Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1950, p. 2

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rxabrwo the acton free mess thursday may hut 1m0 mkt artntt 5frw jjrima ffcusbj evw tfcrfr t art irt auikoria4 i cu wail pt ojim rioh latu4 m w u hi nua im iiirtat uuu m1m l aaj mv aurmm 1 1 1 1 u ka g4iu suiscbjrnoh ur u4tj t 4 iu4h u4 at vui eka i ujrhi to nawn advkbmihc at0 alltaiua uj vm u hltmt fcltjuj akkaucb wt tla ul fcl takas to au tk iftc ivm wtt fcitrtltoj to it ael awl l mifiuajm tkal 1 rbl ft l titlb it tar rtw to tar arti j jp nr to mut 9mi ia jiliiath u u writ fc tka unrtlw uu v lutsw l tka frm ka uhm hm 4ljr ufa w wr tb ftiwmiuw ui kb afc wm w rliaa umi ani to wfctoa linn tkat if w m fclii u m u 4 lu uuwr thai m m al th ml t mb wvw4lotaa w riwlii i ifca ltj tm uh to lit vtl m by nut uxtiliiiml o abloy ulu uttf uukl wj imimh omm im 11 tub csak4hm ons doi not ned to few reminded thewt day ht toronto ti tubway or tube conuioui there lonqi about ihe new ubway the streets are torn up right in the hearl of the city at toronto pull into effect plant to travel underground the tubet are the re a ton given for all downtown up heaval and untidinett toronto it ihete day very tube conic lout we ve been aware of thit but did not anttci pete thu tub ute hed tpread beyond thcon- truction ttreeti downtown we hedn t been two hour in our university avenue location lett week before we found tubet were on the hot pital program at well tijowntown a long tube from a bottle over the bed gave the meals 74 hours tervio for two days tubet can reach your stomach in tpite of all ihe gagging you can put up and like the washing solution slogan of today tube does everything yet when we finished feeding through the arm milk came on the diet end believe it or not through a tube toronto is certainty tube conscious in our own mind we cell the two young house doctors robert saun dert and hiram mccallum for their adeptness in putting tubes down people s throats but what is toronto it seems to be the as tembly line for a great territory the hospital staff are made up of folks front stratford guelph kitchener chesley and nearly every district of ontario there nre so many of the home town friends you and we know so well who make up toronto s population the solution one is fed intravenously it made m acton free plug for banter 1 the milk doesn t come from toronto herdt of cattle etc because toronto has no pastureland for cows toronto it only the aitembly line of tubet and it s a great network that maket up this ontario metropolis editorial viewpoint is confined to the things editors view ours has been rather limited in tcope this week but we hope to soon write again from the usual desk and tubet won t be a local subject confession haven t had a ciqar in over a week but we re taking alcohol twice a day on the outside of our back a may of uqui from rehind the curtain the abundant reports of threatened war in recent issues of the daily newspapers have final ly been replaced and a brighter picture has been painted by the secretary general of the united nations trygve lie who has discussed the world situation with the four leading powers suspicion of the powers seems to have been lies greatest obstacle at moscow they suspect washington and at washington they are suspi cious of moscow the secretary general reports tl at the eastern and western powers are all in te rested in peace and if this is true perhaps the door to a negotiated settlement of the cold war has not been slammed shut encouraging reports from moscow however may be abandoned if the 28th of may brings forth the promised communist march on the allied sector of berlin preparations have been made in varying degrees of seventy since the peds first announced their plans to stage a dem onstration injiall located in the allied area of occupied berlin fire hoses are to meet first attempts of demonstrators and if these are un successful in quelling the march allied forces plan to swing into action using other defense weapons which could end in anything mr lie however went to moscow armed with assurances from washington paris and london that the leaders of these three powers were ready to fake any practical steps that might result m reducing international tension if the secretary general met with the reported success in moscow the situation is on the road to repair and the promised red march on berlin may not be carried out nmh0 u let realizing that highway 35 has been a regular discussion in these columns we thought perhaps a little complimentary comment wat due on sunday we enjoyed pleasure trip over this road and looking beyond the dutt created by our own and traveller t vehicle w again noticed the beauty for which thlt road wat to famoul the scene