Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1950, p. 5

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thursday february 1m0 the acton fbee pbess page itv mrs g a dill u visiting her snsler un a b lyon in ulster ia w here ir lyon it seriously 111 un cure procter and babe o hanover visited over the weekend at t he home of her parent a mr and mrs g a dills mr and mrs nortiun fryer and anne spent the wrrkvnd at the home of mr and mrm liar west and surnrftd the st valentines birth day party for mrs a urn on sun day farm forum in llalton coiuiu hijiorl dnruion tbnteiri fmurn firwarrte1 re- ports on the kitrni lull kiurn lroalihm f k tinury clh llv in ihi t afr curittdlafis well vni hh h u i in v ntd in the fomi nf dramatirtsl 1n urn and was rinnid ith vurlmii in ln kour funirns n ported th it lirim n v kwtd threr- u fair in poor unit the rrmmndi r nt i inf th tr opinion north trafalgar tn riprmlnf thiir opinion to whither canad uni vk n vk 11 fi1 or followed the health nil in lh ir fnmm rrfen cd im hark tn th clays hm wheat waft ground with stnnea ard all bran and short were not eliminat ed whereas today ur mill eg re move these elements of the wheat that are ewuntlsl to good hralth at for the milk situation we are producing more mlk lhan we ever did and vi t on the whole th av erage p rson uniiimi s lean thev also report that in certain paru of china the rwwple pay thrlr doctor while the are well and when 111 hl fees art discontinued an we rtnt dragging a long wav 1m- hind hlna in preserving health other forumi report that nmst member do follow health nili when a k lso and iimi iton l it that adult a well a rhitdnn needed t est more vegrtabli and dristk more milk in thnt w rv hi fominj mnn health ronwiou ttm m ond question 1i ilinr with mow to plan better balmcid meals brought nrlom uctivii n- ton h a more milk pudding c nm noiip ii of ktbli llr flh fresh fnnt and v pni nntl i t all ired ihit v k tilli s m 1 1 1 ih- rmkihl quiik tn i mi tmiim uniimint of wittor unit vim 1 pnuup11 thi wntrr th it i drain il off whin rook id houm 1 umd for miip md cral k im forum miggi1 put hi s ih txikid with kins nn in in vsun n ki r or put h ivin claiming ih it m imtipli ttinr b tin pn- ui ooki r whlli olthi r mu ir nt tin in hornti suggi tti ntd liir oil th yer round for krow ing rhildt n nd also nn tnomrx for inform ition to w hv gelnhlf nn dunlin 1 tthm h upli don t k t i ri n h nf thrm prop r storage of fruit and vegt tahlt s w a discussed b i fiumbt r suggesting cold pn k quirk free re and olio in pits iid cool cellar s k no 4 ksqtn or liave dlnttion for building n oil ftnragi locker ttuild box accord tng to desired sle put insulation around all sides top and totii m use dole plates to keep box cold in case of hvdro shutoff thi se hnuld veep it cold for tw o or three da put in shelves in or der that ohjccts msv be mnn as llv reached piwtv ille ladi ore kreatlv interested in sampl lwok let healthful eating and request d one be nrdrved for ench fmuh vttttf ft gtjimb of fiddaftii ama oarfri rkv um7xs ptooouno mtlijtr parsonae uowr avnu ukh o u lauabsu ayxllsu orgunut and choir ladar slnday ftniklary 1 1950 10 w am church school 11 fw am morning worship hev ii manhouw ii a- r u 7 f p m iantern olides bach uith ills own brush all arv cordially invited rrabyurtan zllfurrl tit cxanaoat knox cjiimui acton hkv hihkrt ii armhtromo m a minister slmai rhiltlauy 19 iv j 11 m a m diviim worship 1j p m surnl s iumji and llittl inu l p m 1 vin worship 1 h y unit w nit ujkin the lrd arm ii n new i hi ir it length bay 1ui ctjurrh acton he 1iah r oowcr illaltui si m 1mtltlaky 19 l tth1n juhili- jivues 11 to n m a 7im kev ii c 1rti t fjktiki i mmd hi p m itea j v liod spevik friday h m p m 11 y pu 0t albau a osijurcif tamllmm iu4rv xv laiataat ba sumui fk11kuaky 19 1950 vjulniuageiiiin surulny lll nm sunday school ll am ilol communion and lt gtnnei claso 7 pin venjng prayer a welcome awatta you thistles trounce tanners 106 in final game eighth straight lots shovas acton from lha playoff picture to 111 iii it 1 dl it lllld th 1 1 1 hi th hul vi hxki v nirht in yi rn eig increase in farm tractor use then- ha- ue a fmirfold in 4 i itt m ilu tut mix r ol urn ioin in ihi at twenty tvit- in the nnjoi liti nung legions of the world hut in pm7 trmlojs ktul pixiv dvl onl li pr iv ni of the draft powvr on fin im oonimg