Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1950, p. 3

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thursday march mh im the acton free press pacbc thrjcat jpay af the bowl erin hello homemakers as usual march utnds are tale thesis ant days whmi meals should b of the bftrty type and during the uouo period there seems lo be a food market for ash you cmn order suf ficient jysrtety and make interest- ln variations to serve fuh often without mraotony by the way we think its a mat ter of how you answer u wall m what you say when ftaked whafl for supper vou may toy 0od tasty chowder or sweat and savory sauce on pickerel or jsllud tuna saud or french pried haddock we suggest you never reply to above question with one word pub especially with your nose turned up rkuuntr chowder 2 iba cod or haddork 4 lb salt pork i cup ftsh stork 1 small anion 4 medium potatoes 1 bay leaf 2 cups milk scalded 1 rup hot water salt and pepper crumbled soda crackers kree fish from skin and bones and cut into piece cover akin and bones with cold water and simmer 10 minutes to make ftsh stork dis card skin and bone pry salt pork add minced onion and brown add potatoes ftsh fish stock bay leaf and boiling water simmer covered for 15 minutes or until fuh is cook ed remove bay leaf add hot milk salt and pepper serve piping hot over crackers foot ailments treated miss aran cursfxxutt traa onw vma lafraww nail bawuaa etc ou4 a far faa4 cmlwt 37 arthur si ooslph mww 13voj your eyes deserve the est consult r m bell rvgisrarad optometrist hmw 55rl2 erin van wyck cleaners phon272 pick l and dkuvfry frozen tuna salad 1 cup tuna flaked 1 can condensed tomato soup 1 tap lemon juios up cayenne u cup minced pickle 4 fp hard cooked 4 taps salad dressing ills lightly the tuna fish soup lemon juice and seasonings pour into moulds or greased custard cups and cover with full set in freezing compartment of refriger ator until firm turn out and serve with hard cooked egg sliced and topped with salad dressing steauxd rtsu witjt swektsour savct wipe fish and cut into servings srsfetn with mii stid ppprr ilace fish along with 2 or 3 bay leafs a dash of vinegar and a carrot in a piece of aluminum foil or piece of cheesecloth place on metal top jar rings in hot torn of saucepan add boiling wster to tovrr bring to a boll and simmer covered allow 10 minutes per toond after boiling point is reached serse with xinerf ttaotir seum mkr s iaite of two thsp cornstarch and v rup cold wster in top part of double ttnller over boiling water heat v cup brown sugar snd cup vlnegsr slowly add corn lit arch mixture stir ring ss sauce thickens cook cover ed until there li no longer any itarrhy taite nd sauce u clear about 10 minutes french fried fish purchase whltefuh fillets of hal ibut smelts or flounder for deep fat frying clean wine ai dry as possible with paper toweling sprinkle with salt dip in flnur then besten egg snd crumb pry in deep fst at sto degrees or fat that browns a rube of bread in 40 seconds drain fatter 5 to 7 minute cooking on absorb ent paper 1 after handling raw fish rub hsndi with salt snd rinse to re move fuh odour j dlnhes which have held flih will be sweet again if soaked in wat- rr to which ha been added 1 tsp mustard wash well j cook fish in cookery parchment or aluminum fnll to prcv ent ronklnjt odours i allow 2 cups drr rnimbi for stuffing a four pound fish allow h minute irr pound for baking stuffed fish in electric n rn of 400 degrees ir ottua rrionr aij hi tv pressure is lelnt put on ollnwn in itmllsh the tnonni test in uhl np- i wrist on cl e it to vrvttodv rle ft cnrllcr nnd make it lnri r 1 the pnn tlnl pollrv ninv come nnd it mnv tc hlghlv drslrnhle hut ttivn tin klninclnl iwl we would lie well ndvlsod first to find out some tli inn nhout i hi cost in the pre sent cimpaln vers little is heard on thnt scon tin- pi i sent basic pension of jwi n m nth ninwed onlv to citizen oer 70 who enn prove need cost the federal treasury i1s3 millions a ar thin la from four to five per cent of totnl