Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1950, p. 7

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thursday march mh lsao the acton wee pfiess rios bfcvm njuot0 jjucboakt oohhfintaent lkabek major r b ogelsby rroutmas- ir of ih 3flth ottawa boy scout troop has been appointed leader of th os contingent to the amuves hoy scout jamboiw at vally forg pennsylvania nest june 30 to july omu hop to send at least 500 scout to the american ja- bora at which an attendance of 40000 la anticipated uajor okfals- by was ta chari tmaaportatton at th first canadian janfcore near ottawa last yaar th value of th lltt catch by canadas fishermen wu ovar gu sports i camera a rtrrrr jobt hjuulv tnimnalona in junior a ho ky r rvvlvlbf the venerable complaint it s ail put up th- wiae guys who pontificate on the matters have of court an inside track into the why and whavfore- usually they haven t a particle of widence to substantiate thalr rlalmi but that unt naoeaaary ieop e torn paopla that la will accept them because thar la tn variably a wide distrust of any thing blln aport others taka th opinions of the wurthiaa at thl fare value with a grain of sahv take th recent windsormarl boro series for an example as toon a th word gt out windsor would take th rie handily th walling wall was crowded handing room only what was ih cry yeah you gisd it ul all put up if the shoe had been on the other fool ran 1 you see th wind tor faction chanting the old retrain or one quit similar like toronto hoa everything it i all put up to account for defeat by admitting the other club might have been a heller tram oner rfim to tceu to the perennial distrust group they are morr inrllncit lo favour thr e sy way out 1 nderi ng l he sport they pay to see wonder if lhc took thr unpredictable lc ment out of apurt what would he left to see in thla humble para grapher opinion if corrupting in flurnrfa mrr in thr driver srai on thr junior a mveclal the wouldn i make these put up jotu ao obvious it would br tantamount to cutting their own throat for tnformatton of that sort cant he kept from joe rloke foravrr and wtien tl did li ak out o help ho kr rtjsvnow paradr while on the subject of juni r playtiff let a devote some time to w hat an impro ed local squad li doing in the pro inrtal plav downs coarh ilio marro had thrive llnc findlinkng againt sh ibumr in the first tame of the t here on frutav as the itilmm walked to a 104 dclunn iimi mil llott v ttnuii hi up from th u ml i to rcntm n thinl thrt nnn and i flank iil bv johnnv tlowell and llanld d for st th lim rib kc1 fnwn thi vt rt ml atthourh the op poaitinn w i nim tn h plurki- mtcht it- i1up into a tlff rhrckthk unit ilh pnrtlre toc slrr till ha hpx of obtaining old hatpin antiu ipproal to sign rrit our n ts ulititlon d v ing itrrngth hiinnlr s bark in arton ft r t t ir stint in f rrxit hi pined on tin art on juntle group i h i nip i m ihn m np tndt r t iffd 11 thi i mi st r th redmrn c in ii n tin hi lp thil conn tb ir u i i rn hirrmi injuri s w hlch f irtumtel to this point rnr inin on of n minor nituti iind iidu n to three the red m n s mm hm bnc tdi hit lmpm it m r tim out ra tdc being nn ffxti end ti end nibi r fred kntn r is delnpink into a towr of strength defensuu as an julian 7ajac and ron anderson who earli r in thi season had a penchant for being caught with their pants down in thr wrong nd ki ntm r incidental in uplte nf all thr abuse he rcries from op poalng fans la still one of the oh an rat defence area er encountered in junior hockr this trrm wi re beginning to sispect many unnecea- tary penalties are imposed on him in deference to the withes of a par tiaan crowd certalnl be is sub jerted to all kinds of buttends and similar treatment that officials neer see and who ran blame him fur not reciprocating in kind th prize example occurecptn the group finals when a certain georgetown player rushed over to plant an ef- fcctkinat kiss on the rbaek of any of his matea who managed to per pet rate an offense on krntnrr however it turned out to b tna km of death for that particular club for it waa kafltnars efforts that almost single- handly ousted the junior raiders aurora turned bark brampton in four games to capture the group junior c title as we predicted they would in a previous column walkerton and bridgeport will decide which club will represent group no i in the o hj int b playdowna bridgeport oustad bora in five games while walkerton dls posed of orangeville in three in apite of the marked improvement of the vetj were inclined to rast our vote for walkerton to win out georgetown again copped h honors in thr southern intermediate loop and fin lined at the head of the rlasa to boot utlton and oak vllle are battling to select a group winner in the a division kill ton has a 3 1 lrad on the beat of fle sertes baseball fans will be lntereatd to know that ilwpeltr tjtowel hamilton mudebakcn and lf hint forvat