Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1950, p. 8

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aok kioar the actofftttee press thursday may lltfa uw httt 4 births larfiu uj duu t iamj t tku mum kw krtv msunriaas m im baa aauitioaal lor 6tur cu4i k mf uaa w i itmitka atc- uakjukd marsmallcoxe on saturday uy lflo by kay j buir shir- lytttlthttof and mnr kxuilh coxe to bruce unhall son of ur and un w a mar xju1stsono at uilton imvu uoapital on wdnuy uy lhh im robert j areutronx b- lovd hifhaim of tuua ortcuja jkd brotbar ol allan and aajuo of uucob cbwim of toronto wad mr hoy ttnuwuj of loajj breach lifting tt uacnftb and son fun eral cfeapal public srvlc tt orc aniluws cfeureb on frtdaj uy 1mb at i j pjm intrmnt 8t jobol norway ownaury tor onto uotbri dy on sunday ww flower la bar honor soarul mothers day service in tba church on sunday tuaaday rln helped wonder fully in bringing along th aprtag grvwth- rodj are getting bark into condition again after tb spring breakup ratepayer may awure a ropy of the auditors report for imf by calling at the public uuuuea office better going on aewer contt ruc tion la now being encountered but tt take time to get the roads back in condition itajton county rate baa in creased this year from s8 mills in imt to 7 0 an increase of over a third for the year locl golf fans will be pleased to learn that the film par break ers will be shown at the yuca rrtday uay 11 at pjn it has been indicated that road allowance to the town from the provincial government have beet drastically cut on the eatlmataa ur and lira jany and family moved to their new home last week on ualn street the farm they purchased from mr g u hutt ketth andrews the little six- yearold son of ur and urs har old andrews of victoria avenue ran directly into the ndr of the car drhen by mr john h lriihman on willow street saturday even ing fortunately he escaped sei lous injuries always a ounnee so your husbands in the army new ur- worlrtt y theyve made him a gunner an thats what hes been ever since i married him a gunnerf gyaaajwayg fin tbisv-and- gunner do that but be nevar did do anything worth while r farnworth memorial cemetery lt1tbuno uubjh on a salute to mothers day may 14 hondrbiui mothfr m1 made a wonderful uather a xtothrr who never grows old me made her mile of the sunshine lie moulded her heart of purr gold made her nearly en anitrl anyone ever could be god made a wonderful mother and he gave that dear mother to me beaaewber mather a the erne stay set aside fee her very swa come 1st end see the uroe oertelj of gifts which vui be sure to pleu afotker acton home furnishings unkxskkved auction sale of perekeren heesee oueruaey and ualauln dairy cewa beef uuekers yorkshire sewa and chunks the undersigned have received ineteuettenefrotia john ran dell to sell by public auction at his farm lot 1 con 2 two of esquee- ing s mile weet of uilton on thufcuoay uay uth at 2 o clock the following tiorses and harness 1 dark dapple grey perchcron mere 9 yra old about 1400 lb wagon type 1 grey perchcron gelding aged about 100 lbs set of heavy double team harness almost new 2 col lars odd collars da111y cattle 2 cuemsey cows due lime of sale 2 holstetn cows due in july 1 jersey cow fresh 2 months 1 guernsey cow fresh 2 months rebred 1 holstetn cow fresh 1 month not bred 1 part guernsey and holiteln cow fresh 1 month not bred 2 hoist hi cows fresh 1 month not bred 1 holstetn cow fresh 3 months not bred 1 guernsey heifer close springer 1 guernsey cow in full now bred in september 1 red cow in full flow bred in nov 1 hlark houteln cow in full row bred in nov 1 lied cow in full flow bred in april 1 hrlndla cow in full flow rebrrd 2 hol- lrln cows milking bred in oct 1 gutrriwy cow milking bred in ic 1 jrrry tow milking brrd in ott cradr durham hull 2 y rs old fat young cattit 8 white fartd strt ri is yr old durham steer and llelfrrs 1 yr old 1 lllue llrlfer calf months old 1 