revenue the cot has almost doubled since 1m4 and leiauf we are living longer than hi formetlv did the coat will proh- ablv douhle ngnln in the not too distant future to raise the present minimum to sso a month nnd pa to everybody after fih would rnlse our total hill to 7ss mlllloni thnt would mean or pensions alone nn epcodlturc douhle th hole federal hudgct not so mnnv art ni fourtevn young hockey players from sbelburne were given lnbalat- or treatment for carbon monoxide poisoning at lord dufferln hospital orangevulc on wednesday night of last week two of the boyi were unconscious and six wers put in oxygen tents a well known and highly respect ed retldeat of kramosa in th par son of mrs thomas adsstt passed away st th horn of her son hugh seventh linr kramosa on tuesday following lingering lllnaas last wk th ratepayers of alton voted as to whether thy would keep their continuation school op en th majority votad to keep th school open as there is only four debentur payments and an attend ance of seventythree in the public school advocate milton milton llrirk cikrijiuny carrird a nrt pffit itt m4 32fl in iwo s- pr ii i mat y 1ulie 27 273 earned in tht prrviimi y ur these results were obtained despite the fart that dut to a siitmii fire the plant op erated for five months at only 40 p r tnt of u kty tmd pra tially all ptoflta wrrt made in the last four inonlhs uemta nllil kihrunry jmtli n kniut of iople mrl at ume mune school and urganlred the netm rduiallonnl aavm lallor itie following officers wrre ercte who will in turn elect the execu tive irna coulwnn iowvllle win hume ilell school dr stuart mount nnno marshall campbell mmcrman hobert haywant llmektone itoaa harbottle kll- brine art harris cedar springs i the co operative movement la not one to cut the other fellows throat but one to render a service to the people declared a c ilerf savage president of the coopera tive credit society at the annual meeting r the mil ion dlilrtct co operative held at the town hall milton tuesday afternoon jimci price one of hornbys titdest residents celebrated hi 00th birthday on february 20th 1050 he in well and hi arty has no need of glasses si be reads hi pap r and moreovt r shaven himself with a ktralght raror canadian charnpnow zx chronicles ol ginger farm whltu hfhmmlil fit uuendoline p cuutauc fashion hint the total population of cunndta ten prm inccn nt dt cember 1 hmo wan 13 707 000 jia da rininli l wu wlw art ravfafiag for gmwial wearily wbaa ruir warlibtg days an avar rlaa laliraawal lacaaw paliciat wirli apjn i lav yooil medicinal value mil of the old provtihn iini c it li list i kum of truth in thm inl the old sviw an npple n dnv kip- tin d lor nun k no e pi ion sivs u hope kesennh ollltit i- full mid vi knhle 1ro- dm is r vj i iniinitnl stntlon k n ill nsw m e the npple induntry nnv not do all i tic old provorh t hums n fi iv npplt s i o isumtsl new dnv will lnd to keep the hmlth of tti nvimtke ptson nt pnr hlle npplr nre not lilh i i i iruthvdrnles fnt or priteln thi i omeire fivournhlv with other fn sh fruits und some olhir foxli is n s4iursi of vitnmlns nnd mln iiils the vlintnln a content of npples differs oni w hnt nmon v nrii ties hul the nenre is one inlcntlovinl unit mt nmm ullrht iv h ik her than ot tinge juu e nni n little less liinn hannnnn vitamin c also dirfrrs with the variety but two kiimc bcnuly apples or ulx delicious apples dallv will supply enough of this linmln to protect n man from scur the mlneril content of apples nt 0 3 per cent l not high but includes such rlrm- enls a calcium iron mngneklum potnsslum nnd phosphorxtas in a form readilv nvnllable to thff bxl apple have rerentlv been re ported or value in the treatment n simple constipation and this is probablv because of the fibre con- lent then- in also nome evidence ihni hnrterln pre nt in the in tesline ran nit on the film of ftp plt to form otanlc arid the but vrl- n id o formal mav he re oiimhl foi the nutonterlllxlng rneihnnism of the tower hit slim which ha been ohsered the wlue of