Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1950, p. 4

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wuat tout the acton wee pttess thursday way uub uaf district news veriso item coiurala attjvithst in coatmuajue neerby whttv miy of oar bijnj ik intfrwteo campbellvilije ulsa gertrude campbell wu hoeuas to the blair v w auxiliary on wednesday evanln tht praai- dent conducted th devotional mf vice after the usual routine busi ness wu ukm car oc puns were made for tfce june tea the topic differ reltftona in india wm given by lira wuliam uahon mrs robertson read an rtirlr from the preabytertan re- cord koreans in japan this ar ticle stressed the need of churches in japan the r it rail wu answered by a vrrw with joy tn it after ting lng a hymn the meeting wy closed with pravrr by itrt roger uahon the h1ess wrvnd a delicious luru h hich was enjoyed by lh uvrn members present n ssg awey rhnet the pupils of no 7 school that wrnt on the trip to huffalo last frtds rrr ivinna mcmillan ilob caxr don uclrod and uertln davenport they were accompanied by mr paul their teacher and ur wilfrid kennedy a trustee they joined the rest of arhool puplla taarhen and truiteea at cemphell- ville where three gray coarhea took them to niagara and buffalo all report an excellent trip the com m unity wu shock ed to hear of the acident which took th life of lief inald butcher last week the svmpalhy of the community la extend to mrs butcher and familv in thrlr tad bereavemetit mr and mra wm mcouliounh attended the stiver wedding of their daughter mra wilson at aah grove lat saturday the mission band of nasaaga e a prrsb tcrtan church met on saturd in the sunday school room ixirralne cose presided ov er the meeting and also rendered a solo which waa enjoyed bv those present the roll call was answer d bv the bringing of flowers to rockwood the annual meeting of the rock v ood and e verton branc h bi ble society wai held on sunday after noon at st johns church with a good attendance following the usual service in which rev ur moor district representative ad dreaaed the congregation a bull neas meeting waa held after th arrvte mr chas ii marru prealded with mr george ii ivaren sec treas giving the report of the iiatt yr activities considerable dis cuaaion was indulged in relative to bible society work and much inter et manifested by those present at he conclusion of the meeting rv john w oliver rld with prayer the utter also taking part in the irrvicr mr and mrs iarry soinrri who have lm4n residing in lnwn since last summer have moved to scot land ont during the april meet lng of tbe united church men s club mr somers gave a vivid ac ount of hit emmrlcnre in a rr man prison camp after being shot down over the flngllsh channel in company with other airmen as well as iwing in hospital for a year tbe many friends of mr samuel r kaldenby regret his tuddrn pas sing away in guelph general llos pi la i last saturday morning in his 71st year following a brief hints j it is only recently he disposed of his grocery business to mr im ne thatcher the f unci al took place monday after rt sting at the r f mclntyre r uncrst home guelph to klnrar dine where service wss held in the i inklster funeral home and inter ment in kincardine cemetery the late mr italdenby wai predeceased hy hi wlfr and leaves two sons to mourn his hunt preston m of to ronto and lme s of ottawa while in llnckwood xtr llaldenhy made manv friends who patronized his store on main st another of our lnmmn xtr brace as making prena rations for everton mr and mra arnold wilson spent sunday with the tatters parents mr and mrs ah boles sunday visitors with mr and mrs w head were mr and mrs fred murray guelph mrs walter coutlng orangeville visited on sunday with miss kate re id mr duncan kingsbury t d me cutcheon liarvey jestln and chas fountain who are building a sum mrr cottage at coll in gw ood spent the weekend at their homss mr and mrs ted jeettn patsy and nancy visited the latter suter and family mr and mrs lloyd hunter cains villa for sunday mra duncan kingsbury sad catherine mrs harvey jestln and bobby are spending a weak at thornbury at the home of mr and mrs mac mcleod and family congratulations to mr and mra charlie bye nee barbara benhamt who were married saturday in guelph slity sis persons had flown ac roes the atlantic ocean before undbergh did it but none did it solo and most of them were in ilrtllth and german dirigibles 5 chiloten communicants st jorhs chustch sjhecial ustvicfs planned st joseph s church was filled to capacity on sunday last when five children made their first holy communion at the nine o clock mass they were prtrr oibbons dennis gibbons and jean ander son of acton and curtis dwyrr and catherine mcgralh of george town solemn communion wu ob served by the children who made their first holy communion last year the girls were attired in white d reasea and veils and the hoys wore white arm bands on their suits with a flower in the tapel the church waa decorated with spring flowers for the occasion special services will be conducted in st josephs church neat v eek when a weeka mission will be oh served in the parish conducted by the passion 1st father rev connell mckeown of baltimore maryland usa two masses each morning and evening devotions dally