Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1950, p. 8

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ace hoht the acton hfctt mtes thursday uay 4th 1m motua i swia usrri bra ka j aavi datas a atrta tfci ewuss without rua tas la utmdrub ho it w lis sadilwasl to portf y tuiti ffic- obituary j turkoiz ur and urt 1vu tur kosx are very happy to announce uwutor i ton hnrwrl lrl robtht patterson yj co i friend were shurkrd to lxn ith sudden death on april th o robert patterson although in hi mr patlersoa had usual fcttd wu st rr t thr nurun hum uo in day april so 1k0 mother and son just fine utknlght ur mdurt jim ale itmabt actoa are tappy to n- i year nouncs uu birth of uwix du- b about a bur bvriy joan at tt hurs- tttompton motors carg wh h honor uothsr and baby jut tin j born in calrdon township hub fr ii i ijrrt wu thr youngt and last ur vlvlng mntur ui th family of th late david and jan dikd ctlrhie at her home milton hfijhu on krtdty apiil ii ltu mary wall ida hanillum widow of thr lata kuinit urn in hrr b4u year drayk at thr corral hospital hamilton on sunday april mrd 140 krnrat ayr ulovd hut ttand of uurlrl tladys in naon ml mranulty hlvd in tua cmh vrar and dear father of tw am kin rat and john ltl of hamilton and onr sitter mlsa vila drave of hinckley iietrfsjiltr fnglanri tlinrr grandchildren inlrrmml wan on w1 april 2th la kastlawn omrlny hamilton rrotfruiw n tin aid i lease ropy in utuoxiam urllirilson in loving msnwry of a drar husband and father james s urltierton ooin haak tho passed ikv april so im7 lvtnglv rerriern bared by hit wifr and family alar arthur in loving mmory of a drar fathar wm mar arthur who nasaed away uay lh ims but stlfl the rmnty chair reminds lit of tnr far thr tmllr of onr who onr tat there over r by family aswtt ok thanksl w j surrtl wtihn to thank all thoar w hn v uited him and rvrry body who httl cards and parrels nd flowrra everything wu fully appreciated mra robert patterson and family with u thank you onr and all for cour expressions of sympathy and ivr in our rwmt lost of a loving husband and father illesl u tha tlr that binds mother day a week from sun- won t be long cm ami nation time iu until school patterson fifty two year ag br mtrrted jjgry carlisle and for forty five year they unrvi la tl vicinity of korhwtmmt and arton in 1m4 they came to arton to retire and raald in their reeldanre on young street jul two vrtn ago they jl1 thr pleaivire f niarktng with a family rtunmn their fmrn wed ding anniversary mr iattrtwtn warn an riuemed and ri tt rraident of aclin ltl fitrndlv and warm grretlng tll t mltar1 by nvany frlrndt who join in tyiiijtathv to bli iff and fan ilv in bit ulnf he at a faithful nirinlr of knot ptealivtrrun urrh and liat f r a number of year heeei a mem brr of the aeaabm it at nrrly that he mlaaed thr rrlcvs f wr ahlp in hit ehurrh tieaidea hit wife hr iravra ale anna alldon float arthur enroute home from callfnmu flliott wu bur and russell seven grandchild ren also i em in to revere hi mem orv 7he funeral wu held on friday afternoon with a private servlre at the victor ii rumley funeral home followrd by service tn knox church conducted by hi minister rev r ii armstrong if ere many fr lenda gathered in tribute to hit life interment u as made in alrlew cemetery the pallbearer were messrs geo rain norman arm ttrong sims mrtean j margrave hav thompson and f j mcoutrh rtn mrmlkrs of thr church sm mm acted a hnnnrarv ivtrm and nov r