Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1950, p. 4

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fjuax xxa the acton ee mtss thursday kay ilub i district news varfahh iubu confrrnini activities in cobubiiniliea nriy wk miny of oar rrlrr ar lnureatcd everton ur kid un uas uiinr hock wood spent sunday w ith mr and un tkj jesun and family ur and urs w alrxander spent sumlay ui ur and uis irviu hamilton suikdj uutois willt ur and uri w llrad rrr ur and uti fred uuirir curlph surtdav visitors with ur and urm john alton were ur and tin ir mrpburn and family ur and uri 11- rt ialframan spent sunday with th uttrra pr rnu ur and ura w 11 hurton ulm katr itrrd irtuntti ttuttt last rrl raving i nl thr wintrr immitf m ith a rilr r rrar harris ton kriiuli if uiu jrnnlr tovell ar- aor r y tt hear thr is in the hospital at turlt h ah with hrr a aprrdv rrro fn ur jfrn juries laltrd ms grand itnlhtr mo hailt n i sumta who t the honr f ur and ur j m alton ur aid uti it writ arun v isiw 1 11 sund v w uh mr and urs on jr iarkri and ilrrn rockwood y uiium ii g the lr v ict- at st joijis church sujiday aflrrnijuri the conjugation wrnt u lir hirur of ir and ur k u walter in corm ration with s presentation for ur and mrs j h gibb and dauuhlrrs firu and lrona who ait- it a v in b in tr e nrar future fur thru nrw huii it- in diavuui after all urn bled rev w g iusloi ralld thr in lu order and in brlrf d sultal ir woidt prearnlrd thr ynlt w ith a th k rat h in nmn in n with the 7mh am hriuiy of thr i u 1 nat wr te dr wal irr lrkhf it i llfol an r t fwnl toltli a largr ximy it f mi tnttl lfil f r mi t lit i h mr n 1 mn gibb ex if lr r tranks fr thr gt l- v1 i irti trr ltitrral rt i1 i tt i irui ulioii diiruw on in 1 lyl in wr lb lm t r if f nt i parish halt to tr convenor conference in cualph at the oac a donation wu votad to the federsuon of agriculture and urs llarold smith wu named re presentative the hiat p q- pruxge institute is to be cottikuad by ura dan winter ulaa dorle kines was elected as press report er during the summer months the mrlirvg are lo be held in the even ing at i p m and afternoon nuet- ingi at 2 p in urs- a ur kinney i w as namrd delegate to the district i annual a ducuaalon followed on thr annual garden party whirh the institute decided lo have later in june a report on the district iirxtur meeting held recently in jurlph was given by ura george grundy the contests fur the du- triit annual are to be a cotton luuu- dress rnade by lira e fisher i date loaf to br made by m us doris riiwa one duxrn buttrr tarts to b- madr by ur w j jarkson an entry u al to be made in the ku mujioui musical number due lo thr dutrttt annual being held in ospnnge on june 7th the ii ranch it holding thr inunthly meeting al thr achool uri uay silt tin ttnlru arrrd tlrlx lu ri fi tirurnts at the t loar your eyes ocsuvf thf best coruull r m bell hum 1111 eum dancing hnttotmlle park evv wco a iat uusic lly hal davis aaa ala ulghlasuer ii irc urrhratia admiuian soc nit wlndbreakert or surkt tt tut irr n trr i vi allrr lulllr 1 limehouse i yr1 t y all prrarnl mr prmnt ohjil il drwnr thr nn n 1 w 1 i slay s m rnl tr kir t hargr at house urn mi hall n evening men first im jack kurrtiv and mnd wright uhlh tail irs prlrri urs i1c lltown and surk tlir rtunrnltli in srr i d irfrrshmrnts tlrw j mreting was hrld in the hall n thuratlay afttrnm whrn f j til rt offirtatrd al thr in stall u n of offirtrs rr ivvu m lr i sf uas gut t sjhakrr and itrv a jllcr soloixt mrs r mil irr nniuil hi r al r ai1 nt pin c n mt ul jlmns in uur m mhwnu of saturday lst mr ami mrs rrr1 or inrr ilrlrn shrlbnurnr thry will farm wtit of llillsburg thr gnrgs of llrantford v isild at miss iens on sunday another prosprclhr hrulr and groom were trndrrrd a miscrllan eous shower in thr mall on thurs dav evrnlng whrn douglas scott and flosslr coleman were thr hon oied gueata there was mustral program bv earl scott and areral friends a oca1 solo by mrs a nor ton and a few songs conducted bv 5um gubv with mrs ii norton at the piano a group of young folks put on comedy aklt with t karn a brlttt w mitchell as scroom h norton aa best man charlea jones as bridesmaid and jack nohlr as the bride a father cyril clarke act cd as thr mouatached mlnistrr mrs smrthurm par a short nddirss of pn m nlation before the rifls wrre ofwnrd douglas brirflv thankrd thnr fnrntls for the lovrlv gifts and mid that thev hoped to