will ntrl the event whit h will open with high maaa on sunday thr popularity of canned torn ato juice and other tomato product has nearly doubled the volume of annual parks of these foods in the uit ten yeara kerottys demonstftations fcatuftes at may mtft gttecnock womjews inst greenock womens inaltuta held its may meeting at the home of mrs thomas hrrnaley with a large at tendance the new president mrs hemeley was in charge of the meeting delegates were appointed to at tend the district annual to be held at ospringe a vrry practical and interesting demonstration on the making at a fruit salad was given by mrs john near and mrs ralph mckeown splendid reports of the woman institute convenors conference held recently at the oac ouelph and of the address given by mrs ray mond say re ack worth lows in tematlonal president a c w w were given by mrs turner lln held and mrs mrcutrbson mrs robert allan presented mrs a mckeown with s lovely urn hrella as a token of appreciation of her service as prealdent for the past two years mrs mrkeown i i though greatly surprised gracious ly thanked the ladles for the gift a dainty lunrh which included the salad made tn the demunatra ti in was served by ths tornmltire in 4 harge put in the church for the sunday residence on guelph st oppiite aervice after the devotional per thr school nel to mr jos lod the rest of the afternoon was spent tn sewing the usual lunch brought the meeting to close limehouse a vrr good evenings entertain ment sponsored by the w 1 was provided by st george s anglican choir of georgetown here a week ago mr smcthurst prealdent of the wi welcomed the visitors and called on mr thoa wamea who was chairman for the program mr cecil davidson showed some special slides belonging to mr wm brad lev which were taken on a tour of thr dominion recent visitors include mr and mrs joa kersey and children of woodbrldge and mr and mrs bob andrews and john of georgetown with the chas jones saturday visitors at the homs of mr and mra a k thomas and mr and mrs frank day were mr and mra fred day and mr and mra geo beaumont of hamilton with miss norma barton of the british foreign office mr beau mont s grandfather was school master ot mr days grandfather in cambridge england miss barton is a slater of mra beaumont and is on her way home to iondon after 19 months service in hong kong sun da v afternoon the 1st rock wood bov scouts their leaders and the cubs a no with leaders went to guelph to join other scout troops there in a parade v the city hall square to exhibition park where they were addressed by the mayor james clare in connection with empire day celebration the guelph salvation army band headed the procession previous to mavor clares address the scouts on sundav miss eileen moggy of manltoulln j nd c repeated the scout and island with the nobles snd mere- promise dith t i a number from rock wood and mrs r b storey of toronto with vclnltv atlrnded the guelph indus- mr and mrs mills trial fair in xfcmorlal gardens lat xtr and mrs arthur patterson of w hollv w tmd california c pattersons with the a in the absence of rev fred wll liamvm of the prebvterlan church mr and mrs jam s hirkpatrick mr john a j of waterloo and rhildnn of dravton visited conducted sen fee here on sunday his prni on sunday mn hi fosti r and pauv and mr v i hurinkton of toronto mt vm hick of ltm hill and the nill her rinton l uiktvuw with xli atui mis 1 v 1 hi irinuton i h l lvutrsons mhnt sun dt with thi smiths nt waton mi km mi donald dolu v vuulin pill tlu wcknd with hi mi it i iom t uavhiko lh ni t t tlw hnim of mrs wulit rruljiv vtnini w h n 1 laiin fi mimmi i aitlviths vm ilimiiw 1 lnth miv s ithutt mrs kll rbv xlrs t t unl mrs h nortnn at tttultd uiionil nmimi of the wms l siutili lt uik th m inimes vivitid with mr and mi- vint cov near hilutmrt on sun i i 3 acton scouts repaesent local group at american jamboree canadian bov scouts hac bevn inxiud h the bov scouts of amer ica to takt part in the second nat ional r i noin scout jamboree at vakv for n pcnnv lv anls from junv 30ih to julv 7th some 40 000 us scout ulu be in attendance it is anticipated thr local scouu of the acton group art now making plans that will enable theivi- to attend this national e nt across the border the arc king scouu don david- ton rae hutt and jack david- momlnc his ministry was much appreciated bv the conjfrciratlon mr johnston has nnlv recently marvin sttwart and rob izrnduated from the unlv prsltv- at iondnn and in the fall will m east f i further mudr mr and mrs n j purpura and th ir two children of fort erie mr and mrs a fnck bv nnd children of acton mr nnd mrs h gish- carian of rrantford i a c and mrs montromt rv of gait with th ir two hildn n pel the ueek- nd with vr powrr and miss i i a lira pvirs mister douulas k llv of vineonv i r b c w ho is njh luliiik mmi tmu with his urand mothi l w iv im inj the group of visitors mrs r krllv wa here in the irlv part f ihe winter ind r turned home bv bus tht manv fri nd of mr russill part and mr herb gibbons are pi tsd to see them ible to be around since their illness durtnj the lattr part of the winter mr h rb saunders is making j considerable improvement tn front of his rimdence on lma st level ling up the ground and laving it out m t rncos j first annual circus 