are applying for entry lnl the ha it on county this spring bruce marahall of last yeafa milton int c champa has left for st thomas tn hurl the 1050 iruiin in s ntor a livery tin sunday school lessoii sunday uarcii 12 10 church oroani7ation ani i kadershii goldtn tut do your uu to prewnt vourwlf to god as one ap proved a workman who has no need to be athaitud rightly hand ling the word of truth- 3 tim 2 is uu text ac i 17 is zs 1 cor 12 27 rsuoaitumt i the iraylng teaching multiplying hurrh ar 1 it la impoaaible to y of any fixed form of fifvammcnl tills aivd this only is the iivine aitd true and or tglnal form the holy spirit u in the chun h to ahow what to do what fff leers and servants to ap point to meet any that arise the khould sink body feels it on the other hand wlun ore member u honored all the members njotce wul it on this chrysustom says again whin the head is crowned the whole man fc is honored the mouth expresses nd the eves look gladness so it us never forget that we are the body of chnxt and severally mem trs thertof i ast iiavk it wrtii uash if we are going to stop thi steady dift of i he government in 1 o pri a t buslneaa and more ex penditurr cf public funda then akerts the financial rot there wi i luve to ite some whjeaj i oneiaioru and without reerva hon when wr demand that goern men expenditure be reduced w mual mean exactly that even if i involves cutting out some nonet ntlat government agency subatdv or other activity in which we may new ealgency privately lnlerettid nls of the 11 we are not going to gel verj fai the hearts of us all thujjujne if we simply keei thi oooo cud days on st valentines lay the popu tail n of large section of western ontario slnrled to dig ii way out of i fie worxt atorm of th winter reaklng under the weight of tons of ice the power lines had col lapsed in omm unity after com munll and in a fra tlon of a second the lights the phones the radio the r frirerators and l man hit the furnace ami slot cs had rcaed functioning pie tandli mod kertukene lamp busjne um mnl fur a dav or two in strlck en areas and i he wnga r nnrkcl that the lapf were merely get ting a tnste of lh simple llf of km ear ago it wn this ref r nr to the im j life that xlarted us thinking hu people full appre inle wn we bi until it la temporarily i ikei imri inm us and hsl mi hni is almost tlrea t nil t it ulab i i tin i ntil nd rjrls- t nnm nni ihi ruflllm r le if ij i 1 huti liil ms there w t n nvit ni 1 he- tro k r firm tr li torv i nenipl un i no lectrtc p mr i ti n ti 1 i h ni s n tn id p rv n ridlo no mol n i turi so on iln imiii ii t ph f il unilir tht jr tun tutay tt is not reason literally parsing fine sounding rranlullnns pleasing to tod that we should tnp the night train to ottawa leav the word of d and serve to lr and wangle tome sped i tablea tfiat i precuely what the oimevslfin chun h in many places wiihn a mlnutr of the roapel to do it ijuii trtiigth ir ftntao s wishes him to raise fmaree run ikiiuiihui t di n to oo in ti haritv macirtles grace social funr tkimti with his presence and with hit sm- tws if tlw minister today cms nts to do all the world and vi o tic i hurrh deaires and ea p- ts hint to do he will have no time i ft for hli own proper work prayer and the ministry of the word v 4 it ts not pleasing tn god he is called lo higher offices in the community if thla work must be don someone else should be found to do it i note carefully the kind of men the apostle roitsldcrcd neceaaary to look after the temporal affairs of the church l they should be men of gottd report no men of doubtful imputation should be ch en merely because thry were rich or influential l2 they should be ftd i of the spirit ilow earclciu some chorrhf s are in chootng thi ir off tr cs jmt ialy those lookinic afti r th financial affair- of the church luvir asking are thee n in full of lb spirit ill full i f wixloift thi re are man who in di nt1 ti itiiil but do not show i nut sans in sorni it ire tlons ii w m r ikmi thi v miy h they ought in i to tn chosen for d aeons if i rn in is rt tlh full f th spirit f kitchener upholstery it tvumt uum haw lalady rour cbataarfteu worn yt ti iiiumw 3 rtaet lu-upbamar- nt tar u tew u sk9m 1 wmlf free pickup and delivery pii0nb u acton concrete blocks eoncftcrg twicks cinmft tftlocks backup tile oualfty iconomy itauty maple block tile ltd uaflb omtaauo rfloki mashjj uwwooo wtm 11 1 ill t s i full f ulal t is th i ml tb of h il m sh n or- nl hi alia lm- n t h of ft 1 i wi rn indusiitil 1 l ik 1 ha i no itec in iln reel i ipl un d tint th ir h ms w i n in jlictetl first inniitl d ic n i muhti i t it en i rn ml tt s mil nnn i her 1 it n nl w ii fost r i ind m i f r h ijntal nprentlng th s i f il is pe p w ho mid in t st i ml in th hop f ninu mg ii j rtifit ini ntim busim ss it i t e in 1 if i i m itnl f pn lie ittvisfork mili poimhle t ti things ink fiir trnnte1 in 10so 1 win n m ttht i nuliin d 1 1 