Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 20, 1950, p. 4

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ixck yous the acton free mess thursday april uth 1m cheapm coal district news vtrlous ll conwmlnc artjvitiw in cosuuialue ktmthy ww many of 0f bfiajiw ar ibihwa uufmid rockwoolj the monthly nustting of th men club of the united church w kwld urt wednraday vrtiln end wa u sttrnded ur ralph hod gboii president opnd the meet- inc with brief tddrrn rvlsuvr to club artivilu un tho cuatiy pubhriii ud in abort tlaf aonj wiih ur kinniry ireland organ ul of nurfuik si church gurlph at the itno ur campbell u rthur j guelph cootrihui d ft m vl number with ur it 1 i n j nut tih- lukhlglt t ih r w- a 11i- lv ur lart v tir- k t dorm thr itrnl wa kh 1 1 rr th eiiki lin ni i 1 taken pnwuirl i hi i lit tm s tle itt ntr itmted r t fr- tfmtx whl ad1i 1 rleeli oakville tum n hobb it f i it du iu dcv it to oungster j j ear if ag will hjtr muir thn iio clawlr opn to their rifclblu tn the annual hobby umw tpunfcorrd by lh llun lub f oakvlltr tn show will b held in victoria hall on friday and saturday may and c a fwnwr wll known jkville ld jeaair uvlncabtfir itunwa uunrti idow of th ijt it v j r uunro i died wednea day apill 4 t grrvwhr iimiw laikam th late ui uunri wltu uu la hi r 3rd ji ramled elilolmellt of mmiw to new pupil in town km u oral siliiur l in kriili pnb 1 mi fr th public m ik- i uinl dit urt1 addlll i wool be itl v that lirnr v t ltir i tndravmir ti trt innli fnf ltn inrrtawxl rnftvtttrfi immmlialrlv chaiin ti a wlh i1 t 11 thr im1 ft tu ilir tltlf ii l mllr ri- v i- ii y tw alilt- tt irfuti tht lints i cuai pnr- in ruttm mldvhl u s have begun to weken report thr finmnil pod- cuht brtwvrn buyer reltncr to pnstctruar prirv hikfr arwj ronptiuoi of cubmlt uu furls tumt mine ar cutting prtc dftpiu cod lnrres front rcml tikc seulmuntt wlut uflut rstiinud t lie to 40c tun pollack and campbell tu i w high grade memorials memorial engraving c2 wlr st hhk gavt ji nrt in mjitlin mill r-juirt- in th trfltr jmirtial r i r i r j td hrfithmrtiu i ktitl i 1 a w- il hmr i iijul r ti t itr mmin t in if lilriun ctmhtli ni i ixii urn c mil r ilnilr1 vt w lr f the t nun lirr b lirnurr rn hrr mothrr at thr hm klrinint numrw ri luurr al thr c c runs r ir lit thr unltrd churrh in plrr of thr li ual wrvirr thr c c 1 t ruw with thrlr irfeh r miiv lumlll n i ivrl ilmnultim multirtr1 an k trr plf vkhuh wi rrv impir lvr m f 1n tniik ihi mithb mrm hu krrr n1 f rnl mrrliii if thr h hrt it i wr nh hrr mtrr mrt a vtvn ami mr wlst ml omtu mr ami mis hnk uw 11 nl duihtrr of tinnl urn viirk m1 kdimiijs ur and url j utnth an1 ap nt trr hcrk nd ith trlil ivn at rdar row mi and mm hvl hammond hiid family riit kt r unditv with th form r a mnthrr mi lural s- i s h i v ilh a h id in thr rubtl fitir all ndaiuf in th n of thr iv it nt m s muthiton mm a j hllol sor titw took rharc thr hih llfeht if ih rxninjt a an lllus irtttl addrr- i riowr- tiv mr ilton nf mora auiitrd by xr frankih a larirr- numbrr if tlmr urir lrotfd to thr pronv cljv of i 1 kim huh rri urll thimn on thr m rin othrr si lib a w rr auo ihfn of gardrns and num t oiiv fri in bloom mr lin onmui of ourlph w at alsn pre imnt and cavr- a brirf adlm pir rcdinc mi ill uatra tcl addrrs mr iliuun dralt with kctlvltln in hor iaitorn with mi ivrlla parent mi and mt 11 mrlnlh i mm sltlnrv haiiih and lnmili of ilrookh n apont avrrl day a dm tn kaatrr u rrk w ith hrr par rnts mr and mr w minn mr and mm j harrison and marlon nf toronto rrf vtaitnra on ftrr sunday ith mia sadlr ro txrta and mrm tollon mrm gordon allkcn and rtaiihtrr of ourlph wrrr wrrk nd vultor in thr home of mr anna cnularm i mr and mm wm minn j trultural linra a hrarty vote nf m vlsiit on saturday fvenlnf thanv- wan accorded to mr drat n nrfrrshmenta wrrr acrvrd ind a octal tunc rqjotrd mr and mr max mllnr rrtjm d home lat thursday from thnr ti lp to florid in company ilh a part in curlph b motor thcv report a fine trip throughout other raster isitnrs not mi n tlonrd in laxt ueeka nr mr and mr k j ecklr of mnm llton mr dn mcarthur of slmroe sunn lim saturday evening erioii motor accident happend to a roup nf itorkwcnd bo hm dn nnd virch rtnlev at a rallwa ciotint in the ictnlty nf th il lap w hi n thi rnr thev werr in in the home of the former parrntj ur and un w ulno mr and mr bert lowerv of chrtlev were laltor on sunday with mr and mr lindsay tolton several from this district attend rd the fun parade and report a jood ihow school belli are again ringing af ter the fatter vacation l limehouse i j mr s m wright held high wore for men and mr nrilon stark held mttind