Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 2, 1950, p. 6

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the act0n free press t1iwrbday march 2nd 1950 annual report lakeside chapter js presented i of court uhlst and exchange of chrulmas gifl our empire sudy wai on africa knuuii as ihti dark contln i helton crop mrmwr hrmr attdrru on formff crop despite heavy roads and impau- ablr lane the farmers bldg ull- ton was well filled for th sddress on forage crop on friday after- noon last our to thr unavoidable tbuiur of dr robt weir who had been advertised for this meeting wm tutwl assistant on foragr crop in oi department of ftnld husbandry at the oac was thr gurtt pesker ii u hie addms and thr duruailon which followed was listened to with keen intemt bv thr audience which rimr from all section of thr count v with thr atd of charts he rlrarlr indicat ed tha rrlativr valur per acrr of sin h crops as whrat oats barley muril hav alfalfa hav and pant me it u at pointed nut bv the speaker that a result of xr catch- of ed iti 1mb and unfavorable n- thrr condition miny farm rs in imn it ion f ontario al lessi i should lc hiving- thought a to how brt t- inert the situation in 10 vi according to mr toascl thr average dilinl farm in holland is 01 am in r kirn t that thr ifnltandrn it- mr on i believers in hav and naturr crop s revested by thr tatrmrnt that on the average 06 acrr farm tn holland m acre li in fraja and legumes and thr othrr is to 15 acrvs in a rotation of rcreal rains and inuri on thl a re- ajr on thr avrragr it reported that thry carry m milk cows lfl heifer 2 or 3 hordes and 10 iheep about acrra of thr hav l artlflc- tallv drtrd r acres made into grass itlafr and thr balance of tha hav alde from some made with thr aid of triwad u handled in the con i ntlonal ontario method dor to thr amount of rainfall and to thr irrigation method it u possible for thr hutch farmer to economically applv up lo 1v lb if mimmcnliii f rtlhrrr to the acre in addition to the utilization of all so called barmaid manure prl7e uts of he halloo seed fair and haron show to tw held on march 17 and 18 were available at i he mffllnit thosw reiponslhle for the preparation of this booklet pi incorporated a preat deal of useful information and manv of thos present rommi nled fanrablv on the fund of nl liable data which had nn included if sou did not nrrlm rnur cops the agricultural office at milton will m nd one for w irrf on request it is with pleasure that i preaant to you the members of the latkr- telephone slem in canada should j side chapur lodt a summary be nationalized- we had two papers on this country covering its iastness inhabitants and industrie a gurt iprakrr and following is the report present- moving plcrbres we were also ed thr secretary at the annual avored with a descriptive irtter meting of the lakeside chapter tram clayton fryer to his mother iqdk stationed at an bcup outpost paper on tha habits and work of tha women of newfound land kent of tha records lor tha thirty first p postwar commit te bought rar in tha chapters biatory i material for several boys shorts and during the year th chapur hald lhrt mb p ten regular mar un nina ma- tlu member contribut ing wrw hald in the igion hall and ona on tha vhonl campus in tor nrit the foam of a picnic later adjourn- f qulu w 1n trig to tw acton contlnuallon thr rerrlvrd flowrr and krhoolhousr for our business there rards or a personal visit and carda was one aprclal rvrnlng a mlarel- nwrrs wrre arnt to the b- laneou shower for a brtde in thr reavrd silver spoons were given chapter with a memberahlp of h nrwly bom batr of chap- aeveotyarvrn including thre out- t rnolhrra i oftown mrmbrr the roll rati av- the child and family watiar rragrd thlrtyals right new mem- committer worked in co operation lne pnvgram win include hrn wrrr wr nlo ihr fhp wlth th public ibalth nurae and l in trr during the year and one mem malsnn officer throughout thr yrar u written j m f a to glvr assistance whrnrvrr jua- al thr tarfimilnjt of the yar a slblr and a lsyrtte and rib wrrr program van arranged which ould dlntrlbutrl thr chapter with the hal tow ifolsteln flreeder and milk rvoducer plan annual tnter- tatamrsu hal tons annual entertainment annually jointly sponsored by th ha i ton hulatrln ilrrrdrrs