Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 23, 1950, p. 1

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seventyfidh year no 33 acton on1abio thursday tebbuary 3id 1950 eight homo print paoat sly cnta golden jubilee anniversary of 0 church building masty fa mawfasn and w bittf rjtctivts o wfty yaara ao impressive successful and large 1 attended wrrr the opening srrv- teea in connection with the nrw raptiat church at the romrr of will tiu elgin street ftftimmtr the sor of ur charles t hill lst sunday and monday thli u tit report of the fw press fifty years ago on thr completion of the baptist church iasi sunday mn old acquaint vnm wrrr r n wed as th rii tegatlnn rrlrhrated the f ioldi n jubilee of the building 1arg crowd from out nf town attindid the innlvirurv nod o list of this people mar iw vfn in the i rsoiil column of intrret to motor and to the congregation wrrr the communion set and a fpiltt com nil with 1w name the inscription on the communion net read present id 1o art on ttaptut church hv the noni of rev ii i conk in mi mnr of their reaped cd father march 4 1000 flower in mrmnrv of lit v r 1 and mm cook front mr and mrs w m mclaughlin and all- at cook surrounded the heautlful communion set presented flft xiars earlier ttr propoaal to erect the pn etit building waa flnrt made about the year 1m0 and the first money offered for the purpoae w as the pnvredi of autograph quilt madr for the purpose by the late mij jesatc warren who in thin wa pre taented the church with mo a a nuclei of a but mint fund this quilt mentioned in the free ptru report of fifty yearn ago was on display and very few of thi xm names that had been aewn on the quilt were represented at the c le brat ion of the anntxersars tfce herrlee an kara the kundav wrx u were c on duited hx the mlnr rev c it ofr and were well attended h former member and ftiendi at the morning aerxicc lt v w s mr at tine of itrnmptnn who was us tor at the time of the building of the churrh wa pre nl nod pokr brief lv lie vald thai the pient member are h irs tn a great liti tape and urged that thrv iitim on eoua ii rich heritage to future member lie had prepared an niit line of his mlnivtrx in at ion and this was to h- read ai the mnndm evening service itev ii f tones toronto led in prav er hev ii c priest tronto folowed hev mcalplne a pit wan the gu speaker he t recalled manx experience of his mlnutrx making ape ial menth- of the cook s m inlovh vor 1 s warren families who were i live in the churrh at that time mr prirwt based hi aermon on fpheslan chrtvt l e 1 the churrh lie lucirentrtl that a w look hark oxer vi xexrs we mum tra to find xxhnt is laltx chl- lenkink to ui todax we mint nc cept that challenge o loik f rw nrd and real ire tliat th- xltal fa lor o the christian church i- to make chrlt known to the whole world miu utile moon nethinx rip tut church toronto w a kievt aotoit she vine xerx iwauttfu i lie llolx cllx and come ye mewd at th exenlng nerxice tlex lvlet apke on the chamenj of christian mlxoon taking n ln tevt mark if 1 vo xe unto all the world and preach the kiei to exerx creature the chaltent of chrifttian mluuont u a chall nm vf hixhne command chrkt on thi cahhnin hilltule thoae manx a ain had to glxe llii foloxitti he great mkston x hlch xi a to uf their and thi people through nil the age alt pw li gixen unt xi and lai t am w ith xou tlwax he aid ilo and thex went thex wet obedjent to his chal lenge paul recelxed a ulon ntl a nxmmand he accepte the challenge we are under order to make chrin known to the nl of the earth ye are m frirn k if e do mhiuwtr t command iu how can we call ourmlxc friend of christ if xxe are rtl bdlent to hs command there u a challenge of in ward compulsion to the christian t ts the ielre to make lie known man so railed chiitian hae no