70 local children in tan bark extravaganza the 1st annual circus staged bv members of the acton y m c will get underway at 7 so tonight vith a repeat performance tomor- rou ntghtat the same time over 70 young troopers v 111 be featured tn the arietv program designed to notice council of the town of acton av for the ro opera tion of all citieni and organizations towards the fund for the manitoba flood pelief you are resiet fully reouete to make your doni tiou lo i he local banks and all donations will be lift tad and go forward to winmpexj a donation from the orrjarna tion and citirnj of actors all contribution are tan deductible and receipts will lie ijiued by the bankv a mason mayor 11 wlillr marlln is the smallesi tiitter of ttie marlln family a i t ful riy aurface fig hit r i rabin aucrion sale mim impiimivth n ivrrnir ir th ik 1 mltfiiil hvt unl hli to prove you cant match a frigidaire master model for 1950 mttamt mrl artv i ii hy imhll au ik n liim lil 7 on 3 twt of 1- jui aiiim mi hatiltlav jt nf s it i 3u orlock the follow lag raiim imimfnis kiblhi ilrtd raiiu w 11 m ii f dull ii dim m ll l h im i mi whh sinuh rut m itklinw i i u y in- m 11 mmr ft 2 wulkmk wn i int il w 2 s t- 1 v f r r inu miiwtiis dump itjk s i hut nw rannlnu mill tjiunlltv 1 sutilinif imitition lltiftuv 1 i hi wn utter seuffjer wirh ii iili u vim finui m v v iull imn mam ollm sw1i saw i s ta of lit um seal st t of old t t s cjuan illy f stv wi u h and ms wuantitv of mlinl mm 3 itnllt hhfing quantity nf timothy ami htl riovir seed 1u tiurk post unit augur sugar kt ttlt ipx r kettlr 2 lkin hain rorks slkivels liars elr llksthk i holittin cow due in june ii urns and 2 ituoat ers 2 oeette i dandt r and lings rljhnituhk 4 wcmmi hi aters 2 cixik stovrs ijtrgr cht st of drawtrs walnut and washstand to match jlird s i ye manle cabinet and ilookcase drop ijrmt table lsrge wardrolie small secretary poster hope bed rope spool hed twin single beds cradle 3 dressers several wash stands crib commode mantel ilattery hadin cabinet radio 2 sewing machines fire kxtlngutsher mor ris chair hound card table cro klnote hoard fl day clock oil 1amps several pine tattles no of trunks odd pictures camp stove hikkrrs store scales odd chairs some with cane bottom small tab les butter howl and iadlr old t rtvhinned butter tubs spinning u he i and winder organ old hour grinder stones brass candl- sticks 2 bags potatoes odd dishes etc tfrms cash settlement with clerk dav of sale no reserve as the farm is sold hindlev flllott auctioneers t joyce clerk b 4ft 3 solid brick bungalow five rooms gararje attached tun porch good garden ready to be worked by you soft water innde come and intpect this comfortable home paved street convenient to trams buses and iore many other dwellings in acton rock wood and quetpti you nfh pruffcaiutal assistance in selling or buying real tut ttr present inpleaity of land utihiation demands ikijlful proteduie in all pliases of real estate prartire lis part guidance and effuiml aeivlce must rrplace haphazard melhoda i tn t us with ojifidrnrr no matter how unall or how targe v ji piobltin a- well informed and highly t tamed specialists in ibii fit id lo k after your interests wright real estate and insurance appbaisobs rfaliobs insuross ovrr ii yrara ipflnra la bfrfeuhur hff intrurtlan a4 nrtl mtlu v i uritkl it wilbur st u pfcaw m v h urljul uj vrti hi q ptoaa hj ihjoy a happy houday houdavi cciae tew aad ft beiwhs doai risk apolljog ibeaa with dangeroaa wora fasjlty- tires on sura niw drive jn and well equip rimjr tar with big mileage super traction tondriiri favoodtear holiday free from lire yibeif wrriet thompson motors tso ou rr nmm foid sales 4 mivio acton public school kindergarten enrolment surname first day month year child t name date of birth parent or guardian address telephone hlldren must be yrars sf are befeee deer saber list 1m please complete this form and send to acton public school before june 10 3 z tt notice ml ratpamt of vcton plra takr notict- that it- iiil mtit iw ciinil hefuri an prhatr latral- ar intailed on our imn inmiii- connctiont to the swrao syttm mutt not bo mado untinntpoclion is complotod by tho town lntpoctor permits may be secured at the clerks office for a fee of 1 00 wherever you live whqteyer the size q your family kitchen or budget be sure to see the new fngidaire refrigerators for 1950 see the four new models 6 76 9 and 92 cu ft sizes see why your no 1 choice is the worlds no 1 refrigerator frigidaire new goldandwhlto target latch and trim new superstorage design with fulllength door on larger models new improved metermiser new shelves are adjustable and rustresistant new split shelf allows room for large bulky hems new swingdawn shelf for butter cheese small hems x new allpercelaln twin hy dratort that stack up new allpercelaln meat storage tray plcafto ouna and olcl com inl gat the facts about the new frlgldalre models for 19501 manning electric help help help help help help help help help help help t vg day this s vtl rday rotary club ladies manitoba flood relief fund help phone 530 acton ont mbiolulelu all proceed tar flood reliil arfminlitrafion cost paid bu club j help x p x 5 x 5 help help help help help help help help help help heu

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