it s t i jolt u out f our i un i pin n h slipping in spot t t i d ut u llltlflll hjt li is of tb it hull f futh full ii dv spirit ill full f grin tllll of u r as r ult pint f 1 um ts nnd th i hi f th il ii n ch in th incr i tl m i th numln r t dis5 ipl s m iltiph d tn j n xeedin u huht thn uil i us tli s jew s h id ulnws ml 1 tb dei i mi st ph n f th mo t mitl f th als n id thi hisi vim chur h t i t of vutor us nl ti r th it tnmpornrih vets hn k hmt rn in the spire if t f u h etirii ir hturs ii isul s iaithfuln ss 0 17 lit iii sikht uwnw nootti not i canadt s chief scout 111 fx i lien iscounl alrxandrr rr ctntk unllel a roll of honour htnnnc the namea of more than former scout who served in world war ii the memorial is located in the montreal headquart i rs of the llo sonut association a miami hotel of ft m frc nnt an da hotu r than 00 drgrcs iuk ftw 1mx wnu wut bents whola wheat lo to most popular for ml everybody naads whota whaag la thrtr dh health authorities ay u contains r oaj ala- mmta and nabisco stlrcu dcd vfteat trmm 10o seiajw teiaaaf uu u lova tnow tlalkiovx ctupt htaroitt cold at hot with hooey tasbchfoom ayms evbryboeryls business by is tmr of failura preventing you from realising soma ambition or launching soaoa new protect that was howard ts trouble as a mcthantc in a garage he had hopes that lomedai he would own has own auto repair business he had th necessary experience and promise of hrtanoal hacking but certain ohmacles that ha would haw to overcome always du couragad him so to this day he ias never put hu plan into acitoi the world u full of toward people who neer gne theouelvea a fair chance at success because ohitaclc which could ha over come b tleternune effortliul them hack this u not to say jhat obstacle should be ignored its only com mon sense to take them into aivount bui soo oaea wc overraat them frequently too we exaggerate the probable consequences of fsilure e cyrus field failed fae aiaarf before he iucceetlcd in span ning the atlantic with the firu cable 1 so neat time you shrink from cackling some protect step up your will to win fear can alto serve utm purpose as for example when u prompts us to prepare for old age and emergencies by taking out life in surance this commonsense step has been taken by more than 4vi nulhon dimllis q 2b though 1 ml iisicd near fphe mis th mi m of such an eventful i nml fruitful ar of hit life he de i tcrmined not to isit it at this time though hi anticipated that it was thi list tim that be should be in that icinitv f 2m hewasdetvr mlnid if possible to be at jerusalem on tht dav of pentecost ahhut which so manv hallowed memaries clusti red and where he would tst able to meet so manv christians from different places he sent for thi representatives of that church to meet him at miletus twenty or thirn miles away paul begins w ith i an appeal to their own knowledge of his manner of life among them j thev knew that he had served the lord as a devoted bond servant thev knew also that this service had been with all lowliness of mind vol onv had he served with humilltr of mind but with all humility of mind hevhad served with terr too tears over the hardnes and impenitrnce of their hearts u 31 there had been hard trials too through the many plots of the jews how paul s his tory puts to shame our worrying over th small trials that come to us in the path of loyalty to truth and to christ iii the body of christ i cor it 37m no member of the body suffers alone in the physical body nor does anv member in the oiureh suffer alone when one member suffer- rth all the members suffer with it chrysostom has said when m thorn enters the heel thr whole body feels it and is concerned the back bends the belly and thigh contract i themselves the hands come for ward and draw out the thorn the head stoops and the eyes regard the j affected member with intense gaze he might have added the eytg weep and the mouth cries out with pain just so it ts in the church the body of christ an injury to the moat significant member la an in- jury to the whole body the whole look in your heart for the answer jt happrna almost nrry htutr aonrtarrc in canada a uutufthtlrss strp a srrrim o ttrtikm and anothtr life hang in thr btiiancr u tth on rmrr ncv btuttd t ran fu sum thr onv tutpet hj you mtsrn ouf a hrtping hand to untitch onr o ac- it- from thr jaw nf drath you can do m 6v git tnfi grnrnmily tn support and rxtrnd thr ked cross kiw huuut tvnnausion srrt in through which more and more caruuiuin htmpttal are tving auppiied u ith prrcioun hlood and plaama your gift u u uao hrlp wend relief wherever duiaxtrr mtrtkr auti thr red crtm veterans srrt tcet 4 maintain red cross outpost hospitals and aid manv other msential red croas sen ices your cunirtoufion u needed and needed nowl tusfttrttamj bhtftitttf 5000000 u evty rt to vjwt fad crtij n iftf mi jfsnf si famj6

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