settle in i linrhouse later on follow ln lunch i tr dances wrir enjovrxl mr ian itangard of toronto visit ed his college friend mr ilobin ivournr last week thr goldie famtl of toronto were sundav visitors with the btturne s mrs robert patterson is staving with the a c pattersons nell denton represented ss no p and harhnra llndsav represented ss o 16 as glints of thr hilton countv council on tuesday at mil ton as convenor of the w i garden in comniiitcf mrs gisby was the chairman of a short program of niusii b mrs o mulder and neil denton through cooperation of mr thorton mr ivan glovt r gar den technician of the ontario de- formatorv was uueat speaker he had i wtalth of information on alt lines of harden work and especially j look part in thr srrv itr at si john s church is also srni1ing s daa with dr and mrs wsllrr and family and addiiased thr on ktfutlon sunday aftrrnoon t v w m i uslon roncturtetl the serviti word was rectlved last wn k if thr diath of a formi r llwkwoo1 ur mr william grav of llrurt altxrta whor slstrrs and hiothrrs llvt hre and in culph trml and irvtlainl ohio wz m urs iav and albrrt gray john in t n nl an x in 1 vi uru1 also mrs french in hvrland mrs haxr auld in gu iph and mrs a j y ihott in hockwtmxl the lair willism gray in hta kiungrr davs wnt into thr tanking tnislnras and was rriponaihe for starting a bank hrrr in itorkwood then known as thr tradrr a dank where mr frank moore carries on in his tkxits and shoe business and repairing he had been ailing for some time also spending some time in hospital then home and somewhat improved he ventured back to his office and had been home only a short time when he passed awav he was in his fctrd year mr john gray of toronto is in tou n for some time assisting hla i ok mothers i makf mom qui i n iob the dayi ihowrr filf with fajrlnt llowrn from our wtde aloftmetn cut howlbs iqiild ilanis cor5agb e t marks hon st atfcwi brother dave in the erection of hla new residence on main st miss colena camptcll who aprnt the winter in toronto with relativra returned home the early part of inst week sundav she celt hnted in r bolh hlrthdaj at her home two of hi r nicer miss minnie nickrll of toronto was home for the wrek end and mrs morris of idaho who is home on a v ilt with hrr mother fjflr nickel ikxaaion wrrr present for ospringe th unuts with whim he worka on i hair of the curjih horticultural sir irv it w arregret tabic that nntu wii not present to hear him in a draw for a bouquet of snap- drngonr mrs k san ford held the luck number and in one for a membership presented h mr thornton to the guelph horlicul tural sukh t milv san ford unn mrs e sanford was delegate to the w i conference nt the oac onthursdav and ft dav mcsdames fllorbv smtthurst drown and cor- bett attending friday am top prices forscrap we buy all kinds of scrap iron and scrap implements also rags bags batteries horsehair magazines phone hamilton 33391 reverse chars i mr dentley wilson acton and mr ruuel oordler of guelph called on mrs w j jackson on sundav mr saretta grundy of guelph spent a frw days at the home of her son and faniilv mr and mrs geo grundv mr and mrs bert craig and joan of georgetown were weekend visi tors with messrs d and j rtunter mr and mrs george dennlck and marlon of hamilton visited on sun daj with mr and mm d stewart and family mr ed carter of toronto and i mr desmond mrmaster of north erin visited on sundav with mr and mrs gordon robertson nd jimmv mr a mckinney attended the women s conference at o a c in i guelph on thursday i rev and mrs foreman mr and i mm gordon altken were in toron j to on fridnv where thev attended the funeral of mrs altken a cousin j mm stantevearm the late mrs fvan had been contralto soloist at eaton memorial church for a num ber of vears and had been guest soloist at mr and mrs altkens wedding mr and mrs wm webb and family of guelph township spent sunday nt the home of their p ents mr nnd mrs geo robertson several films were shown at the school on tuesday afternoon which were enjoved bv the pupils mr nnd mm d q robertson and brian visited sunday evening with mr and mrs henry jackson moss- bo ro mrs elmer fisher ontertalned the womens institute on wednesday afternoon w ith fourteen membors present the president mrs w j jackson presiding mrs george grundy mrs a mckinney mrs hnrolct smith nnd mrs alvln fish er were appointed to attend the demonstration come and see- kemglo