Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1950, p. 6

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the acton free press thursday uay lllh 1m0 halton county health unit provide public services erin halton count health program in top plan health units annuel report tells of work of pest and plant for future ii ti if lihj a t liil of 7iu hilt n n dint win vatunald against niillmx some 2 oos wre prntret id aga nil dipthirla whlh i fh couplt ted immunlrutioti kuirj for whoopinj rnih ti tanus and typh old in lh five uni m rhllil health c iitu s it itt iul d b j 401 t ihi nnd sin ill fry iublu piallh ium ml m40 hmm vlls i i jm fatmhi s while ian tlat mvjm lir in id- 2 311 inspect ion i t imi and thousand of pin t ml high th stud nt umiiwri mm dual and d ntil in jh 1 i i ht in th ir schools th nihtatiliil ikiimk uikii r thi 1 idmti 41 farts pnnlid on pig i in f th tnrui il n nut f tin hilton county lit alth unit bm flv mimmarle tin ixtmsivr srrvtrtk the unit has huilt up dur ing littla mon than two nhort car but i n hricflv for w morr pages am r quired to dtll the infinltr jrnl of thi many protective and eomhitlvi undi rtaklngs of ir jas m mther unit dimtor and mo ii and hit staff of 22 busy assistants r ihurrd on a county population of 14 100 the 1m0 budget was wt on a 51 30 pi r capita basis as this 1 the manner in w hlrh the pi ov ince makes it grant ontario and wal ton i h contnhuttd half thr am mini uqtimd th lew on the count riii for h nlth services anu untcd to two third of a mill re i run from grants plus a kmr oixritmi surplus of m 407 20 pro ld d a working capital of w7 7t i 21 lat nr the nnnuil n iort re vrnu fxpi ndi tun included xalar ls tot lllnc 27 072 4s additional prof vionnl service 1840 trans- pnrlition t xp niui 7 27s 22 d- mini tittn ii 4v17 44 nnd office etpupmnt m7rts0 surplus of re- i nin i r xp ndlture amounted t hmfll mr and mrs a d dinsdale 10th lime hrin u ho op cat- a sheep ranch io uriti plays nd on wed msajt tvning of thu unk their produitiun u as uu th- air bt 930 iiii fltt tm- bu thu bsid k writing mrs dliu- ol a in the play i at a nutting of thi trusltts of trin sthol un monday evening txu- titht iv uf tin coitunualiun and iublu s hool miri all rengaied f r t in m hool i a r cunuru nclng t v ptrrnur 5 10w j t is reported ttit two erin hus- nii t mrll mgnil a p till fin which uya inuljtirf thiuughout erin township uktng it li iidflinrnt of hitch all r thi court f no 24 tiitctiw u ttu first llnr ind no 17 mil rtwtd thus tlw hlh was would ml u thioukh thr v ll luli v m flk would sign a lt ill i t ljt thili in ightxiur hung iin tl on d h an id notice re poll tax not ce is hereby given that the poll ta for 1950 it no dew and payable and all periont liable for thu ta niuit make payment at the office of the public utilities on or be f o e till ksjuy may i8th fa lue to make payment promptly rentiers the persons i ab e uji hie enaltiti provided under the by law j mtgfachif town clerk arxi treasurer n hi lio of hiltnt touni s h ilth unit is siimmd v in tor ir j m m ith r mii 1148 pi i in ir si hihl chiltln n w i tt ki n im da al chi ckups dui in 1mt a not hi r i 1 72 nouriktf nt weic i x- iiniih d thnuiuh th units d nt il tlinii whoso port it u unit is shown nt xt to this pit tun of lh will iiippi d truli r pr ii j o mi ira di uttst in rharj i ininn s oiithful tnolirs at one of the 115 child mi tlth ctntrts w tut h ittrntid i tot il ntti ndinc of j 401 in joint chishohn thicks on a n w hilton i itis n burlington the dividing of thr township of nrnin into two school alm caus ed considerable dtactiulnn at the regular meeting of the netaon town- ahlp council held on monday cra wlki r and palmer favoured giv ing thr blaw tu third reading and- forwarding the hvlaw to the kdmrion departmrnt ivputy- reei cat n thought the council should uait until thev received the lrti r from the department of ed ucation in ntfard to the payment of