Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 27, 1950, p. 2

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pack two the acton ffttt press tiiumid v arnil nu iso qfye artmt 3f rtr litres published lrr t1ufml7 ataa ontario author uad wcood cuu mu post oju drprlbat ottawa subscuipton kates- tr rw to u uat4 sila toe acldatioail fiiaart copiaa 4c both u ad mv ldaaai t ba give fca juifi atnw u r4w44 advertising rates o apajacailaa and fia to varlou teluai tmaiauaga altkauaa aaarr aracaatioai wdl ta tab to avaul rr th pra aicapt dmtitoa to tia col vhii a ik u4rlajibt tkat u will b ta liabu w tap arror to aay urlimaml aablulna kauolafr itaua a twaol aj attb ajaartliiaiiai t ajimatatj la wrlllaa b laa tiirlum sjtd la th kraa rm kttow amiaa duly la ad fe tba adtlmr aad tlb aj nw a r tv pravptaaa h luuulr altaj i oi pracrluai el lb aallr caul of aw la aa wcuaiad be lb axad art mara to im vitals iaih acavud t mkh advartlaaasaai c auuip nilia editor rdiioful aad bu ojftr i baaidaora ij lihir tatl pibtpmh with the purchaw of a road qtmder for ute of tha town cilin can anticipate beffm repair of the roadway this town has outgrown i he for mar arrangement whereby the county grader could be tecured when time permitted naturally work on county roads had preference and present equipment it kept busy most of the year on county roads with the grader for town use only streets will not be allowed to get in bad condition and can be constantly maintained since the equipment will not be in full time use it was therefore best to purchase equipment which had been used and was not okpensie citiens generally rr pleased to see the new equipment at work and the pros pact of better road conditions throughout town and the clean up after sewer construction cost of living lwu the cost of living index is reportrd by the dominion bureau of statistics to have readied a new high in february ot 163 7 stales the port letter review this means that the canadifln dollar was roughly worth 6 1 cents in terms of the dollar of 1936 39 to be expected ns on automatic consequence o the rise in the index ore further demands from orgnniod lotxur for wage increases with strikes and threats of slnkes if demands are not met labour lenders probably see quite clearly that they have a large part of the responsibility for shoving the inde up to the new level but they are unlikely to resist their followers if new wage increases are to be demanded as the spring fashion share of responsibility for rising index and shrinking dollar must also be taken by federal government with its overloaded payroll and schemes of social insecurity every baby bonus cheque every civil service pay cheque is a charge on the national production but they represent no equivalent output of goods or services that would balance the account bottortoma but on sunday daylight saving time comes into effect again and since most of the district will operate on this time for the summer it is best to advance the clocks and forget about any other kind of time until next september that plan will be the least confusing as a matter of fact the greatest standout against uniformity of summer time are the rail ways who manage to maintain the confusion and do not conform to the summertime with their clocks or schedules perhaps there is good reason for this railway stand but it is one of the most bothersome throughout the entire period of day light saving and many would be glad to learn of the reason that s another one for donald gordon to deal with any change whether it be in time or custom brings its upheaval and disagreement while daylight saving time has been operative in this district for many years its approval or adoption is far from unanimous each spring seems to bring about the pros and conswith the regularity of all other things pertaining to spring like housecleaning it may be bothersome but since etery housewife does spring cleaning so it naturally follows that to get along smoothly day light saving be adopted in an orderly fashion to keep in step with the neighbours what petition can wo afford pensions are fine things and it would be splendid if every citizen could be presented with a substantial one at 65 or even earlier but saytv the financial post like that world cruise we would all like to take or the country estate we would all like to hove there comes the invariable ciuestion can we afford it t most people agree that our present national pension policy is not generous it only goes to peopleover 70 and only to those who can prove that theyhaveno other significant source of in- come but evon this rigidly restricted schema costs the national treasury approximately 100 millions a year or about one sixth of the pre war budget but that scale is far below what is being ask ed in tome quarters the minimum should he s60 a month for everyone and at 65 tt lias leen suggested that would cost 793 millions a year or ust about a third the total pf the budget mr abbott announced in the house the other