Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1950, p. 8

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taqk acirr the acton hee mess thursday uarcii mh ik r 11 i minii p lit i ip3 13 bokn mfkeown i st jutphi ll ptuh culpk on krtdo urch 3rd to ur and ui cordon uc- kcowa duhlr btmuu ue 1mjlvis mr ul mn ba dmvu uv hwy i ubouih lb urlb of s uuhtr bum otrol a itlkoa prlvw itouilul stur- bituarq day march 4th ax3new at peterboro on friday february 17th ifto john ajr- naw formerly of arton oal and lurtaey manitoba la kla 6tuh year kelly- la burlington or uoa- day marc t ima retrtck keil dear husband of margaret mc laughlin and brother of martin keuy cfcmpbeuvuie thomas tad catherine kelly and ma hschael storey of acton in his tjrd year in hptt king in loving memory of beo- s iamln king who passed away march 7 1m0 er rernembervd b wife and family girltons in losing memar of ite john tlhbnnv who was kil led ovhwi march h imi atvvwvt remembered b loving mom waller and marorle gibbons in memory of tie john gibbons killed u anion on march hh 14 jot just today but every day la silence w rsmsmfair ever remembered bj mr and mrs joe water and family mason in loving memory of my dear auter llaael who paised away fee 3rd lltl theres a plaee in my heart called and thare dear luy you will al- waya rami la lottie gibbons in proud and losing truanrry f fta john gibbons kiuad in action in germany on march 8th 145 while serving with the r 11 11- now resting in nljmecea holland sweet are the memurtea silently kept of the one 1 loved and tlull never forfet jlha remembered b eleanor water frank 4n hing memory of our dear son and brut her w ho pas sed a march nd 1w7 god saw what was before xu and the pain ou mould have to bear ho smiling down upon ou he took you tn m car kvrr rrmfmbrred b uolhrr dad brothers anil sister tardh ok t1ianhs i want to thank vcr ki- 1 nl friend- who kcnt me w s era caru am tc mj ail othei rifts ni n iii m m retent lnrxs i her will fluii bo t mem he red rcrvl jt tin as 1 v r tutmtl t 1 homr tn a ion i woud ike lo express m rnwe imnk i m manv tumt and neighbour 1 the kind nmemlnini tit rlli tv cvmu ainl thouthu ms oiivi in si nnn n 1 ni- w ion i urttnl n fall a id i n ni l to tht- uim- 1 f ni mvti r 1 n mcnui il t- ttin chivivh mr- w m itot rtn 4rtnrti av- spring is officially due a cek from tuesday maple syrup h oun be com- tng on the menu mark tl down a meeting to attend on march 17th in thr town hall last day for securing 10so au to markers has been announced as march 30th at midnight roads are in about the condit ion we can expect for the neat few weeks e hope no worse a reunion and celebration for acton on becoming a town see about it on march 17th at the town hall snowdrops coma through in the spring like the sidewalks that are never shovelled nature helps the pedestrians if h watts long enough- all the hospital supplies used in ontario red cross outpost hos pitals are made by red cross volunteers working through the womens work committees the march meeting of st al bany guild was held at the home of mrs fred hunter the presid ent airs gambia prseidad plans were made jbr the spring ta and bataar the in siting was closed with the uumah benediction a very delicious lunch wag ae by the hostess assisted by mrs henry jolley and mrs george fountain francw joi the vancouver dally provine of februao 2lst reports the death tn vancouver on sunday februar 10th of francis j vollmer at the age or 83 among lho turvlvtnj is hit wife nho was known to min in the ii i una fad rommualt as the wire of the late rev wm mclean who died in ivm mr vollmer was a native t slmroe county ont he wns a school teacher in regna until ap pointed government hnmaalead in spector he became deputyahertrr and sheriff of moose jaw cotamty for many years before his retire- ment to vancouver if years cg he u a member of ryedton united church and a life fjw member of the independent order of foresters survitnk are his ite one son f ii vollmer vancouver thine daughters mrs f h alderdtce and mrs gladys caldwell van couer and a stepdaughter mrs w s kothiirough iteglna mrs lfiuy harding ai the home if her arm pen harding lnndrsbom mrs minnie i lard ins died nn thurada febru ary 23rd worn in umshuuftt in 1w0 she was the daughter of sam uel meredith and faith 11 indie and lived there until her marruge w william harding in 1ku thy lived for many years on the 7th line fulllnafsd she is survived by her hutband three eons percy of lend ehoio herb of highland creek and fred of hornby and four daughters mr ed