Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1950, p. 6

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pacxwx the acton frefc ml ess crop cm treaties ow famous louis bromfleld ad drimi j ike annual banquet of th odtirio crop improvement aspo rtation in toronto on tfcuraday even in last ii had capacity house of around mo and if imun- bwdatioa had been available tkrre were equally as many mort who would have liked to havr heard kim we havr rud hu boo ualabar farm and were intrigued to say th least wt havr talked to several who hav vultrd hu farm and in alt reset they pictured an out standing practical farm and roming from practical fartnrn that t qultr a tribute wr had been warned that his ability s speaker waa far far thort of hia ability aa a writer frankly wr wrren t disappointed r enjoyed him tmnwiuty trur hr jarred our rumpurrnrv ha rudrly umrt thr opinlom of many nf u relative to floor and parity prior however if you had heard hu addrraa in 1u rntlrrty we think you ould havr agreed with the majority that bromfleld hai lot on the halt thr taeeaaion of thr thirteen colon ira from the british empire was in hit opinion one of thr great eat tragedies in thr history of thr world thr economic union of th flrltuh conunonwralth of natlona and the united sutea would have prrventrd thr last war and today wouh aolx r many of our u orld problems in our countr tj td of thr farmrn do not like farm in a or tuclock thrv arr thr white trash who ant fl ht or subsidies lie debunked murh nf th glory which had born heaked tw thr shoulder of our pionrrr farmrr a large pterntsg hr itattd were not farmers but land miners aotnr of them worn tut a farm in ivnnsvl ni went t to 1 and on until thc lis far a ort gon our nation cannot afford that kind nf farming anv longer not manv turh farmrr arr now left in hli native atatr of ina thrv arr bring llqul dated prosperity hr fttatcd will not bi based on high prices on brains rathrr than brawn wr havr not done an thing at malabar that anv farmrr cannot do profits must hr hed on tlnatrr flrtum per acre two things hr stated make surpluses 1 our costs arr too high our whole prrformance is idiotic 4 on mn 0 in 40 buihrl corn farmers depression begins with the farmrr who cannot buy oood farmer hr stated make 5 prr crnl on investment in bad time our prrsrnt polio is to predated and certainly this waa no aioaauon the appreciation of the gathering waa rx tended to ur tollon by victor hall hornby and to the ladlea of the hornby w i by the newly elected president duncan lloffat and to wr harold butcher by kenneth kla the elec tion of officer resulted aa follows president duncan u off at 1st vic pre w if devlin ind vice pres krnnrth ella directors trafalgar township u c braty j feather- stonr w it devlin kaqurslng tuunkhlp gerald r graham mac ahstutdrr kennrtli ella y d char in nrlsnn twp frnrst da les and itobert 1 lay ward nassagaweya township geo hrurr and duncan moffat rrln chas urkown era n t w j hatch thursday januaaty mth fcsfcz- vts lajmai fm cliahsmo ur th tpllfld uaut wow tynuiny i muay tyrannv wet mm uv gueil s looker at annual junior ttrmvr rally thr annual junior fimwr rally i nam held in thr auditorium of the hilton high school on friday evening of last wrek thr re was a gixid attrndance for thr ra ret lent program prraldrd ovrr by mln i by jaaeph utter rnflrdgr kran president of the county l organisation this tncludrd solee j ch d by mia viol brigdrn of norvaj l vt z n junior violin 4retlm by david f l v c pellrttrrio of plrrmo junior and r hare was a a humorou skit presrntrd by the z t ulllon junlpr by l b d bv lhoui during thr program stiver mr forc 1 but lh dais wrrr presented to uls vera r may of hornby and stuart uc- iau utin work u fadden of milton winner in the u n u junior farmrr public speaking m hr 9n d ctiptltlnns held last fall i th i ght of thit mr turn to rrferrncr was also made to the n open irtirr from the rev t c countv choral society which rr n pasior of thr congregational th junior farmers are sponsoring hurrh of mckrsptirt perm my and in which lhr hur thirty right rhurch he writes in ttir christian voting people participating at the nlur is almovt ntlrrl a labor firl practice hrld undrr thr dirrc congr gallon rompmrd of sleel ti n of mr ales purl u ell lwrkrn arnl th lr depindant and th guest speaker of the evening hnr hr n in ihls parish more j rr um oung chaplain of tfmn 211 ear our eommunlly h the oac the rev mr youngs j nderjnn thr rffrct of a six address will long br remembered bv its i ton juniors in attrndance and amply illustrated whv hr la in such demand as a guest speaker for rural organizations of all types presentation of the nrw junior i ks strlkr which hm wiped out ijitri purl of thr sav ng of