to a i e cut fatj ivptiit i jilm am nou the fi vwimi the si at f1im ud al hit oontammg together nearly half of tin wni id s cultivated kind linve mlv ji per ctnt of the traitor i in i dimming v7 5 per tent ikiiii in north am rlui fuiojh- ttn ismt and ocnnta 1 he i iipld met imhlzatuui f fitimlng in firope is tvr nging a nhlut tton in the manufacture of farm maciilnery aultabu for oper ation b draft anlmau though there stilt remain in uu- a great tel of animal drawn equlprrknt while the number of tractors provide a good cnral index of farm mrchanlzatton in any partic ular countr u doe not alone indicate the extent to which mech- imical pouxr is used on farms the hour of work tractors per form the year jound mutt be con sidered few details of this are available but for the united states u was reported in 1041 that farm tractors worked on the average 493 rtoura annuajly n the unltvd klng the eatlmated figu it isxthoura a year and in thtussr the rjinse for colectlve farrroi in 1036 was 800 to 1600 hours council and commission confer on plans continued from pagt one the town employee and they would be assigned to help him dur ing the rush of work the new system of lighting on the two blocks xit mill street was discussed and the costs were ascer tained the utilities had installed these lights to demonstrate the dif ference of the lighting fixtures for the difference in the cost coun cil felt the new lights should be used some members of council expressed the opinion that all of no 7 highway pusslng through town should be s rviced by the new tye of lights instructions were issued that the new lights be installed on no 7 highway at the wi st entrance to town should be of the new type counill decided to let the hoard of transport cmmlstnnni nrblt rate the coit of installing signals at the cnit cnwdnir on mill fit council inst rut tut the ci rv to have a survey made nf the land purchased from mn smith fur a pumping station i putr iteevr me iod rtated that mn mcieod wns willing to purchase all land north of the roadway without a urvry which li to be opened b tw n main and willow slret nt thli prtipert council had agrd to 11 this land to mrs mri- at a pn vlnus meeting solicitor c f iatherland pres ented a draft of the agreement be tween beard mo re and co and the town this agreement was to be drawn and mr lealherland was to present it to the solicitors for the company and to the sewer con tractors for their approval this week it was agreed that a meeting he held between ihe council engineer ami natepaera on friday fehni ary 17th this meeting is called for the purpose of obtaining ease ments for a rightofway for the sewers where it crosses private property with the trunk lines yea it wns agntn after midnight when the council adjourned on no dinner was earned from mayor mason who is sojourning in the touth ontario ijtjuim luov incfs in nfw no mrs in iurinj the first len months of lmo ontario led all province in homes hullt with a total of ib wl compared wilh 20h11 during n minilnr ptiod in lmr more than jlukt dwelling were compk ted in nnndi durlnn this jmsrlod nn in ti is of nwlomit iho wine r i d in 1v1b t ilr pmn i 10 0 il isim tint noilt iik tkmt d the thistli inl t in for thi 1 t plnv ff tun wilh hon it th irhth itimiiitm lifit fir th acton hil ik on i n w in md n tie in one nf thi poon st reasons ever t ncoun- t n d md 1 ivis the actoninns the sol rluh without n plnv off berth although thev lirtcd th schel- ul with i 2 win over nndgeport it proved to te the solitnrv win of the viar tbi v mnnsged to snlvoge n tie in the first me tin r with or- nngiville to make their net polnt- nri 1 iomts on two or thn e oth- i r occasion thev made it uncom fortable for vultlng club but fall- id to hit the in column through i a combination of bad fortune and i injuries the lovs of pivot mike coxe in mid s aon wa just the blow need ed to mttle their hash injection of junior plovers in the ranks for i the legnl tpiota of games gave the itvcils added strength but their bid for a spot in the pln off s fell 1 short bv 3 points elora and fergus cinched the fourth plnv off position with six points apiece the ironv of it all is that these two dubs both gained four of those six points bv di fi ating acton i tutu its liklv ft rgus and elon will pliv a middni death ginu to deiuie vhuh lub v at ates that imuh tovttitl