Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1950, p. 1

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wht jvttxm tt rcss mvtyhh year no 46 acion ontario- thubsday may 25lh 1950 eight horn print pgtsi cnt two mains extended laterals to be inspected cmwrii malta hj u1m h saga lylaw ad cahteach caneftsirtus co tb formal signing of uvt by lays and contracts for the construct ion tad qulpmttt for the disposal plant and the pumping tuuon were the main items on the agenda wbm council met taat monday to eutftltw sewerage prohlerne council eonaldeesd the spartan construction co negligent in not sweeting proper barricodaia and lanterns an incident was brought to ike attention of the council whan on parson narrowly escaped serious injury in falling into a lat erex a resolution wu passed in n tend the wwrrifr main on r red rick si to take in the phllllpa and hawkins houses and install lamp hole rather than a regular man hole as advised hy the en in eer extensions were also passed on mill street east from the pre ant man hole to acton boulevard private laterals are not to be connected to the mln lines of sew or without having first secured a permit th cast of which includes an inspection of the lnstalattnn council felt that this would be a safeguard for the owners as well aa for the town in being sure the installations were correct because of the wet condition in the area around lindsays mill and on the engineers recornmendattons k was decided to install tranalte pipe for the trunk line between mill st at undsay s mill and the pumping station a letter regarding further u aler supplies for the town again rrceiv d consideration of council and it was decided to change the present set up so that the water from the spring will go dlrcctlv into the reservoir on top of the hill with small pump installed to pump the water from this resernlr tnte the overhead tank the engineer was authorised to cerrv through this plan on his recommendation this plan will get more out of the pres ant st stem and better handle peak demand council author red art on public utllttct to extend the 8 inch water main from wellington st at mill st e to acton nouleard regarding the maniloha flood relief fund council felt that it would be advisable for donations p be accumulated in the banks and the total amount be sent as a don ation from the cltltens snd organ taallons of acton the rotary club was also git en the privilege of having a tag dav in aid of the flood relief fund an account w tth the hannah construction co was to be placed in the hands of the solicitor ftamjui ofteuus anmoumc tttt umhms hato au ttason ahiad headed by th wsu known mikt ttmmla of hamilton tha halloa baseball offtciali announra aa pecully strong group of playing of ftrlsls hag baaa ascured for the season of itm arcording to mr tlmmls those he selected are hard ball umplras which should prove vary satisfact ory to the association some of them have been seen un local dka monds while others are not so writ known to the teams- those who will be seen in action will be mike tim mis umpire inchief harolj hanlon bill wsldon geo thump son che fisher tom bonk daw hruvh and glrn mordrn no uvion just suppose wives should go en strike said the angry wtfe go ahead dearie i have a honey of a striker breaker in mind matt killed 2jllurl sideswipestrucit carried 70 feel ratlwsad man killed two mil ton girls hurt in accident et oouhle curve on irenteealwon load one man was fatally injured and two young milton ladies injured in a car and transport collision on tiu second line just north of the que n kluabcth highway shortly aftr five o clock last thursday afternoon hrginald dutrhrr 40 hockwood died and miss tina tonellt id of milton and miss aurora marcus 19 ith 3 milton were both injured the v oiing w omrn had accepted a ridt from the highway with dutch ir who was proceeding through to milton tht v had shortly he for it ft thi lr place of employment the canadian ginrril electric co at oakville the accldi nt occurred at the s bend oppoitt thi woodland orch ard farms the heavy truck ac cording to investigating officers skidded on the slippery pavemrnt fallowing a rain storm into the path of the oncoming english make car the impact threw the car into a tree on the lawn of george atkins demolishing it completely the south bound tractor trailer wis driven by john auderklr of to ronto lla tonelll received severe cuts on the