club and the llalton milk produrar as sociation is to be hald in the prin cess theatre milton on thursday rvrnlng marth 23rd we under stand that joseph connell of kit chener it to im- thr guest speaker and his sub j ret thr road to hap- ialertn end directed by om s atkins as ihting art lit are the noted and imipular tenor honald mtewart ml llrlh coiritfan trading np- rsnu singer with the tlnval con- wrxatorv ojra co shaw and haven hhylhm ilov pneclsion lip arid coined v dancer and rots lh rtrxim popular ittuglclnn not- v ilhlanding thr fart that tickets are not as vet asallatile manv dir ector have already received ord ers that will exceed their quota soil conservation uoins on farm soil conservation like harltj is mov effedtvi when it be- apart from our regular business cover our ttasle interest fducaj ion this program wa to include a ciet speaker current rvcnls rmplre nludy the constitution and also a short time for lutcublllly i we had the honor or having throughout thr chapter year as guest speakers mr it it parkrr president of the acton home ami school asroctutlon u ho riplalnrd j istancr ut the itoury club oi acton arranged for toies of food find fruit to le gun to uppretlat x fumlliti at christinas flowers wtrr glvfii to shut ins m fjst r ml chimnu time m mlsrra iimtrlhutrd kimroiialv in a god- il1l hvrr for a burned out fain it v uml hi id ren q lot hi n wj doiiatcil ulso during the year thr itrid j huith manager of the hank of nov hollas loionlo main lusmti who ias lievn named an aaulant gen ral manager mi smith lias gain d wide rkpeitrixe during his 41 eiia as a banker he was sue fsajvi ly assistant manager of the i in ii n k main hrnin h then of che montreal main hraru h in charge f he foreign itlamons iejrl nnl at i he genrnl offlc- in th nlfi mid nuinager of the halifax iniri liiani he has i n head of ljiml niii office k hmfi ihe thdeavors tltat ihr association work was setting forth to thr interest of kuch studrnts teachers and pupils in thr rommunltv mix flora moffat nurse in bella bella 11 c for the chnptr gins at home- mt farm o orators l vpar home for vacat- can find sign of the need for soil l r nrr elerhnces in the fund institute of the blind artun nluounlv on rive project and bridge fall fulr uolh garden pnrtv m mile f monrv and the sile of cards contributions nuidr wrrr as fol- iwi iucy morrison memorial ir d ii iit tfipati c s a n suit of the fi hilton junior farm niiri rtlnc is tusnshfp llnll at judmng bv thr co i rn hu h mm li mid nprx ir to hi inn rvi ning in sto coitji orum un ton lurhlp ncln ill- of thr w jnr n ircnnlsl i mship thrtr n held in ih brook vllle nnd of the pro- our mnll thf an tnterest- c on frldav m uci inl at rv pm audrr itinrhart is the president of the junior institute with arlene tho- ms as aecretarr in the junior firmrr croup fred rlnehart president and alrx buchanan is the secretary all nas51gawrva juniors are extended a cordial in- itatinn maplr cottle lirrrtlrrs add short horn stud th miplr cuttle breeder as- ithmation which now his n member- hip of nearl 000 nnd who for the past eir have be n providing ervu- from studs of homcin avr- aliire uid jirr bulls hiv e retenllv decidel 1 idd bnttirv of short horns their shorthorn bull buvl ire commit tev ih now bnsv locating mittabli -ire- we uruleimind from c w kffer minig r of the miple vocmtion thit it is their intention to vutt sins u ilh plentv pi scili ind ouhntince out of d im ith r iminiblt milk production im identillv the nmuiil meeting of th htlton branch of the maple un it is lo bo held in the court ftouo mihor on moridiv mnrrh 13 it 1 30 p m piitttu j tin ion atiiirdrd drhatu blocked rotda and lanes resulted in a i ueh smaller attondince thun normal at the interclub debate at the milton high school on frldav evening last owing to norval de faulting n mock parliament was held with palermo club and sup porters occupying the government benches and norval and their sup porters in the opposition under the leadership of geo s atkins who noted ns speaker of the house the juniors had jin excltlnp hour debating recolvcd that ontario lrgislation should be amended to permit commercial lied sport and open theatres on sunday the government of the day who were led by iorna- lawrence and pete father upheld the negative and de feated the