Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 5, 1950, p. 8

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pack eight the acton free press thursday january 5ul loso yftl wrtfc mm im a turf i t oz i xmlm me mf aw fchw1 far try mostx y a iis let at gran hospital otuwa december j7 1949 to ur and lira afervyn yabaley a son a baby brother for gary both well yule at the nursing horn ac ton on uonday january 2 1960 to mr and mr s yuje rock- wood a son m chal fcarl moth er and baby just fin thompson ur and mr c thompson rr 1 actun are happy to announce th birth of their daughter at the nursing home on wednesday jan 4u i860 uother and baby just fine pod ktnneoy suddenly at lha homt of her daughter lin joseph n raid 33 tnin av s hamll urn on monday january 2nd 1150 wllhelmln ulna water houw widow of the latt prank kennedy jikndkrhon at hu home lha kelgniory club p qua on dec 31 1949 aged 45 year kenneth a henderson beloved husoand of katharine falconer and son of mr li u henderson of fall formerly of arton idckfy very suddenly at nluga r kails ontario on sunday january ut hkvj j i alt key manager of im hank of montreal niagara fallft brothei f urt w ii clayton arton fh fune ral wu held yeeterday in ma ear j- alia card ok tiiansuj rev it i and mrs bennl would like to express their thanks to the friends of knox church and alto tha many arton friend who an kindly remembered us at christ mas time alan for tit assistance van in our moving to acton this past week it was all very much appreciated by ua ftv ii 1 and mrs nennl and family bg yw it will soon come aaay to writ it 1080 but usually not before february pictures in connection with the first meeting of arton town council will appear in next week issue for extra copies order early from your dealer thr will be of historical hi teres onni yrarsmri dc iluwl had ja ponies it lac and forty thla in bud and flower in her garden on mill street several nf these jan tiary blooms are on view in the free pre window ijiheln on nil free press sub- scrtptionn paid to december hud have been corrected pleas- see that your inhcl comparer w ith your receipt there were a grc it man change to be made th pisi month on our mailing ihts how harmful are cigarettes th tidal wav increase in cigar 4t smoking in a single generation stands as one of tha mo remarkable maas chang of hu man habit in all history declare roger william wis in the readers digest for january last year 400 billion cigarette war oonaumad in the united state and 19 billion in canada about 800 000 american canamofcara aie joining th ranks of smokara annually tha dtgeet articla one of tha eerie of reports to consumer epprateo tha effect harmful vt6 otherwise of thla nationwide cloud of clgarvtt amoka upon public health aa ahown by tha medical finding to data two chemical in dgaralttf smoke befuopyrene and nicotine are under grave auaptclon though medical arianea haa ao far not proved cae against them nico tine in pure form 1 ao violent a poison that tha amount contained in wo cigarettes would kin a smoker quickly if injected into tha bloodstream but in smoking rumi of the nicotine earepea into the air only a slight percentage la jb- v rbed by the mouth and lunga though beniopyrene u an irrl tant rather than a poison it la a rreater threat to heavy amok en than is nicotine according to many physicians throat irritation the most common charga- against amoklng la blamed by doctor on incompletely burned tar products of which benzopyrene is tha chief ingredient medical opinion differs on amoka induoed damage to th lunga gen- cer of tha lunga has shown a mark ed increase in recent yaara and some authorities attribute this higher incidence- to a parallel in crease in cigarette amoklng others do not tha american cancer society formally states that no an ewer can yet he accepted at be n sclent finally valid it 1 generally agreed however that cancer of the mouth tongue and lips la unduly prevalent am ang smokers researchers in midi lgan