Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1950, p. 1

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ht jvttott ttt ftsz savanty fifth year mo 35 acton ontario thursday march 9lrr 1950 eight home print pqisix cants fathers and sons enjoy banquet ys mens club ceatiau ovholav tcm b mftiiige ea sports- fc c crowe alherllm if uw tint annual father and sons night arranged by th arton y umi club u any indication of what may follow thr u uttl nron left for expansion or improve assent about 170 led and dads filled th yuca social room last thursday evening and had turkey dinner that uft no room with avert th boy appetites there was tur key cranberrfe mashed potatoes bee turn i pa relish rolls choice of plaa coffee and after dinner mints on tha manu prepared snd served by tha ys mens iadle auslllary whoaa culinary skill ts well known 111 after dinner speakers were brief and brought thoughtful mee- mf- oraca was by cliff sutton andprasldent ken mackenzie cava walnoma that was cordial and in troduced the head table guests tha toast to the sons was by claude cook and to the fathers by 111 mchugfc doth were thoufhtful and pointed toasts charles klrkness with douflaa crawford at tha piano led in a group of songs familiar and differ ent and all popular with the group for the program adjournment was made to tha gymnasium of the yuca ttsre george mason had a bag and basket and hat full of tricks and the basket produced a big while rabbit that went to one of tha lads assisting it was fine entertainment for both age groups and thoroughly enjoyed pker of the evening wan con stable oxholm of the royal canad tan mounted police with full unl form bright red tunic and evrn purs that made him the idol of the lads constable oxholm talked about sportsmanship and the part it played in eeervday life some times it was onlv a little part but sportmmnnshlp had to he shown c en in ccrvday life it was a life essential it wasnt a sermon but a talk that atl could appreciate nnd had the fundamentals of good cttl7 enshlp parked into it the speaker wss introduced bv rill renaon and orland rohbin ck pressed the np preciatlon of the croup a mo ii film show inr n cjr taki n from hcmp files w n shown b constnhli oxholm it wtii a t pica exnmple that gnc some of the d talla of the work in volved in rok ing crimen nnd the vast nitwork of the police of cnn ada in trucking down criminals follow inj thi program man had on opportunlt to meet con oxholm nnd he er gcmrouvu gac- all the autograph wanted to the lnds nnd the girl of the high school who niiuted in serving the banquet the souenlr menu told thnt father nnd son get together are meant to illustrate and rultuate the talher nnd son spirit of cooper ation in life not that the doris and sons do not realize their relation ship but these events do bring to the surface in unmistakable reality the pride and importance that ex ists between every team of father and son the first annual father and son banquet of acton vi men s club fulfilled this cry worthy purpose finrd for failure t fill ilmollh tax rhrth six milton district farmers war hailed into county magistrates court yeaterday charged with fall ing to file income tax returns far the years ima t and a charge against john dolby was withdrawn on request of angus mcmillan special prosecuting attorney two others went remanded for two weeks by magistral t i moora- head so defendants may offer fur ther evidence anson devlin j a lyons and wm devlin all of mil ton were convicted and asaeaaed the minimum penalty of tuu and costs or is day charge against thomas mckerr an elderly crip pled farmer and edward crag were remanded for the two week period annie mr murray of gam was fined 110 00 and costs or 10 days when she appeared on a charge of being drunk in a public place in acton on march tth charged with committing no sewers lor wartime housing on present plan train service is restored to original scheouie this week council dacitut against troiact i 1 in sale and inl ijjrlam rlz h aurf ki ward in hank cmery to b accepted by i town council hasrt