Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1950, p. 1

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wht jvctoit jfrtt bftsz seveolyjliiliijte jlci 3wjssoxv ma 1 fighrhorrw nm pipwjll du contract awarded lor painting the water reservoir offk iulw rk as oeurjluri mub rw a wy4r truck the regular meeting acttm public utilities commissiam wa held on turday rvaanltig kv fc g tyler and cmmuuinrr j t war and j h mac arthur rrc ljalt a letter wii rtot ivms fnwn thr uk pc it onunn enclosing vuit claim deed this was not saliafar lary to the local rominlnuuwr and ii was order d relumed and a pro rr deed ararured secretary ukipfhir rrjmii 1r1 lhal thr waterloo isihlir punties ciunmlsaiam had accept r4 thr offer for the bill ins machlnr and also thr addreaaograph thr hilling nun hinr will not lr available for ehout one month luil luppllea werr to t fit drred f r i hear t w o nii hinr a notice of a ronsrnunn of thr aurl thr arcond week in june wai received 1 1 he ing hrld at itlgwin inn it la lor ihr purpose of discussing ralra with thr ii f it ko delegates are r peeled to attrnd from thr local commiaalon a motion waa passed authorising thr trans canada steeple jacks to taint thr water tank el prior of et provided they will do thr ot accord inj to thr advertised rondi tiona superintendent wilaon repnetret that a nrw powrr bank had been installed at thr micro plastic far tcwy also that other repair rfc was prngrraalng astlsfaetorlly superintendent lambert was in slrurted to place an ordrr for nni winters coal supply hrn it is available this summer superintendent wilson rccjucled that thr commission coosidrr thr purchase of another truck an that it would facilitate thr ol of mak ing service calls and other work for thr commission suprrintendrnt lambert reported that hrrak had been rcpain d on cameron street and a valve lntal led an that thla sect ion could be controlled without shutting off a large acctlon f the town the nun ing of the hv dranl al th foot f ibock street um dim iivh1 bul no di iion wan made on whir to pine it tint 1 1 nurh tunc n thi roadwav m 1 ud out thr 1it of artaai w n rheckrd also the account n nitm 1 to thr parlon contriiction ck for re pair tha follow tnc account w a w rd for it mt nt llvctre itrpartmrnt atton frea pi v ajax fnkinrin ltd vuv w hit ham n carai fi vlihw clara ci 4 s 11 ci liar low ni to 1 so li nr and calle cctnmic 14 m maaro tlrctric co m fw grand and to ltd 1 2 macoonald flectrir ltd pi sancamo co ltd l zf can west inhouar co ltd mb v federal wire and cahle co 7m fxpreiw and transport 15 4 waterworks itrajtrtaarnl powtr and hiit jt spnrtt uz1 1 aclon auto ivhiv so fianci llntkin and co to so cun iv av co 1 nt 40 ft j t n fireside at chutchlu church for this district the ihird in a ru of rtrendr arraikvd b the intt rdcnomina t tonal committee of ctnn and di- tnct was h id at churchill united churxh ltt siindv cvcnme mrs- lrro mcarthur pyndrnt of churchill hins people pre- uded during thr mcvun a song sericr w a ud b mr gibb minu ter at churchill with miss ethel franklin at the piano miss joce grrcr of the ppcbtonan church read the scripture and miss chris tina lamb of the united church led in prayer miss ethel franklin and mr charles landsborough of the baptist church favoured us with a piano and cornet duct mr doug daxidson vicepresi dent of the interdcnominatlonal committee outlined the plans and purposes of the committee a film entitled the payoff allowed us how alcohol affects cer tain substances and how it effects the mind of a driver lunch was served by the church ill group following the meeting th next flrealde will be sometime in june in the baptist churcfc explosion of oil tank starts fin in ilomt rt4oiov of an oil una at the rrar of a tur at the ham of ula emma culra fredrrurh street n on thursday rvalng caitfad arteral hundred dollars dama t the home and fumishlri4ts tw stow was an electric rang with an an neird ol burnrr