drlhnture if the dhulon wu mil ik urn aiipportihi bv cr ti t while nwe mtvuen thouvhi it miuht be all right to ps tt ttui lit the department of edm iti n i ttle the matter tha b lin ui left oer until word was tinned fnvn the department of kducation dr hmn graham amott a wll known nnd highl eitecmed phvsuun and authority on bird prt i rvation passed avav at st r jos i ph hospital hamilton on rndi lt constable thomas oher arrest ed arthur smith who gar hu ld- drrs as halifax earlv sundav morning constable oliver noticed a mm riding a bicvele qoith on brant street at 3 45 a nv w 1th n bundle under hit arm and ho stop ped him for questioning the parcel pro to be a mantle adlo whc it li alleged uu atoen from c home of thomna jinks trafalgar township chief constable frd ol- uer of bronuiikai hotlfied it was leanud that the bicvele had been stohn from toronto which wai lat er identified bv sgt tong of tht toronto police force gazette oakville town ratepavirs will this year rifiiu t x billi rtkoned nt 5 milli on the dollar council decreed mondav night in parsing the an nual tax bylaw with little comment incrvau in the county fate and the addition of the high nchool de bentures to thr general debenture lev v accounted largely for the threemill jump over last years 52 mill rate frank liberty 70vearold man ager of a mink farm lost his life in a fire which destroved his shar bronte saturdav night while the on the lakeshore highway west of t ius of the blaze ih not deflnltily known it ti believed liberty may havi nn smoking in bed and ac cidentally ignited the bed clothing lompt action on the part of mrs p mrlnrrn miuisaauga no i flituite saved two- earold shar on hrown daughter of mr and i mr ien brown from drowning on jwdnesdiv of last week with a voting companion david roster the little girl had wandered down tu a pond used as an emergency fire hole mrs mclaren happened to i ee the child in the deep water she w aded out and dragged the child nshorr trafalgar journal so extreme u northern ontario cold that locomotive freeze to the rails cant be rrnived without help from another engine georgetown oumil di cult d to hold a vote on mnnduv jum 10th to ask propertv tmm i if thi v w ill pant lion the building of i m w public school bob lini was t lected president of otorgitown him ball cluh at a mi ting in the uoie hixim on fii- tn a gotxt turnout at the met ting shovvid that thi re is n real interest in basi ball this vear nnd george- tow n it txected to field one of thi strongest team m rect nt cars a will known district farmer john alexander died at his home in ir giorgitoun on krida april 28th a native of glasgow scotland hi came to canada wtth his parents the late john alt xnnder nnd mary kliming in 18b9 whin he was nine months old t k l jack arnold has received his appointment as grand suuard of the grnnd chapter of canada hovil arch mavuns v f cnmp arnold wis distmt si cri tar last vnr for ht ex comp e v mac- cormitk grand superintendi nt of w uington ljistnct he has been an attive membt r of halton chap- it r for several vean and is a past 7 of the chapter ai well as hold ing the office of scribe e herald handy 1 lamp carton hydro rawpr- oktain thim today at vow hydro omcf an awriirc of 1800 ton al coal day is required to fuel canadian national railways trolsht and pal- mnccr ttram locomotive leaving the montreal terminal cecil a carr optometrist guelph 8 deuglat st tel 1091 wanted dead animals we are palng the highest prevailing- prices for dd or crippled fajrm ajilmiils horses cattle hogs telephone collect for immediate service laing cartage operating fob oobdon yocng xjbottwb ii 1 1 ol fn notice itl ii tl l iii l im n j t it h 11 t ii i li r r 1 1 1 1 i 1 ailn f i 1 l i i jii i i vs ii 1 l i 1 1 iii 1 1 imlit i 1 1 i 1 1 i h t ii r u il nl ii i t ik i h w 1 1 11 1 t 1 1 tlio 1 1 i la 1 1 1 11 1 ml 1 lltl it is ft l h ull is an 11 1 pi is li i ii 1 1 t- 1 1 1 1- i 1 