Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1950, p. 5

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thursday uarch tth um the acton wee pbes pack rrv- wr thomas bailey of ommn t visiting acton friend mm ii earl and donnle in pending a wek with relatives tn vmrborouh mrs rou qalleotlne left lat wrk to visit hr mother hr u keeewn in winnipeg urs wilhalmlns urctcbim and sirs john palmer r patients la st joseph t hospital guelph friends wuh them speedy re covery miss frn stewart of midland has rrturnn with bella liay jlna- sell who hj been visiting in mid land and u planning on spending few day her frtands of urs wm robertson victoria avenue wtll be pleased to feaar the ha now returned to her home after spenduig two month t the home of her tutar mr 1l ssyera many friend regret to learn of the illness of mr e at ilsrrop who hu served arton and iu cllis- ns tn official rapacities for twenty year all wish for him a promt i return to good health mr and mra ijjuriy colea at tended the rrrevlon in toronto given in honour f ha diamon i wiwlrtlng anniversary of the for triers unrle and aunt che rev i ii and mra colea woocjbrtdg mnits grjarrlj af jtu4 atum mult perconafe bower avtsuu mb a u imwrf ayom organlat and choir liearlar sunday uakc3i uuu mm 10 00 a m sunday school rn j s bole of port dejhouele at both aervlcee aji are cordially invited 9rf kbglrrijti olbttrrt la knox tavich aofon kev luiubt ii asuawnono sumxay uaitcil 12th 10so 1 1 00 a m divine wonhlp 13 13 pm munday school and 5 pjn ufble cuu 7 00 tni ulvijut woralon lhey that wait upon the iord atiall renew their strength security nuim br enrnrd by jeajtpa lisle ksueaga there 1 a falae theory that ha been grow ing up among ut con trary to all the teaching of history and rinfrtwirr the belief persists that aeurlt can be provided with out being earned the most recent challenge to hit fat lie and fraudulent doctrine mm from the h ad of a great insurance comoanv w ho busln ess it ik to encourage the lh for e urit and to provide the mean to aawirc it mr luli 1 lang president of the mutual i ifc of canada arklresng the annual meeting of the company sounded m sober warning against thr com placent belief that there is no limit in uhni fci irrnmrnd ran provldt fur their people he strrased the fart that pavmng we have been t h rough year that hae been ai irnrnui as the hae been ab normal we have nini tn twllivc that t ttnt prvpri can never end i her have to n groulng u in the north american continent vii tli tt t n vtari hr will great numtx rs of oung people v ho havi mir kn v n wlint it va lo uk for work thao i m urn have iwn n an era of ns i r up rnnm jmr tl mndr aval nblc hv borrow inn and nddlng to th national drbt people and par- llrulartv i un peopl have been aujiht unmrtunatelv lhst ther need never be anvthlng approach in business rccrssi nil again and lhat if ueh should occur people affected would be taken care of by th government mr ijing i in no ene ptaslm imic but he doe tolnt out that our national ivtt that was smi ntkllloru in ln had grown lo al most 117 billion b 1m9 an obllgn lion more than thlrtv times as great as it ua thlrtv six vears ago so long as the people of canada have the will and the opportunltv to work and have raw material they can continue to pay the in terest on the vastly increased mortgage hut mr iang remlndv us that governments are being ask id to embark on new or extended plans for various forms of welfare and oiia mnuiitv for pubtl wtrkft and auhaldlt s on n great mnli ik ku h aaattlnmt needed ht ask d while prodmtitn em pu vment and imonit are ittll ab normally high all he k ople of canada mr 1a ng urge bouri realli i ha thre ik no aeturttv equal to thtt prvldd bv the imliv idual nlmnlf a th result of irututttv kntelll htni e self venial nd thrift svuuiui txifurrli atrrov iu c1iajl h oowck wautai st silay mahci ljth 19i0 0 30 am sunday school 11j0 am the parable of keipon sjblllty nda man h 10th 4 15pm mis un liaod hu0 pmuvju 4l auiius 8rjurrl ajsguasuu w o i nitoi sva sunday march 13th 1qs0 lent 3 0 00 am holy communion 1oo0 am sunday school 1 1 0 am heglnner a claaa 7 00 pm- enlng irayar missionary addia by mr v clarke lenten servlre wednesday at pjd a watcoma awalu you llritlsli shipyard at the end of umtt had nearly two million grov una of shipping under conatructioit 45 per cent of total tonnage dullt throughout the world 1943 was the beat completion year since the war launchlngs were 1 3 million ton or 40 per cen of the world s total court of revision hupplemencaj ne 2 thi municipal council of th town of acton will meet as n ourt of kevtilnn in the council chamber acon onail