tiearers all parties avtng ilaitm against thr statr ofmargarfnsopm wai sou late of thr township of rjus ing in thr t ounty of haltoo wid ow daceased who died on or about the 15th day of deciiber 1wu are trguaatrd to filr proof ukrof with the undersigned solicitor on or be fore the lth stay of uay hao when the asarlt will be distributed among thr parties ltjslly entitled thereto having regard only to thosr claims which liave brrti filed ai aforesaid fiutauanl to sr tlon 31 haptrr jgi iho lfttt dated at acton onurlo tho 12th day of april a 1 imti lly hrr tollchor f lrathriland annie y moorv fseotrii 42 3 at urn ontario notirc to creditors u tne suiter l use eiuu l uar- fsrel kaakls hiusn uu u us tawnakls ai lueuaxf lm the aasty af hallan wtdaw deceaa- havir f l 11111 iv notice to creditor n tltr tatt f iianttl u4ihu4s kt n uu u uu ml la e ai a r last in ike awstly ai malta he ureal rarotrr deceased notk f is hi hi ii y filvi n i or mill 1 stalulr tt1 all rfili llll thr altr r v w 1ii niltill ltr i 1 tlr vlluf f atn tl ihe ounl f lullin it lirtl r llmm ill nil atxxil thr ifllti if april hv minimi t 1 liver full itailkulars ibt re t tl undersign 1 miiii f n llr ri r utor of thr lt uili and teta ntrnl of thr aaiil lerasrd tin or t- foie ihe 77th day of miv lfto and notu r is fulltiifll l vfn i ha i aftrr thr said last ment ktned datr thr salil fircutur will proceed to dutrihute the assets of the said estate amongst the persons rntllled therrtn ha ine retard only to ihe claims of which he shall then have received notice and he will not lie itahle for ihr said assets or any part thereof to any p rson of whose claim nolur is not been received at thr timr of illitrlhutlon ilatfd t ilrampton ontario this mlh dsv of april a p itao graham graham and itowyrr ilrampton ontario solicitors for tbt mild mrcolor 43 3 a earlys saiis and shvici miittin phonr t5w i v nln tim ihii i hi rl iih mii 1 h n lot in ii forln nl mi alls 1141 munin srl on ihr n w sol uili the ueathrr will be more con durivr tn fishing if it warms up u little seeding i rsthrr late this year but some warm spring days will make a quick change roads are drying up and rrn some of the rr of sewer con struction do not look so nasty mrs ii c tumi r tells us of a gimtsr ek measuring 11 x os in the gathered this week on their farm that must be close to a record dublin women a institute held a tuccesstul euchre and dance in st w arttow n tow nshlp hu last thursday nlttg prize for euchre went to mrs peggy hook and mrs stan matthews for ladles and mr duncan wahtle and mrs it i davidson playing as a gent a new cnr train st rvice for wrstbound passe n cert hat been ad ded to the acton schedule this j wrck dailv ixmpl saturday and i sunday a flr will now run through acton at 5 4b p m stand ard time i flagtnp going to gurlph kitchtticr stratford lon don and iv troit traveller should note chunges in train schedules now in r ffi ct and consult the agent the dennis4uock wedding at home of bride in ouelph white m how and cr n it ram rr nml arrant ment of v rllow daffthliln mid pale pink till p dec oratt d ihr home of mr a id mrr ttrr x ll irtlti it obituary ii w p weir fj monte cl harry william prrrkal weir rf san gabriel died saturday march 18th at hi home at 1306 so lafay- et st el monte california he wa bom february 21 18sd at camp- beluule onurio canada mr weir had conducted a jewel lery and radio butlnesa in 13 monte california for 37 years prior to hi retirement he wa a