Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1950, p. 6

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taoeszx the acton fftec mbs tjjtlllhday january 12 1ft ajw rs in november 1wh dr v it craham mful that w read malabar farm by louu brum field prof rtcomnthiud the bajk a being thought provktng to n un interested in tolt build ing and qnhtrvetlon being scolch or jewish we inquired far the book at our local jitjrr n success the at hical book lore at ii with no success and when in larger centrea ala managed to forget about ii llo- evrr santa clau apparently lit and cf our d lenina and now c iuivr h ahum lllf4ttultalaly wt mvl t studious as ve ajioukl tu vat rh means that u hen we do gat time t read something aside from l tat ticer the da 1 1 and weekly firm pres wf usually pick up aumetiing of a ilghl naturr m i or unl fur vntertalnmeat wa have not niilrtrd thr reading if mri a bar farm y but f tiavr read luffuient of the bftok lo as lurt our readers that militxir farm hrll written and very readable ut murh ao that ii dm mot have to lakr ammd iu lo any detective alory that waa ever written louu brant fir id is a r v r writer he is also a verv ob arram and close student of paint and animal ufa mr nmmflrld ma ml- mt f ht money from writing ssm lecturing wa don i know wit to date wf lavr been dcllghud uilh alt apparent soind and prarllcil knowledge of soils and phii llfr in particular arcordtng wr paul fisher and member nf thr select comm ttee of the ontarto legislature who visited hi wnn acre ohio farm lait fall u oram field u fhjuap got id furmct m hr u i writer in any event aomr art nt odd llallon folk have pur cluised tickets cat one of th two hat urt mr brum fie id la lo ad drcs in toronto cm january 30 and jo whethrr or not ou are au it hear mr bromfleld wa would haxr nn heltatl n m rr own mending malabar fim for ii pruaal n maartftvav re sleeted pre- tdaatt a oaf aaaaeialiaai th hatcm crop improvement am iati in hrld thrlr first meet inc in 1v n thursdav lat the farmer itulldlnc milton u as parked to cannrttv fur n th m ai address baaed on thr ilirf til build ng comprtltlon ap nmrtd j b tha aaaoriatlon in 1w j n hu introduction mr tltomat rextewed the man factor which had to hr laken into contidra ion tn planning a sot hulldln it gramme for one reaneotlve farm reference um made to thr or htiuklng at farm which reutrd in pasturea batng graaed loo coiy to the praettcr on many farms of growing loo many grin cr ipa in kurcesjan in lhi c m- lion he rtfnndem hit large auli rut of itr adagr nvrr mnr thfn two v ttitr itraw cropa in ucciji on mr rhnma alao stated that thrra rr twi man farms with i uf fictrnl alfalfa i no man fatii m h i arr not inrludlng uf tt alfalfa in thfir met mlxturra n liiwintf h rry inlrraatlng addr aa ihc rrntainrtrr of thr aftern n i rt4 tarnmr uai glvrn over to an rtrrmrni dlauaualon rri m1 mijudpvl onl fly jojajifi f ur rudcdye- thrre arr ordain word that to manv peoplr in thia day and fen eration seem to har a tlnlrtcr rtng l rhaps thr chlrf of thrae t pro fit it i a fighting word to many it tumt them to prejudice rather than reaaoned argument it repre sents to them all that la trouble- aome ducouraglng and restraining in thrlr dally uvea vet ran on think of a greater mistake hie very simple fart ts that profit u life it is only a symbol of growth and when growth eeaaea the long process of death has begun ttvoae people who are ronfuaad by a word are ready to admit many related facta they know that pop illations must do more than just replace themaetvee or ultimately they will pass from recorded his tory aa an many nations have paa- aad they rrcognlte the simple phvalral fact that muscles that are not used die and that thnae that aie uard grow stronger with use thr profit of rvrrclar thev recog nlrr that agiiiullurr the halc in huttrv of humanity thr induitry hv which wr live la founded on pro- j fit who would undirtahr to aow fir cxrrv tmimhrt of wheat com erin ahle manner lv which mr ttnmi mlttrd to thr aoll hr got ba k just handled th- barrage of qucllom ii btihrl what sort of man on aolu frrtlltier pasture a t it w how devotion to his family mulure grau ilae ilmi- etc n r in the how that waadellghl tn all who heard him hit ioni mav o farthrr than he in fart many were heard to re am- that too u profit how or mark it waa one of the mm w rlh hv uld mm he if effort 4u while meatlnga be had