durham steer 7 months old 4 heifer calves 1 veal calf hogs 1 iurr hrrd york mature sow bred may 15 i choice york mature sow due july is 1 choice york mature sow due july m 1 choice york mature sow due july 15 20 choice york chunks about 10 lbs esch tfjims cash settlement with the clerk day of sale no ileserve as the proprietor is wiling all his livestork owing to his 111 heslth 44 2b h1nducy a elliott auctioneers w itandell clerk notice ruluung permit may now b tenured at rke efflc of rke public militias ctuamutl all property owners pteate take note ihet a permit it required for all alterations additions or any new con struct ion contemplated the acton construction co sm ut for thou alterations and improvmnh no job too small or too big llw shaiil lh1 bw ksosr yo hr bn tklnklnf abut 1it phone 240 or 1s3j acton lovell bros meat market friday saturday specials ami utand istotadi ctlamerv butter 56c lb schneider nd mupu ul smol gr cshsg rolli lb vox immn bacon squarvt tb 35c bacon no i oftade frath pork srioulcli pork loin roaat ham end lb schneiders crispy crust pure r ib 43c 55c sehnalturt ronolat pknit ham ib poamoal cottao rolls ib braakfail paamaal back smoked back froth pork buht ib froih hams half or whok ib 60c 60c svc ib 7sc ib bsc ib 53c 55c lard 16c lb the classified section boy sen exchange wanted etc advertisements under this heading soc minimum per insert lan ireaih accompaoiea copy i5e minimum over 15 words xc par word ro sau for salk chev coupe black fred oawklni 30 llrock st acton a for salx ii ptfl 9 weeks old apply f j scott 1st line erin 1hune hoc k wood slrh a foit 3aue 3 piece chrome stud io auite a5 good condition mm klliott 212 afcbunald hlvd vvantk wanted eapertenced butcher auply hsndell and uorley milton ihone 143 a wanted to rent mouse or apartment by couple with 2 child ren uux 30 free press heli wanted machine opera- ton experience preferred but not estrntiai storey glove co ltd b foil saix3 piece chesterfield suite new never used reasonable ihone 234w if w skllling a fou sale custom model cmr ludlu for 1m7 or im8 dodiie or plymouth mccutcheon ihone 70 a koh saik c4l lunar with warming cloaet reiervmr good condition rtftuinamr h imtk ave after 7pm a fou kaik hearinc aid ha- terles krnlta radio and eledrlc yeorgetown ihone ics hoiy theatre uldg 34 r02sv tall trmii- tourncn includtd at irojrraiu liti t pn gram at the i cludm a ijidih r table ti nrm tour- lumrnl u hx h s i xtwctitl to g t ikjnj this njturli tttt touniumrnt is tper to all ages of mi intn rs nnd lion nn mix rn with txi uiul girl ctmuh ting mp i rattle thi iwrds 9 in mipiu r are to be nw inli d according to ii and xtsition tin the laddt r at a c r tain duti t t be announcttt large uali tournament is to folio thia oiu uith participants compet ing tn three or four different cl is ms according to agr and abllltx muih h untie and butlc is evident at th y as all clas i work oer time in pn pjiration for the circu and cimn hivplj on mav 25 and 26 nothi r m clal iul n forthi oming i iht jnmul nutting j and tth annnrtan iinn r to im t4- notice to all householders re collection of garbage th attanhon of alt houtaholdart it caltad lo tha lausoa givan balow in th bylaw for th collection of gar- bag that rulat will b tlnctly n forced and citiient must omply with th provisions 4 ib voikimn vlnll n 1 t iiioint lo mpu t ti unit wt thiug niin tb in lill pokinds and lmh in nit htl n tb linln lin imiumii tin stint and tb issssi pi o it a ti u rmirud t mirvi n i s st ik s t tb ot nj tut 1 tin jfofm t tb workmn shall ctillect ill rt fust m t out for tin ni io idint it dot h not txonl hiom tb in fix t tontum i s i huiulb s or tb jumul pioptitx uiul or i arh fnnul and piuuiin ui b r tbit iih lontiint oi tiundb itxs not vsih in imiss ot ift hundt ami providing f ui tlu r thnt tbi total refust so m t ml dtm not utikh nioit than a total of luo hundred pmindn pt t tss smd prt nuti s or fmuh mil pro iding further that it