Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1950, p. 4

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pack rotm the acton free press thursday may lh 1s district news vutota i teats cortcwnlng artkitiee in coavaiiraltie ncufcy where many of our attoalcrf we laltrtaua rockwood everton the april meeting of the wct i sunday visitors with mr and urt u was held at the liome of ur f i mccutrheun rrr mr and george ballon mrs jolliffr uud mn edgar ellentun uoffat a kr topic my personal esper mr and uri kitchener head and unci- mr jolliffr led in prayer valeric jurlph spent sunday with mr ieal read an art trie the ur and mrs w head aivtr to prayer items of busin sunday visilots with mr and mr ei utrr discussed mr o peal lurvcy jestin and bobby were mr va rtxmrn at delegate to the roun mn robert mccuthcm mr t wmion may 10th in palmer harold martin and children mary 1 st intn the ru i1 fir ri u it i ift- t r finn jil- t i the fi i tt vmui pning dal f i in r irving trwti thi nt t iln hu d- u v ith tr tioul indutti v dealing v 1 1 r t r i rt f fith front spawning to u r r in oi n waters to grow and irur- for on im nrfit of local arte i oilf r film dealt with soil rotion and methods of reclaim ins farm land wild ijfr in ita natural setting whlrh wa also in trrestlng and a cartoon on cupid getting his man friday evening under thr a us plcee of thr wa of thr p hv tertan churrh mr martin bauer and iarry kitchener miai ilaitta b nham and mr charlie tjw viltrtl on saturday with mr and mrs j i urn ham mr hugh black ha taken a im i ii t riniira f r thr rnnm r mr iur11 langht t ft f t chat r miii this ii k vvhrir h tin- ih i ti n fir thr summer sunuv vimiom with mr and mr j n alton nr mi and mr robt 1 ittn ntiil diane and mr and mr alt- rt alton u ph un hunter left on m nl t lake a mtaition at felcnsim v i w nds of mr duncan kirn tiiirv rrr brftrry to hear he ha thr measles all wish him wll again tjmettouse miss helen sbclhourne and mr fred cose wfrt guest of honor at a largely attended miscellaneous fthnwrr at the hall on friday rvrn nassagaweya r h n t the annual conference of the junior farmer s asportation of ontario met last week at the oa c miss han- kennedy was th d- legal from this district a number from this district at tended the funeral of the late tho alluon last wednesday th sym pa thy of the community is extend ed to mr allison and family mus jean frank of hamilton normal school was a student teach rr in no 7 school last week the executive of the iusy bee institute met at uri wm tucks to plan the program for the year the choir of aberfoyle united church put on a variety show in ilrookvllle hall on wednesday night sponsored by the tadlea aid of nassagaweya iresbylerlan churrh the choir put on an es cellent program which was apprec itrt by those preaant the mission hand of nauugaweya prrabyterlan church met on sat urdgy at the home of mn david ifmdtrson miss lorraine cox the president presided after the dev otional period plans were made for the summer meetings iunch was served at the close of the meeting welcome to ur and mrs wm wallace they moved into the di trirt recently mr and mrs geo redman and daughter karon were guests of mrs redmans parents mr and mrs oscar laocker on sunday mr and mrs james maaaey and family of fergus were guests of mr massey s parents mr and mr tho kennedy for the week end pmmfvt with a fftlhbff a famous urituh regiment re nownrd throughout the world cel ebrate its tercentenary this month known today as the coldstream juards it is considered by the hutorlan of the itrltwh army for trs4 ur to hv a unique pedigreed tim rglm nt proud motln s m t ond to none nwrdrilmv ami zrtn dung tn prevlmis to their approaching with horticulture and farm actlvl marriage fred thanked thrlr vtth ties the tilde were in connection with flowers and flower gardens films in connection wllh farm friends for the many isseful and lovely gifts given them a short program preceded the pre hom and garden innecu showed m fllerhy as chairman vo cal solos wrre given hy ann mr lasughlln and donnle curry a ream thr damage thev do to garden pro duct also methods of dealing with such pi to control them and save gardm crops an interesting film dealt w ih wild life three utile tlruins including other species of animal life in it wild arttin mr albert gra was chairman for the nrcanon rev fred williamson was also present and spoke briefly mr flauer spoke at some length on ag nrultural lines music was also en oved in between films trombone and piano duet hv mrs bauer and martin tunrr jr selection by the mcmberi of the bauer family hand lnstriment piano and violin piano duel b mrs bauer and mrs john freeman the singing of the national anthem brought a pleasant evening to a conclusion much regret is felt in the com muntt in the sudden denth lt week in artrm of mr rnht patter on who was a former resident of frnmri on the 7th line where his son v ill ir now reside a number f r m rnrknnd and vicinity attend ed thi irn ral frtdav at knox tres panied by tvtrls harding and jean buddell readings by mrs smeth tirst and piano solos by nell ben ton following lunch karn s or chevtra provided music for danc ing we extend sympathy to the pat terann family and their mother on the sudden passing of mr robert patterson the large basket of flowers at i j me house presbyterian church on sunday were in his memory mr and mr mklllere and mr and mrs scratch motored to nlag ara on the take on sunday complaint rv township on town dump meter the sympathy c mmunltv is extended to mm n nnd mrmicr of the rirclr aft rn n rev w c i