npple th the trenl- inent of intestinni dinsirdem of both i hldivn and ndulls hnn ben prov- il hv linii investl ulons nil i hi re are repnts indlcntlnr that the imntuuied ue o in npple dw mav have some value in chronic ind mute rh uniitii infections the mode of it is not known it mav ho through their content of lt- nnun c of pes tin of glnrturvinu ntiil or other unldentlfiexl const liu entn hut the honefh i tl results have in n demonstrated it is pnikible tint the rihhi ftht of frth apples on the htaltn was nsotinled lonn auo hv non professional pople nnd was trv neatlv eprs4d in the familiar old evptvslon about the apple nnd tht t loct or john l klrjgthoh dlitrict rspreununv acton ont jck t armttrong ditrrlct repratantativ geoaotetowk ont branch offlc brampfan onl afternoom tk the custom of afternoon va goes back to the ibms when it first caught on i in england history credits the duchess of bedford with beginning the practice oi making tea in the middle of the afternoon the duchess also instituted the habit of eating light food with tea making afternoon tea a meal in it self iabst week we were colder in the house than we hsd been in years day after day icy winds battered themselves asalntt our doors and window i penetrating the house even against storm ior and win dow protection what it would have bn like without them dear only knows it li at aurh times that i wonder how peopli id plooirr days ev i r came through the win us it inn t muih good trying to dem rlbe it only t xpertencr cun make- anvtne tr-mwrr- whnt a mrtrmy ty in the country is really like kvm at thut nn mory is khort lived v or insloh nfii f our ne1ihtror w us lit town limiklng uftrr an ailing later it wai a day whrn visibility i wun ndurtd to 100 feet and uili i m i htxmir althoiikh iht knew it was lortnlnic had no idea what tt w ji ft tillv like until she got home at supp tltnt nd found her way thxkid rrom th g ituii to the lions hv hugi drifts across the litwn i hut now the wtathrr has changed n wann wind him txrn blowing all dnv snow is packing and little rlv uli tn are running tindt r and throuuh the snow the house is draughty but reasonably warm so we can forget all about the stormy w nther until the nest big blow ksrept thnt i cant forget it quit so sully not with a batrh of chll- bin ins that are just about driving me rsiy and i havent got enough courage to try the pa rt an cure which some folk advocate tot run tiarrfoot through the snow tv ry time we get a cold ape 11 i wonder whv so many frm houses ore built with the main door open ing directly into the diningroom or kltrhen of course there is gener ally n front door opening nn to a i hall but in the country no one uses the front door anyway even so the hnll t vcntuiillv leads to one of i the main roimn now why eouldnt j the hallway lead rifht through from the front door tn the hnrk door with rooms ope nlntt out from either side of the hall that wit direct draughts would be eliminated ns it would not le necessary to have one i room lend into another an they do now we have nix doors in our dining room imagine rooms with onlv mil dimr no draughts blowing through nt nil for ronvenb nee i thi re could be nn extra outlet from thi klli hen nnd mnvtte kreni i windows from the living room on to n hunminh nml nn outlet from tin hack of the hnll to n hnrk porch si vi nil outlets hnv to i consider i d ns fire em npen wt i th re vnu nre theres mv ilrmm house how do you like it 1irlmr avn mv plan requires too mm h ground spare mav tie so but on i f inn we it li ist have ph ntv of kiounil spnee now i think of it that tvpe of houst is thi txmt opposite to a new bungalow 1 was in the other dnv this house had n smill front entry which lends to he livingroom on one side nnd the diningroom on the olhir the in turn opened on to i the kitchen bedrooms and bath room there were archways but no doors to the living or diningroom i it was very nice but it urmi to me there in verv little privacy in mo- ldern homes an for instance a girl i i know who tookher strady