the mirodo lustre rniih for kitchens bathrooms finest woodwork 3 kemtone the modern flat wall finish can be applied over wood plaster and wallpaper with brush or rollerkoater dries in one hour has no painty odour 3 enameloid the high gloss enamel of 1001 uses jf llnx clear gloss renews pro tects beautifies alt linoleum and wood surfaces 5 sherwinwilliams the twocoat system for exterior house painting may 20th syaion hardware want to buy an abattoir or a billiard rutin at or a sum mar cohan- or a clothing business or a tourist horn and snack bar or a bate try or a com plat summer retort under our cooperative listing plan we can offer you many types of businesses anywhere in ontario we can also sell your business under the same scheme see us for more particulars of our provincewide listings of businesses for sale houses for sale in acfon roclcwood guelph farms and small hold incjs on the highway and other choice locations summer cottages on lake simcoe buy now and have a permanent summer retreat building lots in choice locations in acton only a few left buy now before theyre all gone contact wright real estate and insurance appraisors realtors insurors over 10 jvars oxporlenco in agriculture building construction and rietate 3ssps f u wright 0 wilbur st aeton phone 95 n b wright sflfl york rd guelph phone u03j new omaafcs in chakgf at mfrrtmg iumehouse institute the first roeruag of thr lam- i houe w i fur the new ear was i hrld at umrltouu- umiurual hall mi slay 4th 1k0 at 7 n in- with t the new president mrs a smrlh urt ttu- installation of offlcrrs cese- rnutiy w a cuadurtrd by urs j l ulrxby a past rrsudent at ur rorirluuon all the tjrjnjrs uinrd in thr llary stewart cuart ttir ufficers werr asard u re- niain at the front jwl mrs elrrby rrad a short addreaa and pmnid urs k i uulrr with i fwl pin on behalf of thr w i urs frank lifuwn aivd urs s klikpatttcst also on brttalf of thr w i premted a cup and uuer and a buuijuet of uiapdraguft urs uulrr has bawo tlw fapallr prraidrnt for the past two yrar and cave her best at all tltnr u uillrr rrhrd in a frw well rrwiwn wjtill and um tgular order f tiumitt a was lrumrd hull 4ll ukeit by un k lut sin a what i tin d to make kir tt muilt y morr brautlfut i lr in u li lu llvr ttr ilry arul trrauirrs r- m its wirt ii sdoiitrd an j ull i n urn ati jt and bills at i iir 1- t a mmiitr rimnpuxd f mia millir mn n bl mua it lull itiitrl t arrange rtii j r thr fair also a rwii rt il i i aft r thr uaraar and t nk in rttfijum tln ltb thr i fir hiimidtee un kuksatr1rk i and mm ii 1u1i it ii rblt and mrs ilrtl ir apiktintni drlatr to thr i stnct annual in junr mr jisby as mnvrnor of com j munlly allviti and iubllc ra latioris pr idil tvrr the nut part of th inkling iavld ihsughuy who la flvr yrars old nxam the 13 id ulm ttw itiiviimn of mu titrlrat hrvatrh agricultural and canadian industry lliun knma ntks and mm ith j h fr th ir two mirmlr rrimirts mrs njil njvr thr motto mkd putilxitv lti lu surrns ami ura i fc s wrieht wav rrsmnilhlr fr the cvirn nt t ents it v i self of nnrval was guenrf j seak r jiki tld of his work itrrr atiimal ilrt- tor impressing hli km n with thi l1- that thr nuiir one puts into ellhar work or plav thr more fne gets out of it llfv airs caldrr drmhted tile cathrrlng with two solos gal war ilay and just awraryin for you mrs j itoughby accompanied on thr piano thr meeting rloae with thr kins the aortal convenors for thr day mrs frank drown and mr n i mcdonald provided the lunrh servrd by several ladles the letter box to thr hditor of the acton fnc lres r ar sir i rrad with interest our editor- nl of mav 4th mtitled dogs get i ss for tax too i wonder how many stop to think how harsh and cm 1 the bv law in force in acton requiring all docs to be tied up during the summer months really in thr town of onllla when re- ci ntt it was proposed to pass a similar bv law the question was put lo a votr of the electors and d feated bv a substantial majority proving that there were more dog lovers than dog haters in that mun- icipality would not our council be wetl advised at the next municipal election to submit to our electorate the question of the repeal of our own bv law and thus ascertain whether or not a majority of our rttlzrns desire the came to be kept in force mnnv dog probablv a majority of them would never do any harm to hardens if left loose if total re peal were not desired a satisfactory compromise