in mon inv the twentieth da of march llio at 7 u o clock all person having nppt al agalntt the sup plimtntal am vvmeni no 2 for the fuild lown for th ar llrv on noi ices which w ere dated march lid rh will tnlte notice and gov rn themselves accordlgl notice of nil appeals must be i t rived bv nte on or before the iwtntlith inv of mnrch at pm iated this 6th day of march ri i j mcceachle oerk cambellville mrs george lnglli was hoetesa to th campbellvllle women institute for their march meeting and deaplte the stormy weather 21 attended mr frank qulnlan pre sided and opened the matting the roll call was answered by unit a lng your favourle animal which created fun mr lloyd crawford read the last minute and item o business and the treasurer report mr walter fenier nowee and fruit report wa read all were asked to attend the project in nel son hail mr crawford quilt convenor displayed several quilt patfena one of which was chosen to prepare for our garden party mr george lng us the folding chair convenor displayed sample or folding chairs of which js w ii he purchased plan were discussed fur a st patrick party the finance rom mittee is in charge mrs william iluik agricultural and canadian industrws convenor thrn lo k the hair mra william mcljrm gave current evrnta mrs henry kelly gave a demon slrallnn in nvlon and its pr f t and h also estended an invltft lion from tlw mil ton k nil i inn mill to lnpvt their plant at any time mr ii rvmnn i uh gavr n it k on how to buy shoes and mn j k mahnn followed with i li m what shoes are made of mlu jane held gave a travel talk on agricultural farming with old and modern equipment she re- iated the old fashioned setting hen as having social sexrurlty from birth to the grave now muu iel en agnew favoured with two piano aolna mrs william llu k told of hei ier1ence visiting the heinz factory and a flshrry at leaming ton miss jane held wai the win ner of the lucky draw meeting closed wllh the king and mrs charles king mia jano held mrs j k mahon and ml jean mcphall ssslsted the hostess at lunch hour mr hosa carbert attended th hvdrq convrntlon at the hoy at trk hotel in toronto this week congratulations to the newly weds mr james mclaren mr o mitchell who married sister mls- e prarl and liernlce sims of mil ton thcv w it married at a dou blr cerrmony performed by rev mr kirk of cuelph on turxla mr and mrs mcljiren spent their honrvmoon in new york usa we are sorry to report ur d mffrtln feu the jriumpi at s s no 10 school mr g mlchle held a farewell party for master archie fowler brother of mr jamea wallace who cam out from scotland to spend a year with his sister and attend school here after a delicious lunch of cocoa and cookies he was present ed with a photograph album and waterman ball point pen on thursday evening hi slater mr james wallace entertained is playmates at a going awvy party of which he wjll pleas n memories on saturday montlnf he lfft mai ton airport for scotland he wm piped on board the plane by dud ley irwin of milton on monday word was received he arrived afe ly home to mom and dad friend of mr frank bell are sorry to hear of hi heart attar k sod that he l vrry 111 in ht jos ephs hospital guelph we do mis our barber mr and mrs smlthn currlr entertained in thrlr home on the occailon of thrlr 5th wedding an nlvcnury gut ats w rr presrnt from carllilr who altrndrd on thrlr rddlng day mr and mr art mr smllh en trrtained 13 frlrnd from carlule and dlitrlct whrre thry moved from progn stive euchre wa en jovtd prln being awarded to mr i krnmth aldrrson mrs roa cleg i koii mr krnneth alderson and mr i arthur cockwell i mr and mrs goorgr infll and family were sunday guest with mr and mrs wm mitchell of ku bride jack robert was the week end visitor wllh mr and mr harold hobrrts of toronto mr and mr roy ilonaven and audrty of hamilton were sunday guest with mr and mr robert infill mr wallace king was chairman for fsrm forum at no 1 school on monday evening when thirty were i prrwnt topic for discussion w labor and farmer friend or foe the discussion groups were ird by mrs geo jnglli mm wai lace king and claude ingus snd re i nrltrd a follow 1 the drmand for higher in duatrial wage indirectly harm the farmer in high r prices for what hr buy 3 wr think that industrial work rn have more free time than thr farnu r but the farmrr sees more result of his labour which create more interest 3 w do not think that labour and mr and mm mitchell in n i union an agnlnt thr interest of fnlo j agriculture but their drmand af run rnl a rvl es were held on feet loclal beneflte saturdav nflernoon from the fam w t think that farm r llv resldrnie for