fourth sitt walk rton of touts finish d without a loss in first plue trail- id hv rtndgi port with stven wins and thret losses or ilitev ille oc- tupied thud plate with 0 points and f rinis and elon with six i mie fourth iist fruiivs kme m fergus wasnt handed to the thistles on a silvtr platter minus riddall lmdsav and kentner the actons fought an uphill battle nil the wav hob anderson and johnnv mowat flllsd in on defense and up on the forward lines respectively but the club couldnt cope with the thistl es on their home ice the first fergus goal was scored at the 10 second mark and the thistles never looked back only one penalty blemished a clean fast game that was interest ing to watch the j h goy car- tact co head personally fired four goals in his biggest scoring spree of the year leno marzo potted the remaining two with fyfe som- ervllle racking up two assists conforming with the attendance at fergus this aemester the crowd again was small with barely enough paid admissions to cover the ref erees fees lirrnrox the acton frre press drar sirs i would be very grateful if you would publish this letter of com plaint in your paper th free press i have been living on the 3rd line of acton fur three years from may to october and during the winter months our cottage has im en broken into and ransacked two or three times each year i am living in the stone house my two sons have built cottages alongside and my sonin law has one on the hill going down the road the cottages have be n ransacked from top to bottom and small aril iri nf little value tn anytxxtv mis sing from my son s cottage ru st diwir tbiy stole a 72 rifle and with these riflis nhnt out 10 win duw in my sons enltagr and ms in thi- mom hmisr this kind nf vnnd1ln is not what we txjuite whm wi mnvid nut nn thi- third lm 1 m nt 11 iirs tn itmehous nml in hit lime i was nev i r mo 1 t d w hll ihit cittages wete i td ji mv rhlllr n fiiw up tn i tmehnu thlfnrt- th r llkrd th j larf and win n th t mar ti d th r built tb ir tt o i on th third urn i am writing this lrtt r in tb lmp- vou iiiiv publish it n tli ti spinstti- prtv rmiv rfid it ntil tn lit th in know that we krp nothing f v ulut in 4 hi rnltari s nnl its not worth the risk to brisk into lb inttjigis for th v nr- now unbr the up rvlsion nf the o p thank vou mr editor in advance yours truly t follett 10 tyrell ave tornntn a currint issue of nntlnnnt ith tnrv is print tt wilh ink impng rintid wtth th smell nf pine mi ftmarivr ijkkhavino hi it tin llntish admiralty recently 1i monst rated for the first time a tn w mifc1 suit which will te l-siu- sil to nil milimorinr trews it is ninde of ruhtierlr it nyhvi and looked weighs only fs lbs fspert insider thnt it remov es nny el luent of chnno from underwater esenpes thls suit u worn nv ordinarv clothe ami is fitted on the rlbt sboiililivr with n llghl whbh is nutnmntlrnllv swltfied nn bv the action of ihe neawnter it iimi inrorpornte the ilavts brenth inj nppnrnt us stniikd nn th best as the nurfnci it renrhrd tfie suit 1- inflnlitl to provide extrn hihv an v nnd insulate the w en r from the old cuffs and neck open in is nr nulomatlrnltv lenient to ki p out water while speclnl l inv s protect the hands 1rotes-t- ltjalizinji of similav sjwirt llalton presbytery of lhe united churrb w at hid on tuesday at appleby with hev c u albright ptesiding worship was conducted b itev wray davidson port nel son hie executive of the w ms met in joint esion the president of the hamilton conf nnre kev or jotin mutch hamilton gave an inspiring ad j dress on preparations for the 25th anniversary of the united church i sounding nn optimistic note uev ir it t itlehards 1oiidon ei tfiusiil the presbytery in a dyna mli rue sng on liftng up tirlt s a griatr pwr than mltitar rnlbt a happy f ntun- nf i hi- dsv ww th pi m m if mwood miml n ami flonlon lurn in of the four ii mini slu lnts frrn tte irinlotii omiplftlni tllr kij j 1 til- ir at i riuimnul nlle e ihlr talki nt i ti llrimr hur ii iis til it oimiik t nf it nt r n n woislilp wi ii jrntl nfiv iil a fund p usnreil tv in- tra u n if lrtotr is tihru el up ii m i ru u lul nt r tb inliikir imhi wns xirovi1 that wh t- riiui h vnlunhl- wkinv kelt i i hi- yaui nt 1 n is tie rig c if rlt m in th- puhit nml normal s hmls the kltunlltn in the lllgi nit oli iri si in for attention i id v fame itlntr of milton and hi