in tome mannrr the lank eaplud rd threw oil all over the kltrhatt and t4rw dense anwik through thr home prompt action by thr fire krlgadr stupiid xx mf tw fore it hd gainod headwav ml at thr flotr and arrplng through to tru- tiaaentrtil rauard roitkldr ratile dim sge county rate up again school pupils visit rt vr th4rd ajiv ll years uvy c cuacsj ci faosiii hjji f c trjriyii 171- u7 4v liij caxssary ts- piuawur for vgir cfclratiku q o u tnjjlr fie f to c cluraa1 u rtfira tut for tr 4rfoa f iff vfm mmd eadla actow womims imstituti may meffttmo at homi o mrs hoiloway thr art a uii imlituir hr 11 lhelr regular nwrtlnj al lh rwirrt- of alia llotlowav main m lli ihr president mrm r 1 davl4m in i haif e thr mi1 rail w m wrrrd by n niorua of chlitho1 the dlttitrt annual meeting in rorgelow n w as planned for with thr member deciding on theli rtmtlcr of lit lukilmenl seiitrr r irl hoice aid to rffcctuc swaklng rart i and 2nd fhouc lmple rwnru- rrmrdlir and lmpn tard ejulp ntenl or modern medirlrtea and their uw thr lavrtte waa reported as not completed ao t o mrmbrrs were apm tinted to purchaae ihr nrm 1 aart article i the attendance curt teal was woe bv mr drvsdsle and her group mrs w denny and her grtmp ar rebtmtnslule for the june m trial meeting at thr home of mrs e i umhrrt mrs eryer and mr ivnn offered to aastsl at the child health rhntf the following day tse motto of the month dretroy not thr old landmark was taken bv mr r anderson who recorded manv rhangea in thr town since childhood da with piclure of former beautv pot and old land mark a some have been hangtcl hut not dlroved mr i ants gate an interesting tor on thr origin of the name canada and mr mraub i read a papar on canadian privilege mr a ildrrspin dc1ifalcd two readinc to flrandiootha r thr quiltini partv at ich- hburg w 1 and tifamtmi a hcuv mr fjirl ljmlert n ad the fnt f i t ru on nrna r hm v ami how li i are f i nr f t a ronti 1 w tri v- and mix limlert won ba pnt n nji v 11 hial in air thi t twi aoiiihiiiad tha sewer problems exclusive it special meeling council enonr and lntpc4or discuss cuarvup and cen slructton en swrt at a special meeting of acton council on mondav evening reeve tvler and councillors greer llar- irae rtoaxell were prcn nt and mavor maon presided adjustment had been made on thi wrr account on which pav nitnt had been withhald al th lat meeting ri ports were made bv the in poctor on the tile and id w alv thit hjd been brvkt n bv wir lonstrurtion clesnnc of nuuvard and svir- plu tarth after a w r construction wa dicued and council ureed that the contractor get thin done o that citizen could get their properties in condition again the naident engineer and inspector w ere present to get instructions on the work requiring immediate at tention council agreed to mke an al lowance of 50 for extra rock en- eounlrred on church street and the removal of this rock the quality of 15 inch ctrtfied clay tile delivered w as to be check ed to make sure it was up to the standard required it ua divided to run the sewtr line along the highwav west of acton in the strvt t ditch rather than on the easement on which the water mains are laid council decided that the building v inspector and relief officer dutl s should come under the assessors duties in the municipal office notice was received of a school for assessors on may 12th in ham- i ihon the mayor assessor and clerk were appointed to attend this meeting a school tor muni cipal officials was to be held tn milton on may itth and officials would make arrangements to at tend i utulhil a i i 1 i a t ir mm i i tf ull ii it 11 11 i u it thi i w km laaianlat uf litlw shoji waa ipaakrr lar tltr ikfttuun aa taiuim l rrtuitked to iraun ihr h44l wraar takao in gioup u v4jt ihr rrgtstry uftirr and differ nil alrpai uimrtil aaauclavrd with liar rohnlv buildirxg flarh drfiail nuiil waa r44aliml in airtail bv the ufliciala in awvr aai ihr nutit irtiglhy reairt j tltr