ailndm in many a day on thurada morning prior tn the gene rat meeting the nru toird of director elect ad at i he unrual meeting tn laecrmher ird met to appoint their new officers for 1vi and make ansne tentative plan f r i hear wvi tsrarajnane thr election of officers n miled as follows prrwvt nl v r mi arthur nelann towruhlp vi e- pa c r picket raouetli- twp sec treaa j r whltrlock milton included in the trntt pro gramme for trv h the annu l seed kalr to be hrld at mlllon on march 17 and 13 w fl tium to adaeea itmllaei leraejr ftradera v r to ton direct ir of pun relation at the ontario i i ill ura college in to he the m ft speaker at the annual meeting of the jfaltnn lenwy club to be held m llornhv m tuaadav januirv lth pirector lotions samreas at the annual llalton panvi forum itallv in m nn last fall won for him man admlrem whtrh i ud i nun a rrs t rd t ruin l llornhv on turidnv nri 1 iv it mn mner populnr wvretnrv f thr canadian tern v catllt u t id ther noli orthv tenwv cnt in mstlci nre to lie nn thu out inn t inc prncmnime strict rules can previit disease tt uiirtom of canada airlng- ent fcvealock import regulatlonn undrr th health of animals dh tal n of the oomlnlon departmeit of agriculture ts well llluatratext b thr mlafortune which has be fallen the famvers of formosa rinderpest one of the most de structive of animal diseases has tvroken out m that lalsmd and tt u eatlmttad that at least onethird o the wsitaewiwalo and cattle ma dl uhlaaa the ataua u rem- ldiad and tsfomffct under ontraf formaaa juaa base free of the disease fof yearaaag tit re ran outhrcsak la aelleee to have haen hmuifht lo the ulukd fcy a shipment of 490 hoga ffam aaarty jsalnan island it u ta peavent such a calamity that euarantlae and other regul- tlona are enforced at porta of en- to canada aa tht anbnmls from ohar rouittrtaa cannot intro duce avaatrueuve cattle dlaeaiea in to this eauntn fortunately various intarnatloi- al groups tn co- ope rat ton with fao have rail ed to attack the duusmae in formosa a specialist on rinder pest control is alreadr on thr spot to supervise the production of vaccine which will help in com bat na the outbreak all the cattle tn the infected area will be vaccin ated and movement of animals rt and out of the area will be con trol ved to prevent aareadtnt the disease realities not wishes i make markets manv canadian producer eon sign thrlr beef cattle to thr duffalo market since the canadian gov mment removed the embargo on the export of beef cattle which it did after manv of the benefits had been lost the ituffalo market has plared a big part in grtttng cana dlan beef feeders the highest re turns for their finished animals a market with a uiouaatml buy ers is better than a thou s sad mar kets wtth one buyer la tt atagan caf the buffalo livestock anrtarga 7 la a truth which will be raausvd mora fully aa govenunrnt tra4mc breaks down tn mora sjtd fftore commodltlea tnoai who produca foods and goads too often try to altar the natural flow af tfrlees le their own benefit unfdhssnataly they usually succeed tn gaeurtng falsa tamnorary srd vantages mkrouga governments which sttems4 to con trol th flow of nods and money governments can take maaawiris which maintain prices tws de mand levels by acctuntiuhhs com- 1 modltles but the ulusnal fackon- ing always results in the taking of enormous losaea the devaluation of the pound sterling and thjrtv other curranctas waa maraly th taking or the final loss caused bv refusing to buy and sell goods at market prices tlie realties of open markets not the wishes of producers determine tte prices at which all goods and services can be sold over s period of time the scene not bring aomr manner of reward it la easily tindrratond when we talk in xlmpje terms like these it becomes confused when associated wtth moner pmfibblv it is brraua in thr natural proceases nf irf anme men have more monev than othrr ihit aom men hsve differ ent colored skins or more strength or ability or daring than thrlr fal lows wr do not ask that they he bnhjght to a dead hvrl all we think of in our confusion is that in atime way wr should adjust th money difference glv r to the have not and refuse the haves the right to iiv their money for further pro fit so wrxvill reh parity think of it that is our bent answ r we should kn iw that chimin nc w iltji m ithout finalizing character and tndowmtnt is onlv a t mimrnrv