member of lexington lodge 104 a f fc a m mr weir helped build the first lx broadcasting station on the pacific coast he installed the first radio in what now i the france wlllard school tn south san gab riel enabling the student to hear the inaugural addret of calvin coolidffe in 1033 mr weir i gurvived by hi wife florence e c weir two ion h chester weir of el monte and h hugh weir of san gabriel his mother mrs nancy e weir of el monte and a granddaughter t demand tor clay tile in bathroom i not only showing a marked in crease but color pxereaeea ac cording to a national survey show a definite trend toward blue plny peach green and white in that or der krrdrnrk i- rlnrk palsle road gurlph for the wedding of their daughh r joan marlon and james ii dennis win of mr and mrs liar rv ii mils acton lb v a f niack officiated at thr aflt rnom ct remonv on salurda april 22 mrs norman mckensle plnved the wedding music and frunds tif the bridt miuri patrlcln und catharine ijnfoot sang o i r feet inc and recause givtn in marriage hy her father tht bride was lorly in white sllp- p r satin fathioned with stand up nrcklint rmbroidered in nerd xsrlr pleated peplum and ions pointed sleeves a seed pearl tiara hrld her fingertip ell and she car rit d a cascade bouquet of sveet ht art red roses mist barbara anns block as hi idesmald for hi r sitter wore a floor h ngth gown of pale pink t mbroidered swiss organdy stvled with rounded net neckline her h address was of pale pink net and hc carried a nosegai of pale vel low rosrs and narcissus mr edward mcglltowav of a- ton was beit man the club room of the ro al hot 1 w as decorated in pale pink and white for thr reception which fi 1 lowed the ceremonv gurtt iu- rrceied b the bride motnr in dove grey with large black plot tin hat black accrone and cot ige of pah pink roses she was ai-t- t d b the grotm s mother w ho chos a duk rose i mbrnidi rst iow n gmv hat black accessories iind comafic of yellow rose for a wedding trip through th catskill and poconos mountains to new york city the bride worv u na v gubardine suit and navy and white accessories guett attended the wedding from chatham heipeler gait ac ton burlington ayr rockw ood ospnnge and toronto t tiiimim i mi ord vh h njon iika mururt sdan tlhiho mm ford oinra ou radio a km rivmouth sin sw kl iimo rord or ra oujm ui oil 1011 ford ttarh 7v0 hmh lord convertible club i oum hmo ho icb 7volo 103u ford wich to ml 00 lin lnlt tistom s dan radio vvtolkn 101t ford sedan 12s0 m trucks iimo lord s tn woo miln ni w truck narnte t jitoooo iimo 1ord s ton kooo miles 120000 lwfl lord s tn hoono 100 chev rolet is ton stake m 00 1917 jord s ton woo 00 all of the alkive vthlcles are te- ing made r adv for summer drix inn your primnt car mav tc uc1 for full or part down avmi nt and the ttnlance mav im arrnnced on eatv credit terms to suit vour bud kel immitiiate dilivtrv on ford and monarch cars rord trucks and tractors dancing huttonville park every wed i sat music ily hal davis mnd hi lllghlandrra 12 viccv orchrttra admiton soc n windbrrakrrt or stark farnworth memorials mabiuimbu at modarau pmsbb cemetery lettering l bi omiia u11xpii ont w3g mgajssbs asqajsm ml wumirlb p ansssspuan iii cfifiii f mmfcuswtto 91 utluii mon tues wednes thurs mav 1sth 16th 17th 18th roxy theatre acton ovinitti ouautv sakuy roa thi rinisr im cakks hkkai pastkiks i ih in ami hit oik wllle vab4ety of miiiu mbh mi0ay 1atuk0ay special g tuttii no tarts oc i bt n