town i jorr- liipturc i employe and laangacr oradar for truck may bo por ch sad vllve w0 am on thuivlay n services will be rrstorrd rial tihulfi wai the word ent out this werk to all n it genii ilili will come as ginnl newt to th ae who have mlarl the mihiu fi and eeftvlcea that wre found nvenlent iurnicer aer slie hint iwen ui to meel th lue irmttrtge and ran now he resumed plan for town celebration and reunion heard commit haads ns mad ivory citlion urged to und hand mealing march 17th a meeting waa held in the town i reeve pi tyler irputy hreve w mrlrod and ouiuillin 1 hot chrn j liatgravr it thornpwaj t nicol w htauell and j grrer wrrr present at arton c ounri nteetlng on monday evening and artkng mayor tyler prealded w davidson made inquiry re gsrdlng the license fee under the mawkera and pedlars by law the fee for a motor vehicle was 30 snd for a pedlar using a basket 13 council agreed to refer to the by law before making ruling mr watklns paid 15 last year and 15 aerious offence against a soyear a -1- w tft ln waborlng towns mrasra w churchill and gor don allan were present and felt that council had not bean justified i pit in thr itrrtl snd of two flmlri linh i january two i ndn txrn awarded by the hankers asan with totalling 1400 giving them dismissals t felt that the circumstance they of old trafalgar woman fred forbes of milton was committed for trial fnrbe requested hearing of his case by a higher court without entering a plea through hi coun sel douglas mcconachle th ac- j a a j grave digging in question were un cused agreed that the evldenc jl heard on the first charge could alio be applied to a second charge of administering liquor to the com plain anl mark stxtytrlltd anntvrtsaty of their wedding mr and mrs orgr d wa lace of wellington place guelph re celebrallnk their sixtythird wed ding anniversary on march 2nd their bridesmaid mra fanny arndt of hamilton hoped to be pre vent a i th- reception for which mr w k mclllurslth a daughter wn oprnlng her home mr and mr wallace ftf and 8 enr old renpecl ivelv rva on march 2 1sr7 at carlisle near hamilton h the rev thorn- stobht mr wallace wax the n of hlrnm nnd rarhel wallace of moffat and his hnde jo j hit i newell w the daurhle- ot mi ulrlinrd ilradle of carl e thi y rened on n frm nnr ar in ft i 11 iarv moved tn fait am horn in lxk and nft r ten rarv o v t jia llond tiiielph the wnlltren hrouchl up i e cl lldren of th lr ow n wm g mm mill tnseph ii ktmilton fred gut iph minn mrs to cm tr arkell nnd fthil mr- it mrl lurnith luelph tnc wnt nn nd ipt d son also rr of guelf h the hae 17 trandchlldrrt nnd it jr nt crnndchlldren mr wnllace hns retired frnn nl nrtl vmirk hut hls w ife hm two h hhli that kect her bu one of thi m u making floor mau and the other is collecting rreim j lien er- hc- hn ft co lection of 7s1 jus pitchers of unusual deslin siiflpci lre nnd colora hne been sent to her from all over vest rn cnivw nnd some from t hi united stntes it is a most unusual hut ver interesting collection friends and relatives in halt on count will he tnt created t h ar of this event usual and the work could not have been don more quickly part of the tlm had bean used in digging in the wrong plot details of the work involved were furnished to council mr hsrrop had r xpressed willingness to assume any respon rlbllty for the situation thev felt the mstter should be recomiri ered in view of the facts given messrs w lai by r n rrow n wm mcdonald and r t dalvdnon of the pioneers cemetery roard n m ui d liu were prerent to dlvuxs with conn lu d lal ctl the matter of the town taking nn ar hou omvh tt miblxt tm n ha canadian with ih they arc don torre a son of mr ii r roue acton and accountant for y how c ab o and henry fyre a dlpatrhrr in received a rhejie for 11o0 nd fyrri for floo after th dominion rank at d ml a had ixen robbed of 7 sw two funmi n force and fyrrt re ixirted to pro iiu lal poller that u auplrlou looking stranger had hlr ed one of their cabs in imdon lo go to toronto acting on the tip pro int lal police arretted arthur georae 3a of salem