Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 16, 1950, p. 5

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thwk3dky lfabch lath 1m6 the acton fkce mess tmaat atvat m4 ur and mr murray brown t tutowel were visitor at tti boma of ur john c danni on tuaaday ur and mr urklnnon of brar- brldjje have been vtaiting with their daughter mr g w maxal and mr masala main street mr and ura a williams george town lira earl ryder judith and jan of camp borden vuitd mui e hawthorne over the wk -end- mr and lira jamea sprowl nark ed the flftyjxth annlvrrmary of their wedding on monday we join with other frlenda in ranfratulat ion mrs chart shulua and ton roy mn oeorge yryrr and ton jeffrey pent the wekend with hrr dauarhter mn andrrw mrlod in toronto thr frtrnda of ur uar r prow i wm j tad thai he waa able to return h nir on thursday from st jofph llotpltal fluelph whrre he had undrrgtmi an operation for apen dkrilu friend and rrlatlves are sorry to hear that lltur robert hunter of outlph formerly of acton la again a patient in st juaeph llocpltal cuelph all wlih him a ipeedy rec very tin hazard of prnsioim for llnrmployrd by joa ijaur ruu4 moat of the recent advancea in medlrlne have tended to prolan the life of older people conilder the alfnlftranrr of thla fact ai ap piled to any partisan ayitem to add one or two yean to the group over 65 la to increase the number of older people alive by aa much as one flflh tha u peter t dmck- r polnta out in hi narper mafa- 7tne artlrle the ml raft of pwn- lona means that to provide 100 monthly would require one tenth of labors total income ur drucker is not oppoaed to pensions aa such he only doubts their feasibility he concedes that the recent steel strike eitabllshed thr principle of industry s respon iblltv to the older worker hut hr points out that written into steel a pension aitreement is a clause that pensions shall be paid ai long m business remslned excellent that wan not an evasion only un der such conditions could they be paid thla john l irwls quickly proved by the collapse of hh own pension plan when the miners su itched from a five da v in a three dav week the reason la simple all present plans am pva you iro that ii the employer nays into the fund lut about sufficient to meet the nred of those now eligible as more wcomc eligible or as business con i dltifm- deteriorate fundi would be insufficient for the original demand without any increase quite poa- slblv the next union demand will attempt to bind the employer to provide pensions regardless of con ditions this would be like king canute commanding the tide to stand sttll no employer agreement to use funds that did not exist could be binding it could only mean bankruptcy what are the alternatives ob- tlmisly one would be to set up a j fund similar to those provided by insurance companies to protect 1helr annuities but insurance com- psnlc build these funds over is to 40 vears before there la any demand on them to establish such fund in a single year mr drucker con tend would require each employee to be capitalized at from t3 000 to tin 000 at the lowest figure a compan employing 70 000 men such as the ford company in the united states would have to set atd immediately and out of cur- j r nt resources capital reserve of not less than ssoooooooo obviously i thiv is hardly possible a the present system then ta workable only under the moat fav ourable business conditions and a f funding system only if miraculous profits could be suddenly discover ed it is clear that the subject re- i i ul res more thought and study than j it has had but ur drucker nig- gests another and more hopeful method keep the older worker employed at work he can do and in which he will both be happy and productive as moat retired work ers enjoy their leisure for a few brief yean and then die mainly of feoredom that looks like a sensible suggestion ttottrb xbarrif ol gaisab aaawa naails pjoiu 3owr avaaisa la o at umul afjoji orrsnlac ajsd choir a h s news sunday uaitcii 19th 1980 11 00 ani subject the judgment of cod 7 00 in subject tbe staying iofr of the phrlstuu- hev i a- cirry ba bj3 of victor squara united church will conduct both aarvlces onnpramonal mealing wednas day uarch 3mh it 1 pn aji are cordially invltad yrrahtrirriiui stjttrri tat osuttaiuj knox chdauk acton nrv surest ii aauenftonu la mlalatar sunday maltcil 19th 1040 11 00 a m divine worship 1j13 pn sunday hchool and lllble cliu toop-m- ijtvtna worahlp thay that wait upon tha lord shall renew their strength baptist crjurrb acton olaav b ooivkb muuui sum1a1 maiini 10th 1050 10 vi am sunday school 11 vi am onl mperanca fed rratlon sriaakrr rrlday march 17 1910 13 mla- iinn iland h00 iivlu 000 quarterly dualneu maatlng ft albiu osrjurri latlleal baeaae baa w o iuita ba si1mm1 maltcil 19lh 1050 nt iv in mi n ni surnluy scihkji 11 iv im holy ciimmunlun and llejilnneri clata 7 no p m r venlnjr itayi r