bullliih o in nt in our firh mrllu nam i nil i lait ttr tliini b nod st- or yours if in- k full of ovrmhe quality bakery rnosr new acton fttasse i4r aeeeslrsl far puk ap by 1 s a work clothes wa hav a wait ahavd tmcli of clathat for tvsry day wur suilabia for yow job overulls olu or black denim 375 to 495 smocli fo match wotk trousers a stylo and quality for every ob 395 495 work shoes tn several weight and qualilie see our assortment blue denim alio suitor dungrtte 4 i nee back 395 sork for every day wear soc to vst pr sliirt in coverts chnmbrayi and auorled checks sie mi 10 18 mechanic caps stripe plain s9c to 6sc work gloves several styles 9c in the grocery dept suds 63c super suds 2 pkgj good cook switch to sswirtninvi wrwfr 35c sweet mixed pickies 16 oz jar 19c australian seeded raisins 2 pkqi 35c choice tomatoes 28 ortin 2 29c champion ca1 oc dog food 2 tilbest cake mix chocolate white spice pk9 33c peanut butter 60zj 7fezccfra acuhhzf n wti seed onion dutch sets 25c b multipliers 19c b 35c lb elliott bros pkons8 wadauvar the classified section bay sdl exduoge wanted etc 11u uridr r uiit itrvadirijf vk mil miutn xt jnwrl v ojy he 4i v 3ft wre w rot iaxi ijft rh saijc jwt gntrn st rati iroiiu on lufhway 11 ival arum a rth sajr v bos llravrr oats goxl for srd it i ilavidurft ih ilrtrll arton a kolt saij stovr stdr o rtdw artn tom saij 7 litryt its i and i frnu w ith dyriaoo lw c rtnditto 1lnnn- mr 14 rot sai r wilt ttrw il wl- t li i- wantio wantm 3 ir 4 oiu-kriung- aitlv 15 kir- pies wanteij- foil ur part jo phonr hjp auoly artort auto body rlwii ltwn- j t i itarigrtu- itrvy rir zfiftj a ni 11 will lilllmi t 11 til mill saij or ijr m ihm rial lr johnson arlon it 412 fijlt sair s lrma rnatlrtkj am mialr h mmt alton a mill sai r llml ilwmmith an radio li 1 1 1 imn tkjo apply ai ton aot illv j4jw tlt saw- hearing auj bav irrim rrnla itadlo and es-r-trt- rorgslowvv rhons 6 ilosy ittoatrs hldg oa mk saij silvir ary slroll r rrasonattlr also dav n in td rondltlrm apply mrs ilal- alien v llrork st roltsair is kk cah ra tin lualrr im w rnotor nrw rmtrtl isrillmt rondition apply lunk of nvm xolia phont u mill sai i ml plymouth coarh with hratrr phi in 6 tute lar radio ulwi asonahlr for casl apply wl mill st w acton kilt sai winr rolo rd rlt tifiild i wini rhan 1 hn rhir i roffrt- uhlt i nd imr i trihli- lalnp all in food rondition vl iuo mn itonld hlvd a ioii sa1i nw lvdrilr fn nl ind load 1 suiuhli lor flirt rr fi un ill tils rint tiat t rv will mii at ttilrv ol hi jnmntn a ton ption 2 0 rolt sair liatii hunt 4 mhimx ihtthrim n out kililxr i o hithviy j imlo w 1 f art n nurlv ull hdmlnl flrmt it a iiinii it it i a un a wan i mi winlrd hrraslmtl and ipprr if drairrd mti j uutilt pkonr 193 m iim p wantih ui lii- op ft laprini tfrirrl it it imt ritil stoiry cloy fo utd km ilwt i am i kr mill itr nt c1 w lluf farm tti rtv r failint milctuaniouf faklir n i wtvt in appl i i n lirl 1 a t n m lit riuniioi is am invis mil r iiimsflk mn hy ma ii lut i 11 ti 1 1 ft 7 p m vvrtk lav urt atr or l t o 4 wash- it hrpairts rolls itartt fomiilrlr ovrnaula eimia la1io and hlrlr orgacown phoni- am it y ihalrt hldg stwino ma minfs salra and srrvln iw pairs to all niakaa rrnirs itadio and kjrrtrtr ltiona a koky rinalrr iild rorg twn tb to if kltchjjrit upholutlit itavi your tn strf ir id lli- r- op hoi rrd ru as liittv as m rr ufutnpl and it tu um arrvlry rail hk9 alton onr vvnlt a srrvlrr a 42 as k i taiiwh i hkpaiu fuu al m mil