ftivaimr aiwttaitiltre m wa let otniirffcdvd i law tr rtain1 1 1 art a rnl tale j ii nutlt a talc ttn ibv inrarttting hm- le t k iw k aauj thr ruunljr wo id have to taiar arrtk2 fi ur wr whilr hvmi i 1l r i f1 r niaxxlitulaa lla- luillxi adtlaxl thai iomt1v lor om ih i i tha il m1 1 in- wa it tli lllat rlmiateat ramiw1ttt a tt of so ldr1 ado inisliallm a lal 11 i u1l mn i mu tm and gul lltt w f txtvim aatuull repia willing alnxial irit at ho j in tor if xv1 oo charil and walai halt n rnl tha atav ragnl r in litaie a hi id wrlfarr hawulal ac walthini the ar llamrntarv plasava fnint hiwiir fr the agr1 ontim urr of council while they condiirtrd tiaining arhant anal gint tso om ihr buamat affairs of thr pecilc delirnlurr debt c tiara- 10 ls tndi lha ilimitumi of alias mar g 79 gaitnal admlniklratio t3 ann arrt manlant cxkjnty treasurer ami s rtilacrltarvrom tllvooo makm hov smith county rtiglnrer each a total of 11tj at7 av of thr pupila introditcard hlmsrlf to council staling which arhoo hr or iist fiiiuiiciul hcmrt aifvillafia n sow xvailiililc the lt fuaiu ial irmjt of thr itage of acton 1 now printed and while thr kupiily laat raupatrr may irauir a upy fium thr ubllc tlnlltira off- a actun avrd l be a village u ims thr audiur hhrt foa lat rar i of utilgur mgiilfl wr strpping liilw luwfi atatua artui wa in good fuvancial caulltkn thr tatwlurt aa liardulr waa the low in thuiy yri with niymrnli tali vaar of hh1i whuh will reduar liar ii f u 9ixu0 x oval imsx icsiad in taara anl m0 iiuaoir1 liititd a lut aif th awuig tatao at the loe of ltm o it ihld in thr itik1 n ii rol ufimattfi atfkd ii t ii a hk ulttirt an tia ii tin lr litnar land ill ii 1 11m- alhtllil italmtrl it i il u nt of wain owxl i ii h t ul1 to om lair ir k ii uih xau and high alt ttlkmit lltdio finanar ami w hti wrli miiii l rfti lalt iat year ttc tk ii fire to alrtayrr ihii n t avalaue to i himrm ll m pagrk ar- a plendid finant ial alory of thr village of actoci anal ravldr ftlla om lllllg a haplrr for lha tnwn of acton he rrprearntad warden will tarn vartsirale e preaard the council a gratitude foar the fine rrprearsitallon of pupila it ii your ofipurtunlty to lem pal flintated rrvenoe include ad minutratltan of jubilee txva wl licenses tluloo haipltal atyawinla rv registry office wooooo rents tmlo no ontario training aahoail tvwoo mlsrrllanroua 30 n making a total of g2s j is in uamenurr ethics and to are how rtoding thr deficit for it4 your rxwinlry is run the warden said a hr introduced each member of council to them tullow ing thr morning araalon ihr vohing guests retired to s paul church where lunchron wai iwrv ial ty the mountain wnm n in bill lite our ing the bine e mi program warden vanalckle imvtrt1 the king and aoloa were n n ii i d iv hill thnnpon ssi unr int nd ikunna frank s s t na agawr a i i skuce tn pert or u 717 m the a movant to tar raiaed ta i t kincil aptioved of the finance cmniittce s recommendation re garding char i tattle grant thry kaid 2 710 had brarn included in the utdgrl which would give ihe fol lowing auganiiatiort grants ivy to ihe hed criw to tte divided equal v among the five branche in tha count- canadian national initilutr for the illirwl woo sanation armv otiritawnl on poie fliel town dump kin sir lo iarli vvu saturdays gale w hlppam a burn ing piece of paper from thr town dump on thr third line east of alton acnwi thr road to ihe flrld of thr sprowl farm where it tartrd lo amoldrr in a manure flrld fan nrd hy thr wind a amall 4rt of th field wai aoon burning and thr maie alaa reached thr rail fence which ran the width of the field in tha farm building r iremen were called from arlim 1 anal water waa pumped from thr wimp on the sprowl farm tn thr nc n- of the imatuldrr ing matmit ami tha fire hnnighl until r control n ui r h itlkskk point over 1000 people lined the roadwav and halrpm turns at rattlesnake point roaduay iaat sunday to watch an exciting hill climbing contest