s hnr mlllrrove r ported on n lonwniih conference in tt nmiu designed to mnki evangel ism the kewmle of the 2mo annl- v rsjirv f i lehritllnn throughout j canada inshytry appmv- a rn lutlon in im- writ to the leal representa tive in the legislature urging that nothing te done tn lepnllw sunday opiirts of n cimmer lal nature i wns maintained thnt the who pro vim should not drop ts sinndnrils tecaue nf the pressure nf rommerrial inti rests in one llv ttegnrding the vnst increase in drinking over the past ten years it w ns remgnljed that today young iiwnple eome mostly under temptn ajon in social dnlnklng much of lib li in 1nlted church home an ffrft shi id lx nnde to reduce at uniting endd cards the m ihmlal brain is 10 000 times f ist r thin the human uannrs iob iiijno a ririb n lias been laid out in 1 tter r nglnnd exclusively for th blind ii is planted with sw ee smi lllng fl iwers and jirubs wage comparison canada and united states population per mile of railway material 100 m lr onljr ti at murk eaal la cammln i canada 7z j wages national nt crn h73 tm anada lot la i s income per hue of ilium hmom m tlsjt freight rates orern imereose siace 0jo wages 0iwa hourly armimf tm alt manufacturing 0036 im canada 1373 im vjl4 snrniv hourly earning m railway tloqq im canada 147 in tsl the canadian railways ore now for tuth man woman and child in same period in the united states contesting before a conciliation canada is b2 per c nt that of the despite nil these factors which board ip montreal union demands united states national income for mftlie tnp ho between net earn- for a 40hour week and pay in- each mile of railroad is only 29 per 8r lower for canadian railways than any class creases which would add fl 147000 ctnt at the same time the rail- i ronj m tne u states dea- to the railway wage bill one of ways of canada have to pay more plte all these factors which make the major railway contention in than those of the united states for the ratio between net earnings and the negotiations is that there la no which railways have to buy to keep gross revenue lower for canadian justification for comparing wages mosl of the materials and supplies railways than any class 1 road in and working conditions as between operating coal costs 51 7 per cent the united states the wages of the canada and the united states the more in canada dlesel locomotives canadian railway workers coma above charts illustrate some of the cost 24 3 per cent more while closer ta the american scale than factors used in the railway argu- freight and passenger cars rail and the waves of those employed in all ment population and national in- i all steel products aro more expon- manufacturing industries in relation come which in the final analysis slve here only forest products can to the average scale in all american mean the number of people and the be bought more cheaply in canada manufactiirlnff industries the chart amount of good available for among the items most heavily pur- above shows that railway wage handling by railways are the es sential factors in railway opera people per mile of railway averages only so per cent that of the united statei while the national income umhrt nf rap frelghl chased by railways while the costs nveraglng 1 000 an hour are 74 per of operating in canada have in- cent of the average american rail- wox wage while manufacturing creates alnce 1039 have averaged wage averaging 0 066 per hour only 31 8 par cent as compared with are only t3 per cent of the amerl- a 97 per cent increase during the can scale euchre and cribbage legion hau tliurmlav felruar 23rd 8pm lunch served rdf 35c hjionfcorrd by imdirm auxillr lnmamlri glow brsnrk l7 bbv everybody weicome 4e icome starts thursday jaw sears gorilla asmite club pet 4- lit mighty joe young ft t l v v omnui f mwt swhttiaool stumbm brasgbtts twh hdattssgthi tin most tfttjhc mis ev nctumdi tikkt oltl hi u jom 7 shows niohuy 7 and 0 stuhiy ni ski piism isisassin jtwtlwloi bbown cm or uktbthune mat sat 7 p m sat evf 6 4s mat montl ks iim mat he picture you ve been waiting tor tuirllltmciimmu jeanne crain ethel barrymori ethel waters- william lundioan m oabnylrzanuck tiijakaiah nfat wkdtiil hs mat february 7324 bbmwti mm mmm ma tmasm john awf0w fuwimg0 road roy acton use classified ads for results rte sckr-

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