beetman gladys george town mrs robert moody fia schomherc mrs reg trwtn ilucyi auburn and mrs doltoa schuitx helen niagara falls also sur viving are three sisters mrs flo rence gill and mrs e4u devett of toronto and mrs margaret donald son of colllngwood and one brother william meredith toronto tnere are twenty grandchildren and elexen rteat etand children the funeral erlce was ctmdurt- ed at the victor b ftumle fune ral home arton on mnnda with interment follow inn in conlngb cemeleo sli of her grandchild ren were pallbearers arthur ghn and don moody wilfred and ij erne harding and kenneth meer- man fviwers were canhed h emrt neerman and garfield hal 1 ing also grandchildren and ion j nrd harding i jolfn agnfw j manx friend n hert and former remdin w ill he gric rci to 1mm of the drath of john agncw at the humc of his daughtrr in pctrrbor- ough mr am w had 11 about as usual the da prior to hn drath i and was in 1m rights sixth mar john akneu w a a vn of the late mr and mn robert agnew and was burn in rviueninc town ship he pont his btxhood and jirlx vrtn in acton and rrmoxed to hartnt man o r fortxfie iirv aco atoiit a enr ago he and mrs agneu came to pet rborough to ri sid with hi daughter mr jackson i while jack agnew had h n aw a fnm acton man ears he i n ver lost intenvt in the home ccim- munitv never was there a reunion in the home town that he did not attt nd and mxrr a xear that in re newing hi free press mihcriptlon he did not write the editor making enqulrv about some of hit friends or about acton other towns may have claimed his residence but his heart was in arton always surviving besides his wife are one daughter mary and one son robin in vancouver b c of the famitv of the late mr and mrs robert agnew onlv one sort re mains george of toronto to all the bereaved sympathy of manv old friends in the commumtx goes at this time your old watch is worth monty roouum the paper collection neld last saturday was eaactly one month after the previous collection fur this reason the total amount of paper collected was nut as much as tn previous collection it has been decided to lengthen the time inter val between pickups in in attempt to increase the amount of paper collected on boy scout paper daya saturday evening group commit tee man t e watson and srouter dave dills attended the provincial annual meeting at the o a c in guelph reports were received and adopted and officers elected for the coming year in the evening the annual dinner was held followed by a very interesting speech on the new provincial badge i while there some information on the american scout jamboree was obtained the jamboree is to he held at valley forge near phltadel- i hia early in july it is expected mom scouts from all parts of the world will be present canada is to send a contingent of too with two troops of n each from the south central ontario region it is es- pected some scouts from acton will be selected for participation mini mum requirement for scouts from acton will prohahly be king scout rank n i monday evening a scout meeting at llowdonosswnee had an import ant feature in the investiture of new scouts gary mrfaddan and george kmethurtl they have now become members of the worldwide boy scout movement next monday night a badge pre sentation will be held and all mem- bers are requested to be on hand for this important event futjlt tradein sale general contracting why nol see alxtul 1 lint home you have beevi di earning of for mi long we ran hut id you a complete home tor as low as lr dowtt with ell modern convenience and you may be able to pay the lu in labour according to your ability ke ua svw far b1uii slart la the suee weather j e mtmuuim knmtal cxlhltractur lift 1 lower avenue pnon 66 tftlmg nightmatl reoerilk in a cartoon a lad told a rtschlatrut oh i jus t dream the ujua thing about ea ing cactus drowning in molmaser sawing wood with my teeth there are dreams that really are however the usual things for many pople those who fought in either of the great wars or who were bombed or torpedoed still have nightmares of death and destruct ion but the most common had dream in this country of compuls ory education is the on hout ex amination and it is alone in the spring about this time of the year i that adults wake up from dream- ling they are children who have fallen behind in their studies with examinations drawing near thev wake in horror of examinations and then they raallxe that unfort unately they are not children any longer that fortunately they are old and dont have to go to school or