Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1950, p. 6

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the acton fftee pft thursday wav fefcfc 10 tlir hi hon tt a coinpct plan w tilth frlui- imulatnxi brtwii ukr rultflu all rtvini opan into a unall initial hall ttw living room kiti it n and bamfftrat aie irnrtd by thr front vrubul thnr la amplr rloart spa 111 uw htimii r4 brtliuutn has twin llu ke rund tit h rate holt to i ii tilt li hki w w in hi t 1 l c a iifiimi chair is made bv this i iisi iti iu ft hi ill i kt ii ru is sng and hi h it t n lillu hi f of n j ti t iiiiv luimtuk tin mil 1 it h k1 ii h oi id ullllllh ill tl i 1 l 111 1 lls- lllll km lllis is l ik wmtl ll i tp hihhi v ii lti ifcin iliiim in fund mar tn rustle in ilank in canada tull ht hii 1 fuiul hud niail i in w nni- k you vrr ounjrer than your fatlirr accidentstheres no place like home llu jojrph lister ftullrdgr sax mi had bcii born in ancient itomr u id had r ached what could i be rail j thi full span of itn ou wi i id till hac died sometime hrtwim miur 2hh and 30th ar thi aid wrrr not a problim tn ancn itt home or athens for nl thev id age we now call outh ln all i nr thinking this ftatllina fait k ild stand out today any one f u- vk ill probably live moi than tw ki as long as thi aged of athii or rome in lf40 that is not ao loru ago man hf fijxfuncy was 63 i ar hut tixlav less than ten mar latir thr average life ex pectant ii over 68 rearm and wc are on the doorstep of vast medic al disnvrrics that may defeat the great icmatning enemies of human life and make 60 years seem only the end of vouth shouldnt such simple facts sug- g at m changi in some of our think lnj shoudn t it suggest for in stanc that there is great con omic 1 m retiring men with their inabilities undetermined and ten or more uscfifl years ahead of them mightn t r pause to re- inemn r that our demands fr al- tnoit universal pensions for those mitistu provi thit mom iccid nti h ipp nine unniml th hmiv ire mimcbodv fault are a mult f kmii hodv can irunru it la ita arthur tidv in an artlrl headed thrrr no place like home ahsolutclv no 11 a re in i the cum nt litsuc of hf alth mag aiinc published b lb alth league of cnnidn mr tidt iv manager of the nttrtlon department of thr mutual ilneflt health and acrid i nt auociatlnn j th ntr mm the tragic part i of hm accid nta la that the vie- 1 tim are err often not the ones retpoumblc carlessness lth which is do- 1 alllid the desire to get i things done in a hurry is respons ible for more accidents in the home than anv other factor obaoles- cenre and the de eloping of flaws i in oft n used equipment claim a trv low percentage of accident tctims mr ttdv sa i that people at home g ni rally feel aafe possibly a throw back to remote ancestors who when thev were out about thi ir dail tasks had to be constant ly on the alert and onlv felt truly saf when thev were back in their own ca e or dwelling u his been trul said that ery mlnuti of tht day some man wom- diist el sud dogs r ptdt mlra armmg tlrsl doga in thr canadian arctic haw br in vestigated by sctrnr bervtr work rrs in thr iivim of anunal ith olugy canada irparunfit of ag rtrulture and it has bi shown that wild animals art lha rsatrroln for the rabies disease and that dogs become infected from this source beoiul th more active v ars are i an or child in canada nit lav m n alnunt imnoiisible bur d 1 1 on those who must still carrv an act td mr tld nt in min t with w rite but all on th ilds work pinsionmust too man of them he piiulel b thi workers nvmi i ho i it that in the tn t th lu dii is on thi mti wor ti ii i t i tadiu increasing bimti i uon group thit is not invri i thi r will cune a point whit i n i inxond the capability of tht i otiihllm worker to suppvirt the thi growing group that n not pl0duttl mikhu t it b user to chinge our wav if thinking if mans a erag 1 ic spun can men a- i ight vear hi ttii past eight ear ixn t it reasonable to assume that with a tilth cartful stud thinklnt in terms of knowledge and cratl in stead of muscles alone matii work ing lift might bo extended u this