neck bruises and shock while miss marcus was badly bruis ed with minor cuts on the leg both were treated bv dr a o brem- ner who had the women removed to oakville memorial hospital dr ituxsell dingle ordered the body re moved to russell s funeral home at oakville he said an inquest would be held miss marcus returned to her home during the weckend while miss tonetli was kept at the hos pital for further treatment her sogucsn fifth nnivrr4irv lame i o ii a the fifth annivtrsary of the ac ton llranrh ladt s laiyal oi aiigr iudge was celebrated un friday last with a turkey dinner prepared by the lasdlas auxiliary of tile local legion wormhlpful mistress u ifodglns welcomed ovar w guests as sha cut the anniversary cake made in the form of an open book and symbolic of the lodge rev 1 alston congratulated the lad lea for carrying on the work of the odge and putting their bellrfs in practice tuasts were given by right wor shrpful brother brown to the lad lea loysl orange lodge responded to by most worshipful stitrr craw fotd to thr llnr v sim r marv craham responded to lv past uuliiu patgintim tonmln i lh ait ltaw h f th i 11 a i iiulni to lv woihiful mlm m fo ih1kiiii iit tiii to i tw m1 mix lirotiitttt trotn cianttt- ill f r kin and furlph wortvlupful ur hi r llunttr of aclon i x wlihitl llir ot ganluilitm biimu ami worahii ful brother llrnwn remirtl on hn tc nt trip to the grand hcsslun at in tertmininith mrnrll iwwlts mr john t wilson of acton and sister thr lug of guelph were lucky winners in the draws that were h id miss frances spears marlmtit entertained with sew ral beautiful numbers the grand senior mlstrcaa pres ented the immediate lat mistress pearl holmes with her jewel whlrh was termed the badge of service gifts were presented to worship ful mistress m hodgtns sister lock right worshipful llrother broun siati r htrlnkton and silir ualethouix of gurlph conservation plcturt n show it liy mr irn waloi of co h rouocltl out the t ning i mrs f terry hostess regular meeting of knox evening auxiliary the regular mn ting of iht knox all rt fvrnin auxiliary wa held at the home ot mrs rrnk t rrv on wednrla e nine ma 17th the presld nt mrs f and rraon opened the meeting and in troduced the conenor of thi month mrs h o mara who tintk charge of the devotional program she was asstited h miss flort nee flllott miss emma cole and mrs a mclsaac mrs h i bennie presented the study on japan with tribute to the life and work of caroline mr don aid mlst bella rnszell gave a read lng in tribute to mothers day mrs o hara supplv convenor announced the requirements for the fall bale and it is planned to make warm quilts to go in this and 10 is asked for in june at the close of the meeting delightful social time was enjoved mrs r h armstrong offered a vote of thanks to the hostess and committee 80 gallons of g s explode in bl vze bowling tennis officers elected club independent lswn haw 140 tfuj tennis club to bo indapawaunl all ofwral- ing costs to b ftm by the annual meeling of the acton jwn ltiwllng and tennis club was held friday rvrnlng in the xa glon hall with about so people alti ruling mr w j heady of reardmore and ii reviewed the history of club operations and outlined a ugiti ttd plan for thr future he frit that the club would make liet ti r mufs if it wa o kf rated bv tin lul nietnliefb r suggested trill tu ooung miihon tx rarrleil rt h in tin t in it ai hli o for ii i i ili r 1 m rutli it in kt mnn in n in lomimlllii would luindlr hi i r iiiifc linittif i ntiri iv n in il i ii i n tn n kii m r and n tin ii vin un onl it va f m tilt vi iii ii hi lb i itlllmll if nil i i ilnl rbtiki ikcv should tc i bb in riuiinluin plaving ronnitnns without undur clirf lenity il itti indlrulf d that somewhat hlghi r ni inln mhlp fits would mi i kiarv but innie uirtlrularlv aecial events to raisr funds wool ih diklrabh ii was furtlier reatid tlutl a finanre committee ti apimiint to huntlle the affairs o the rlub xi r bealty was thanked for hi rr ciitpn ht nulve rcxrt ami for hit fforta on liehalf of the club by motion it wu decided lo ac r pt the rtnponilhltlty for all rlub operalliint fes win ul and a heart v vote of lluinhi wn- rstrmlnt to beajj mnn and c o for tbrir iimrt 4nd intrrest r- offieer i lict ill for ihe vi b llow irrulrnr w m ton 1st vic l niblon 2nd vice 1ri mdi duniarrh seer larv tr ai llian ikimhng tor hilii h lltnim it ti nnm committer m i lumilmn ii otlrrl