try examinations they wipe the cold sweat awa and feel deeply relieved at being too old to be expected to learn anything the printed word oliver twist asks for more by jeaeadi uetee hrdge sometime govern mem oiflcafs when ihey get far enough twjy from the practical business of stay ing tn pow er begin to acquire a new clsiity of vision recent hon lister b pearson minister of kxternal affairs returning from the conference of commonwealth foreign ministers at colombo cey lon stopped at new delhi long en ough to meet the pre whether it wax because of his distance from or a llvel recollection of some o ih tlhkttes of the ronlrprnre mr ienroin said mmr hat bluntly that cannd might hae overex tended herself in her commitment to upp itmnnmli aid to other count riex mr ivhimih n n t u r n 1 1 v d i ft nol trentl on die loc of anv of ms fel- o cabinet memberv but it might be w holesome if some of then compatriots could have a similar enlightening experience mr penr- ms rrmirk is ilmost the first in- dun ion thit rinsihan have had fiom anv offinl sour e that nni one r alied the posslhilltx of over- sending hut one mlirht u hon w hot her uur ctimmitmenta tn ex ternal affairs are av much onn to question as our ep ndlture at home it is quite true that there have been gifts and loans runnlnn into billions but thev woudnt be so noticeable if we hadnt adopted a still more opcnhnndetl domestic pollc- faervbodv is developing that oliver twist proclivity for asklnu for mvre the canadian federamoi of agriculture representing a mll- ion and a half farmers is wrlnui- ly demanding that the government should support farm prices this in the face of startling evidence of where such support leads for we have veen cm ted states govern ment bureaus dumping bags of oot- atoea at one cent a hag for which they had paid 210 with a grow ing trend toward unemployment the propaganda for higher wages and far- reach ing pension plans without a means teat continue we dont want to adopt a holi er than thou attitude to either of the groups whajrahey are ask ing ware all asking more make work projects more security mon protection against higher prices in things we buy and against lower prices in the things ue sell al this with an overall demind that nothing we ask should entail more time or effort on our part sooner or later we shall have t reallw that we have overspent not only aboad but at home that with declining foreign markets on which we must depend for continu ing prosperity we are being asked to boster business by further handouts this is being asked white we are staggering under a com bined debt burden of 31 billion which is just about seven times the comhtned revenue annually of all our government a sooner or later we oliver twists will have to real ize that thee just isnt any mor in the last fewyears some since 16s9 railway freight rates worth of lost precious stones and a sixyesr period has been in the us have increased 57 ptr rings have benjrecovered from the named for production of a new 50- j cent in canada they have increas- montreal sewer j volume russian encyclonevllav ed only thirty per cant j ii now till saturday maw- w dv ep mi w pounding out of the m of the blue ta aswvvmflla mlffswm -co- david butler i fl john ikmoo fo0t ion mccawsht thura fn 7 ft 9 1 mat lpmsil ev 6 30 os 9 45 mat- moistlks mat s j dennis morgan i tkt buufimu town vutn fusm luanmn biov thelady takes a sailor eve aroen sf mmpm ssssr last show 9 pm next wedtiiurs next fette joseph cottdi t baas masv dawaaoa swussai a mvidbrwn runrnlfosir ne henry bunke- adult news cartoon pusk2v acton coming soon lawrence oliver henryv tim manlm uyt hnry v ti on of jha gr kprlmtc in tha mttwy of mftllon pkturu the classified section bay sell itaagt wanted etc advertisements under this heading 35c cask with ordar up to 25 words additional words lc per word if cash does not ac company the advertisement minimum charge 0e and lc pet- word additional for each word over 35 subseoueat tntartloa jte po iau fou saix ford ruh 19u new imh uercury englae kev 11 1 itennie 04 ulu st i kok sai farm or wagon teem 5 and 6 years old good in ii harness lhone ik3 kockwood kok sa1j i vouna grey n- der apply a peddle phone fiirzs lllgtiway 23 i miles wrat of mil ton koit haik uangetle 1 yaar old convertllwe ariage with run ners commode baby lenda phone jlfcu wawth wantui clerk for retail stoe ksperience not i- rimiy apoly lls vl free press wantcli fowl au weights up lo gji rach for good hen flocks culled free and nothing but culls taken out lluuoavllle vff flradlng