would bring benefit and hip- pine to the older age group the horn ari minor ne s nous and all tioman could ivoidjl with a littli evdb mstasagb to canadian scouts his excellency viscount alexan der chief scomj for canada has reccucd from lord howallan chief scout of the british commonwealth the following message sth rostival of-st- goorgc has come round one more let us trv to live as he lived and show his proportion h i e tvi i n cire th w nli r t it s th it house 1 w i i s in iki up i third of the li tims of housi hold ni i tdt nt and nre ri ihmiiibli for a quarter of the mitidtnts thit ixuir among childreo in th honu kuither it also u dfinllik pro ible thit th major- i it of home acudints ociiir in uhat mihht bt clllid the housewifes do- main et liar stairs kitchtn ind ot- tu staint and the back garden i causi s are dimu lighted stairs artuus which hae not been put aw a or stored properlv overload ing w hi n carrving articles down sttirs highu polished floors loose rugs careless handling of or im proper fctnrmg of knives and can oih ners tov s roller skates etc which have not been properly put awav improper opening and plae- ing of stepladders carelessness in leaving garden tools lying around icv sidewalks and icicles amateur electrical work mishandling of matches improper handling of fur naces stoves cleaning fluids and gasoline employee of the hallmark greet ing card company in kansas city courage and steadfastness in the ore jjiven davs off jwith pay on their face of danger birthdays its qfot to havw o rp- ufalton for hotpltaltry but its bhr to cuictvw it thoti why th wtt it to proud and to jad to tond tho worm hand of fruindthip to viiitort from far and near lots provo it to you thtt yoar youll enjoy going by bus pabis arm low round trip vancouver s535 winnipeg 43 calgary 7365 regina 3450 subect to change inrdrmmlon hmioid w aidrobe there is a linen closet in thr hail a bruurn rlusrt in uur iu htti and fxiat cluat at tt h entrance i th- uvruin kitchrndinlng ruum is a cheerful workshop with corner windows ovrr ttw sink the equip tiwnt u comprtjy a w fvieiiuy arranged thr re s rrvss v iiulatiim and thr rootd la run vtiurtil to thr f i of it nt ranee as wrll aj to thr urdruimii area tlir rstrrtor oi thr ltyrun is fin uhrd wttb siding or vhmglrs thr low tup iihif with iu ulr over hi jivr a inmlrin pprararwr ovriftll dliiiriikkmi of tlir llyfifi jfl ft ty 32 fit fi ltnhft tin in lula a full tsrtii nt itu lt tun fluur tin is 1077 mjuaii inl tii tkikjm 4initaln m hluiur iif 1buo0 rtiltr frt new iulino made kings guinea class at toyal wihtu eaw mun- than 100 ultu wt rim thiougout ontiilo rnut gain a total of tivrr 13 tons in wright in thr nril fir months in ordrr to qual ify fir thr king guineas class at the royl agdrultural wlnur talr irning nnvrmbrr 14 the rontrat u llmltrd to quallflrd iwm im is of the- boys and glrn alf dul of ontario the price romca immii a fund establishr by thr lute king edward vii whrti he w ai it on f walra iii of mmrtl rhangi s in rulrs f i tin nistoric tent t iquurs iti it all nomiinltl ntri s to ju il if f r final intrv must make mil ivrih d ut v rali of gain of at i 17 imiunda fr the five n ii1h jutiml prcciiling oitnlwr i thiv is th fuit time in ont in o 1 jh s illy in ariada th it a i jli f j un in wiicht has b i n t is a n tjuiremrnt fur aecep ru th iks muvt wlgh 650 lts ir ixttn jr wiicht at tlnn uf showing iimh iionunitd during the first half of mnv hiir air ady hi t n w ifjiid under supervision of the countv n prcw ntitlvcs or iraderi of wi and girls calf rlubs with wi ijrhts and ngt of the inimls rceordit hi fori octnlwr 15 the calv s will im w ighed again triform it ion us ful to futuie coium tilors w ill n suit from this sitn mnc imh young owner must file i statement listing th nmounts arxl kinds of feed con- min d bv ihi utiimil lutwen the two offinil weighing in dates practical t sts of how the car- rasxs dn ss follow ing nu lion of the inimils w ill le recorded and in- fnrmition is to grade quvlfty and dn ing percentage will as far ai imvsibh b m nt to eich exhibitor following the fair another new