our fimtlus the rank and fllr of the unl n nirmlenhln was ilm il ltl opihksrd in the atrikr whicn ns culled bv thr lop lrnd nhlp farmrr film rn titled farmers of without a votr of the mrmbrrs thr future was also madr and the none of thr minkler hrr h mrt evenings program concludrd with a brief dance ot music provided bv millrrs orchestra ight of protist b jaaeph ijster ruuedge in h iter t the toronto lobe and mall a toronto cltlirn desig unmitigated impertm natcd as ubsidiii our bad farmers to keep nn nddninal jhi fo for thr prv thrm allvr suhsldtes he stated shoul i bt withdrawn thr second factnrv which cause surpluses s rad distribution our world dts n for drivlnj- it an more tnbution is appalling our present than substantially taxed for the policy of parity prices and floor prlcei only results in surpluses accumulating we in u s under starh a pnllrv havr built up millions and millions of bushels of com of potatoes and millions and millions of doirn of egata etc it is all ab surd and idiotic he declared farming la the oldest profession in the world the successful farmer is a part business man part spe cialist and part scientist he must have imagination to the point that hi can imagine himself a cow m nrn a plant or a cubic ft of good soil mr bromfteld eri tsaged the farmers of thr future in north america as resembling the farmers of belgium holland and othrr european countries there the word farmrr is avnonvmous with rich man whv is he rich because he gits thr maximum per acre for a minimum of cort ne person ho favored thr rtrtke rhr lrntcttant mlnuters ataocl- nllnn rev ml reen report ap proved w thout a dl ntlnc nlc ni1 puhlishrd in the local press s rics of tati mrnts to the rfrtl thnt the vast mnj rlt or the mi m h rs of the union ppos4ml lh trlke thtt m vst union m mrs i r ft rn d i contributor jnns n iht- sucgestion ihnt n the j pnn lecnuse that would insure tl c owner of a car hr should be taxed future seciuil of the pension sa- tim that it is n fnllacv to enerf usinc it on ontario rojids i mimi thing for nothing tt esc p inlel out rrnphlcnii tit w prc pollp stntrments if was already taxed as a car own- mnts or th strikers or the communllv indlvldunls sind civ ic bodies agreed prlv ately hut dared not do so openly in his let ter mr green rive an explaining ini id nt one union man ean assef hlv own neighborhood door to door nd received 129 signatures in op position to the strike in iso calls hen this came to the notice of the union leadership he um win id to desist when he stood on his t hr had to purchase to en imr io travel tjiese mads me r railed thai ihe basic argument ir lh imposition of all these tax cs was that it would provide rev t nue to he used exclusive for road building now a further tax was proposed to make god tice promises thnt hart not been tul filled the correspondents blood hfhts to do this he was ti 1 1 rose to fever heat o k then wefll send the goon happening to recognlz the let nqd and wreck our home thl trr writer and so recognlzn lmi j not an idle threat in the penn that the proposed 10 fee would nvl his which not so long ago not undul handicap him nor ui 1w min armed with guns and d tier ordinarv circumstances dlsturn semite threatening life and prop- mm we saw with a warm gloa of t ther is an undertone of spproval that here was a man who fr sas rev mr green in the was mad through and through over pre s nee of a new vast and i nine r- i principle h had been promised nal power in the hands of a few omethlng the pmmlse had nt j nien far above the reach thr um n kept hut an alternative pro humble members of the union or had been suggested he nv ulsld the range of the rommun now standing on the rights and ob interests my predecessor se if vou didnt get a chance to hear s ni implicit in cltlienshtp of med nmphes etl in the earllei mr bcvniftrtd we would suggest irtestln h r al or imagined in dvv of corporation control frit that vou get a copy of malabar ie nwlaa tabor would have unltn farm you will enjov it nnd ou l nuu h m tmpormt than rganltallons to meet the power of will g t food for thought vow m of an annex ng 10 tax industrv on equal and fair level some of the halton hovs are begin- u suggostlon that govern unions are a reality but the nlng to ask how about the pass- m or nie of its hangers on ire rights of the individual arr no bilitiis of organizing bus trip to propping to do something to vou ni vre e ure than in tlie had nit mai j bar farm next mav or june jen than something for vou he assumption that v u it i ojnlit what happening thtt kxvl clttzin mav not permit now this protest happens to be s matter applvlig onlv to on breed r flct as pn i t duncan moffat ilfrid tilton djrvctor of publu relations oac was the guest speaker at