renwdv the onlv wi anv m con cain is f r tomconc i mnki a pro fit ttif surrcwful ni rt hnnt c11b his fcixtd f r mi rt than tht cost i prod ure tli it i r fit iliit th re is i o compulsion tt luiv tx c l n iiir cwn ur hu iw msr f r on i n mi r another 1h pr iurt k vitirth m re to us thin we i i f r it and thnt dlff rrnrt is ir pr fit uhm u indlv idunk c as to 1 rofit from the cimh1s u bn wt iiti to purchase nd thi rr lcbln i irdhip and unempl i nirnt nnd tttrvttlnn nnd the bnikdovvn nf our u ht l orcinicd lift for one thin j we mtcht lcnrn tht r h nn jirt kri nor rmwth thi r l no survival in produclnr nnvlhlng un li the uu r nlso find n profit in mi and mrs hugh pates of grsnd valley celebrated their gold en wedding anniversary at tha home 4 their daughter mrs r m bracken on tueaday iwember yt mr and mrs noah king lot con 7 erin narrowly earaped as phyxlstlon from coal gas early on sunday morning they wer not aware of this condition until mr king got up to replenish the fire then he staggered about and fell he managed to call for help by phone ura king was unable to get out of bed mr king has quite recovered but mrs king is still suf feting from the effects of th ge a large crowd asaemblav in th town hall on thursday evening of last week in honour of the newly- weds mr and ura john short 4rfiorf largest dom in thi world an aluminum dome measuring tm feet acroas and 07 fret high u ring built in britain it will form the central feature of the 1h1 ex hibition being staged nn thr banks of the thames as centre piece fori the festival of britain some idea of ita sire can be gathered by com- parlaon with the dome of rt peters in itome which has hitherto been the biggest in the wortd this measures 1m feet acroas while at paul s in london comas rloee second with a diameter of 16 feet the pome ra discovery aa it will he raflcd will be built without any interior supports at all it will saof the moat sinking building tn th exhibition the one tolling of nritelns preeminence in tha field of exploration and discovery by tnnd sea and air too manv oraouatest quantity not quality is the aim of too many colleges today fears thv rinandal post which says anada s college population in 1031 was 12000 now ita over ca- ofto the universities moat nf them d w ndenl upvn government finan cial aid and most of them infected with the 36th century mania for bigrieas have an lipped the coin age made the attainment of a de gree so easy that they regurgitate a great rabble which include a lot of people whose claim to intellec tual rapacity tt to ay the lsaat small 4 some day we hopa soma uni versity wilt bring distinction la it self by forgetting about the aim of growing big in numbers and by fo- cuaalng on quality the preernl policy of graduating horde fills ton many youths the matdmss and parents with delu slona whit h inevitably cause waste and grief in later yeara hooi fan ifasmm k tvpe floor fan fir mom wide air clt ulallon said to be aafa for children r cause blades are he yond rrarh of youngsters fingers is report rd in the flnsnlcsj post four curved air injector rings in hec aid air flow deep pitched plas tic blades force air into deflecting cone which spreads sir into room from inch grilled area around top nf unit finished in maroon and chrome stands is ins high weighs is iba ixogenrvv the anienl greek with the lamp liked perfume ao well he st enled hu fs i the fum a rose and stunted his whole body ihh- kiauvaratbatooat err ay to the infinite r lief of the tod s 1011 ha avnlirottk has sulltd fur unsila um the itmdim rorres pmuunl uf the ftnai ial tit moat of th party would iw glad if he decided to stay thars for th rest of his days iteaitilly the canadian born p r ante tmit with a polltlial maiilftstu tailing for kin pi re free traile no tusk with kuttipe rinse friendship i ut no uiiltm with th united stales an umpire i itlieinhlp and an tn plre minimum wage of pouml a week tht eliding of the hereditary piuulple in the house nf iints and a ddivand that none of tile baldwin clumlwrtaln es cabinet mliut is bould he glvrn office again if the 1 lie were rt tiiliieil t i owtr radio service 2iuhutt4 sapalrt to au makm ah4 manning electric wanted dead animals we are paying the tugheat prevailing prist far daj r crippled farm ssimiti horses cattle hogs tlepjuna collaot for esvasssdlst awrvla laing cartage arutdm mel oosftoh wow umortaa 190 i more sweomore money moit