minola and pennsylvania have come independently to the conclusion that the majority of th victims of cancer of the tongue are exceaalve users of tobacco cigarette retard hunger the author states by suppressing stomach wall contractions which produce the hunger sensation hence smoking interfere with ap petite end thereby with good nutrl- t on a gain in weight la common ly experienced by person who have forsworn tha amoklng habit heartburn and gastritis may be caused by excessive amoldng the article gives no evidence that tha stomach ulcers are so caused but states that exeat acidity of the stomach produced by smoking provide the lend of climate ul cers like ulcer patient who amoke have more relapse than those who do nol on the effect of tobacco on preg nancy doctor hav concluded that smoking doe not do pregnant woman any mora harm or any 41 f ferent harm than it doc anyone eke mothers milk has been found to analyze 1 4 part nicotine in ten million among moderate emokere 4 7 part among heavy smoker but no effect on babia ha been delected m readers digest article re ports evidence that smoking im pair athletic prowess and retards tha growth and oheat development of collageage men coach are almost unanimous that muscular power is lowered and that fatigue begins earlier in atnokr lleart disease it more prevalent among smoker than non smokers and smoking may intensify exist lng heart dtseaae rlla state smoking speeds the pulae by at much a 2h beats per minute and raise blood pressure mrke1ly ard quickly as yet however no proof exists thst smoking cautct heart disease or h gh moid pre sure studying iff spans and the smoking hat ft of more than gfw white ami cin male a pv chn at john hopkl1 concluded rliat fif rrr cent of nn unokera at the ag of v will rak co but that only 61 percent ot light amnker nd a mere 4fl pv iwt of heavy mker v ml double tier age at 30 other doctor dlsirrr hold n x that th h avy amoker are tempera men tally the kind of people who do many thing to rxceaa and thus are more likely to die early new school kvesy m rkfl a new school was brought into use every 36 hour in britain dur ing the three months from june to october last this has just been re vested by the minister of education mr george tomllnson he said that during that time 60 new school departments had been provided ready for occupation this meant that places had been made sot m mo pupil representing a rate of about 400 a day lancamork ftihng cotton eoottlk lancashire cotton mills have pro duced 20 750 000 pounds in on week a postwar record 71 out put achieved in th week ending november lmh brought th total output so far this year to 73500- 000 pounds- pollock and campbell m high grade memorials memorial engraving c2 wei st notiai galt lovell bros meat market friday saturday specials mapu lsaf sllcsd ftraakfatl bacon 59c lb paamaal ccvhaoa roili tt 55g fnah fahc skttubun u 38c eau ptk loin cft ham nd lb duc smsiimi cohao islu t konalaaa ptcnica pa- port buhi lb 48c fresh harni hah or whole b 47c ftrrl braml lit grub crnwry butter 63c lb quality beef tlad rsatl lb 50c ufa loan h 55c choice rump roast tti 55c meaty skouusr roast 45c tender round sirloin ron steaks 69c business sale cheese making declines in u k at the 22nd annual convi nlion of the central ontario chi si mnkru awtklntion rrc ntl pr ii a drb chief marketing and xlrrchnnrtlztng oaln products dominion i pnrtim nt of agricul tun gnvc nn hih resting nddn s on the che c industry in some euntp nn countrit s recentln rc- tunied from attending thi xii in- t motional dnlr congrt vs nt stok holm sweden dr derb bh nble to give first bund obligations of the chei si lrhimtr in sv ilen ivnmnrk the n thi rlnnds nml tin unltid kingdom of pnrtuulnr lnt rest to conn dlnn i h mnkpni wirtlil n hunts on thi poti ntiiil market in the unltml kingdom for c mart inn chr st tti fnrm thit m indmtrr in thnt countr hit dumntd to one i qunrtt r of iti pn uar p ak pnrtlv from the drift nw n fnm the farms of bos nnrt giru who