lnlrn mtvin welncday at 100 pn a walcome awalu you potttd plants r3b easter easter lihoi hydrangaal polyanlha roie bushes colorful cinernrtas sp rens si paulifls cnllas etc hintons scsl 00 store trw nawstt and baft in fin furniture for less acton home furnishings phone 30j acton oomnlete ilouaehald ffinuahlncs pi aiiiiitr iha table model admiral television another hockey feame was play ed with ullton within that thriv ing bunt on tueday at four once more we lost by on goal but nevertheleu both smas enjoyvd the gaune the refereelng could have been a lot better in the first stanta acton chalk ed up two quick goals by tyer from war and by davidson actn had tirt- penatlea and milton had two the second period began wth anderson topping a tjixw from una ah on a breakaway milton s flnt score b thompson cami soon after then 11 rush tied the score on amothex breakaway milton end edthe period in their fsvour by a barrtwned shot both teams had one penalty in that period the third period lecame a battle royal with four penalties evenly j distributed milton waa put antad by two goau when tonelll stopped a rutti by acton it looked a though that srore was final until veer srored for arlon with a lonj shot in th ut second of play to end the game with the score 4 3 for ttie miltonltes une una milton coal kennedy lrf wilson walker forwards tonelll thompson valuon mills w ill molt llruah actnn 0ia andrrenn tef llarr hruce greer ware for wards nsaldson tyler sommi r vllle kutt ftumln ralds n daw bin i high shoo com unfairly divided on prrvrnt basis no0h halton high school dlit rtct hoard at a sprclal mertlnk on monday evening heard a prearntat ion of the case of esq una in tnv n ship against thr levy appointed for high school purpose ljit rqual lzed assessment for halton was in 10311 and col drown reprrsentut ivr on the hoard in a careful anal ysls showed the chan ged pos 1 1 ion and growth in the towns whrrrat fjiqurslng and nassagaweya had not shown the same growth and higher local l the hoard members present ag reed that the present arrangement was unfair ano in principle agreed to a readjustment to be decided up on by motion at the nrxt regular meeting under the present asness mrnt tcaquesing pays 441 per cent of th total coats nassagaweya ib 2 percent georgetown 11 7 per cent milton 12 6 per rent and ac ton 11 per cent taking into con slderntlnn trnnnportatlon costs in thr township and increased local assessment in the tnvni it us felt that esqurxlng and nnssagaw eva won entitled to a reduction and the towns an incrrane aft r study of the matter the board members agreed that the present situation was unfair and until the countv as sesament plan in completed an ad juxtmcnt of costs ihould be madr board approval u ns gl en to a committee report that special com merclal be taught in georgetown school this year on a district trial and that the commercial option be continued at the acton school in accord with a motion of the last meeting the chairman and sec retary allotted to each committee the work necesiary for n study on costs and other information of a central school for the district i a meeting of the transportation committee and the bus drivers vas arranged for the following wick in stcwarttown tio full un uiu ol m v came hebk in 1715 tea waa first brought to canada fey the hudsons bay company on june 7th 1715 it consisted of three cannlaten of boh tea ahlppad on board the frigate hudsons bay and cotuigned to governor jaraaa knight at york factory however because of bad weather the ship put b to e without reaehjt ing the bay not until the next eardld the game three cinnlateri of tea anally reach north america on the time ship cwav m4 r ta tum rowimo for 339 this is one of the television sets being demonstrated in roxy theatre acton thursday even ing march 23rd from 7 pm to 8 30 p m prior to showing of henry v hassard radiq your admiral dealer phone 330j acton fertilizer use is increasing canadian farmers ore using con i fclrtorahly more fpjtlllz r than th did twent velffs ngx siiles of rertlllicr for use in canada reach ed nn all time record in 1040 f 711700 tons as compared with dtjjoci in the preceding enr and 660700 ton- in u- 191r47 nr j snloti in 1040 were mtuo thnn doublt th 1o10 total of m6 700 torvs and more than four tlmis the hales in 1027 of 170 000 tons through the enrs hurt hib txen ft dtclded change in the pro iwrtlon of sales of mnterlnlii nnd mixtures the purchase of reid mixed fcrttlizora hns becmt mu h more popular in 1927 the sale of materials represented 621 per cent of total states but b 1949 the fig ur had fnllen to 17 5 per cet sales of mixtures which in 1927 re- j presented onl 37 9per cent o the sales had rium to j 5 per on in 1949 f i t eek national dish v mexico and tamalcs italy and spaghetti denmark and smorasbord and canada and what asks the financial pott the vacant pause indicates that food isnt giving canada as much