inf hirnheth mnrkrtlnh rhrmn are against thr small daughttr of mr and mrs int rut of the citv consumrr wr frank smn 1 ngi d ft rnrs rev mr ilr nn i f i 1 the cltv folk nhould be educated pusllnch ofnclated to this fact mrs robert hum n is having tilnlrs strrl supper on thumday evening aft r the discussion progrrvslve euchre wns enjoved prizes being awarded to mr robert inglls mr rob rt hurren mr campbell ag an explosion of unusunlorlcln prw and atbcrt s mr aru1 mrs wallace king mr and mr at the home and grnv interment wns mndi in cr wn c metrr nt pusllnrh mr nnd mrs nrock howar were sundav visitors with mr t ciimphcll and family occurred at the farm of mr w held miss lane rdd started a fire rnud j mr m in the kitchrti stove which had a hot winter front in it while a i re the soclnl commit pollock and campbell maminnnr af high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water sl north galt tclasmionv w4j auti farming i while we havent done a much boasting as our neighbour on the other side of the pole there has been considerable progress here in developing arctic agriculture say the financial post recently officials of the federal experimental farms service reported that hardy grains and vegetable had been hatvrtll point in the yukon and the iforth- ucst territories pqultrv and live stock are being successfully raised beyond the arctic circle no qualified observer ever ex pects that the far north will ever become first class farm country but as the mineral and other resources of that area attract more population there will come an opportunity for limited local food production which will be able to compete successfully with expensively transported out side supplies make your selection of new wallpaper reiim the largest stock in western ontario see th new dei0 priced to tult very on youll tint it at chapples bookstore ia5wyndhm si otmlph an kenned proprietor tending the furnace in the celln she heard n terrible explolon whin entering the kitchen the a hol- front wa out of thr w i lo in thr chir mr ta nanishaw tee no fnrm forum mrt in thr kelso school with the president there were large hole in the j wall and cupboard door were j smashed in etc this was believed to have been caused by the hot water pipes being frozen and be tng thawed out too quickly i uck uy no one waa in the kitchen nt the time mr snd mrs oeorge harris and mr and mrs tom mitchell jr ward parson was discussion lead i thr topic labour and tanner rrultrd in the followlnff dlarim- 1 xlon we agree that better itahll- lrel lecurlty nhould be for both we should itrlve for it we agree that the industrial work- j rr should get a good wage to buv i our products bingo was enjoyed hv all with mr and mrs kdward were recent gueats at the ueddln pmnon ch mr aad mm of mis fianor mitchell in tor uoyd stokr convenors onxo mrs f cairns spent a few da a friends from here will be norrv with her mother mrs stevenson to hear of the death of mrs j t i of ancastrr this week strachan in clalt general hospital mr and mra cam agnew ere he was the wife of a former sundav gurts with mr nnd mrs presbyterian minister who served nert ware here several years ago she was mr and mrs harvey fmest of burloil in st mar- where her the us customs detroit were husband preached before his death week end guesta of mr and mrs four ears ago survktng are one arthur henderson daughter jean mrs allan and mr mr j nlrholkin of rs of gait and one eon knox of aijjershot were eek end guoti ilranttord u mr mrs edgar calms fight tahlai of progreaslve eu sjmpathy is express d to mr and chre convened at vn 10 sctioil mr nelson bousfleld nnd famllv on friday night when mrs frank on thl j of mr o a qulnlan mra joaeph ijnn and mr father and mra james deforest were charge prli winners were mra tlobt cmmn swrtpt nrr rr red e inglls mra william llobexu jack lr p ration in britain roberts and mr jamea deforest next convenora are mr and mrs a moore mr and mrt gordon i kadar for small fltiltn mcphall mrs william mclaren mr and mrs ray turner of mil- radar unit desiirne1 especlal ton were saturday gueau with mr i h a u s firm lo meet needa or and mrs e d mahon tugs ferries flahing esseu acht friends are sorr to hear of the etc is reported in the financial illness of william coboum m a post it is a compact lowcost rita hubbert mr iarlet klnjr low power drain unit and can bo and mra fred garrett our poet- used in limited space it is claimed mistress whom we mlsa a lot maximum range 20 miles mini mrs frank wheellhan u vlilt- mum 75 ards range acrurar lng with reiathea in hamilton for wlthi 2 per cept bearing a- tuo weeks curacy wlttyn two degrees opernl- mr and mrs