8 13 p in riwsh pm rt bound 10 4j i n 1- p m j 7 p m 7 wm 7 in i- p m 11 1j p rn li k suniuv tnd holl- dt silurd suruli tin hill- railways canadian national rt hound lih ft 44 u in ijailv ckcipt sun- in v sj a in 7 10 p m sunday nl h i i n i nl xc pt sunday fhr t irilwii 6 37 pm 1 h kw r t dnrci tn 10 1 1 p umlhoutui iljtlv ipt sunday and monday 1 mi m surilv and monday only 1 1h win dil rrrpl sunday 8 4 u r bvi pm 7 44 pm saturday unl trt pm sunday only 0 am futvt hvrt at guelph r- ttpt saturday and sunday impw jt s jolds optoowtrul 7 dougias street gueijh eyes examined iqlasses fitted

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