i numttee mr ii holmes i 1 inlviv mi m hvder ne dem two injured in fatal crash i was killed and o 10 vmr old girls from milbn wrre lour1 in n nv rik uml u tianhrl kuli vkijmil jut noilh of lbi gi it ii niitri ourfriu tiirrmfii diily star score high in opener oaks take first blood pupils visit buffalo i fruit belt falls zoo i trips feature attractions i thrie bus loads of puptla from j radt 7 anl b frm thr school of nassagaw a tow nhlp journev ed to buffalo n y last friday th- purtmm of the trip was tn visit the roo in buffalo and incidentally to see the beauties of the fruit hi it in bloom and the niagara rails to manv of the children it was their first visit to that district and thrv vurr thrilled with what thiv svv although very tired vv hrn thev reached home they all felt thev had had a very enjovable and profitable dav their teachers and a few of the members of the nasagawrvn school area board accompanied the pupils on the trip ivk for h rxii rn for pi kmmki snh i f nuvl k o inril i nibiriil ibr i kroup of nlii nt li n itimil lliinh i f hvhi i itockvtood itrinrh on iv uik dav a thr pn i arcommndatlon cause inconvenu rre to i the communitv the budget a pn srntetl bv thi tn amirrr wa apprmeil and adopt ed bv council for loso accounts amounting uere passed fhr pavniri ounnl adjournnl 191 tufaat suffarad by lats at hands of oakvllu club m frsf oama of wttal wss la- poctod to bt promitino saa- ow n th itv btnk lhne dav great deal pcopl of 12373 32 and th ihiiwrn young and ragrr reg wiltshire finiihed the game it wiml exactly an idel noma day for arton although apart from weak hurling and lack of tndition they vseren t far off oahv illr pace what w ontiripatnl o ltd be a llis iffind a fjii holliri fii juiti might turn it to b pi u it iirdili tir iv like rfn ithirvkiw- if wmrthmg un t don in edr the ti am ill granted fu ih bo nl f n malrs r not of the line o f nne m hhed first arker i 1 the af i lub t rained hli ankle at a t lo ripit w inahle to 1 plv ab itobinson filled in com- n piti i x it in log op iung itiv mi ndably hm riml n hand and fine r 11 e vaithir to l t the local yokels ft k v ie 022 0310- ibm 1 hiuid i i thing ixr pt b itterfh arlon 000 000 10o i 4 5 firgtrs pi nileii nv ftrt and i holm runs wallrna triple iat- vuiniirig vtvli nil inimrnt of a big teron brown milne d ubles rusty luirn dimr hire they hd post pnllndi patterson ianguay oikvitb uk toutetl to be top yarnell strikeouts bv arnell n hand stirking the r hy pierce i by snyder 2 hy mc- opu slurd i h on if thev va anted lo iuplav parade at annual school cadrt inectioii tires blow oul gasoline explodes truck destroyed stan timay drivar of toronto star truck uninjurad at ho e sea pat blanno truck acton high school cadet corps held their sixth annual inspection in acton park last monday and pre sented a fine show both in cere monial parade work and in the d s plays one hundred tudenls marched past inspecting officer col barber co lomo scots brampton under the cidet commanding officer donald davidson although the annual event wa licking citizen the enthusiam of thi studmt was not dulled whin th pn cntcd their displsv and the inspecting off in r u as prompt- ihi to sj in his n marks to the vtudt nt verv good show and knp it up thi procnm of displays included br n oun compstitlon bitwem two junior croups ant junior groups judging in the ent was don bv set major howard and major bar ber winning team in the junior competition was under the com thr ton toronto dailv star tniik wim totallv distroved it i r w n corm rs on no 7 hikh vv iv xuuirdav afti inmin w hi n it caught fir and thi 80 gallons of kav ni thai it carrunl t xplodrd th trikk and its load pf dally pajwrs blaxed the tires exploded ht n th fire reached the gas tank the liquid was sprayed over mand of c douglas and l braids th nvad and the truck turning the lam was bill somerv ille j thtm into a raging inferno gener- zions j pink d mcve and b drawl r stuff nick out a ih cut off i i and what do the acton boy do they lose thi game not by five rut by ti n not by fifteen but by j emhteen huge runs and miss their i tx st rhanc to show the popular how they re going to be knocking the opposition off this tar in the dear old haltnn county i the yamellcoachcd oaks rollec i ted fifteen hits all told from four acton pitchers that included a four master three triples and five doub les besldt wangling eleven free passes tn overhwelm our bovi