uxton con durted mrvire in ctinnectlon with comn i morition of the tmh arrhl i rrai of setting apart of the faiuiueslng council mrtinc on mondv hid nil the mrmltrn pres rnt bn1 n rge currie pre- idlng accounts pivt4d included bell t u phone 8 4 ontino hospital ij4i00 a w it nton stumps woo x t johns church on sunday oxi and pups shot or trapped 17 so relief accounts s2 is roid iccauntn 2 770 11 the clerk was instructed to write d of niagara st johns mi r to the clerk of acton re churrh here dates back to 1iw1 and condition of their dump in the the vth innlversarv was observed township alo the ctivertnil of when th h v philip a sawyer truck driving purbigc to the uiid wl rector and ten tear later when i mp thi riiamond annlversarr was eele- a by law was passed rcgulitin bratu when rt f a brooks was j tbe weight of vehicle passing ovr the rector j tbe bridge on the tenth line lot 23 coniiiulatlon to mr and mrs council adjourned to meet on jo j holmnn on tbe occasion ofljunt 5th thi r wdiiing in guclph saturday j tin i r 1 wn mm ajmc curti of hi i j vltla ny acton bu 1 i i operation are going 0x11 ah nd ir tin ill ig ut pn m nt mr albert b aid s nt nd of j ickson st mr rtivul d grav s on main st oppo- i so m i schi ation mam lr v all r s residence al- oiu arntrng public in iitl iv mnking pn par r i r bid n on uppenj th xi tv ition alread i on i 1 1 d mi ninc willi r of queen unim t uv kingston is home at pre nt mi k iiv of toronto was home for th wet kend mi ktnmth guild and friend of toronti wire up for tin week tnd som time earl saturdd morn ing mr tom fduards figired in a motor mishap on thi highw- near blue springs line which resultd in damukt to his car tin highwuv department is bus w ith rt mov ing snow fences off farm lands adjacent to highways milton clarence mcleod 37 and allen carrie is both of hamilton were sentenced to four months definite and two months indefinite in the ontario reformatory when they were convicted in milton court last wek on charge of theft of tools valued at approximately tih can adlan champion ul rt nti n mtii t mm luuig on tht 1mb di if mo n tluuouh irisp i hon of ul pit hum s c llai tc within th municipjlitv if ton will b mude smt nl lttinluii will bt ki to iivuii ttlltmtl toil i is ul pi op 1 1 tit tmd tbve must tt t u uinl prior to th tovt djtt itui thoi oiikhlv dismfe teii fm this pur np chloijnlr of inn is recomm nd t it is iffiitiv and inixpmsivt leai or other rakink from law ns should not be it ft on thi strot u anv rubbish not burned should b placinl in suitable con tamers for rtmoval bv the garbage collet tors kven if burned the ash es should be pi iced in container for removal bv the collector a kl uk ness municipal officer cton mux 1 1050 43 j a top prices for scrap we buy all kind of tcrap iron and scrap implement alto ragt bags battoriet horsehair magazines phone hamilton 32391 reverse charge- qlfi fhrmarial 3jeal a monument luilt of endur iihj rjramte of martjle symbol tc in desirjn and revcronl in purpose restmrj in surround ingt of peace and beauty tnbutu of reipect and honor to lite dead a comtant vourco of inspiration to the living oakville monument works v card or letter will bring qur service to your door largo display n stock 90 cotborne street west ospringe miss lydia mclaughlin of lhu burg sntnt a couple of flays last week w ith mr and mrs norman mckenzie mr r brown mr and mr elgin brown and gail- visited on wedne dav with relative at waterdown mr and mr jimmy hunter of guelph visited recently with messrs r and j hunter mr and mr robert wood of lock port n y spent the week end wllh their brother and family mr and mr f wood mr and mrs htlu urva and svl vert of weston w nt the weekend at their farm on the first line week end guet with mr g sunter and mis f baldlr were mr nnd mr arnold sunter gall and ixanne of niagara falls other gumti on saturday wrre mr frrett sunter art mr and mrs far m iwtn and 1vut1a f niagara fill mr finn br wn i ft n rut tntng fi r ratton alia where he lias eriiph vtirnt f r thr mmmcr months mm brown and children joe reo lining hrre in itr of i nfiwiral 1e weatht r th i at htr tins drew the usual n i tw r ft fih rmen on saturdav for the fretitg tt tint sesvn no i ii catrht are reported tmt thr otd ikh trout wn caught mi nortimii rourtvn of arton uittl on l unday with mrs w j jarkson mr and mrs auln r lhr visited ip milton on sunday ommunion service was observed at thr local church on sunday with the moderator of the prsebytery rev cunningham in charge special announcement of the change in time for services was announced for the lummi r months churrh la to te at 0 45 am and sunday school at ii am orvs taxi if you want to go fab phone 260r prompt courteous service anywhere anytime our rale are reasonable okvstwi imione260r iti quality tut counts for sale i uiel 1940 mercury ton truk good condition i uied 1947 mercury ton truck i used 1949 ford tractor lit class shape thompson motors phona 69 acton odds w ends shop odds w ends shop housecoats 5 3 a few left to go at 527 687 a c t o n save save save l tstwding spkci vlas suits don t miss these you can afford an extra suit at 1487 other reductions up to and 4 dollars siioktee c0vts a special group out they go at 1487 blouses reduced again 157 187 at 97c skirts priced to clear more reductions 287 dresses many new dresses in larger sizes at 377 9 denim jackets 157 nylon subs 51 gauge 20 denier 119 pr 3 pr 3 2s smiggies a few left 35c 3 for 1 00 gny flannel slacks 297 1 slips larger sizes 177 mill st odds w ends shop acton

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