intetvxt in the mlxien the mlswionarj enterprise i the acid test of our christ ian it t chaltene of juriic serioe is het ttlustratei by early mlssionarlet wm care in india judstm in burma ollmoro in mongolia and t morrison in- china mr priest tod of many personal experience dur ing his tarm in india he said that fconrinued on poo five mas o e iouins was hostcss km acton institute meeyino the february meeting of th ac ton wonxens institute was held at the home of mrs robhint rrurk ave mr davidson presided y donation were voted to the hai ti n munc festival and to a local wrlfare benefit and th federated and district county fees roll call was typical of february each memlwr received a valentine and read the verse in response to thslr name the motto a merry heart doeth gitnd like medicine was read by mrs holloway home kcon- omin convenor mrs e- uimbert itaxe tome prmetlcat hints on child ren f lot hint historical research ronxtnor mrs geo ijinti gave the firikin of fanrtihis sayings namely mr- tack grass widow and iii monday xtri m mtauley read a pt im tltlr nvhip and al- plit tribute to ir flora ilttle of gutlph who w a lnm n a woman of the x ur ly iluena there mr f hunter i out r ilmld a vorat olo flow lnilv stt afton a lively mnit knit wa ltl tx mr hottiln who atn read a paper on do mid ivmi t for w i member a con lest w enjoxed hv sletlni xar lout kind of i rrlei and won li mr dividson the hotevi w- i tied bv mr hollowav mr mcauley and mr f andrnwen in serving refresh rriciiu mr fx mi and mrs and rmin nfferetl th lr home for oetal funttioiui latt r in the mnnlk king ing of inxc old sweet rong clo4d the meeting fifty ykks in church ltliijin e council makes agreement lor fire protection taxi and pool room 6 bylaws are discussed sfwm schedule continues on south east section he1e following is the schedule of w w cr work n actiii for next rtk n kiitinuttitl hv the n ldent t nglnerr 1 onlinulng on church from fredt nrk to fellow 2 cuelph st from church to llllret xia quet n s frederick st from churrh arnt x 4 qinen st from main to vic ton- acne main to elgin beloved minister ol united church died on monday rstv louis picksring pastor hartt for tyvo yaars thi ho ontmumtx w v en v ttl to l am that ht iius iuki rig hui lompltled hi lathr of do ing gihml ind piv d aw ax on mon it iv following i it nglhx illncs for tlin tirm mr iuktnng had lator- ti m the work of the church uid thi prtnhing of the gopel nifft r- ing fnrn hi art condition but hi brvlx k pt to his tavk until last iiitumn whin he w s forced to rt hi paved awa in the toronto gtiuril hopitil ii hi fiftx sixth i jit ilefore coming to the mlnitrx of aitimi inititl church mr picker ing had nin mimsti r of the han- ox or united church for elex en xtar and hjd a m micccsful pastorite in hirrle and othi r i harg- 1 1 when he came to acton he put the jimp leal and untiring t ffort into hi work here he undtrtook the r modelling and refurnishing of the pulpit and choir loft in fict he planned and did tnilih of the work with hi own hand it w a unite tommou during the past xenr to s- him with carpenter tools do me the ji tual labour in thli work and alw a s on hand to carr out the plan for braullficution of the place of worvhlp so dear to his heart onlx the lat two weeks were the last fumihlngs put into place and the fine task completed and it is a great regret of the congregation that he was unable to see the ful fillment of his vision l in the pulpit in the horn j in the choir among the xoung people and as a citizen of the town he worked ijuietlx and faithfullx doing w hat his hand and mind could do he had a fine xoicv and sptendid qualities of leadership which he gaxe frvelv in the service of his matter he xv ill be mwed and mourned thrxxughout the communi- t but hi good xv nrk and his sin- ceiv teaching xv i