ont in a roadblock near rrantford half an hour later g o hughes 34 of glsce ray n s wu arretted at nearby thamenford thr pair was sentenced st kit chener on january 38 to ilx year each in penitentiary on charges of robbery and kidnapping timnr out out the cae sit lu ln houuw lve offlclall v ulna iix on tole nf w pa per h udllru im lltr bey wouldn t ts ik ml the symliok of a ijir fire mut little damage a fire alarm with all the elem ents of a conflagration but without the tame disastrous results wa turned in about ii so monday morn ing a sprinklrr head in the mas on knitting co plant broke and set off the outside alarm at th a me time the sewer construction friday evrninf to decide rompany were thawing th road lad has narrow escape from drowning- in nith river at ayr it 1 1 duff wilson 4 ar w the sllh ulvtr b mr rlltxri itj a ife nf1 r in had f afion ousts ishelhurne juniors in to straight rodman ad vane anolhar round in o h a junior play downs this waak wh lh r they left th lr wlngi al home i a matter of ronjerture but she i burnt r lyeix dldn t do any flying whin thi y met arton in thi firat round of the oh a nlor i plmydownn thi heiltnen blanked the flyi m with a 10 0 kcare in the flrxt gimi of th im at of three aerlii in arton on r rlday night and then on tina day in shelbunie jolted the flyera nttuin with i 10 s verdict to sweep thf unit in ttralght gamea hh c oulaon racked up hi firat hoi out on friday with a neat koul t udlng job while up front hi muli a pumped ten pucka tx hind a tkwildftfd shelbume nit minder naini of flrmlnit r li mini wan the old hoys itr union and low ti i tltbratlort eoulrl he under taken the idea behind the rleb ruth n waa l mark the railing of the corporation fr m village atnt ui to that of a town moat of the unril tiiernlarra wife jiirwdt and rt pri ketitalivm of various organ ulx it v wn tyler ld ui nl to 0enrd the n thoae pre ilnnan fx invc th roll jonev wai f hoaen to oei upy the rhatr mr jinea atated ibat hi would arept the chair for the muling but fell hat there were olheri im iti r rjuallfird lo act m halrman for the reunion as he waa a comparative newcomer to town but he would do all in his power to make this reunion a aur reaa mr j mcgaarhle wai appoint ed acrrctary for the mrrllng mr joms said hat le had im n upproac h d laat year when the vll lage had im n ralaed to a tow have a celebration in mark th way in front of the plant in prep aration for monday morning digg lr g operation the mult had every outward phaae of a real conflagration and iiriia and the fire rrtgade were iille relieved when they not to i he aeriie that the matter wai not mrloua damage in the plant was from water only and waa about v the fire hrigade made a quirk run but aewer con at ruction kepi tin iiilprnent from rearhlfig i hi nrairat hydrant business mens team leads in volliykall tannery rids second ont two tew mi played last week in the volley nail league the oth er garnet were p4l toned tn alio the use of he gymn for the father and son night ihe tannery iteda the moil im to proved tram in the league gained v three more point a at th expense hi vl the to ii hud to mt this had teemed like a gxi of mlt r imaallca ihe teams ha i hlra at the time and thla meeting jled to an h h tie in the first half f tin opening game but the red finding new energy and havinsr more finlah at the critical moment n ver on ceded a point from thei fin and took ihe game is to h they won the aecond game by a laat minute rally by the a r of it to 12 more consistent play nmire1 1 1n m f the laat garni is over the pioneers cemetery for rare and maintenance mr iahv said he waa pleased lnded to dli ruts thla matter with council he outlined the work done in thii t t ccrmtcrv and the hlitnry of i n o at inn in 10to other memlmrt of th ptoin r c rn brv tmtei i were quite in accord wllh ihe town nvmimlne maintenance of thl rem tin tht wire alo in fior of lumtng o rr the mall hnlnnce of 1 to the enre of ths cemetery th following rrohitlon wn pnwil that the council take o er the rarr of the pioneers ci mi t erv from the