hat changed considerably since the construction on fru highway began two or three years ago rather than hiding the green rolling fields and live beautiful view from the mountain the work hat improved and d ded to the beautiful scenery the small streams not yet dried by summer heat wound their way through the green and freshly plowed field beyond the patchwork ap pearance of this mingled grftn and brown the freshly leafing trees contrasted with the darker evergreens and nowhere have we seen more beautiful country indeed we would not hesitate to suggest that tourists who want to tee a beautiful portion of our country take highway 75 and at a lie t oral y rate enoy the small roadside waterfall utt south of speyside the bush that borders ihe road and in which we found the trtllium and other wild fowers for which the country it noted and the rolling splendour of the fertile fields that can he seen so magnificently from the mountain as the road winds highway 5 is certainly a route of springtime beauty fmpleymem increased in the ontario region the decme in the num ter of persons looking for work through nationnl employment service offices has twen quite rapid throughout the month of april agriculture and construction are providing many new obt in lite construction industry employment is exeted to continue upward to record levels some shortages of skilled construction worked particularly bricklayers it anticipated ihe primary iron and ttel industry most pulp and paper plants and ihe automobile industry are working close to capacity at the present time demand for pulp and paper product is strong in the united states and the primary iron and steel industry is expect ed to continue high level operations in order lo meet the current heavy domestic demand lor teel lets cut going 1 0 seems to e actons construction year it is at least a public construction year that s vhat brought to our mind ihe proposed swim ming pool with a good percentage of the money pledn ed or collected for the construction of this com n unity asset we re a little surprised that officials haven t been anxious to make an early start and possibly hove the pool in operation for at icat part of the summer more funds are needed however and will be needed before the swim ming pool can be completed but perhaps pco pie would consider additional donahons if some direct progress was made if the coming summer season is as hot as last year and the pool is not completed that cool re freshing swim will have to be taken in other centres such as rock wood to have children hitchhiking ind bicycling on busy highways to other places is not the safest arrangement for them it is with the children in mind that the proect was begun and all possible speed should be made in its completion as an insurance policy for them the supervision that the pool will have will greatly assist in developing a better swim ming safer acton editotlal notes you may think it and it may be perfectly true but don t tell us or the staff that they turned out a better paper while the editor was away it has an unbalancing effect to be real candid weekly newspaper publishers in the coyn ties of grey north york simcoe duffenn and muskoka met at camp borden recently and form ed the central ontario press association eight en papers in ihe district were represented suppose this should go in the card of 1 hanks column but we do appreciate the inquiry and many kindnesses that have been shown it s nice to know that in the community where a life time has been spent one still has so many fine friends the weekly newspapers were recently hon ored when a car was named the canadian statesman the first canadian built car of this series was presented to george james editor of the canadian statesman bowmanvile s weekly newspaper sewerage construction on the east end of mill street has been quite interesting this week well points were sunk and these points suck the water from the surrounding ground to a main line which leads to a street drain the well points are sunk by water pressure that is the pipe is located and the water pressure forces the ground away and allows the point to sink into the ground ctoplfotf recollections ol acton fcioi3ifotfc5olfczrioc3 back in 1900 takm from th u 0 fr- irrif 1 rtiuruiai way 24 1900 sum nliirty in tin tinli w un r tills wchfk jainci mauhrwi it bavtnf a plrndc drmand now fur hi iw n- in piotntur an ordrr fur iv wai rrcflvthf thlt week from win nip k and a unr ord r frum aulrtabula mr htatham who nprnrd up tukrr thup in watvrluu on man day tt dri utrd in gull th ui inru on u n 1 of th ovan 1 it- will iv turn to acton in day or to and uk hit father plan in th hakvrjr tturi gintial trjili lug in lit rongrrgatlttri of knm hurt tt well throughout ihr rummmihy lirtiiiu- itrv