live on resides his xx ife the former ilia max rowan he leave two off john of capreol and louis r of toronto one son robert paid the supreme facnfice in the last world war the congregation and com munity mourns with them the loss that has been suffered the tfcneravservice is being held this afternoon with a private ser vice at the home followed by a service tn the united church and interment in falrview cemetery no charg in ans limit for thorn irt pool rooms amsnd- mants to bo mad to taaj by la xv protott from wartims housing tenants r chang of rants fair board discuss ra location of ground to build swimming pool many itoms gat attention at on oclock sasuon alton count il in i on xi iilng with lt putx hi mo im miutml and cimiik illors j iioi j lurgraxt t nirol it thompson vv h m i ilntih n prs ut nd ret v- t tvltr prt tdlng mr 11 uaterhoiist rttpn sled that the by law regulating thi ugi t lt rsoii in the ptml rtxun te nn ndt l so that thost 11 nun of m i nild tx in the pool rom thi ontario statuli mi tin nc l ii mars and thi criminal cod slat ttl the itge w is 1ft xi irx count il gntd to iivslu nfou making i dt imon mr c iina- n in hilf of th ti mints of wirlunt housing pre i nttt a pttitintt ohjktmg to th net ion of council in raiding thi n nts to take care of addition 1 tes mr iindsiv told of the 1 irk of coin i tueni es in thl section and r it that n nt wtre miffun ntlx high acting max or tx 1 r t xplaini d the atthm of council ami txplln ed that council had no pnwt r to raie rents and the ipicition of in creased rents might be baed on the fact the town required more taxc the matter of rent xva how ex er one to he etlled hx central mortgage the clerk wa to give to the delegation the name of thr official of central mortgaue who had agreed to the regular b law and the tenant were to take up thi matter with their land lords town fort man asked councils ruling regarding i hi collection of par ha no from industrial plant the committee on garbage collection w a to make a recommendation for the approx at of count il and pres ent a ran cement were to continue until the rule were clearlx defined a letter from the hatton mmic frstixal requested the usual grant of 10 the matter win delayed un til the position of countv council could be made clear it was un derstood alt grants were to be cen tralized from countv council funds instead of present duplicat ion a letter from the public trustee stated that the funds from the sold ier monument could be invested w ith the public trustee it wa decided however to reinvest the monev in approved securities when it became due this yaer a letter from dr mather stated that hehad approved of the htuse of mrs maplesden for a nursing home a letter from the board of tran- sport commissioner pfinrqmnr installation of a wigwag on the c n r crossing stated they would rot decide responsibility for costs between the dept of highways and the town the question was left until a replv had been receiv ed from the cnr officials another letter from the board of transport commissioners rave notice of the hearings in ottawa on the request of the bell tele phone co for an increase tn rates continued on pagt eight rrrr i rri ivon iilr- prizts for inililic sprakin th ti n ova townhi xlil flonl un i t i jo in itk kwoirtl s hoo wilh all ih in ntln ri i s nl x pi mr hurh a is it mi 1- s mvlnii was in thi i hilr lt m i i i iv alii ml it ih in illg ml niadi his utual anmiil off r of itv for puhll sm thi 11 il ciat fiillv kptl lh off r an i in onsultatlon with tin it and a n pr s nliliv of ih hmhrv ih 1 tails of th t on p i un n te n f i red tu i lie kmnmsi t nit of hie ten h i kedernllin hie ilonnl a epted th iniie of mr tin a smith for im smgl mm ds of it in h itetch dellxired and pllxl nl f s hools at jt 0 p r ine1i- t 1 1 id insi nn lions were given