resolution the next debate will be held on march 17th when milton and brookvuia jun ior will debate resolved that our nwrrvatlon practices b peiiodl cally making a careful survey of their own farm kvery year a little hit of somebody valuable lop soil ether blows away or is washed awaj with it goes not omly much of the natural anil fertility but the value of the farm is also lowered and eventually the farm famlls hlnndard of living decline soil conservation doesnt min thai a farmer hould do something for nihlng the practice of soil orwrv atlon it simply a biund business proxstt on jvalng good returns over a long irrm period it is onlv good huslncia lo protecl an lnvelmrnt and that is what everv fnniiit de when he takes steps to pievenl soil wtvtigr on inn on n farm no farmer will ullllnglv tee ions of mill per acre unshed off hi fields if he knos he can correct this b planting on a well plnnnod on tour svslem tests hnvr shown lint plots planted to grafts or leg- uim- or other crops cultlvntrsl on ih contour lisr 1 1 1 1 te or no so 1 a farmer s experience mn tend him that tome mills and some fields should never be left without sonic kind of cover in fact he niiv find tlnl in the lonj run it is twtter farm practice to put some of these soils under d for the pnulucllon of seed or livestock missionary hospital united chunh simfnoreit bv vhool board record phiver and f cunada ant three albums soldiers war h r work among thr indians mrs marv gowdv atcm gavr a very worthwhllr talk on music apprec iation and an account of hrr pleas ant stav in thr bahamas mr trd hansen smikr on vocntlonnl culd nncr taught in schools tn day in or drr that a student mov be nhlr to st ud v thrmsrlvrs their future the occupations available how to ob tain a position and the provisions for self guidance mrs fred cook home from cookstow n south af rit a who gave us n vrrv plctur memorial fund provincial work mmim malntrnaixe fund poppy i unl itvder memorial fund en- dowment fund acton scout hall british work in ludia hospitals national shipping fund provincial itrprru ntitlves sincial fund nat ional seamans fund british and kiiroprui belief fund film fund p ace irdcn fund llalton mus ic it fesllvil acton library iviard two rings were iurchasrt for one imiv and one girl for general profictrncv diplomas givi n tn ten iuhinfhh nrai a i ihs rnndi woman trough her son and prospective daughrrr- liiiaw u oni of the awaaklrm jewellers in dnlln to buy flat all- vei she did all ihe talking ultlm olely made up her mind and order- d liie niosl esjmnslve art in th more it leik injulrcm as to in itials initials hill imtomed the worn an i wmit ur rallle brnml on dial sliver ihe wall si i e t lot i nal sas the llr lisli iiie ih w ids most uhrlllgn1 bib goodyear v 0jm duiftii k you positive protection ajtainu blowout dan ger make a blow out a harm la si as a slow leak lifrousrd lit any make of tire often oatlasf tester i usf a mil of tires drive in c0astjfylear ufkua rd atorv ulreguabo safetytubes thompson motors iso miu si mom rosp latis t mivici rsotdne th f casltasf isw inffant hrt lm krfthn work quick cfla taty to iwfall automatic hoot control economical a wtt tmttmma cm iantia terfol oa u lihi pi imperial oil limited squr description of thr african and wvisr late niver absent pupils an1 his habits ond dlsplnved mnnv txautlful pieces of work made bv ihe native mrs t i kkucr out ilnrd in her interesting and humor ous wnv the various resolutions discussed nt thr national annual convention hrld in victoria bc i mlvses audrey anderson and allern duffv displayed a discuwilon in miss duffys office on a case historv that miss anderson ran into in the i a srholarship to the student with ihe highest standing in grade u also a two hundred dollar binarv w as obtained through the iurv mot i i son memot ial fund ihe first of us klnrl to in- received in llalton for a imnl student to furthi r his dm atlon our chipti r and flag were rep n m nl 1 at the boxv th at re dur ing british vk the hrfient ex countv of llalton and how it could plilnd the thidr nils applied lo lw workd in with our chapter minors attending movies welfare work and mrs arthur amble gave us a full outline on the education in english schools in september we were pleased o have ns our guests the members f the duke of