si it rvrla rspalrsj and rrhullt uo and lawn mnwtri liarpnrl and repaired aw m rv i i krl up and dallvr4- phonr yiaw ikrkonak lolt sai y mm k ho i jo i i iim uttm010 r iii housr mlt sa os lximt jo i i hi i imm im iii likuhhi um mi r rin pn ir ror prliniuri pplv il it y i av no pi n ll i rolt sai y w ol nl iuv hut 12 x r ln th vttrtj urr rjrliir thin lohllirv iu k i ick millird itid iiiiiii n i ri tl p r m ttint j i iniivtti t iirci town lot nth hn r nn t mht salh p i hrtn1 pastor mix variihjtd rid orirnrn alf 1 fa iilino lovr svstl lovr ranry itiil low r alviki timothy llromi trw lihril iv vt i dow r scin ki ntwf it v 31 r wm kinturkv ittui iuu hvr truvs un crvi mixtun irtifid wis con sin crown hvhrid siiii corn william col sr jnd sons ltii strtftx ilh onurm phonr 1 113 him h 43 hht salir 47 plvinouth smclal tiliixr sidn 47 cwrh 3j r ord tiioh si t inch h irn rnrnplfti hum mivm ii 1 a plow 21 a smith cnckshutl plow nw itantllf m h lmir 2 section diiniond hirrov cn am siirttor smi lts 13 run him drill cheap 37 1 m 3ton trurk platform and rack rrmndilionrd motor lit c m pam 1 s tf nw hi iw trartor print to 1 wajon on st 1 mir swam motori phoni acton a j oh sai f s4 mkormirk ihirini traitor um d 1 hp wa ti rloo ciard n tractor nrw 1 ton l pm7 rord pmil truck 3 ton limfi iroid truck 13h h v dump truck 1b1i rord coup mod i c ifannal mr irmirk drrinc tract or niu ni w mantiri spri qdi r hors- or trictor drawn ot r cm lis mav v tin ial tractor ririuson and fford cultivators and trai tor discs for imrni diatt d 1 1 v m ditch r for kortl r 1 1 rnusi n tiactor c h unpnn inist hoi dij t r for lord or lircuvm tr it tor j fur tow tiitot plow ntarlv nw 1 rtiistrtd j rs v cow 1 r i st i ri d ji i s v hi lf r i ti am of w irk hursts 1 fi ft spnnt tooth cultiv alor tuarlv nw 1 hand ho 1 r usd morm cars 19v inter i national trvit k n w r i ruuson i tracttirs for imnittliatr dtlirrv applv tom hi w son phom 332w ciitrj tow n skinny mis wfmrn f to 13 lbs nrw pfj too s tonic tullru try fam- our ovtr or d hla n toll n w hiallhv riiah nrw ri t anjuuin all dni cd or lv mr free suit s it 1 it iv tr v ii nc t tl t law nt it t i m t k is from li n iv 1 hi is f 1 ii ai to on iv r 111 a th 11 ll v to k fcuii u tl s 1 us t 1 is m v1smiiv n i i 1 ii i it tl 1 v f ll 1 n sllllll 1 ilht in ikii h u tual 1 tl 11 lis ft ish 1 tl i or pot aml t ii nt us il it m s if trot taiiohm spt c79i itiu st uf mlvl motiim notick rf dihs at iartr par ir i ii f th hv law so 731 i uo vilu of at ton proid s tint lln th fir1 dav of mav nil tl fift nth dav if s pt imlmi ur uiv viar dos within th rnunit ipahtv of acton will n t b- h i mitt- 1 run al lai pi is us p nt ittinj do t r n al i ir d it ik th alm j rr- 1 li t fin of tloim j mcfr t illr 43 j a hrk afacmenje afeut u w ivh to compliment spartun t onst ruction on the t ndition i f hi road in front of th iffui although it is not pi rft 1 1 it i in glxl conditio to no im a fn sh coat of rv- 1 v have tht nrvsest model tn moffat hit trie stovts in the upartmt nt sue this popular raiitd ha again come out with th 1 it st in dtsign tnr pries on thrm small stoves is very ait mi i iv i w ith tt rmi to suit i vi rv purchase w sunt me you there but thi 1 o d l are having a daf- ftdil tia and sale ot baking on saturduv afternoon at the i v m c a j b mackenzie son e braida shoe store acton radio service guirnilnd bepaln to all make and uoddm mannlng electric phonb2m

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