twi 51 per single nl nf 12 inch celir irailsi d hxeritt find piled insi i it s m i is im offisred to mr t liv a m nabh a new radio and ele hit lot k weie ordttid for fvertnn t 1 1 1 w n agr itl thnt i he villi x of te jiniloi at ltkkxxoit i tie 1 should 1 raised from vno to mi i m j m- r annum dating f m hi tatunrv 1 t lrio this inri hix ing leen promised hx the 11 mr i ailx in lon a representative of the nxtloinl film hoard was present i 1 was dvlstd i hn schoou must n t be closetl im fore the statutory i hour for the purptise of instruct- j ing teach rs in the use nf moxlng picture machines exrept hx per mlsklon of the itonrd plan for a new school nnd some unsntlsfaetorx t- aching ntnnd tr is were dlscussed with the inspector i counts passed for pixmrni iniountetl o 171 s 01 and the llninl adjourned to man h 1 m h n 1 in executive present play at meeting of knox church soed club eilnesdax night of invt week miu anothi r successful mvtlng of knox so kd club the xtnpture 1 vson was lead hv mr alex w drv arhl thls was followet hv pra e- in unin five of the senior pupil of mrs oowdv khirla macnah of kock- wod jane el ott elaine hufnn gel denise coles and crawford iugla plaxetl delightful piano silo the member nf the execu tive then prestened ihe pax iid cuirv with the following cast iidv clare inez mclellan itird rmad bui mainprise alice th nurse itt 11a roszell lily white- doe mrs ted hansen curtain clarence coles llarkground mrs vni hsillandrumll pattcsrson nirrator isabel anderson principal itobbin showed splen did t ims of his jrnwu through western canada and the return trip through the united state prizes for a target game went to mrv ted hansen and mr rob- btns lunch was enjojed at the close of the meeting 40179 ipant on highway last yaar ni grant is rqustd fiii ooimii in t im r iiimtv oth u ih i mdjoutnuh nt all mihiimis will pltmtll ll1 v iiim ii ill pusit muiut of ii jdiuiy kmiiiiik mi i 1 ii1 llfllml a lv i iw in am nil hv hw no 7 iuiu ihiliv to i mlik of doits nnd i ih llvslhk pint it on at vs s mtlimd hi i gls ii 11 ii i o i lngs 1 d i on im i 4 ih hv i w i on ill i i h 11- ih i itw s j ii 11 f ii f ih fmii j- hit o i fl v i il i ith f h l f n i 11 u i i th a i im f th iii i f lo f h 1 it hit- w i n 1 i p s 1 o f- ih ms aitint it hurt 1 i i to 11 nl in tints of th c11i v ih v cons ivntloii anil nn ih c k w- hslmm 1i to not itv tin ll1i hi til im r in mission that tin amoiiint of lit i vsinv tin hvdri has l 11 tolhil i nil thi tn imik 1 aulhorl d 01 id sin to ih hvlto com 11 o it niiiiitrxlll ih it vi 11 1 i rk r in t ti t 1 to ihltion th mmlslr of hi hu for 111 si nl rv grant id h nlilui s of moitods i- nt ii total nnount p t on i is in ih township in imi th 1 kit of ih towmhip aod it ia s i iivid and anptiil and ih mullors fi of itvo pins f 20 ihsl ik nnd ti ii phoni was ould th timtr nf the trln adxneati- i do lh townhlp printing for ilvi f r ih mm nf 1400 v as r ivd i r ptd an agmnitnt utwm th township of fun and th fir i puttmnl r thr vlllag of frin u in 1 hx thr township agree to ps th fin ihpartminl the um r svi for imh and viv mil n s ixndd i hv thi fin p timnl from hi township of frn th lolln vlllag of hlllshiirk and jhe ioln villigi of orton was drawn op mil that a npv of this ngr e in nt l forward d to the ontario rin mrshal offlr aiounts wen passd 1 follows k in il at mint vm1 21 nlhf ac i ounts jnort rhargifl tn citv of t11tnlr1 nt a count j2 ol council adjourn d to mi t aciiii 011 monilax manh ftth 1fln or t ih 11 of th heevi ltaslall itrufit rimil had s12im in canada bonl final contribution to the rase t all fvt m fit fund hroucht the total amount so that 1200 could be pur- has d in canada saving ilnnds w ith accrued interest to date transfi r of these bonds has been a 1 ranged hx t he committee mm- mim d of mrwrx hax mnson fred