devonshire chapter nd ladies and teachers from the there ls no official must about acton schools in december we prevent ng soil wostngv on a mnn i put aside all but the necessary bu- own farm but if the operator hopes j inesa and enjoved a soclnl evening to stav nnd make a living there the lop oil must remain there tor soil erosion is nothing new wheti- er due to wind rain or over-gmz- ing it plnyed a vital part a the rise and fall of nation throughout recorded hutory the story nd the lesson is there for those in canada who wiah to learn gone are the day when n farmer could plough up wear out and move oi to greener pastures today he wise farmer know that if he lake care of hi toll the soil in turn will look after him three hundred fertile eggs wrrr recently shipped by air from van uver to n company in hong kong which hat cprewd a de sire 10 estnblsh a canadian peji- greed strain in its flock of poury a second shipment haa bcsm re- rueted for tiie enrh part of this month van wyck cleaners phone 272 1u k 11 and dfi ivkhv v n fit m from o ir cha t r i ie kin ms t the amu al offl ers t a hrld l the dilk- nf d v on- shire ch ipt r in march in mas our ch ipter is r re- s nled at the annual mu ic f st val assivi idi hi mei tun the ii kevjle ch ipt r mind ith nth r r aniations ti r se mo u v for the a cton war m mi n 1 f mir memlvers i massed vt b n lembranrc div ihe m lo in rs paraded alt nded serv i res placed a wreath on thi cenotaph nd fla on the graves o f veterans wallpaper 1 cent sale yht you have kk vt koh ch apples annual lc sale of wallpaper on iurehae ne roll at llie regular price an i receive an klra roll for ne lent stock up at tlie iiiiiiu tow prico and make our selection from the iiriei slock in welern ontario chapples book store 135 wyndham street cueiph ontario houses for sale brick house 7 rooms hot air haating 3 piaca balh on good straat aatl and pricad lo tall poitattion toon brick house 6 room and 3 pc balh hoi walar haaling on riood lot clota in salf containad 3 room apart- man and bathroom at raar this ii an avcallant invattmant roughcast bungalow s roomi larga let looking for a bargain this it it if you ara roughcast semidetached house 5 room t oach tida good lot clou to pott offlca on tlda vacant at pra- tant good rartnt can ba had on thit proparry contact w r bracken raal ettata acton phone 36 in oi tuber ten member attended i the- area conference nnd banqin t i in kiti hem r the chapter flaj belnr represented nt the afternoon cere- monv our recent replied verv fittniklv to ihe messacc riven bv mrs cecil r llwwn provincial president v wbh to thnnk the recent wholeheartedlv for her tactful and untiring efforts on the completion of such n successful and ev entful vear nnd nil the members of the executive ftfr their renerous tlnve nnd thoncht also nil those who so v illmclv assisted us w ith our prnjei is or hi lped us in nnv vvav mav w e the members of the lakeside chapter i o d f stimu late our interest with pride and lovaltv to our chapter and maint iln the soid foundation of the past for kinc and countrv in this tuhiw vear of the onler marv johnston record l no oycrefavu georgett tv mehlv hnrli tichteen ninh i old duikliter of mr nnd mt ce ii harth ulen williams died in li sleep ut nlcht the little rirl hnd llen put to best nnd when ht par- ents telired for the nlcht mrs itarth looked into the crih to see j that she vvji nettled for the night nnl discoverd the trnfiody cuevt kpenker for the dinner meet inc of the unnt club in nlcht in the mffilbbon uouio wns lt col k m bourne or urm- houm col bourne was cotiimlt- sinner of police in shanch i for sevmal year after the last umr and hi informative- talk on ciilnese hutory custom and character was concluded with observation on the current politico sltuntlon tn that country wesley u robb proprietor of nobbij tvruir store died udcumly nt hi homo wednesday februnrv 22 hcraul its 100tol moull like the magene when anread upon bread or used mp vegetable not one person in one hundred knowv it ii margarine you wont believehow good it it until vou tatfeit try it once and we are confident vou will buy it regularly ntw mammf coa ba eolaurad far raua uw hvm djracnaaj era orvaa at rnvty pacftoo ik o ffu c t e canada ackiif unit

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