trustees and thev ap ree to milntnin perttunl cire of ihe cem terv and cairn sa a mon- umi nt tn the pioneer of this com munlt nnd all deed nnd piper be turrud o er to ihe town nnd the present tnktees to upn this motion carried the motion was ijnrd bv w a inh r n rrown r i dn1don nnd w j mcdomld firi chh f frtd diwklns n quoted the counril nrranne to keep the rriide informed of cm er construction o the rrignde could reich hydrants in cise of fire heat ing of the fire hill um to cnlled to the nttentlon of council nnd fires had not hid proper nttentlon whrn council inspected the room the following accounts were passed for pavment unlversit ave motors ltd truck tsvw 00 2m mop riioi ahola in fit l inn ncro l iii x m h 1 before reaching i r i nod mrx i r duff wikon m dual nrflti r of itoin and sx nl bin a ion onl tin hlii w wife nto i ll lm ut1 til iii unkler had fnlh n dull kit mxtv i fi iik thi rut mnilii nl th oh it mx i nib f th 1 r st brld lin i imui t ixianlnj on i w th mi- iimimiii hi dr n jn i man ind illl tlssen if mr nn i mrs w llllnm tli mrs iijm wn to lh flat lund lu r h im nnd notked tot iinn mil no ihlldien sb r iiovmi to th rlwr nnd found t ifn c i 1 1 ilri n on the bank i i i i in in w iter mh1 kil ri lv t i mini mon lo ti n lht rutin r b iv r ivi r a h mi u n miottd thf m nlng m n 1 bfirk for nln ii hub pitting borki v th in on thi id t in ui ifi d t p ir had been called aa a reiult suggeatlons were madr that the rrlrbratlon im helil on ihr july 1st holiday ivlr holiday and the llor day wet k end some d ivgalea aerrnrd to think that it would im wiwr to poatkine ihf ri li braliona a year an that the aiwfr proji i rou id ik flnlahed nlnutia and the strut tw put into ahnpe im ton a icitthering wan held and thnt a n lebratlon f mh nropf would ni i d a ye tr or mure of pri pnrnltnn othi rs mt ui it uld im h id thi- v f ns thi loipir it lb i to bio rgid on hl hittintt kji entln iv fir in un wi iff rt thit to indlinli i te n 10 i tiimiiv r ivers one w i n 2 12 n im n 12 b id in 111 to i town thi year a in in idr i w i t ttfd i hut th d f tl uti n diid whlli the iliildul that thr appoint a tin mtw r pu k t hind coulson ii with b mm ii r thi b id in llbi r ihr prntli lii r to k p with oth pissini attun inm villi hid oikiiis of lr w is 1 in lib nil d iki s but thi lr pi ih r ii t fnishid i hough to b f tv fxipl another in over ninety group comes to wnd macstone wf join with other friends in congratulations to mr duncan d morrison who on monda observ ed his 02nd hlrthrta mr and mr morrison reside on no 7 hlghun just east of town just another week to secure 1950 motor car licenses daadltne for renewal of vehicle ueant plat and operators tlc- ances ha baan aat tor march 30 at mldnlfht it has baan announcad hy hon oaorge k doucett ont ario minister of hlghways- to date leas than half tha ver tdelm to ontario have i mo plates and th tame prcenuc of driv- rs hav yet to renew thair license throughout th province last year there were 771700 passenger ear registered and 197638 trucks to data this year llcensaa issued include only about ssoooo car lic ense and ftsyooo truck license about driven licenses have been taken out this year as comp ared with 4 total of 138m5 last year acton free press printing ont pro police sen ices for february spartan contracting co re snow removal truck license municipal world supp grand and tov ltd l w agar coal e tyler trips re truck r thompson trip to tor- i onto re truck read s u pari n fen dent to be ap- rug daw kins repairs to poinrad on different sal- fire siren mru raaja doug dswkins re ss oil e mu chas landsborough rec- esqursing township council held ora for arena their reffular meeting monday all 52 foxes shot in esquesing in past month macsvaln vlotora ai oil ate 8ttwart railott hauling j hartrave gaf for truek o allan holiday pay membrra prraent rv george holl j currt preded accounts paaaed for payment were- bell iviephon st is street llghu at norval stui municipal world th 41 ont dept of health il a w benton atampa mm claims in connection with sheep killed amounted to