is in ironr containers oi nciirtl tit d for handling antl the hundl i s not nttl fom let t in it mth and pn utlnk furtht r that ill tniplx larton- m tiokm down nut nuinb tied for handling j mctr 1111 irrk h id on jim 1st tb latter galh- timg will ih iddrrst1 in mr h s mokni h id of tb tniditn nation il cuumil of m c and a notabh vp ak r m ris- mada and p iris f tb v s th lat vt iukkttbll houm uagli kus f ttuittl wins forth kttts and th lvm s o r th nijt k and cold imi the h d i d hv itt b itrun with 20 ptunu out d th blacks c 24 m a t iom htl n ganr sitdtn mvorlml uas h h sortr for the vm r u ith 11 piiii in the olht r game th niiu inuk ett b dun dawkms with 14 hint coaited through the last place gold- 59 11 dick wthxts uhi th lvr- wuh 5 jhtints in the i it ginu tf the stheilule next saturda the blacks and bluti uill meet to de cide mho will earn the right to meet the 1 ague hading rod with tight points the blacks onl have to win saturday s game to ihaluni the reds in the final while the blues mut win to force n tie i d an extra game in the other game scheduled this saturday the re uill meet the colds as a matter pf formality ai the latter c ha nets are lost a junior teen town part nnd danco is planned for this saturdiv commencmir at 7 30 sadie hau kins u the feature of the program and the airls are expected to do the dating or a chance games and lunch will be presented with extra admlasioni for those without es corts t i wa hav an ancallant ulactlsn of suitabla gilh far molhar iiuauiia nlfkur rrsaa 7m sat cvrnlng fraa 7 m pjk miuam hat iumur t p friday saturday may 1213 crouched to kill toorfatg otivwifuf wopaocrou big cat hoeva mccallistoigarner prestoo foster fwuuat tf waam hut he featurette backstage follies pius sport oi millions color cartoon moiitinjvedthur m y 15161718 mi we sugcjest dressbs coats lingerie hose jewellery by coro linens footwear specials for this weekend shortl coats in all wool from 995 up childrens flowered cotton and veil dressot up to siio 6 cuurinn at 79c womans shoos cuban and high heels ona lot lo claar at 98c all salos final ladies wear ipmos i eagerly v awaited 1 motion picture in years foit saik jo u hril r pip rs stovr oottrd utid flit w i n n ao plv by saturday mi ii ullni 110 milt strtt t i- oil saik lulf ton 11m0 fold truck low null aigf a 1 condition throughout rjrks nnd htnttr applv lux 22 hiv irtss totl sale 10 year old mare in line condition good single or double price resonable a van oils mill st ihone 303 w m 3 oh salh 1 hp century hectric motor cyclr 1 single furrow urury hiding plow apply c k nellrs bkivuw farm ihone 31r2i a for saia1030 ilymoulh cut torn coupe good taint sealed beam tow prt ssure tires heftier defrosti r fan priced reasonable can be fin anced g ii dray at milton co op foh sait massey harris ii hoe seed drill with seeder 12 ft all tteel dump rake ft mower tractor hitch waon and rack 1 have no further use for these implements j a vinmitl 17 park ave ac ton a tok sau muni snort jacket beige and brown tir 3ji nearly new also a yellow nylon rvnintf drt as size 14 1 tuidminton rack t com pit- tr with rack um d onrt alxi 2 burner owl till on apply 70 main st a used smi dltlms rou sa1 t htm drills mm no 4 13 hot cikkshutt 13 hot dim- drill tnt i dlm all nrt in hmki work inn nl r all with krmi txx uid nil r li each tikt ur pick ipilrk iou i swackhnint r mism llim d r cetirgi tow n i iieu wantrd iteliable girl or woman for store work slate n- lmrrice if any apply box 21 ere wantm onr msarder wanted alio girls blur r- trinimed with rr stin xjr 3 4 years for tale aly mrs ji uhilitt phone 103 wantei com intent woman or lil for work in store apply to jvinrlte llakrry between 2 3 pm r rlday and saturday h mai r mr i i wash d tn- uaiial oft r avon iiuiirliii has oixninu for on who makes fri nda inly riu4int profitable work for tin right person write nuni fcrr for hitiiriil iiiulutu n mrs jahnlit 1 altxrt st uiloh 44 z miscffuanious