might be effected by amending the bylaw so that it uttjild npplv onlv to dogs against which complaints of doing damage substantiated bv evidence had been recehrad and on the order of a magistrate tnui the tnnoeaot would not have to suffer for the gulltv in some municipalities while similar by laws have been enacted thev are not enforced as rigtdlv a is the case m acton a dog owner opts m say za- sa our tor wu ttutfcjqji wrppd os i say heist akhunri si on llost w lw prtr si rj r si ri it t t si now sim in umii tsv arid is pi ijmi sir l it in a l linn and rir w i lllk 111- mlo il ni i r lalh smtlr taffi ta mil pial lit llm fclp tt made if svltrs surdr taf f la a finr 110 drntrr yarn ll i four ffnee straight rut stlr mith non rip u aiiu and will not ride up or twist after washinx th bias rut uuiliff msure el afctilt arimrid thr l it is trtinmrd mitti tm4gtrtl ii 4trhtng kngluh jae at top and jtn it a aljiist jm stiapa atvtj genarrxts vnl it bottom ul slip tom iuavd face txotu i urnr tftotl wrapfedr gtftl tr bulk priced frtm mst tt kt jrwrrixjir ve stylm s tmsaehes ear ldifri iiavihtrslcliirfh hulk mandkrrchlrfs cotton or linen white colored or em bnudrred mother lie lie e iir lloxrd hankua special tse satin cushion covers moth er slts j wmu tad hcsivjy i f motkw uown bay la bi ro uto n n utjtcs ainationa or ruse buds wtiile pink rrd racb he rkamru uottcu1 mv8 hotuek auiln- drsigna apvrop- nal vnui tu uotutrk day lasums atliaitlr fildns aid taiiu mt ti4ul atir irierd t u iflv iw m as 1 1 i ai p lrii u l ti at nan ii i u dirm l iumik lk ii ii i u ilttx ttur i ii- v a i t il ami i rt mra1 li kit i i m 4l a ll i tmmih t ikhxiljst is sob motlltb h muj m4t 1111 u til uti fllnj ilshrs for mo lt prntl fnm tu to si ss 1 ih imtsrd rtmrtilatea for motfiir awvitrtd ihtjau- itplmiiiunt pattiis maraa i inn rbrirlra h csw sir sar iik ahin hulk rhorolatra is utiititl flavors a high jiialitv iinr m r lb tr sn mi display of bulk cand ir and rhocolalra fraah whitlraome quality at th imril pricra roxio ntationcrt quality lper smart styles is tu sue tancv mglish t hina cut calasswarr and novrlty 1iecea tigllsh ilonr china t ream and sugar ii cups and saums he to sisa isoxtd tonrrstiih popular advrrtised brands iltii tivrly wrapprd prired tiom lie 2v up to s2s wmc mhjjgan ko will b in acton to practice optometry the first and third wednesday of each month fhom 10 am to 0 pm at the residence of v t bro mill street please telepheine206w acton for appointment flowers for mothers day vat uill have an exceptionally fine as 4h inn nt of cut r low era and plants for mother s day from dales or calvert s greenhouses also nursery stock from irudhommes these producers are the i cdrrs in their field and quality is un questioned our prices on all lines you will find extremely low by comparison we suggest ordering in advance to avoid disappointment especially for cut rosea or flowers iioithe rulnth calcelanas pelagonlums hy drangeas violets pink or blue cinnerarias tuberous ilegonla geranium etc vubncstt stock a gift of nurserv stock for the flower garden will be an item that mother will enjoy and n member through the years we have a fresh ship ment arriving this week hybrid tt a or climbing rose bushes no 1 grade many varlatlea and colors ea tie shruhaplraa whit pink mauve forsyth la mock ckr ange honeysuckle etc 2 year old bushes each 4s hedge plants privet barber ry chinese elm etc 18 to ev ergreen shrubs assorted varieties and prices 34 inches each 44 grape vines dlack or red currants raspberry canes rhubarb roots strawberry plants ect hmall rotted fusts fnghsh ivy cactil begonias red jew etc each xse tta peonv roots red pink white each tie nieeding hearts each 4sv gladioli bulbs imported var- atirs se each se dos domestic gladioli bulbs as sorted dox dahlia roots special tie each domestic varieties lie each 3 for zse caana 1uy oulbs each ise pansiea bedding itoek king sue ih is cit rlowfkh ataluble matarday swirt peas pansies rose carnations stocks daffo dils tulips etc wear a flower for mothers dav boutonnieres whita red pink roses each tie another spectacular purchase 1 500 darwin tulips cut howers e na mid an xctpllonal purchast- ol this lane quantity af daruin tulips at a uamn when llautr pncc ore hlbh wc pan the saini madi lvmbli- on to ou regular 15 to 20c each- ul prtrr ii for smtr hintonscooostore t mill si ao onlarlo

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