frank qulnlan ine controls reduced to minimum and mr and mra jack wheellhan of simnllclt available for ves- attonded a birthday party for their seu equipped wllh 32 volt dc j10 aunt mra n t finamore at theolt dc 220 volt dc of j15 volt home of mr and mra d c hunt- ac power sterna power con- erlnllamllton last thunday even- aumptlon in nlljaaeajcas t 750 ling luata no siwirs for warlimr housing on prfmiit plan continued from pagr one servicey or mr churchill and mr allan due to the information since received that the employees were not to blame for the incident of february 23 to february 29 said services to start as of march t at the samr rale of pay as formerly ijeputy reeve mcleod and coun cillor jt thompson were appointed a committee to interview mr liar- rop and confer on the beat plan to meet his illness end maintain hi duties a motion was pasaed charging th cemetery board for ib hour grave digging instead of the m hour formerly charged from the time sheet the uunclt appointed reeve tyhr and ounrlllor thompson and llargravet to investigate snd pun base if found satisfactory an imdi rgruftt r for the town truck tin lerk read a lrtter from snl lltr iatherlund regarding the changing of the zoning y law and iithi r rorcrixirdrnc tn connect ion with building regulations the r solution passed on febru arv 2ath rt gardlng the changing of the zoning fly law was rescinded the rlrrk vvai to inform mr ad arm that council could not prohl bit the erection of a dairy building on queen street but to point out that it waa their drilr and the de sire of nildrnt of the dlitrtrt not to have a dairy building in this location the clrrk was instructed to sec ure 10 badge for tail driver a lrtter wa read from central mori gagi which informed council that thi corporation agreed to pay the town of acton the sum of 18v00 in rnih in return for the town undrrtaklng to install sewer main tn service the house comp rising the above project connect ing thise main to house plumbing draining and filling the septic tanks and doing the necessary land scaping to put the holier in good shape after the work ha been completed thr corporation re nerve th right to add 170 per houe to the salr price of the hou i and tn inrrrafce the rent by an amount of t3 per month for hou not sold the town will romp 1 te all the ahovr work by dec embed slat 1050 council passed a motion not to install sowers in the wartime ilnunlng hiihdlvlftlon and that sew i th htop at wallace and now r avi nur thi resolution was parsed tn view of the present position of centnl mortrsgr to rntw rent thi clerk n ported arrnngerm nl rt frnrduig inmaltntlnn of a line from the telephone office for sounding the alarm in thr tie iris mon co pi nt in cue of fire the cost would he about 4 per month for thi extra line the clerk was instructed to proceed with the arrangements the tic u tt icphnne co submit i ed in a brkf the reasons for re questing an incn ae in rntrs in canada thi cnr arknow 1 edged reci ipt of n letter regarding the installat ion of a wig wag the clerk wan to cancel the pres ent boiler insuranci at the y m c a nnd take n policy with the nor wich inmirnnce co a klrknes was by motion ap pointed weed inspector the monthly report of the prov incial police wa received total fines collected were 137 during the month permission was granted the ilell telephone co to install cable in conduit on frederick st i it wa decided tn hold court of i tfevuion on upplemrntal asse- j mi nt on march 30th a letter from spartan construct ion co reqiieated that council pay i for material on hand which could not b ucd on account of adverse i w4 ither conditions the amount wim vtno and council felt this could not be advanced until work l done the sgriement was signed with the cnr for putting the sewer under the railwav at the foot of frrdi rick st a hvlaw covering this wns u ad and passed council adjourned at midnight at a pecial meeting of acton council on ttiesdav evening made m cessarv ow ing to the lllnrss of town 9up rinti ndent harrop all th mi nib rs were present and acting mavor tvler preside a letter from town superintend ent harrop was received and read bv the clerk iniew of his illness he felt he fchnuld have at least two month leave of absence mr har rop felt that tn view of the uncer tainty of his health he was agree able to have council consider his resignation if the three months sick allowance uas granted accord ing to the contract council wire in accord with ar rangements made for mr harrop a retirement and payment for sick i allowance snd the matter was mut- i uolly arranged for securing some one else to take over the duties it uas agreed to