boy j friend ht me to her parents new i bungalow so thnt she and her boy might have a little time to them selves the rest of the family went lo bed enrtv even nlrht kven nt thd privacy would be difficult if the livlnnoom had one of these lirge picture windows picture win dow look verv nice but without blinds i iilwnvs think of them ns on a pr with these twopiece bathing suits so riv inline that thev have httl to the imagination i ts see i had 0 quilting storv to tt 11 vol b ft ovi r from last wi k didn t i will vou mi- it was a j sort of winterwek special i net up thi quilt ull nht nnd two neigh- bourswre loming in tp hilp me but the wi dhi rm m detreed other mini so thi re w is i with a whole quilt ill to mvslf howivcr quite oftn pirtnir would nav if mui want to ei t on with vour quilt go ah id i 11 do the dishes so vou s t whv i rrfir to mv bi tti rhalf as p irtiu r and i did git mv quilt finished it was verv thick so the vtiti hi s v ere none too small but the quilting wan fairlv close so i dont think i did too bad to get it out of the frames by the end of the fourth dav well i have just come up from the barn todav bob was awmiv at chore time for the first time since i we got the milking machine so i partner had the fun of trying it out j for ourselves we got along fine but partner savs it takes a strong man to handle tho thing because ever thing about it is so heavy per haps the dny will come when some one will put a milker on the market i made of lightweight metal that any- i one can handle like the feather weight chairs that seem so strong and durable mxw 60 seconds i ttttot fflfftpbcll clkt mix it- hclted and liuum lite new prlng iojm featuring hip k kel ind i onverttble collar education for living iinlnlng is eflal to ifiable a hild to befjnie n writ adjuvle1 mt rnlter of mh lety our universal iuhlli s 1 meal for i hi niiv linportniit training t it a tig nlflianl aijilevement of our -mi- ral i ultuie s buola are device nnd ttaehern are invtrunmits de signed o indu i into this tmmena rnouldlnjr heritage where he may n ullie that he has something to ontrlliufe to democracy tiarhers can only impart whjl they themselvea possess th class is the r flection of what they are various factors an essential for an efffstdve sodety grouji unselfish ness lean thinking and living honest and conslderallon of oth ers the tearhing of such attltudas is just as vital as any subject on the curriculum how then thai tha icurhcr develop these without dlc- tntnrial we all re 1 lie that one of clod n greatest gifts is conscience hlldr n in the hahttformlns venm are endowed with this guide how can teachers aid children to listen to the dictates of conscience lohnny wan guilty of taking jimmy belongings neither pun ishment nor scolding wns inflicted hut lohnnv wns asked to lit quiet ly alone wilh bin teacher and lute to hln conscience soon johnny looked happily at his trncher and voluntarily acknowledged hit dis honesty nnvlng tie wns sonrv ijile he nologl7ed to his class hit con fldenre wns restored his brave nd- mkslon apftlnurind by the class his s if respecl ielghenel nnd nn nc- ual example verified in the class room set n standard for the other puilts help the rtd cross salaba weakjtitedjnervous pepless mentworrten cat haw kat wear vhity r eanatkr man tnan ita ftan lmli lbvwaoat rala lnun ftspaf tt iwna ta taklam at mrnmamaaa m m ait kf bmi tnan ita man all 45 s 4wf at vluutr an mwmt br 3m f i ia xr dar atajisrwsuu thenewmarcene ladies the new margene u really new new in ajvsour new in texture new and better than ever the new margeoe is good good on bread on toast on pancakes on vegetables good in cakes in icings in all vour baking and tood for vour the natritive value is fully established bw nutritional experts new margene is made from pure vegetable oils enriched with milk fortified with vitamins ad and salted jutt rium try s pound now sfvi a 3ase oaaf w ar cumtituai you wfl uta 0 tgutarly p m o d u ct by camap a a cum nmn

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