at the hall board euchre wnd dance on frida evening mm ciivhd into a parng r train w ith t hollow av and mr fountain re ctlved indira prizes ni llson stirk won the lone hands prize in a rut with stuart wrjgm the spot dance- prize went to mra fountain and mr george smith kama orchestra prov ided muitc for danr lng hctnt tsitors included mr norman mcdtmald of george- town u ith hn mother at rolly varden on sunda mr orille uahi r and mr jack c union of woodhridg mm ore millir of rokiur nnd miw il th r ull the car was u recked an 1 th occupant nnrrowly escnptnc m i iou lnuru s rovden niitatnett injuries which necessitated hts re nu itl to the general ilopltil tn gurlph li ambulance but wma able to hnc sunda afternoon din tn trtnf r tn n bnnk li prnmdi mr 1 ii gihb manner of th hovll rank here for seviral mir iiunh r gr t is f it in the con i i i ilv on th ir n ar n mo nl fi m 1 ilt igi mr gitih hi b i j i h lp in st john chuih ml miss s franc nnd timiitk of toronto with the chin ihi uual and ical r ipm i june on sunla tl w 1 t mimi s ln in th the t d mmini f toronto ch i i with her moth r mis line nd mis m i ed ti n tup i i mis mi rid k 11 th i milm n turn ifl i two vuk motor south tin went with i s iousin mr ind mis lym of gu ipti uud w i mrs milm s m r mr md fuiuu in columhu lolmu nnd i si aujutirv ul guests at th- homo of mi iiiui mi- max mihu mr and mi- w t iaig and son jackie tor- ontf mi mil mr lund hunter and umiv catntue mr and mi td iistm and ftmih of e r- ton mr md mrs krvd kirkhm of gu v mr ntt ii fr ink rolg r of diuum win among eau r holiday tsitois w ith mr and mr herb gibbon tin it friends mis ui ow of pun t t lub ju is in i md di to tor at i in si in i t s on r r id iv s gihv ml mrs fnnk n irrinutd i tour through t in i 1 i v u kt i s ind on tl i nugh n di pirtmetjt of m iplc leaf milting nt as far co light r fn shmrnts were rv- florida 1 imth plice nnd wmplrs given the iaitois to finish the duv the i ttit movie cindorvlla th shjrovo i lub txik advantage of ttu- trip too y mr and mi o mtitd r ind ri imo visitd ut scotland on sun- th type bentort wuit and most intereitinn pro- ihkatnrcttlitd to the old question of senate reform soys the finan cial pot u that 16 senate seat be poimanenily set aside for provincial nomination on a shortterm basu sanford last week with this would mean creating a new tpe of senator a senator who would hold office for only a abort period of time toy four or five years nomination for these posts would be in the handa of- the in dividual provincial government of the day mr and mis w renton neil nnd n rt visited at camphelk ille on sundav miss tommv sutton spent lat week with friends near toronto mr s wright spent a few davs lat weev with his brother in erin mr and mrs wallace gordon and children of acton with his par ents on sunday the easter thank offering meet ing of the wms was held at the home of mrs w mitchell and mrs vial tors from georgetown and acton at tending mrs ellerbv read the scripture from the easter story and mrs o mulder led in prover mrs cromnr gave a talk on the life of important women of the bible lillian askln and anna spltxer contributed vocal loloa and refresh ments were icrved at the cloae phone x acton mow ojjfiimg 3 fuiiiuj iuvi iwicmh lo enable u to lufhily you wifb ilit trt1r veivkf amc tb invrr u tr1 mirror it not et received ttiic dn1 au ul phone 128 ifoys iaxi ev ur and mrs c urlhxild iltlls burg viuted un saturday ith ur hugh dbrk and un suur ur and un brrt l v uuted saturday evening ith u aitd lit harvey jtvtui uui bobby sundjt visitor ith ur and ur lrvin hamilton and chaxtie wrt ur artd un harry hanrurk of 1 beuuuiuui ur and un all coulutg sjmi ur and ur u i ur aowfl ura albrrt altufi of gurlph spnt sunday 44 the hofrv of ur and ur johnston mi and ur ru van noiuan artlwi vtuted an sunday with th laltei areila ur and ur i w kiitllh ur aitd ur ouiwan klngabury hid fattwrlftr vlaited un kunday with ur ami ur harvey jeatii and iujb ur and ui t i uuutifai i ylkjted mi sunday with ur and ui kdgar riteitrii uirtat ur and mr trd jelin and fanulr vuile1 i ilh mr and u mm mlne lt k ofi sunday hii have lriiitlv irliirmil frsio j mtotix lii lo florida mi and mi link fril id mkllcl m imu with thr utl r mr ant mr chiit 1 i ll spring is here w liavt tow ii miluirhan ami firiii proprrl ir all prices l intact wright real estate and insurance appraisors insurors mr v mi rxjnvlpnir in ajfrlt ulturr building iiintiuctlon nd mil rtt f i riikt t u llbur hi actea ttwau u s r uriikt is rti k4 oarlett ruu iuu osimnk otll 1 liomr lat k fr f r plje l jrim general contracting new homes remodelling we ar conlinuino