tf u did nut tx c nn cons clous of the cf f t cl of sp d on tht mileage obtnined from cinlinr un til nfter the introduction f rition mc during the second world war other thing beinj ccjuiil mnn mileage is obtained from n gnllon of ga when the car is drivt n nt n slow spred than when it i driven at a high speed a motorist w ho npeeds up to reach a filling station when his tank is running low in just kidding himself cxpertj havr determined that the most efflrlrnt and econo mical speed of a car is about 15 mph and the following statement con cernlng the relation between fuel cconnmv and automobiles was pre pared bv thr united statrs bureau of standards more force is re quired to propel a vehicle at a high peed than at a low upeed chlrflv because wind resistance inrrrases approximately as thr square of the speed tvery type of gasoline driven rhicle has its own furl sav ing gait there is just one more reason why you should drive slowly and carefully you will savr money and vou may even save lives in cluding your own m represent one thousand in roman numeral nkw htoh fob flsatnos another new high la asvtsjs danoams featured returns of th affaate to wv ws when i was in britain in 104s hcket line wage tempers were wearing short in the third week of the strike as the pickets paraded raggedly outade the small eastern canadian print ing plant a snide ratnark a re- twas the day after new years chartered hanks to tha plnaan urltm floyd s qiajjner in th turn of abuse and the tight was ministers st aufc ma ftnctal poat there was bttle to on arms flaoed and sign handle th financial feat tbuf tvviaylir shop present srbecame dubs the odd thing waa fth ru in aavlaga sasrirult marks vtrtoty ef mekharlaehoushd that the fight was between two of continuation of a trend nutlraahl btllrtla clotma gadg l foe ton urn although interrupt- cood psrfomes tm sft 4 la may and jun thos r- p wcy favorably witlxjarhat aatlnnh wane attributed partly to can wight in canada on withdrawals for tayfaag camtt ga r on uv price of and holiday sissan thar was a th msrchandla some articles an door dragged the battling striker aliehi npruew in jnh and fh 1 f h than in canada some j apart and shook them till thalr august lis was tso3 rninions toorar but th ma thing is that l teeth rattled and their tampan 91373 irdtuooa i 1 th the- housewife r go oat and buys it th husband i has to work a little harder ai hu the pickets themselves no labor- management fray this suddenly the boss appeared a hulk of s man tn his shirt sleavea he cam charging out of the front cooled then he released them handed them their signs and stamped back into the rhop with agrowld warn flying backward is s stunt on piecework job or a fw more hours on landbird can do th hum- each week to pay tha bin th and j ing kane of this rowdytsm around mlnghlrd raauh ts productivity my plant the printed word twrts tho dvy rtftor new y at and clown n our town a mo rchflnt ws frett nf and wflnnr a frown tor ihc new year iwfore him an open book lay and what sales hold for him not one soul could say for the customers came and the customer went maybe some of them looked and the other ones spent yet expenses kept climbing with taxes and such and to know how to meet them took figuring much for gone were the days when he hoped most the time he had to anticipate right down to the dime s it look so much for lighting and to much- for rant til hed figured it down to the very last cent now he mid to himself with expression forlorn i have got to tell more or my profits are goner for best results ptace voiw advefrmingr in the llul to icll that much more look wisdom too wise t i hr memler h t paid to advertise so he figuf cl l t con and he figured h ft nt and he added below it a proven percent now wtth this svd the man twelve months a year i will ut lo tell people my store is still here so he started lo smile as hit worries took flight and sighed with relief that the year wa planned rlghtl proven percentages adwatfsflafaaas avaf sasslihasava are amount ol far succaaalol rateil ln thaw are al eaa department uarae 19 to si grocery store 10 to 30 habamlainart 99 women wear skotm 91 furniture oi oanaral martkaruliaa 1 a drug store 10 jewelry 91 millinery sj meef market 10 to 10 laelauranra 91 spadal shop 9 j percentage for una not ahowa easy be ditirwlrml by ran1inii acton free press

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