extend the time on the dyck property option until mav 1st the clerk was instructed to od- olhisvfornkcposuion of town superintendent snd also for the v position of accftwor and aasaetale duties the applications are to be received by noon on march soils the position formerly held by mr harrop 1 to be dlvtdad but dacsttii plans could not be made until a later meeting and some thought is put on the question immio ratio v penstno oit canada s postwar effort to bring immigrant to this country seem to be petering out reports the financial post in lnglnd you hear this com men canada is out of the pic ture now even though shes first cholct- for hundred of thousands of hritlsher- in ottawa despite th naming of a new separate department of tltlieishlp and immigration the drive seems to have gone out of m tiublnesa that s held top prloriry for two or three year what s wrong rthr body blow that bean dealt u b the i k i the devaluate n if tie n und plu the decision o lite itritlsh feovemment to cut the tnavtmum capital whlrh a migrant may take out f the eountry t 1 nflf hi spr ad over a four yrar perid thl mrsn the thrlf w rlhwmir iimttitier wtio hs uiv d eeii uh to make a proper start in n new larvd find the rard al niml in plrly stacked agnlnh i lm if h thinking of canada 1 r united natl n flnt it ow in olive brant h on a blue an 1 w itlte hark ground av adas fllft to ijoc a flag mast of pine gift from the qovtmmrnt of british colum bia was moored on the south bank of the river thame recently the tree which weighs shout seven tons and is 108 feet tall is a gift to th iondon county council it wtll be erected as a flagstaff near the coun ty hall the flagstaff in th kew garden which was also a present from drltih columbia in 1010 1 21 feet tall and said to be the lurgi st in the world an nntl irum null ha h en filed ii ii in t n iitri linln gr tcery in the preceding instalment i have dealt with the original objec tives as enacted at the first conven tion in jb12 these objectives wr reduced to four eliminating th promotion of each others business in te reels thereby removing any flnancisl gain a member might de rive by joining rotary to be accepted ortgtnady as a member of rotary you had to b a proprietor of a buslwsas or a part ner or a corporate officer in suc ceeding years this rule was modi fied somewhat making it possible to enlsrge the membership in a rommunity considerably every new rota rt an joins the club under justification such aj for example a dentist thvflldft atirgen mer chant are subdivided into hard ware footwrar dry goods etc only one of rarh qualification i accepted a a member and he re tain it a long a hi attendance is aleove a certain percentage this rule concerning alt tendance 1 t mrt i me resented but if you ron- lder that only nnr member la ad mitted per trade or profession you i a member of rotary are a repre sentative of that trade or profession t every meeting and if your at tendance is poor your repreaenta- tii n of your trade or profession is buffering i would like to leave on last thought with you before conclud ing that is if rou ere businessman or professional man in this com munity and you are interaeted in the welfare of your fellow hufens snd if your mind is free from racial bis snd prejudices then my friend you will be good rotsrisn the custom of afternoon tea foes back to the 1 gaffs when it first rsught on in england history credits the duchess of tledford dth beginning the practice of making tea in the middle of the afternoon the duchess also instituted the hsblt of eating light food with tea making afternoon tea a meal in it self ho i j to hr tin ow nrr ot this homr another of acton f lovely homcv i for tale snd i sted exclu vily w th us this one hos iivcn rooms vid s complrtcly modern tnclud ng a fircplflcc sun room overlooks n stful wooded grounds there are many other feature you will like you ii be dtlighttd with this cozy home for aii particulars call 5 well be happy to be of yes we have others wright real estate and insurance apprais0rs realtors insurors i- i urliht t ullbur ht acu ituui u n uriahs la tork iu uuelpk plsease utu free survey quotation to cover your pu nil j ol iiiii 1 1 r ements house sewers bathroom installations ea vestroughing hot water heating steam heating gravity warm air heating warm air winter air conditioning heating systems air conditioning packaged units attached lo present fur nace take advantage of our time paviuent than as low as 10 down budget terms from 6 to 24 months on approved balance bilton plumbing and heating 82 bower avajiiw telephone 341w acton onl

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