sponsored by the british empire motor club the huge audience didnt seem to mind the clouds of dust churned up bythe midget cars as they rounded curves at breakneck speed caught by the free prett cameraman is one of the small m g roadsters as it skids around the most dangerous curve on the course below la shown bob todd of ajdershot with his sleek roadster who made the 300 ft climb in less than a minute precisely t743cconas officials of the event said the course was one of the beet and moat hazardous in this pari of the province photos by ross pearen haxtow jftuys vh high hcoftos in ttsts in avhmt twaj uf ihe blghrakt returill made by jrraary owa in canada during thr thud wrvk in april were rum- pitled in i a ton county ud by lulvin htaitdaivf mary xnd bram aivd wiia- by hans kruias and mrs tit mr uunr a kakvtiir mary wait am t- a a junior i yr old ami in ms atay trvduced litis ll of nulk aiml tit iba j fat with a lal j sit irr rartit mary is a datshter f ur knuu formrr herd hir vuji oii11 suiulaid an tmilktaiiduig im1i owaed by the llaotillan liialn i ulr hir1ria aim tat loft in 11m im d f u almatutrr a hxval cat imi a 7 jr al 1 ow in s tt hat iulmd ii om lb- atf at us and 70s lt of fal with a lal of mi rent if tlmy ihtoui fifth n in tlltvc t- will i- aa1a1 a g id mlal intlfaal i t iim- 1 a i achan jro t mlr 1 jul ivu inrial rffirrr- uiaptrr iodk tta irgotar niealing of the lhr itr haaoti i loill waa held tn tli legion iimmio on titaaalar may blh mr mara i orr thr urgent r iriialaal a onllal waliome in thr iit of lb- ruing mr m h sna ii of tluaitutg iruvlna lal organliing sreretary ur u k skuce of mlllon sid vice liridenl of ihe provincial chapter and ap proaimalrlv twanty mrmlirr of thr oukr of ikevonahlrr chapter a rrptrt waa given regarding thr tawnmr moral ion aarvlce to be hrld on june 34th by thr rrpreaentallvea on ihe committee an in vital ion on fcrlvrai to attend thr sflth an nual meeting to be held in mont leal the ireaauier iehirt was given liar julie ieniewlch and oiiuuiki inc rounli were voted iaid cant had ikii ftant to a aoupla of kick nirmlrrt fivr new mrm her wrre welcom eat into the chapter mlm ja phlne mcpbatl mr vivian smith mr stella adamon mi stella llrurialle and mr verna flean thi wav and mean committee innounced a la a and baking aale in tha niar futurt an article for the inn ii it k7 nr ml i xuittiiii vk wa to ih nnti ml handaal in t the inn meating mlsv i ndn stewntt f ivoiitt al th i it hi ring with two dilikhtrul vhii volo it mr u ir1 mriiii km in hmioroiiv i idlllr mrs i i skur itilkhluial ihr im a k a r mrs soma r niul pokr of mis saima i vim n ima1 i f fir lent inti n st in the haptrr tnd alo that sh i lif mi mn r of thi pmwn nil chipta r mr son i m gav n mit interrat ing and invinirliv talk on chiplrr work and how studv of tha itnited nations with its klmilir atm would hi lp in work with the chaptrr fjnplre studv work had a three fold purpnc nru education thr creating nf intelligent public opin ion and in get an international point of view too often we accept the onelded view of world affairs pre sented on the radio and the other side of the picture dnen not cro our minds she mentioned thut rtritim from thr beginning of th 0th centtirv has revimed her ra of ha ing the world a lirgent rndilor vo that at the preaent time she in the world lartavt da btor and the pmhli m of balancing her budget with thi budgat ecm nlmovt lm povihle the cert of upkeep of the vnitad nation ha be n crltlcirrd but in fomprlon with war and the wcan of war it i a imal price tndta d tai pav for peace mrs norm r urgad a true democratic at- tituda toward the immigrants com- inc to cinada to build a new life snd felt they would add a great dial to thr culture of the country to talk nf the united nations fall ing he questioned whether the organization or ourselves woud be to blame and urged that men and women evrrvwherr take a more intelligent intercut in affairs th affect