id 1 yiah our side did grt a run in the s venth after yamell had retired in favour of pierce a fireball flinger but dont get the imprcs vion he was shelled out the ac tons could only glean four safeties off both oakville hurters through the context and none went for extra basis yarnell had thtm pu tiled with a fast breaking curve snd his rt in f man got into trouble onlv orm whin hi ivuid a ct upli f frt i trip il was a dav of taig jo rrs in th thri i scheduled h ague opt nerx miltin administi nd a 19 0 dt fet t uati rtli wn on thi ir own baih wick to r vume tho streak thev 11 nt rat 1d last i ar at georgt tiwn fi rgu downed the raiders to win their first game judging bv tht opener here th- ojkv ar ltung to be the team to txat m this vears hunt endowed with five pitchi rn all of which are better than mediocre they have the bext mound staff tn the league and donald 1 bases on balls off ysr- nell i off pierre 3 off snyder j off mcdonald 2 off jordan 3 off wiltshire 1 coming evrnt almtmrsiil nl um iiin iw lhr tmo un ihta hr4tmf set crtarfml k ia a ssimitskiss to aawaasmessesvis i sw scout and guide mother assoc iation will meet at the sro it hall on tuesdav may 10 at r p m the churchill ladies aie holding a pancake supper at the home of mr and mrs b leitrh on friday may 7 3ar jo pm a 41 2 grand opening acton park pav ilion saturday may 17 glen smltfe and his merrymakers dancing i verv saturday nlte b43s act n ii k school ar n tal cadet dance rt n park iav n mnn- dav mav yj rrvnak ri orch rvirvliniv wilcirne a st albans wa spring uiur and tt a sale of baking snd can- dv parish hall saturdav mav 27 1 to p m euchre l gion hall fr lav may m it t30 sharp a us pic s acton loba 1101 admission 15c lucky draw royal birthday tea ard bak- a biasing tnfarno this truck caught fire at crewsons corners and was flagged down by a passing motorist attempts oi th driver stan tuley toronto to extinguish the inferno were hopeless and ac- ton and hockwood brigades were called to assist tree press photo atmc a terrific heat driver of the truck stan tulev of toronto u as flagged down on the road when a passing motorist noticed that the top of the truck was m flames his efforts with a firv extinguisher were futile and mrs ixvck at the garage phoned the acton and the rockwood fire brigades at about s15 acton firemen encountered dif ficult in supplv ing hose wlih a steady stream of water half an aid displays hour after the alarm rang in town sgt major howard and p t in- the truck was pumping water structo d m trained the steadily from a stream nearbyvboys and the girls for the displays rockwood brigade arrived about and marching leno braids played 3 45 and applied a steady ttrewi j the general salute during the cere- oi water to the blase from a 300 monlsl and rod force played the gallon tan ca on the truck i drum coon winntrs tn the senior competition as judged bv major darton and luut dcwut were d davidson l braida d wood c douglas b bruce undt r the command of t eu ringer gradt fl cadets presented a pt drill under cadtt j zions while the other grades entertained the inspecting officer and citiiens with signalling map reading and first i addition a roster of hustling i mg sale on saturday june jrd in f net busting infield rs and out lhr legion hall 1 la s pm aus- sarn snvdr they belted from the r res lakeside chapter iodt hil in the sixth although sain was i m toj perhaps more the victim of bob- j bi bv his infit id than anything a rummage and bak rg sal else provided he had more sup- will be held m the united church port the game might have had a on saturdav may 27lh at 200 until 3 o clock auspices the young peoples come early different slant veteran jack watcrhouse couldnt field the ball to save his life 6r saturday and many runs scored as a result that gave no incentive to sam so he was relieved in the sixth by mcdonald a promising righthander mcdonald lasted three bnntngs and then oaks began tn touch his offerings too often matt tyler sent southpaw mel jordan tn to relieve but jordan couldnt and the plate end he in turn was sent to the concert musical festival num bers by students of actoo snd ne- inity schools readings and other numbers awards to public school chil by fru of iw chapter iode la acton tw halt monday may 3mb su pm admission 35c ana 15c p forrmanltoba flood reuef fund auspices tskesnde chapter iodjt

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