stm bountles of 15 each were passed for s3 foxes shot in tha township spartan contracting co in the latter part of january and progress report rebruary u was paid to various irorei report no a3 township residents i h- v anderson engineer- the treasurer was authorised to nf services no im return to mr hamilton the deposit cheque re snow plowing contract relief accounts approved amount ed to 97 85 and roads accounts pre sented by the superintendent were u375 8s the clark was instructed to pre- 700 ti jia 200 183 j 71 el v so 100 5 00 ibs in ism t400 10 00 4i3 mum in- i n fttm a mull i ik iri tli fi tir uil h 1 vii it tho mrltkri inililsl ri v tar inv i nr a wrll kninvn firm of hiitish ritinntle tnnnufn t urcrs i lurnlnk hi tant into i prnctlrnl vhlhlt uhlch by thi tlmf ihr ihhlllon closrt will hnr ttirni l nut 6 million clean t its fnouph lo supply n smoker ith l n tn for b44 riirn hits fiiun nassagaweya discuss plan ol early elections tax collector instructed to i collect all arrvars immadiafely t43a3a swer accounts were passed as fallow u0443s amsm r v anderson engineer- in servlcei no 110 spartan construct co a4 spartan contract no b4 300 87 588 39 t0837 englands tea power came into b inj with the defeat ofjihe spa ish armada 12s8sq3 council held a complete hearing parayjswifuiloacson on the question of tha eseesslve certain bridges i hours used in grave trigging at the a bylaw was approved and pass- cemetery and feu that tomone was ed appointing the road superintend- rerpon- ent on a different salary basis blllty council vm meet as court of i the following resolution was revision on april rd at one psed that we reengage the oclock f continued on poos rij r ming s jil ni ts in thi flrm k inn nnd liplhk from thi hi drm n ai uld likdv hivi hn in txits if m mn this nr ai ti n will cnntlihh in must of th junior d crown surpnsinn twist of frul iv s till w ii lh rh in hocki v pied bv both ti ami no pmaltlcs were im xn d h ri ii ri i scottv piitli rson and dave brush conch ilio marro had three for ward lines to work with bill hutt rentrtd harold deforest and john- n rtisjell to comprise the third j line considering it was the first time the line worked as a unit they looked good in addition they fig ured in two of the goals i however it uas the milton line that stole the spotlight vsughan nnd fav each sniped a brace while piot terrv brush one o the most outstanding prospects toappear in an acton sweater in some years potted one young brush has yet lbrntl id oik vnr until tin ii mpli tid ii wns f ouiii i shi lo eiirh if tin lommlttiix nquired ird i f nn rntniwitk fir th i rj inl7ition f t his relrhnitlon and ihit thi ililikt- nnd nil cltlz na uiteri sli il would im 1 1 nc iln on irldiv m irrh i7lh to orn tni7 thi n ii hrjitlon uid nlo to i hoose thi dns it is to lw h id this will h i thi xirums ore mirations nn ppirlunitv to dirusa with thi lr nn mix r- the project and to hnve nil inten sled rirtlea preai nt it thi m xt mi i line on man h 17th it wns iiivmrmih i p manh v mw1373 fnr the flnjncial dimd txla pnyatile ii i inn d to r h 21 1072lvh ua hgeilnat mini h itho leporta post lluhf r piivmenta hy such mm- pmlis ns aluminum ltd dtstlllers- s jtdrnmi ford motors and inter- i ilinri ti pup r wi re largely re- iponaihl for the higher total div id nils d clarrd and paid in inio to dite however are down thi y total 121 7wjmh as compared with 124lfl8vm for the same pe nod list mor m mid h ilcomid 1 iln than two million canadians slrvid thitn v nnd nil ritiena r flk lfirrilon tra ejuiariy b fori thi war and a reci nt ntional surm v r vi ihd that 7 per cent of thosi who drink afternoon tea say it is thi lr most enjoyable cup of the 17 ition mi tinp it wn nol nmi irv to n pri sent nn group or or- t inir ition but eery rlllrrn would he welcome to guc whntevir hi ip possible the council held a nhnrt me t- tng at the close snd iho foil i inr members were aslffnil lo the var inns committees decorating e tyler publicity w hoarell bootha j margraves saturday entertainment w mc- leod sunday servlces r thompson mondsy