day even that would not satisfy some of the groups which have been wearing a path to ottawa these people would retire everybody at 60 which at 60 a month would take up half our present budget leaving us a little short for meet mg the intejeit on the national debt and defense costs not to mention paying the civil service and some other government bills facsjmlu croalaa cavnadun rob law information of general interest to the pul1 and of particular interest to newspaper puhishert comes from below the border there it is reported trial a new process known as multiplex has brought the era of facsimile newspapers very nuch closer the latter are expected to obtain widespread public use within a year or two according to one us authority facsimile it the process by which printed and pictorial matter can be transmitted by radio waves and reproduced in home receivers be cause it is carried over wave lengths in the r re uency modulation band it has teen held back for some time as those owning fm stations pre ferred to program them with material being transmitted simultaneously over their am stand aid broadcast stations multiplex has obviated this difficulty by permitting fm stations to trans mil regular material as well as facsimile at the same time it is inevitable thai this process will eventual ly react canada one of two things will then take place cbc will either make facsimile a virtual state monopoly as it has done in the case of television or it will permit limited pnvati enterprise development under rigid control by clic if tltwf event newspaper publishers face n t disturbing situation a cbc monoxily ot f ac simile would mean the genesis of a subsidized povcrnmcnl newspaper published directly in people s homes without any possibility of com petition on even terms on the other hnnd cbc controlled participation by established news papers would mean that publishers would have to prostrate themselves before the cbc for an annual renewal of their broadcasting licences it would also mean that newspapers would le sub jected to the same threats of censorship and ex piopnation that now bedevil the existence of radio stations neither alternative would be com pntible with freedom of the press with least squawk the time honored fiscal policy of plucking the most feathers with the least squawk is held up for critical examination by the bankpf mont real in its latest business review devoted mainly to the recent federal budget the review declares that the greater the number of people who make no direct contribution to the costs of government the more widespread may become the illusion that government is a beneficent provider of costless services the bank finds that a most significant and thought provoking featuro of this years budget speech was the intimation that the present level of current expenditures of approximately 2400 millions is to all intents and purposes an irre ducible minimum in its outspoken commentary the bank points out that the federal budget is balanced by only a hair s breadth it follows therefore the review asserts that additional governmental services of any significance can be provided only through m creased taxation or by adding to the national debt not for capital outlays but for deficits in curred on current account one cannot but con elude that the outlook for any further worth while reduction of taxation in the forseeable future is to say the least rather dim coc3lfoy5yotfc30tdl recollections ol acton foibyollqopi hack un iwo tut n from i lmur of tit r imt thursday april 2t iihm i t oiiiii illor f red s n r ham pur luttmd tru whiteside pluo fruit mr ti cumilmil if llulllnarad for 14 100 anitrctlnu u mi w it aru in i it r in tuuya jloli i tn wiikly wii bill of iht tau- m iib la atmut 11300 ttir an art qluvr wtrk 1 ad- vt rutin tm u it or iwi ivt ffluvr makers word tin twin reriiid frvni lti imj who winl to saull sir maru last wrrk folliiwma ihr jlrirrtmon atrikr that tht y havt- rer ivrd fiod jolta at 1 0 per day at m ting ot ihi tatim ra in tf town liall on monday morning af i tt r 1m inn ut nearly two wk- a n solution giving every man ihr iii fly to do at h dxrmd u h tm t u o n turning to wurk ua airlil pod from that hour th ktriki m vutually off at bimiiml no- ling of ihi muti lul oiuk il utu t hearing the djiiriion of thi lon aolicitor ii wu tklii to wklri mill strut at tru imjint v hi rt tin rw w hlot k la to t rnrlid a hy luw will follow ar- ruinnn to w lrl n tht alreet upon thr line of aurvt y from john tn mulo mrttu arlion will probably im taki n with individual prnper- to h uu pn aent buildlngr mu im rt moved or new building art on ti rnplutd mr r rut m in anton it ft vrutt r iji rnomlni foi toronto tn take h hitiuttion in the t infrlr u nrka of hi united klertrlr n back in 1930 ttil pi from thr fiiur of fir ere fn f thurfttov april 24th jtto tti m iwriiirn of tht uttk ttul out litht long a fltm k of ulxiut him uill g m- lisi nlltl i ortrutiin pond this inornmi nrxl furriu ti ruthi r u j rt t