tourist advertising at it does certain european countries which for ex ample publish colorful castronlc maps to entice the visitor seven women each professionally engaged in catering to the tourist are now at work on the problem undor the auspices of the canadian tourist association thtr assign ment is to seek better and more varied menus to present to canada visitors juniors lose two games in playdoun series continued from pap oaej t on drking coulson to fire a corner ihot into the mesh- terry brush sniped the second acton goal before j wtnian again took a peas in front to pot ijons second there w as no scoring m the second period mllverton went ahead in tha third j j westman let fly a screened shot for his third goal anderson was in penance at thr time then rill vsughan returned for acton with an angle ihot iockl pulled in and there the score remslned in regulation tlmr artnn had several lood chances to win the game in the third period but failed to click with pressure on i overtime saw westman snipe his fourth goal and mccartney his first r give mllverton a substantial irad however harold townilrv worked behind the mllverton rage and pop md in shot that had ik klr beaten all the wav acton pressed for the equalizer but again fulled to flol h i layi off towmley and coulson plaed utttandlng games for the fwrnm uhllr j westman and iokle wire the pli h of the winners mllverton acton 7 i it in ring up nil in the first twi ikertorfi and restricting mllvrr ton to iwo thr lied men could elly have won the ftecond game of the seri unf riunately their lurk of application in the third per lad led to thilr downfall within the spare of two minutes lions drew to within one goal of the ited men by scoring three times keith fay backhanded a shot into the rigging to give acton a two got edge morrtrnti lster but thst didnt suffice ax the i ions went on n scoring picnic four minuted re filiation time remained whrn mr cnrtnev potted the rpiatrer after mnvlnji at ton look tike a bunch of j pinjt durks 0i rtlirit jin nenrink completion when mrcnrtnev the fnlr haired to for i lonn tuertav ntlpped in f r hi fourth goal that proved to he the winner ic than twentv fle second lnti r wntmin golfed in tillman s passout and that drar friend and gentle hearts waa that i trior to th lltom three goal splurge i inni were hardly in the bunt at all ihit this mccartney wh we rnnl throw enough ink at to describe drew a harty departure by mate from th lr first and sec nd p rlod lctharc thev llterallv caught fire the acton backfleld began to commit the occasional faux pa ie cral time pacing the blicult right on the ntlrk of ap- pronrhlnr i ions a brnw 1 rnllv t ned the second period with tow ii vl rv and mow at rwrhnnging punrhr with j west run and tucr o tnc visitors or 0 i was restored tn trfs kelly anj tiurkc for their lv n ai contribn 1 on of the nigh disapproval of thi crowd etl- mnted nt 1200 ai apparent from opt n ing whistle at the whistle toot ling of the same kelly and birke thr disallowed an acton goal hy townsley in h i t periol thnt might have put a different slant on the outcome claiming an offside probably the most disappointed man in the arena waa harry 0 ley the ice maker he had one of the smoothest fastest sheets of ice thl year prepared for the itedmen and they dldnt take advantage of the fact shots on goal bv periods wire as follows acton 15 mllverton 14 mllverton 12 actnn 11 acton 17 mllverton 17 overtime mllverton 7 acton 3 noorina hitmmarv la gamt times not available first period a mow at townsley mj westman a brush vaughan fa mj wistman pt ns tolman zajac reoniu periftd p ns mount fav kentner 2 tmr third period m j utstman attridge a vaughan fov pt ns gibb tolman andt rson 2 attridgl overtime mj wtstman i m mccartm c wtstmanl a townslev ptns basttll zajac i officiali olinskl and udvari nf kitchener hcor1to rlmmary 2nd gamt first period a fay brush 3 so a townsley s 50 m spencer attridge 6 0s a brush vaughan fay 8 so a mowat bast ell townsley 0 28 pens gibb vaughan seoond period a mbwot zajac bastell 0 30 m dunsmore spencer 3 55 a townsley 1610 pens spencer mowat major townsley westman tuer major zajac third period m mccartney ttels 5 05 m mccartney spencer 6 20 mr j wes tolmonv 50 a foy brush vaughan 7s3 mj westman 1245 m mccartney 16 00 pens kentner the most important feature of monday night s scout meeting at huwdonoawnce waa the badge pre sentation crawford douglas who has work ed very diligently was the recipient of the coveted king rout badg king scout is the hlghut rank in scouting and crawford is to be con gratulated on his achievement in order to qualify a scout must have passed four king scout public serv ices badgr crawford success fully passed his ambujance man pathfinder signaller fireman and cyclist badge in addition he has earned hit my ing ilons or red kings by pauiing airman and aero ritultieer ladgea caordon 1 iw reele1 his second