the annual meeting tht halton jrrscv club held hombv on tuesday of last week approximately 00 jersey en- i ankle in the mind of anv cltln thutlaits were in attendance for 1 hi basic right of vour democracv the business session in the morning is the indisputable hfht and obliga- and the noonday banquet uhlch hon to proteit was catered by the ladles of the ds tlit iv is that ir t ici urgr t lell there ton is th hnllenc perhaps the hurch i uld find here a nv ind niui fl th tano of a frsh twton brz enoy the ihnll ot a dip in hm fa this yar vttrt ui down in hs marnhma s our hji- tonc towns and bstauttful counfrytid lh rugod covs and sunbathed bsfch ojono our ihori wh waicomt you wormry youll enjoy going by bus satis all halifax s49 75 quebec m90 st john 40 65 sydney 5710 lu on nmlfr appmis onlx to on- n t trlo but th pr nrlpl inxok pj nl of pll h r ll cittnhlp tfj k m iw a mail livjutlc u tlmad to v ch h hr n- i ankle in the mind of any cltlsan tubjett la chano round trip flckeis and inforfamlon rv1us hornby wi in their usual high efficiency gerald r graham president of he halton club was chairman of the da and in addition to short addresses bv harold butcher secre tary of the ontario jersey club and john bull a director of the tame organization and some jersey scenes throughout oanada the principle speaker waa dr wilfred tolton of the oac needless to add mr tohons humorous phllo optilcal addresses were always ap- ad2 tkaff1c wiars although there was no incra in the atze of us fleet of alrcrafl tca carried a record volume of pnencers and carco in 1049 ac cording o the financial post pas senger traffic increased 33 per cent oier 104r carjo up s5 per cent and mail was njmost doubled company schedules ln ol ed over 100 flights dally 08 ner ceiv nf all scheduled mileage was com- pie ted i kitchener upholstery it docant hutter how bsully your chestrfleu or chtir m norn we cn make uuai look ukenew 3 piec bsvupltttasw- ed for u low aa 8900 1 weeks free pickuv and delivery phone 10s acton good seed racyot in mchtino weeos cood seed is better able to fight vteejs to be cvrtsln of obla nlng good seed buy only certirso or regutered seed thete grades are derived from oropa impact ad in the field and for which certificate are finally issued by the plant products division dominion department of agriculture certified sm4 and registered seed are legal grades under the seeds act of canada a variety u accepted for registra tion only after it has been oar- fully compared with other varletls and found to be deserving of a place la some part of the doalajon registration or certlflcauoa of seed implies hat the crop from which it has come must have been inspected in the field and found io have the required degree of purity or variety and hind it must also he free from weeds end seed borne diseases within rertaln limits he fore aeet ran he sold as reglsttrrd or certified it must have been ub jrrtm to field in spar hon as well as n irtjrlly and germination test and if up to a certain specified standard lagged and sealed in accord nee ultji the regulations preset lh ed by the seeds art wm r bracken heal estats and genksal insurance mortgage loan arranged agriculture needs the services of as highly trained a body of scten- tuts scholars and teachers aa any nthrr profession mongol e obi a great desert called see these specials at thompson motors mtana to fou sales a uvic mh 30 fopd sedan in good condition n ce clean cat qu ppad willi soutliwind heater defrosting fan tire chami 46 ford 3 ton 7ruck and cab in first clais coml irn two 45 ford tractors con plrirly overhauled and re painted these tractors are guaranteed to ijc in first class condition if you are in lh marital lot t good uud or new tractor drop in and im u we didnt know you could do that tiuiih what a riilonirr ail whrn hr a- inuk- inj riujniry rcunliiig miiiic prrialiril print- iiijr so ur rhiiierl mmr other mijtlr of riiiiiiir thine hy our inodrni eiiiijiiiriit anil wt r hrrn iiilin inorr and inorr ri iai- ir printing for that firm trouble is 1 hat ur dont always it the oiiortunit to how aniilr f our printed product to loral liuinros plaerx we employ no salemen mat ter of fart weve been ha ini difficulty keeping up with the request- that come without solicita tion for the product- of our equipment and the experience that iroe- with it but if you have a printing problem were adequately equipped and delighted totnve von our liet service it doesnt matter hether it- a fancy job or a run of the dav we liivr every purr of printing careful attention and iood workmanhip and endeavor to be prompt if it- printinir we can do it the acton free press experienced typographers 56 mill st acton ont

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