rule require all ralvis inured to have been idi nt ified b i ar tig or tattoo prior to xcav 1 10v calvis entered mint havr n en born between may 1 lfhq and feb 1 10v for the first time in the royals hlstorv all king guineas entries will be stabled in one area set aside for the class a card above each animal will tell its breed owner and other particulars these changes will increase public inter st in the clasx sartty fo youk valuables ay a cent ob two a day i lave jou ever considered what a numbrr uf valuable pts4sxioiis ou own l feat call fur sptcial pro lection ilond leases insurance l1icu uiixtrtai t family paper jwwieey wh 4her obyerts of p t vul lu- yihi ran store kll these in a saft ty lvposjt bos in the ault of thr bank of uontreal fur tii i v a cvfit or two a day j if ou arv ksrping raiual doc urn i u or v aluiiblrs in drawers and rlum t at homr wbrrr thry can be found by thirv- or fire wrlgh up thi modrt ripnur fgaln the j v aluit of su h protrdiun you h take thr trip out of town or spend thr rvtuirig awy frwri hum with an raster mmd whm the things you raniiut afford to luce are lockad away in your own safety deposit lios so pay a visit tomorrow to the alton brain h of th u of 11 and wr lmi wiggiru the accountant ttvr kry tu your kafrty deposit bos l waiting fur uu ephead i kr kxutlni sdmufltalij iucauno aid battbbibb quick keiaiks to gbcma puu gli u m pi s piionx ism guelph saasaaaaaaaaaaasbsbsbv wanted dead animals we are paying the ttghact prevmiliag priea lor tt ar crippiad frsa triki horses cattle hogs telepbone oollc4 for immtitiiti sawloa lairig cartage ohoutum rok qoboon oon thi y1 mins clui oi guiiph prisfnis tin- worlds natet vrtit thi oni and ontv- gracie fields m fmtrson om- miti saturday may 27th 30 p m at guelph memorial gardens aaail oudtfts now s2 io j oo si 50 and si 00 srnd chrour o monfy oeoie to guriph mfmor iai cawofns enclose stamf0 sflf addrlsed rfjvnor woo0lot farming for desolate land increase cash returns modi in tn firming has madi thi mfniwl most imhm tant crop ptodikthl on the tuw aire half-mlk- llikh s firm of wallnci han- htu i hit cuintv t iimn two iars igo in oiu s lectiv mttng hinlim harvisted a quir b r million bo ml ful of hinlwoihl ni ttjng him j5 w0 onlv through cu ntific woodlot man igi mint his this woodlot frm- r bn n ible to rvalie his succi is four gi iu rations of hlghlv succes- ftil fire pnvmtion practices and re- slinking with voting seedlings has tnnsformed once thought of waste land into a cosh crop efficient cutting of timber and elimination of wastes would allow for increased v lelds and prevent de struction of the countrv s precious woodlands cutting should bo timed to improve the aunlitv of the wood- lot and increase cash returns im provement cutting betters growing conditions in the woottvithinning gives the more aluable spcclos room to develop and releasecutting controls grow th of undesirable sap lings finallv there are utilization cuttings uhlch prepare logs for sale or fire wood if the condition of the wood i calfutlytuiellamr analyzed and good w oodlot r management prac tices ore employed the much need ed cash foe further development of canadian farms will be available what thi has to sholrv 930 am to 930 pm wed may 31st sat june 3rd wed june 7tb take a trade fair trip around the world you i see fobulourfortunei in wt fashions and frivolities tractors and trinkets textiles and toys and a thoutand other fascinating things from five continents exuberantly exotic or plainly practical for three full days the general pubjic will be welcomed to this great international show 40 bigger than before businessmen this is your fair and you can profitably viut it any day except sundays from may 29 to june 9 930 to 6 p m on business days u too im portant to nuts to tatfcurvl eifcbkw rcon la ctmmum or cray coodt troaa rot bwa trom k erfword ond loyal yofk katf-fcourry- itortog 9 00 ojh canadian international tmdeliiir may 29june 9 uhiiition gdounds toronto dedicated to the promotion ofintirnational trade by the government ofcanada

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