laiwa nil handyman pnifirienrr t adg oord la well on the road t mi t hon f his flnt class and i lrt1v aim tig t wdm1i his king stout two thrr stout to nolvr their set on d laan imflgri were john hurfnk i and david cullen both v uta have tieen connected with the tit p fi r lean than a year and havr rnali t xrrllent progress the nt w ontario provlnrtal badgt a wrre presented to the scouts in full uniform the badge la a while trl ilium on a black back gn und with nmall green leaves be- bin i rarh petal of the flower the name ontario la in gold below the j trilllum and a green bar ta at the top and bottom of the badge it is worn on the light shirt pocket forum subject taviibor aiui farmer friend or foe ijlor und armt w the t pie 1 frlrnd or farm itad i r rum on m ndav evening mnrth f an 1 ln ught forth a very livilv dintuvl n north trafalgar r iriim rt portiti tht- broad rait in thi lr t plot m was good and gave ai ih ir rt ason that tht re could not i a mi re timitv aubject and that ln rann la the lilggcst trouble in ur d morraclra tht firat questi in do you agree ur di ifiret that the demands of higher industrial w ages harms the fanm r all reports received up to the pre st nt unit feel that higher industrial vcifiu d i not harm the farmi r aa long n farm prices rise accordinglv as btivnr farm for urn mintimid higher wages to la nir makes for n trtter consumer market but ovir gain is often lotit in tht rs t of artirlta wo have to bu i thi m c md qui st ion do v ou agree or disagree that farmers have i more free time the vear round than i the industrial worker the major ity were inrllned to disagree with the itatrmrnt all admitting how- rr the farmer was his own boss and unlike industrial workers was not called upon to punch a clock i but is more or less a slave to mo ther nature and the elements the industrial labor works five dayi a week and probablv eight hours a dav while the farmer works seven dnvs a week and even if he takes a few hours off during the day i must be on duty for chores morn- i ing and evening unless where extra i help is available the third question do you ag- ree or disagree that labor unions are against the interests of agricul ture there the majority if not all voiced their opinion as disagree ing with that statement as s s no 1 nassagswcva reports we do not think that labor unions are against agriculture but their de mands affect social benefits i the fourth question do you ag ree or disagree that the farmers marketing schemes ore against the i mti r st of the city consumer the answer was definitely that they disagree and as appleby and s s i a rsqucslng r ported and was more or less thi opinion of all re- i ports fnrmers naturally want the cost of production with a small pro fit but there is a huge spread in the prict of produce from the time it iras tht farm urjil it reaches the consumer this they claim is due to high wages and huge profits of the mlddli man all feel it is time all farmers took a deeper ln- tenst in the marketing of his pro duce tkijvinion camkrafl flown to nkw york two of britain latent television cameras haw been flown to new york for demonstration at the an nual convention of the institute of radio engineers overtime m mccartney spencer 935 mj westman tolman 050 pens fay mllverton logic b attridge rets d spencer c mccartney dun smore w alus c westman tolman j wcot qibb t songster p acton coulson g kentner zajac d towniley c mowat bastell w alts anderson brush fay vaugh- i an roaxeu hutt deforest reduced admission dancing modernaires orchestra ever saturday night aose ioom otoaorrown arena x 50c pip person oh a int a hockty plaror friday march 17 milton arena colling wood vs milton 45 sharp wabasso cottons lor our spring sewing and household requirement broadcloths in a wide rnngo ol colors 59c to 79c yd beach cloth for children s wear and sport s wear plain shades 69c yd pkin t s over 100 patterns to choose from a quality and pattern for nil your need 49c 55c 59c 69c 79 yd wabasso cotton sheets large sizes 3 25 to 4 75 each pillow slips several qualities plain or hemstitched some colored borders 1 15 pr to1 98 pr p oplins smart patterns in this lovely mercerized cloth for ladies and girls sports and afternoon wear popularly 7ca yd priced at i dc piuow tubing a fine quality 42 95e yd orey cotton bleached cotton orey or bleached sheeting grocery dept tilbest mixes anfiel food cake pko pie cruil 2 pie ilia pkg gingerbread oq pko hot roll i7c 53c 31c i chocolate cake white cake spica cake brownies 33c pkg free shipping bags tip top plum jam 32 ox jar 27c choice corn 2 20oz hist 29c nlaltsni cocoa 1 lb un 44c lb nn 29c johnstons gtocoat pint 59c quarh 98c i601 mason jar peanut butter 91- holly peas 2 tint oe 15ex fancy quality a dc fab for fabulous j- suds 2 pkfjs odc jergetia castilu oa- soap 5 bart ifc it floats elliottbros phone sb we deliver

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