entertainment t nlcol old bova a mason music i hotchen grounds a klrkness the net meeting will be on fri day march 17 when every citizen d y coining evrnl tt or hhff iiiai art tha wtih a aalf y aaaouaaaara si albans guild is holding its apring lea and bazaar april th the municipal council of the township of nassagaweya met on monda in the council chamber with the heee w m vanslckie presiding the fidelity bonds of the town ship officials were examined and found in order the road superintendents vou cher no 3 for th sum of s12383 uas ordered paid other accounts amoutlng- to s42c was ordered paid a resolution was passed instruct ing the tax collector to take nec essary proceedings to collect all arrears of taxes immediately the clerk was instructed to send a copy of a resolution passed to th township solicitor asking that action be taken for immediate set- tlement wlh the milton brick co y 7lcentner re townllne road end that sard jx vaughan company be stopped from actlvitj ry kentner until settlement is made second period mr gage from the department lands and forests gait was tssstisl rv prearat and addressed council re f i rliutl dhkanilla sam l vsugnsn vaughan third period come lo brookvllle ilall euchre and iance march 17lh auspice is urged to be on hand snd make campbellvlll wl the celebration a success act on high school open night aaiee aainexai frlda evening march 17 stud- mi anderson ent wor w dlsplaivd re- i at time of going to press it was adore5ed mietino of freahmenu the opinion of some fans that el- t i home baking sale and afternoon ttain his fifteenth year and uflh proper coaching could go a long way in the ice game hes what the crap specialists call a natural mlra would be the nest club to acton instrtuti meet acton pans are advised to j 7 i t it 4 regulsr monthly meeting of look for potr on the next series i w acton wnwn illllltut shelbumr b nemlnf r snider helj th of mrt jj hunter del f zlnnc n cray prj on tluni ltumoon h cllmour w alts doney henry mipcn j wuh ms erllley webster wood keyes ln mnthet maxulre lawrence waters president mrs davidson was acton coulson g kentner zajac in the chair del townsley c tlowst bastell i a donation of 10 wu sent to w alts anderson vaughan brush ur and sirs ken si cdonald who lost their home by fire that waak 1 and plans were made to have a st i patricks euchre j after the business wu finished 10 jo the following program was given 1053 current events were given by sirs 11 yj earl lambert tlie motto your 1s00 nom i show window of your tay roezell hutt deforest scorng summary ftrot oaux first period townsley or lands and forests gait was preant and addressed council re distribution of pheasants for this year the subject of early election was i again discussed but wu left to a jf j j community cheerfulness will keep it bright- was given by sirs gol- den the ladle all joined in slng- 015 14 45 ln d house later for arrangement i hutt deforest our health nurse mlsr anderson gsve a splendid talk on health and welfare the meeting closed by j 2j singing home on the range and vote of thanks was riven tha is 43 7j0 council adjourned to meet again i offlcala scotty patterson of hostess and her eommlttm for the on monday april 3rd 1050 georgetown dave brush milton dainty lunch tea saturday march it xs0 pm draw lor fruit cake legion hal auspices ladles auxiliary kldd baker radio cowboy show and dance will be appearing at the old town halt georgetown on monday march u show starts at 830 the regular meeting of the lakeside chapter ioxie will be held tuesday march 14 ln tha legion hall installation of officers mrs r h armstrong will spaak about the peace river district eurhre and cribhaj will be held in the legion hall monday mar 13 8 30 pjn sharp lunch served good prises everybody welcome auspices ladles auxiliary canad ian legion ivi admission 33c postponed dane friday march it acton town hall stodera and oldtyme music by royal city quintette under auspice acton loila 1101 refreshment booth admission soc everbody welcome

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