makt the product and also ncaiih of the di niand for fluid milk for mnrkot milk purposes th total chect prthluctinn in 1wd it ixptcted to b about vl million pounds or i about ont half of prewar produc tion and of which not more thnn 10 to is per cnt will b farm prt ductinn cheddar and cht shire arc the onl two tim manufactund in an quantity and then onl dur- j lng periods when nurilii milk is allnble the dom stlc production of cheese in 1d4q is a small part of the estimated requirements of about 40b million pounds the united kingdom imported slightly more than 352 million pound of cheese in ims compared with 328 million pounds during 103s prewnr consumption uas nine pounds per p rson this rose to 14 pounds during the war and later dropped to r pounds because of limited supplies at the present time consumption is around 8 pounds on the basis of a rati of two ouncts whkt ptr p rson t we have made further reductions to clear the balance of our stock dresses our selection is still fair rag to 27 95 roducad to wherever birth atatlatlcs haw hwn pollectod in cnnnda th ahou an exccb of maloa lucky blrli i millinery 1 2 blouses234 skirts 3 4 5 slacks 3 4 5 purses 2 3 4 sweaterso50 cardigans and pullovers fall coats suits in debwear wood winds gab and wools t 1500 2600 3600 these fall coats you wiu want oon fort spring wear now smart winter coats that wiu give vou a thrill to wear 19 26 r0s anihop ot adiii fur coats we have only five coats left to clear 85 165 200 the classified section buy sell exchange wanted etc advertiamentb under thi heeding 35c cosh with ord up to 25 word additional word lc par word if cash do aot e company the advertisement minimum charga 80c and lc pow word additional for each word over 25 subsequent inaaruob 25c for sau i wantb kok sait 7 il 8 weeks old wm oobbie phone 197rl5 acton kok sau- monarch ice box ootid a gtbbefi as ni is ihone apply un caeura xjt saj i- dry maple asd beeih firewood also apple by the tiaikrt or hamier w a t n right rr 4 phone 11 br tf vvamujtonuy small hou wlth txinenirnces i o uox 533 acton wantku chick and fowll highest market prices phone collect huttonvule lrg gradiaa tlon urampbon 53 r ft 3uaj yxh ixlx baled hay dehvrr ed in any qu nil tie krtqu ries please write herman morris 111 mont it k 1 ihone llarrteuvllle 1455 wanih applications will be received until january 6 bv dr oakra fur assistance to ii r mann k hours eaih saturday tleee state salary exiected vou saij- 1 3 burner ooaloll stove complete with oven and 5- gallon coal oil can in good condl lion apply m uelpti street or ihunr jqj fxk sal i- v ingham lasslt rtf k stove in good rurulltlon ued two wteitrrs will take qurtw i healer or annex in part anint j umb h it 1 acton kok sal r aillnental wli lied box tvpringk n1 mitlnuk l itntf inatlort calinet rs lio jiiion graph modi rn null kn firtuti phone 15j mrs erunip wanih ixj uuy caah for old glassware old dune orna ments vase oil ism pa doll oddl button odd silver and furnltura etc phone 47 or write ur and mr keith llarber king and union sis teorgetown lto1jt fot tent kok hhsi i h ne 14vv utnihd room kok sal 1- 1 lson hot air i urnace j fire pot lse1 only one season 1 medium sle queter heater also studio ciiuch afply to a i ware 10j rerent st acton kok saii- caw mih almost new 50 blade ldger in good running order coat over 11500 last spr ng he son a hie make offer an be acen at clarkaon ont write clarksnn post office ilox 13ka i pon rxur we have now ready for sale to farmer all clover and paatur graim and would urge purrhaa of same very soon a stock are very limited also very choice white honey in email or large taontatner william oouae nd sons ltd btreetsvllle phons 1h and 114 925 kkiv nj txiiji nrjkj khtaiy hoi si yon hi st a fini iiunlr horni about kl riulrk rtin at im hii tine h room and bath brick h jum hmk idn throughout it hot water healeil by coal furnace ha rlrtrtc hot water beater full all divided basement hard and aoft water in house ihree piece bath also a garage