butinati as usual and are adding eoftv pul buldlng wrvlca tn tit following by fempt mechanics plaster in stucco cement work nrick work lllock work plastic ttle mastic and rubtx r plumbing heating goods sold or com plrt installation s w i r invlallatinns comptrte warm air and hot water heating oil burners intalled crown fuel oil savers installed favestroughlng caipenter work ou mav ind it tonvnint lo drop into our store at st mill strtt wilti pi in or rd as on otir building needs on any nf the above work for fr estim iti the onlv thing strange to us j oui lot all work dont to suit the moat critical customer phon store 370j rasjdence 6c j e mcmuuen first vcton troop mm boy scout paper drive for old newspapers magazines collection will ro mad saturday april 22nd pldase place the red boy scout papw sign in the door at the front of your home if you wuh the scouts to cafl if you havent received a rod paper ign pleat phono 34 or 174 and teev your addrew dv i i ii liea h mr and mis llemh itn mrs huxsrl sliutli la and terry of piealm y r ih ur and mr j slrulher mr cenk 1 itolxitaon of north llay vlailel for a couple of day wltt his sm nt mr and mra g 1 holwrtsnn mr rlgin lliown la tiity engag ed wilting 111 third rar raaina at the oac fn fomplttlttn he iravs fr itlslon alttta whre he ha a mlltn for ihe niinmrr month in rt ttairh in entomology mr oilaholm or trin and mr idt tvell of fort frle apent frl lav with friends in the village sincere vnittv ii rateniled u mr and mr has id stewart in the sudden palng of the latter a niece iurtara aitcheaon at wmxlitock although not of robust health for some time her sudden demise from v iris pneumonia came as a shock to all mi stewart and anna ver non fddlc and a lee a attended the funeral on saturday school reopened on monday with mr annie moore in charge mump are still quite prevalent a some of the scholar are confined to their home with them misses marjorie and hazel che ter v tilted last work at the home of their grandfather near ttespetrr the ijidte aid held their spring tea on wednesday evening at the home of mr j stnithers with a goodlv numbrr of ladles preaent i mr ftyron bruce presided for the business session mrs g sun ter read several letter in connection with fall activities of the society j she also announced that the relig- j loua drama for he hath great poeaions prenrnted by the young people of mimosa united church would be given in the local church on the evening of mothers ra mr struther received a i thank ou letter for article of wearing apivnrcl recently shipped overseas from a indv in germany this was translate and read which depicted the dire need and heartfelt think of the unfortunate in eur opean countries mr ward ilruce rend the faster mesage the roll call a verse containing the word w lit w i responded to bv all pr s nt mr gordon altken rend the scripture and conducted n qui stiomlrre on vinif mrs g i sunt r rontribut d a reading and a contet on fastcr hv mrs stnith ers and wis won bv mrs r g ilotnrtson a delicious pi t lunch- iiii was srved topped off with m ip svrup hrinkinj to a close a ni st i ninv aid ning ptocced of the tia nre for thi painting fund of the chun h mr ind mts fishi r nt r tnimd a f w m urhtmir and frit nd at tin ir home on fridiv ivning prour vsiv i cuihr w it plived at si tabh s with prie going to mrs calvin fvn nnd m fred ilaptie for high won s and mr gordon itolit rt4n nnd mr david hurren i contolation awards the hostess served dalntv refreshments at the conclusion i miss bettv miller of brampton j was a guest during the faster holi- davs with her uncle and aunt mr i and mrs fred hap tie friends of mr harold smith i town line are sorry to learn he underwent an operation on monday at the guclph hospital but wish for him a speedy recovery dual ttpttwuteb a new dual typewriter made by a london firm will demonstrate at the british industries fair with the aid of dual feed and an auto matic unefinder a receipt and a banker pnyinam sheet for tn- ilance can be imultaneously handled on one machine with minimum of error a s4ktutvan gjvtng tejwerktnq fe nkng fnf oiiftitioi far sou rr connection jock calder ii chuich rr moni sitw actom comdllf bathrooms insiaihd favisiroogming wm c milligan ro will 1m in actom to practice optometry thi first ami third x eilmsilav of ejiji month at thi vlmauf i ol i hkown mills for apointment ck n i opening dance stanley park erin friday april 21 1950 mndrrnairis hand oflncing 9 o i dancing every friday night admission 50c upwells ttd mothers areyoo neglecting the great foob in yohr familys diet

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