1 1 ln is i mini int tit ii n1 li nsivi thi i uikiis from n t i- i ft th ml i sh n 1 1 iiiikii 1 in ol t l 1 ii 1 h tin nth im n if hum d th ml 1 1 il in i llljltl 1 11 i 11 th a i m 1 a r 1hkm m mini 1 1 o hflm fa quality tmt counts for sale 1930 durnl doadiler 19j0 model a coupe trucks 1949 mury ton pcl- 1o40 p up 1st clats condition 1947 memory plclop mod thompson motors acton otir l rtmlilor in thr mailer of thr tautr of mar card sophia utlun fair of thr tounthlp of qurlnt ouni of halton whlo rd ah h r st i on ik h of tin r tu nnst t so hi i wat ship f h stjllls in tin t ounts of llulton w id dctisid who diet on or alkut lmh f iih iiiih i hmd nn nstid to fih proof th rof with und imkixd iwili itoi on or ih lore tin tlth day of mavy ipso wht n tin ik 1 will im distrihiitd among dm partus ligill intillid thin to hnxing rij ird onlv to thos cltunis which havi immi filtd is aforisiul imisiiinl to sttion i haplt r lfl it so 11h7 oitid it at ton ont it ili i f april a i lhi ik h i solu itor h 1 anni i moom t xtottii 4j 1 ai ton onl in ith il town of cton tender for sewso treatment plant and pumping ststion si al m ti noi- us iddn to j mrttt n hi tii lrk in isun r will tu i ii ivid nt th oiriti of lh 1uhlit utihtus mi mission or it the council ch wnh is in acton ont until 7 pm monday may 15lh it50 for thi ronsttiu tton of a siurtm tn atmi nt riant and inimping st it ion plans specifications and foitn of tt ndi r nut im ohtnim ti from tht consulting miginur or cli rk j mcgcuhu on riciipt of a di posit chiqut for ix iich ti nth i nuiht im iccoinoanii d hv n bid bond or ci rtified chi que made out to the corporation of the town of acton for nn amount equal to of tin total t ndi r prict the sutcessful contractor must snpplv a in rfoi mance and mnlnti nnnrr bond for m of the nlue of thi contract iou i st or uiv l ndi i not m ci s miilv ace pt d a mason mavor town of acl n nodmhck v andhtson consult ng y niini i r flsfl rghnton av w toronto 10 ont 1 2 notice to creditors in tiif fstatf or dn1fi bowman mnn lair of the ml lagr of arlon in the t ounly of halton retired farmer defeated notice is iierehy given pur kiiant to statute that all persons having claims ugainst the estate of daniel bowman nunn late of the village of acton in the countv of halton retired farmer deceased who died on or about the lflth dav j of april htto art rt quired to di liver full particulars thereof to the undersigned solicitors for the ex ecutor of the last will and testa ment of the said dm ased on or be fore the 27th dav of ma itvw and notice is f0rthtr gi- i vent that after the mid last ment- j loned date the sud fxecutor will proceed to distribute the assets of i the said estate amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard onlv to the claims of which he nhall thin have received notice nnd hi willi not be liable for the said assets nr nnv part thi roof to inv person of j whose claim notice has not been received at the time of distribution dated at br u nip ton ontario this 2flth day of april a d 100 graham graham and bovvyer dramptan ontario solicitors for the said executor 43t3a lhii ear the intrrnationsi 1 114 r nletrj 50 yrar of continuum rcgubr daily service between montreal toronto and chicago since july lu 1900 canadas premier train the international ltmited hsj been providing something sptuil in speedy railway travel courteous service comfort and a smooth ride oer a perfect roadbed double track all he way wtth automatic block signals the international limited follows the short fast route full of scenic interest b day sleepinviting for overnight travel next time travel comfortably arrive rcfrehd on the iniernstionjil umited actvca 4tgauk4 jou- brockvillc kingston belleville port hope oshawa toronto hamilton brantford london sarnij chicago poaj svvuo maatraoj tommiio mly iuulway wuwo e ituuttblm e motom bmdi twleouom mm

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