t mghl at it tm r pit m nttllvi ihmiiiv if tttost iiitt rt sle in tiisttiull in atlon thi offict r of th itkiil rluti wt rt i lit d us fulltuk ivtsidtnt i m miponild stntrv tn jv urt r ii cht w kxtuilivi commit i r milntosh irishman ittilu ml n h cunt n mjinnci r i v w pionn w t ii pn part d pi in mudt b two prison rt to t sciijn from iln ton counu jil jt milttn on moi d i win dist ot rt d h convl lit nokmiin th trutl tiilanrt sht t of arte n lldrt for tht rur un ncrlxi d from tht trn innal dt partmrnt it shouid a net profit of wft30 sh on tht op rtitmnt of the local plant no its sai t in toronto on rnd ao nl ib 1110 tn mr and mrs v 1 stlt u son i tit i it s hne tnt n in um for ii tou t one l unci red n r lphad optometrist ejtm examined scientifically iixajuno aid rattcaukft quick repairs to lawea uinecuuni field ilajtaea etc u ki oart ha phone im guelph bit u taan editorial notes the trout fishing season opens on saturday and surely the weather will be a bit warmer- for the sake of the fishermen just a couple more days tofile income tax returns for the year and it seems as if that s one set of regulations that can really be enforced effectively lawyers should use simpler language when questioning witnesses says mr justice i c rand ays the windsor star if he can make that one stick hell have created another rand formula even greater than the first there are lawyers who can put their questions tn a few direct and simple words but they are in the minority with too rhany the temptation is to pour out a torrent of tumbled clauses and expect the witness to make something of them syw guanusimd bgrlou mothproof proimtioa for oauna m 44 cants only 0 emu par yoart coopers drug store pboi 87 atlon berlou salada tea bags are handy for afternoon tea saiada tea badb stowato juice 32e heinz spaghetti lc habitant pea soup r 9e tomato soup 2s19e red kidney beamv globe choice dessert pears i 25c kel apple juice 21e n aylmer marmalade j sic caruti pantry cookies vi xjc laingsmarshm allows 21c rowar peanut butter as 27c u 37c lynn valley 00lden cream corn 3 25c niblets corn 17e greenglant wax beans x xoc v tomato juice ille diced beets or carrots 3il 25c heinz yuvon foods 3 25c new lines strained peas ud bacon junior vegetables with fish theres no advance in price on carrolls dandee tea ra 38c ss 75c domestic shortening hi 3ic nucoa margarine 35c aunt jemima cake mixes rk 35c melarena pancake syrup 3lc white honey u 19c 37c romar coffee valb bao a12ctt b 83c pep dog food loc rommiller dog biscuits 16c no rub aerowax rv s9c tv 69c j a vex ise v x4c 47c tomatoes 2 25c allouette brand ctlifemlt lirge whit potatoes california nivel 288t oranges dozen size 96i grapefruit largs siia celery hearts bundla 3250 39c 329c 19c fresh daiivleaf lahuca radltha muihraemi plnaapplai salads spinach banana business directory ukdical d w g c krnney ibybmaji aaj hursmui suir lu lr j a mcnivmij umr in hymon hlotji mill bl acton fn lkmi 11 tlmuwlu liunb w- itwu iu d u a gabrut llilaji aa4 hurg rntr of willow ftnd hlvrr si ijiusikv iuvr strt niiisi oftlaho ihun ni dkntai db a j buchanan p hurgtva oruxuluuai illuck u1u si offua htmiri 0 am to pja xiiav tclrjhone lt db giobgc a sibrs lalaj hufgtaa mill ht lomrr rrorlck actoak offla lluur 9 00 am to j0 paa tcijumione 19 ixual i tiaihebland ac tun haiiulr halulur nxut lltal tflna 11 phaaaa bu4i 11 lever hoskin cuutttf aaoaluilajiu huccauor to jrnkinh iiabdy 1303 mrtrupolltan hid 44 virion m toronto elf lil vrrrjunary u d young ovsc c i young d m rlrrtnar hurganm offitr ilrimtkvlllr ontario ih mlitonl4flr4 i g oakfs vs ii v sc atrrlnary hurgral fu iixl itrftkl ncr knox a arlon ihona iso mihctjjjtnrmuh imt victor f bumiey funtral home runrrmj llnma llralad ambulaaaa- 1hont 30 night or day s rwlrib ihr community for 4 yrara willoughby earm 1 agency i lirki hi 4 old ht aurnry in canada l llruil uflici ktt 11j toronto cji orj tow n- he prricntatlva tom llawaaa ikolu- ironrlaini i11w wright beal estate and insurance f u wmciit n n wiuoirr 20 wilbur sl u york ltd acton onl gualph onl 1konc m ihoni 14du i ajuatora baaltara mrmbt r appralaal imtltuta ot i canada mimbrri gurlph 1 ulitrlct raal i eitate floard mrmtxri gurlph 4t uutrlct tnau- i rancc agrnu association travellers guide cray coacm lines cviac1ien ieave acton rthuod aasaam iu im 114 am 2 oh pm 443 pm 633 p nv o p m bio mpm uralhausul 10 42 am uu pm 2 37 pm 7 p m 9 j p m f l m u iiil iiu sunday and holl- di t saturday sunday and holl- da railways canadian national ifjut bound ini fi u a m dil ounpt suv n v am 710 im sunday 4nl h 10 i m dis t imsr at imll vcjt sun i r txia rjimnwn 6 17 n m dail fler at fjcorgf town 10 it m dally rxcfpt sunday and uon- v 1 w u m sunday and monday only 1 ib a m dally except sun day h4h am 6 50 pm 744 pm saturday onlj 216 pm sunday only 9 41 um mariiop fiver at fueph r pt saturday ana sun- day 6 36pm j s jold oplometiial 7 douglas street guelph eyes examined glasses pitted t

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