iiuttonhoiing and invih- ii1ik iifmstitching by marif- in1 all week t nda or after 7pm wnk days 21m arthur st 424 washfk itkpaius rolls rurts comnlet ovarhaula krbi hullo ana klrtiic georvaiitwit phone 45 rnxy thaatre ltld sewing machines sales and service repairs to all makaa ernie radio and electric phooa 4u uoxy theatre bldg geocge- ton a- tf kitchiniii uphoistery have your chesterfield tulte re tip- holitered for b little ai im for prompt and efficient service call 10s acton one week service a 424 park concession tenders will be received by the undersigned for the privilege of selling refresh ments in acton park until monday msy n 1dv at pm the highest or any tender not necessarily ac cepted ietatli may be secured uxn application to john mcgeat hie clrk a kk sai r p 1 it 111 1 v1 mix vjirn w it d i id 1 111 til alt 1 fi utdino lov s m lov r hn kd iom i av k 111 inths illllm is i i 1 ii m dow y tn kn uckv t r in k titut kv ml 1 ivv hv i laiuii 1 mixt i r t t 1 i lorimii un llv lit id s it t on uiimwikiisi till sons 1 ih sttt js ill out i 1 h n 1 m him 1 1 1 hot si kut sai r in 1 11 si solid li n k us t i 1 s m lmin- lid uim l mm m 1 1 l iii oilitt 1 foil 1 n lit 1 t ii un di r v t nut ih 1 in immiiiii 1 li u 1 it i 11 rr thnt ikhout unw 1 1 111 1 1 fiim fukr fuwokl tn n ii ist tin 1 1 o in llmih m 1 sti 1 ml t 1 ldiw out sen lis doulil k tr k 111 kl k irdt n i ov smi l tr t thos ultsoll mm s o 11 111 st po box iim lolt salr 47 pumoulli sptiil ihluxt st dan 47 ixkiki i irli u rortl t ouh s t mihii i tun totnphl mini mivil 1 a plow 21 a siriuh t ockohutt plow n w hundl m h mt wir st t hun di tinond 11 ti ntw i r un si p irntor 0 lbs n w i hp gard n trai tor 17 g 1 t ton tnnk pi itform nnd rack r i ml it mm d motor i g m panel s ton n w ii ti tor pi u d to s 11 wii n n st mhsu m motor- ph r 11 i t hi i rhe rest of fhe jolson storv cauysu mctum ttirnfl tv plus selected shorts vc6l6r cartoon parks barrwa hale coming wedtlmrs may 2425 12 oclock high special matinee wednesday may 34th at 2 pm i t m h in th r owmr mill m rtj nor s r rikht h is s ii t i it ne in tin siw mill lniv n vs applx to w r n ait n for sa1ew 4 mtcormlck i urn ti iitur imd 1 h p u t trl i oud i tr ictttr n 1 tt n h7 rord p ui- t truck 3 ton lmrt ford ti uk imh h v imp tnik iui rorildiip n u hrn iimin t it t irs f r mmidnli d iiv f rt11 c y irmill mil r link lt r tin ti irlor r n v m m in spuidrr hi it i r ti ictut di iii h mototivrlv mum o n i t trie trki n md r rd cnlti itot tnd trutir li f r nnm ti lit riilitr ditch r fur foi d oi ft rirwon trai lor ch impmn pot holt piukir fur find or k rtmisun tractor 2 furrow tractor plow n arlv nt w 1 ft ft spring tiwith cul- trvmtor ruirlv nm hand roller ued iqn int rnntiopal truck- 1 tram work hortox apnlv tom lieu ion gt ore town phone 332w b notice hi ixxs t urd ill ki iph ii f th iiv law no 71h f f tin yill of a ion pn id ih it li lui ii th fust d i r m mil di fifti nth il is of s pt ii 1 i ui in ii il k mm hie n nun i ihn f i ton ill n t u- mlliltt 11 r n it i m iii ns i i iltiri t in t t it it i ii m 1 r i tf i tt ov t 1 it- ill i i n r sioiio i mif at un it ik dm i in f nut and i ii 1 is 11 m lomfl si 1 ij i ton tins iduttion m m i in il vimmir workinu t ii i in in t ha i nff us inrue o postim mimmtr hits met tlt irm i to stay firm from now until the imh of jul it tthuh tun- tt will adini nnli pt r ion and at th ist if s i tt mix r n follow ing v unit jm r ti n tin iwilu tit ii iff 1 1 i n ioil f r ii niindw r f vi us t fn th war wt will i limi1111 in toal it tht oi 1 iivi i 111 jjlj jt hi pi s t hi i u i t i i i nr of nut r il t tins t n iih r pr it h f n 1 it h ud lo ili p ni i ws s lt tin ih limit d d i 1 ih fir 1 fun hinu md n iv u ti i in v limn n am i 1 in j it macken7ie l sos for rent garage for rent apply a l starkmon acton a radio service cuanntrtd rcpaln to all malh and modeu manning electrkt ph0nb2m

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