inwkies m tvler and c a imin thimigh the bank to mrs ito 1 itxdir and familx the committer appn late the w holehearted sur port act orded bx admircrr of the lte rod ilxder in making this pr tcal hip pssihl fur mn hv i r and the familx nepotism means favoritism to reatues spriiiu wrathtt rrtttto old tiint frlniarv last weeks signs of spring wre soon shattered as the xaxe of sub zero caused motorist untold trouhle antt home owners to stoke- up in order to be comfortable during the early part of the week following the heav snow storm of a week ago pussywillows were seen to he hreaklng and buds on earlx leafed trees became some what enlanred in the snesme area most willow shrubs had ev- ernl huds form on tht tips of tjielr hranches oldtimers were xir- this was a sign of an early spring but- earl sunday their hopes seemed to be shattered when a blanket of cod air swept over the coumrvlde b midnight it was near the zero mark then by mominj reports had the mercury low as flfeen everybody stoked up a little hard er a the mercury fose slowly finally relief was felt tuesday as workers even then shuffled ther way- to business with shivers just hoping it wouldnt last too lonjr 1niral oprrrtti in on school i in mntl iiper was a de hghf fill rinnlml piixlui linn hy pujll ami lri hrs nf alton iuh ju s hool nr three act opnila p1ntd frf iv nights and in nl- of ihe v vrin weather of the in ler dl w tr lowda imlh molnv aiwt i uehdny mm osiiiiii- weif itjorfut aitl uniu ih- tr in ten t1ng and the inking nnd prew nlallon wn h iidd wl 11 ll the lot wrrr on iiigi it wnj n full houe sill n lid oppollllnllles for iniiv f ih f pupil in 11 d in a 1 iuhli s ii t i f muis- 1 i 1 1 o f m j i r m t 1 11 ihe v n f m imhn f is ntu ih 11 v 1 i h nl 1 1 i 1 11 ft xi tl h t prs 11 o ii nl 11 i p rn a i 1 i m on 1 i 01 1 tn i 1 1 i ii t nl lion i i 1 ii o rf i i ii f t i s r 0 ot t t on ii 1 u ik i i 1 if 11 rv lluh 11 wh t- v f 1 1 iris 1 111 0 n 1 and it 1 f int s i 1 f rrf hh1 muni n k 1 i iimi r i 1 it it vi hoi i i h n mm v milt hiiirnil ii mv on hnr hi s tuxid nil ti i f ft v un inin u w ial itonnld hi ih mumr kilnl 11 r n id in mrn vnh hit sw mi i- 11 h iliiiin lnallns k itnvinond llralda mwr of iu im itilt m- lur i- tin ii limn wavnr ar il 1 in tlnun itolil wuhlmitn tlrl in ihonn itonald sheppad ii r paul lwsoi first man te iv i s s ii man pn s m r ion ihlrd man itoh con fourth man h ih i fifth man to laiix first woman lean diwtex snd wmnn fmne fiavs 1 hud wniunn ii i n i uln irlh wnnmn ieg tnl hflt wuriin mnrjlr wlni miss i viilt mwnit 1 rr lot f inini in aton s hol wan in hrg nnd plnxel nl the nr inpnrilin nn and on ptirdny xitlng thi pupil mitde n nvn lalhn tn in r tn appr iitll if hr intriesi in ap miss st wail gixe rrrdlt i miss m ihail nnd nil the staff nnd p pils and i lists who hn1 nil i op ret 1 a hvslhl in 1 r inlr i iw- 11 a ts hx mi hi paul 1 i er ne nolo hx fmersin i ivl r halrman for ihe verf inn s w r iir f flavs ch t 1 f ui ii nrd nnd u v v i uf r tmst united church missionary society february meeting th rililir mmlhlx mting of ih wimxni mission irv sntv f th initd hurih w is h id at thr h m of mr n mow 1 the pr- 1 lent mis m 7 h nntt wa- in rh irge and mrs f lave twk the dexotinnal heport were rielvrd from the sicretarv of the mission h nd mrs i lovelt the temper nice secr t- arr mis d kimmnns and cnm- munltv fnndshlp mrs f cjrave mrv c i ioole favored with t solo chiptr of the tudv book gnwin with th- ir w tak- m hx mrs it it arnold and as sistant miss mainprise miss sim- m n mrs f cleaxe and mrsi c i fool- it was dcided not tn change the iav nf the w m meet ings mrs loiter itinnie was ap pointed scrrtarv nf thi missiomrs monthly plans wire made for the worlds dav of pravir the m rt mi lo d with pravr hv mrs it i johnston mrs mow at astt d hx mrs r it arnold