rxery one of is mrs somers was thanked for her inspiring address bv mr oral nor ton which motion was seconded by mrs mary marks miss m z ben- nctt thanked the chapter for the invitation to the duke of devon shire chapter to hear mrs somers speak flowers were presented to mrs skuce and mrs somers and small gifts to mrs bruce and miss stew art an instrumental by miss stewait was enjoyed and the evening closed with lunch served by the group in charge 1000 attend w i convention held at 0 a f we day taisjaw kaal oalthawaag avpaauttvrs asjul puaiu4ula rr i ouo imtitulr mrmbarrt at- i a ded thr famuratad womans limtllulr uf onlarui onvenor aivrnlumi held al thr ontario agfuullujal i ullra at ulpai atat uar 4 s 1m0 thr hfajuh un v for agilt ultuir and an attlian induatilaa and itlieriahlp r1a1in wnr lm ltdrd in this ol i mita nit ltd lirlmsl u wrll ihr allriidanie ciriilldr r ably r 11 w log thr iinual rvkitlnr of i mil a n1 l m lliuak of lliaiiijt in iliraimhlp i on vert r fur ih lta1allral whrll i inttllutrl in an 1 kr i ll hr but fikftlbly i oui i ilil thtla a f 1 a u st ll ll wa our dot to lur a oil aa t thai oa r pillof if woithwhll and lhal thr ool 1 i put hlt i- axil guldr n lutliii hr rrniarhial that thr a i ne giaalrr force than atomic a in rgr and lhal waa the spirit of owl in ihe hrart tw crtivinllarti irfl ihlt willrr w ith the impreililoii thai thr irad- rt of aur wnn o inalltutr ar dawn to ai1h waiirii vllb a utile ml f ii avan in thrlr hearta he went sniilin tliro slop ibiad whrn we aaw a truck sweeping alawig thr haar line wrst on wednes day aftrrnoon a we went down no 2 highway we remembered tome ail vice glvrn u when wr first started to di iv r an automohilr dilvr always unaler thr aaaump lion that thr other fellow la a fool thank to lhal advice our car is all m one piece without a acratrh anal although a hit unnerved the ralilor la not harmed that truck went sailing through thr inter arc tion iial aa we came to it without tanv indication of moptlng and aa wr lrought our rar lo a sniveling slop hr iaaaa l w ithln a foot and la iig hid and wavad hti hand and want on down the liaae line iait- wiiril toward ilornliy w ii told that itimki travailing alonk lha im hna hav a liahit of in liatmi lo mi nl no 2 high w iv the om tcrdav wai not mi firl vi inn notrd hut it wan al finit v ih i lat i ii r n 1 nn t miv wi u lu v the nni i anil ugn with n v ntil c ull mcurr f nlh i in foinuilion if i1ina1 in the in la la m af ifi tv ll t l hsvi ron i i miuhki nlllim top hh h i nut tr th it milm through act anv mare run if von have the advant ati of a biiilv limtdrd trwik coming evrnt ii rt of lhrt erla undvi hraatiaf art rharrral i rvaall lina wiih a anaia m tlarg iluriili i the national anthemof switzer land is the same tune u god save the king and y country til of thee t a and baking sale saturday mnv 13 st joseph church hjii 3 pm aunpicii soilalitv a then will tx n meeting of the acton iiwn flow ling and tnnla inb at thi cluh ilmse frid ev a runt mav ih at b p m j 44 1 floval ftirthdav t a and nik- ing sab on saturday june ird in the tcion hall 3 tn pm u- pices ijikesxle chapter ioi1f a a eurhre to le held in the trginn hall nn friday mav 12 at b 30 good i prises admission sv eva rv one welcome iadiei auxiharv acton branch 1177 a fuchre pnday may m st jos- rphs church hall his pm admis sion ssc lucky prise lunch serv ed auspices st g irards club a mimosa young people preaent for he hath great possesiuns auspices knox ladles aid town hall acton monday may is sj0 sharp admission 35c and isc a f concert and pictures across canada by members of st georges choir georgetown in llmehouse memorial hall friday may 11th 8 jo pm admission- 33c a regular meeting of the acton home and school aasooiatioa will be held on monday may ib tn the yjatfxa games room at 815 pm annual meeting and installation of offjeers parents and friends welcome

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