station phone ilramptom mlrl 4 cllrct a harnett as hoa appu- vxju ha1k iry mspia and bee h firewood also applea try hi basket ur hamper vv h tj- right kit 4 phone 11 or tf fjk saik fence ptats anchor iwiats and grape vine posts apply tlcjiard thomikwtfi it it x acton th line fln iownsiitp lot t kok saik about tv tons good ferdlng oat slrsw loos or haled phone harris ton v7r11 ur write j l huu k k 1 palmerstun ont i1a11y tucks fou haih uayold haired plymouth lurfki at 113 30 itarron slrsln white ieglorn at s11u actun poultry farm phone 249 acton it ahskssoit wamtei caltons for lite potlllon of i and other kindred duties us coav- ne tlim with the office tn the town i or acton will he received by th udertlgned unlll noon on idarrt yjf ait appllcsnu should state i eg previous clertral spertce j and ittcer iuallfu allona perttcu lars available nn spftllratlon j he- oacfile lerk to w n sitikhintknufjsa wantkij applications for tk posjtlon of town suparintendenl and work in connection with thi office in the town or arton will te recwbyed try th undersigned until noon on uarch mi 1900 ap plicants sliould slate age former epertece rf rtta4 or similar work particulars of the position and duties may be secured from j mc eechte clerk town of arton koit saij 1 kid hen range in good condition 1 jamesway coal brooder stove 1 electric brooder 1 electric time clock 1 set of team harness darwin clippa 333 queen st phone u foit saik newly remodelled stucco house on knox ave oppos ite church modern bath kitchen hardwood floors up and down div ided basement and all decorated dont mlsa this contact j k mr- mullen 136 ilower phone fig skki kok saik if a hay oon for the season of idoo is need ed badly we nsvn supply annual grasses and clover to be added to our pasture mixture for seed ing alone in april or may without nurse on wiijiam coiisk a sons 11mitki streetsvllle ont for saik peel brand past uremis variegated and grimm alfalfa ladlnn clover sweet clov er fancy lied clover alslke ilrome grass orchard graa mea dow fes ue kentucky tl fvscue kentucky blue grass rye graxa ljiwn grasa mixture certified wisconsin grown llhrld seid corn choiie d jt white lone stocks of nil crixr an r ts are verv llnnleil and strongly ml vise purrhralni rutienn nl s with out delav william gouxe and son llmltid strtelsvllle ont phone ih earlcluawfous ka mats wovkn any lngth 7v wide send rsgs sewed and rol led in halls lo wm mrvewor hayes ave guelph ont for sale 41 ford dnn 4l men ui mflnn id he s din 41 i1iiioii1ii v4lin 1u ghev on h id ford i mi vnl 41 ford iuim milin 11 hord ojk in it ll ixt- im 17 fom touih u ftird foirvr 1 f id ludor and ninnv tn is lo pi ford m kup ll r ord pii kiij mi til lmc j ton i ford pit kup 13 fomi wncl 1 imtl kuril tini toi n find ploiifi- sntml twiitrninx on urplu nn 1 slichttv used mm tunerv refit kernlor- hlivtl- tlre an i tule nnd enrnce euipmeii macjfhu amuts the coal strike is over and as the supply lines cstch up wa sh ou id have some anthracite tn two weeks time we are ac cepting orders now for thle coal and if your needs are more urgent we can supply you with pea coat nut and range coke and briquettes the deliveries have heeo running behind a couple of days as our truck drivers find it hard to get around with roads and lanes not in tummer condition we shall have sll the orders on hand delivered hv friday the mielhurne hockey team dldnt have the polish that our boys had but with ihnr new arena and somr coaching their ttams will not be so easy in th future se night vvtll saturdav j 11 im hkn7u i mil e a rlys sales and seivice miiton and amrbil jm1j j iost and found expert radio servicing hh iidmf ai til hassard radio i lost black and tan hound re- centlv also small black and tai female hound about 2 months ago reward j m steele 47rl3 acion notice to cretlitors and otiierh 1 iv tiif rartate of janet as rvandfr all persons having claims ag- ainxt the katatr of janet alexander late of th town of acton in the county of h si ton spinster de ceased who died on or about th tenth day of february 1s0 are i reouested to file proof of same with the undersigned solicitor on or before the twentyfifth day of 1 march 1m0 after which date the i estate will be distributed having regard only to the clslms then fied dated at acton this first da 1 of march 1050 i william coleman sr i fxeeutor i by hit solicitor i c f leatherjand acton ontario farnworth memorials muinli 1 hilfnto rum cemetxry vkttxkoia din u mt omiwuty jllklfh ont braida shoe store acton

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