and mr veld huts erved lunch and a social time was sent over the tea cups srvrral cxw- an litt for tiearinjr in countv courts a lengthy docket of actions in cluding one criminal are set down to be heard before hon mr justice treleaven during the sittings of th supreme court beginning in milton rext monday in the onlv criminal action clif ford lawrence bmnte is charged with rapo of a trafalgar woman civ il actions include en right vs en rich l niflrtcagcaxtlan gilbert s town of georgetown a clvt damags action worthlngton vs anglln dispute of an agreement hew son vs lang promissory not- dtspit y vs russell dsunag action over injurlas divorce ac tions to be heard include hunt vs hunt johnson vs johnson bul lock vx bullock fteam vs beam sharp vs sharp even series with lonvinring 103 victory imprevsxf rtlfh trsmmca junior raulsva a tktlr own laikwkkl tn ashing th ri srrvi p wrr th v v i- 1 11 oniralltik in i heir hip py kit iii lrmrfl alton itedo i niirphmd any of ihrir piv 1011 mrfortni n tumuy inflil hv ov rwh iiiiik frriwn i r it id i 10 1 nrtt xi th 11 own t iilw 1 k a- r soil th ik 1 of fv l v off u i i 1 t i- nl- i show in f in th v 1 hlr of ih itdoi h1 no ivoll ith ih loriiliai 1 i h hi- i in1i 1 ih v oll t h 1 tl 0 o 1 i ir nsni t t tl v uv ai 1 1 th f f i s o y 1 1 i v r 1 1 mo 1 x i 1 i t t im 1 i 1 it i i i f it ih l 1 found ih 1 hi d th it dm n i 1 hod i th h 1 1 1 it 1 id h r hhorv mj 1 mho rs ik nl i hi- nwi mim k riln hv i ot inf llt ionl ihr visor w m v 1 in douht a wilh two hv ii i ii vaovho iii i nnd kent il lh mi mplrtrd 1he org town found tliry fi rt an ilir iv iliff r il inh from th- lt n 1 in t tin it dm n ktd ftter nd firnhd ihr puva off in im- provd fashion ijillon who has un t tow r of tr nth in thr for ih itildrr in thli rlr ruld do huh lo thwrt thr art 11 on shnikhl th id hi ltd from ifitonvllle ulvrfi s rvit up armth r rtid i in th a tot nli townirv s in t d l iwrn mow it and ltistil to form th land out a ton thi srn iiln 1umpd into a one i lr1 hv downing arton 71 t th s id lamr of the flit a jior st of fiv vm final roup tv1wn in crorg town ltt ttior 1 v roght tvug advardaxe of aton penaltl s and g r rally 1 mt th im it r 1 m n ih ruht a pliv th junior llalhrs w r full v 1 for ihr win kith king was thr pick of the ci org town rri w with a lira nd 1 ssist whllr town v nothed thr- in loslne effort on of th timrrl v goals was wnred on a t from hi own him linr of kh i h tv t hd ihtlori all ih a v f rv 1 v ir g fron 1 bout s ilh ii flu r 1 fiv and vanwvrk r- h r i from ih arton linr up culri fll in for vanwyrk in th n t and did a rommmdahlr inh dillon kukrd out a lot nf ruh- txr in th firt p rid when aetnn nnd ih r lust bid first period g scntt ltrwlttl 8 m a townsley ilnish 40 c huffmin 1150 p n ttixt r kentnrr 7sjac s ennd period a kmtm r -finish- 03 c mr wt i king 1j j c hamilton la thlnt perud c km llwut srmh iv a townsl v mrush 7 s r king scott 1 10 o inglis huffman 10 13 a townslrv tm p n nit r twnvl v mowat kintnrr 3 corgtown dillon k fualer colden ii pburn c inlis huffman w alts llrxvitt king scott hamil ton haines filudd hlltx iiuth acton coulsn i anderson kentner d roairll c iustet mow- t w alts brush townitev va igh- an deforest aac coming evrnts fonivrt or rnkr lr ihi hmlic r llfd rrr li with a ainana in 1mb the united nations stop- ped two wars the friendlx circle u holding a tea at the home of mrs mac sy- mnn saturday marrh lftth world day ttf praer service at the unifej churck friday feb 24 st 3 pm all women invited on tuesday febnury 28 a birthday tea in the united church at 3 pm formerly announcedtaa february 21st the kansas farmer and his entertainers concert and due balllnafad hall tuesday febrtiary 2s r30 p m radio artists -aiad- vllle stars adults 50c ottmrwi 5c

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