ii a mat phrtaoit it matnrd i yt lo lh cmigif gallon and tt tlir i twri whnt tht tall fn ni stralhrov fimnally pn milt i at it 1 n iilir n rtlng of the ui 1 1 ti im abvti 1 y and it fumd i wttt lh tall li f j r it r i ft at i n ii to mihv ui mind fir tin rut f hi ful nr uih ni at c alitor mil mi a t 11m mm iliovi with hiii an i 11 i111111i yi 1 ilny mr m lite tl ilililun ha m vrd hit fun lly to i mh and la n t inf utahly st til d in tin dwrlllog i mklli si allutii c hurt h on will iw slrnt ihm ltdhi at llalnhrld n w jcr mv tiiliiiftdiiy imh may thorn an hydi r aon f ihr lati jainr hydrr art 011 au d 241 ycera hkwson in choiki town on satunluy 13th may william m n waon agrd 71 y am back in 1930 f mm 1 fi ittur 11 ihr rtr lrtt 0 trmririau may jfl 1030 1 lit huii in wt r him to tw puh id thtm tiny ti kif iht ad of thi u 1 wth t f tfraiu th hull imjvn mill tx oihiod 1 suturtlny imii with all the mnlnu ci rt 11 t nit and a onl i iwtwrrn atton nnd onkvlllr lit v ii i ii in i ma th nrw nlnljttt r if kn ir shytrrl tn hunt will tx inlurttd into th hnrc lit n rvlu in thi rhurt h dili t vt nine mm i klntt till don thy re luriitl n m inlay from a nix in nth mult with nlatiwh in ng innd a n cord utli ndni itrt ird th third iinnii 1 mimic il fittlvitl f ii lit n public shotl held in st i mix chunh milt n inm y rlda tiiilnr atn cnplnnd mi pili f r lliv 1 chnlr ihfi i i- at ihi f iinlly hi mi lot ii iith lln lliillinifud on 1- n d i miiv in lino jladyi mar nnl lw ivtd dniifthtt r of pi trr and m trnrol coli 1 pollock and campbell high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water sl north galt rudilone ims make your selection of new wallpaper prom the largest stock in western ontario sm th nw tutlont pricsd is suit varyen youll find ii t chappits bookstore 13 wyndhtm si guolph angus kennedy proprietor peanut butters t7e 37c kel apple juice le pineapple juice kv sse blended vi juice ti x9c 430 orange juice 19 4se grapefruit juice llc f47e salmon 39c special fancy pink llb bluebaok red salmon 3c crc tomato juice 3- 25c ay lmif utmhtitui corn tc aylmer vb 4 peas 16e allouette tomatoes 15c romar coffee 4se 83e carmoixs teas 4 sse marmalade 25c st wniairs obamok and orapefttuit 94ok jab domestic shortening sic chocolate cake mix sse white cake mucsse pie crust mix 33e peckfrean vita wheat x9 c dessert pears 27e large prunes 24c seedless raisins 16 peaches 2 25c btjbjrokd nabob coffee46es hebnz baby food 3 sse helns cereals t libbys milk 2x7e heinx vinegars btl i4e 23e princess flakes m pko 28c cl vi 28ss oranges don 39c florida us no 1 wt grapefruit 3 cello pko tomatoes p 23c cuban 12 pineapples each 29c large i celery hearts bundle 25c fresh dailvcelery stalki cucumbert mexican ottpget iceberg lettuce leaf lettuce bubinefts directory diwcc kfnnfy hin mt nii kurrmior lo ijr j a urnlvi oftlrv la ih1 bkuk iflu artaa u i4hu iuwt 1 m ma iw or 0 a garrett hjh4u ul luiwi c ornr uf wuluw wul uivr itatruvr rlvr 8ui mtin oaurt l4m umtrtiu ob a j buchanan off lnj illorli httu st min iiouf m u ri xkav tsiefllonr iu or giorgf a sirrs ftwtj l ulll si rarnrr tnisrick aut titlw muura tee m u im tcijuiiunt iu lmjai i hatitrrlano aitim tunutrt hllnih nttary i utu ll ftu hihi iii ii vi 1 i momtin 1irtr airiieueu hurmmtn ui jrnkimh a hauiv ijo mrlropollun nu 44 victoria hl tofunti kit em vrtkmjnauv ii i young b v v c i young dv m virtrr rwrr offlir ilrkvlll onulio lhii ulllon 1m f g oakfs vs b v r rm rt iubklnr knns avft aclon phoiu im hiweljjlvconi tmt victor b rumlcy funfral home kubrj llaaw iu14 aawol i ihinr 30 night ur dar srvliif lh tmr unlllr 4s 1 wiuoughbv faoar atncy lirft tt i jldrat afrrn llr 7 in caafj i jflt- krnt iill toronto i ff 1 n ltrprrtuv tmm i um vkuum fmnrcuni ii1w wright fal fstate and insupanct f l w1ught n l wkjgiit 30 wilbur sl 231 york lid acton onl guelph onl pkone bi hum i40u ijuauri bwltwi bmhihi mi mur appraiul initituu of canada mrmlwi ourlph 4 district rraj katat board mimturi gurlph ft ixatiict iaju- ruticr afrnta aaaortatlun tiaviuirs ouiof giay coach unis tanirh ijcavr atoh daymcht saving tttt h m u m h vfl a in 1 1 21 a m 2 ftt p m li pm iu pm 3 p m blom p m ifj 17 r u2pn 2 p mj 57pm rpn 9 w p m 1u3 p m 1 12 rn sin i kju hcnat only daily rxrrpt sunday and holi day b saturday sunday and holi day railways canadian national standard timt dai wan datlv rxrrpt su- dassvftm 710 pn s undmy only ft 19 p m da s day flyf at orffvtown 6 s p m- dally flrr at forton 10 ii p m dally evcrpt sunday and moav- da lsfiim sunday and monday onlt 12 m am dailv rr pt sioh- day 8 48am evpm 7i4pm- djiu rxcpt sa and s n 1 m p m flasik p satrdii ml lm pm sundj on r d r fus to jf s jhuut optoaetrim 7 douglas street guelph eyes examined glasses pitted

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