and garden- build ing quite close to road and sohool oood place for retired couple might hord teat her or have school oa retaking or work in ac on con- t ict teo i fletcher heal estate- broker rrtn ont phone 40rfl kok sal i- plumbing supplies in good supply at hilton plumb ing and heating acton ont hlack and gakantied pipe all six cut and threaded if desired pipe fitt ing soli pipe and soil pipe fitting sinks bafclnn baths sump pump thallom well pump septic tank phone mlw if mackenzie ateuta e nre commencing our third ear writing mackenzie ntu fhcte r times when news ls ph n i if ul and we find n trouble in filling our cm lunin tht rt nre the dull da mi 1 i m w hi n we find it hard to find intertwilng ra irrlnl f ir ur readers we hope thai in the part tw ivejrs r have made tfilt column in teiestink to ou a e have enjovod jour comments we have for jour conven tenet mostlc tile and ru be til snmplt a well as idi il infirmnllon on application and cart tif mime nnd won 1 be pit iim rt t ohllre nnvone in tcremtd in lnvlnj thrnc f 1 j in their htimes t v u in churri n sun j n mattkknzii bon notice to creditors and onikaa la the ltaie f bobekt pduiv wathon levt of the vulae ea aruat ta the oasuty 4 laajtaa osaife4jaar dimaiai all persons having claims aaaln- st the 1tate of robert perry wat son late of th village of acton in the county ot helton confect ioner who died on or about the klrst day of april 1m0 are re quired to send particulars arut proofs thereof to the underalgnedl before the seventh day of january 1v when the auets will be dis tributed among the parties legally entitled thereto having regard only to th rlalm which shall have heen filed dated at acton this fifteenth da of december im0 c k ieatherlnd acton ont ario solicitor for thomas wataon r r cutok no inlrnm in coimiuinit for i loral vrrrninrnt i the evjter i n i t n f iwi kiv i u her tf t n nr n k 1 indtrntlon t f hn i he mod ontario tnxe l a m u d ha i w t patterson ro hpeelalist in eje rxamiaatia 109 uindham ht ottclpfl phone 2 1 g com letel fcxuriped office ictoa- maher shoe star ortheptiat expert radio servicing kor 1iomf al to hassard radio phove aj n t us in thi m railed welfa vta wliri n t rt v lent nun nti rn w ull t v nil im all k ill rtul wild i sph i ister lutldj inlrmnn tf the can- id nn i iin urn 11 rentl mr i ut tntt wn nminting tin ine rt its ti it he rm i li in tl nr nil tt of tp kivir hnrt n in int n 1 in an attempt t i iv tit m ciintt n ti mmiinlty i un it 1 lindli htnr own i cnl ii im nt d j ur i i k t run t halt kivi r ufl vi i rum nt cn ated city with i h tnl ii tmifilion t lu- nnd h uv nut nj tn ti s to fri a m nth authorities blame in k t ir t r t n if k v rnmi nt n t f in t i it i nimunitv st rv i f s a t j r i li w 1 1 1 u t t i a i m it m lm in n si ki sh rt k t r t ve j j t n t i wmt to hthtr ninninc their own in i unitv ita t1 mr kutldr ut it n r n a n thing nk un t tsim thf prnh m arvjt n in ium tie ms pit m ieep 1 vi r nr t rl nnrll human tn inir i i moral i hv us whin it ap t ran es the jk int whin iviiy- think i i ng d m f j- iu tii low inlirtst in dt lng for nuru if in i thin thi ial dnni r is that ami i ni tan i d n to u i t- i a n u not a town wiiht ut taxes w of u arf4 iritf3 iv ontario in it 9 farnworth memorials monunnlatju pneae cemetery letterino elara bd at oemetary ttt eupii ont ontario again 1 nd all rovlnceo in regard to united states visitor entering canada on traveller ehrhi permit during the flrft nine months of the current year appr ximatrly gfi per cent of all i s cars entering canada came ir to ontario leaving m per cent for the other nine provinces according to the dominion bur eau of statutlcs during the month of september alone 463 173 us entered ontario t datvthis year 1 057 0x1 motor care entered ontario on tvp s a compared with oflfl 075 during the same period in 1948 an tntfreaaa of 6 8 per cent for all of canada the entry figure stands at 1717 538 mm bwt

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