Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 1, 1950, p. 3

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thursday junk lit 1m0 the acton free press paokthrz david cohen painter and paper hanger now it rfta lime for out- luu painting phone 394w kb st acton the rt mtxthg- bowl your eyes dhmvf thi mjt consult r m bell racjltlarad optomatrltt pfcana sir 1 3 erin make your selection of new wallpaper ntou thi iaroest tooc in wmtmn ontaiio sae ttta ntw tfatlani pricad to tult youll fiiul h at chapples bookstore 135 wyndkun st out angus kennedy proprietor the time to wake those arrange ments for the photo graphing of your weddin6 hello homemakcrs wedding en- nmrurio are usually crlrbrated by parties at which the marriad couple ti showered with a tradi tional g there are slight differ ences of opinion as u the symbols for thr anniversaries but the fol lowing list may br used without hesitation first yrar paper second year cot tun third year flowrn or silk fifth yrar wooden sixth yrar candy or iron srvrnlh yrar copper or brass kighlh yrar pottery or rubber truth yrar tin or aluminum twelfth yrar silk or i men thirteenth yrar iarr fifteenth year cryatal twentieth vnr china twenty fifth yrar sihr fifllth vrar- flomn si tl lh vrar diamond who ha thr party vmi may ask 1 wrll it does not matter relatives or friends may rtn lilt to takr the fvted rouptr out to dinnrr anl make a presentation of suitable gift a nrnrr informal partv may be hrld at a f rl nd a liumr vthrrr thr plan li similar jo a bridal shout for thc rouplr then thrrr li thr surprise annlrrary at thr home of thr happy rouplr thr at home parties should br organ i red to the extent that fond is provided some may bring sandulchei others small rakrs or iff crram an amusing stunt for a ia wielding shower la to give eah guest aa he or she arrives a paper bag to br tied over thr right hand the bags arr not to be removed until all the guests have shaken hands with one another a paper stunt that give the guets an opportunity to show their attlotlc ability is the creation of paper bag puppets with a paper bag and cravons each must draw a face on his or her bag ears and nnae may be added by thr use of nme extra paper and paste fash- ion together with string and hold a kind of puppetdance food for a paper annkcrury party may lie served on paper p la tea if you with to carry out tha paper theme and may consist of aalad and sandwich plate with coffee suggested gifts are memo note book desk blotters gjrillng paper paper napkins to wets place mats tablecloths and picnic accessories books and magaitne subscriptions are also appropriate recipes chicken and almond saiad 2 egg yolks 1 cup chicken broth tup paprika s up salt 1 up horseradish tap worcestershire sauce 1u cups finely chopped chicken 1 cup whipped cream 1 envelope gelatin s cup chopped toasted almonds crisp lettuce we can do a complete ser ies of pictures of tha cere mony including candid photos and formal portraits all pictures can be arrang ed m a brides album to suit your tastes make your appointment now with vics photography studio mill slraal aeton phone 65 clearing auction sale of farm imficments fltstnitime etc the undrsiflne4 have received instructions from utxiabt melarty to asll by public auction at his farm lot 7 con 3 twp of esquesing on hatuatday june 3 at 1 30 oclock the following farm implements rubber tired farm wagon m h grain drill 11 disc mil grain drill 11 roe low farm wagon single fur row hiding plow qurbec m h mower 5 ft 2 walking pious po tato plow 2 seta trucks for decr- ing hinders dump hake seed hor rors fanning mill quantity of stabling partitions hugg light wagon cutter scuffler work tench and vise grindstone set of mea double team harness odd collars swede saw cross cut saw 3 sets of beam scales quan tity of stove wood heech and maple quantm of mixed gram 3 rolls roofing quantity of timothy and red clover seed hag truck iost hole augur sugar kettle copper kettle 2 logging chains forks shovels bars etc livestock 1 holstein cow due in june 14 hens and 2 roost ers 3 geese 1 gander and gas lings furniture t wood healers 2 cook stov es large chest of drawers walnut and uoshstand to match birds eve maple cabinet and bookcase drop leaf table large wardrobe small secretary paster rope bed v rope spool bed twin single beds cradle 3 dressers several wash stands crib commode mantel battery radio cabinet radio 2 sewing machines fire extinguisher mor ris chair round card table cro- kinole board 8day clock oil lamps several pine tables no of trunks odd pictures camp stove rockers store scales odd chairs some with cane bottom small tab les butter bowl and ladle old fashioned butter tubs spinning wheel and winder organ old flourgrinder stones brass candli sticks 2 bags potatoes odd dishes etc terms cash settlement with clerk day of sole no reserve as the farm is sold htndley a elliott auctioneers t joyce clerk b4b3 combine egg yolks broth salt paprika in a double boiler stir con tinuously until thickened soak gel atin m cold watrr for 5 minutes then dissolve in the hot mixture cool then add chicken almonds horseradish and sauce fold m the crram and pour into greased pan about bxsxs chill until firm then serve in slices on crisp lattur serves 1c hpriugfct6stoh rolls sift before measuring 3 cui brrad flour scald 1 tup milk stir in until dissolved tahlraoous shortrning or butter fl tutlrimmins mjgnr i s t asooni salt ol to lukt wirin pij in a nii inuring up i ike nt illvsou it in i up ink wiiim ttattr is at in i egg add thi se ingirdlt nts to thr first mitt ure heat in half thr flour ii at the dough for 3 minutes add the remaining flour and beat the dough until it blisters place it in a grrased bowl sprrad the top lightly with grease cover it rlose- iv keep it in a refrigerator for at least 24 hours when it has doubled in bulk cut through the dough to permit the gasse- to ertrape take out the quantity needed with a spoon or with buttered hands 4 hour infore baking it place it in greased muffin pons filling hie pans l full spread tops of the rolls v ith soft butt r permit thi m to rise unuverrd in a unrin plnce until doubled in buk ltake th in in a iiik ovn 423 di grees fur atwiut 20 minutes re move them at onre from the puns makes about if 1 chronicles ol ginger farm wrilua htetjjr f tk afcua vt praw ouknuoijnk p cuuuuc fashion hint iwmbmist end of thr easy koal hi joarph luttr rutlrdqt thr socialist government of brit ain like moat governments coma to power on m wave of discontent that made peoplg ready to accept almost any plausible alternative they offered abundance and prua- lenly for the many largely by dis possessing the few they promised tin end to the seasons of booms and flumps by some miracle of fiscal nwintpulotinit advocated by lord keynes they proposed to expand unges and curtail profits and by m doing to reduce prices and stimulate buying power it was an intriguing if doubtful program the fallacies involved might have been discovered earlier but for the influx of marshall plan dollars which induced an appearance of prosper uj now these dollars are coming to an end and the wiser and soberer voices of britain are speak ing in realistic tones against those comfortable beliefs on which social ism has pinned its hopes of achiev ing its social objectives and main taining its political power roy harrod economist of oxford university and follower of tho keyneslan theories writing in the journal foreign affairs challeng ed one of the most basic of these nothing has happened since 1030 he wrote to make any less likely that boom and slump will follow one another as of old so social ism admits its inability to avoid conditions that it had suggested uere wholly the product of our free enterprise system sir stafford cripps addressing the annual labor party conference on june 7 went ever forthcr he said some people suggest that we should try to improve matters by increasing wages or lowering taxes or diminishing profits so as to de crease prices and enable us to buy mon wit hour present income nl other words to increase purchasing power without increasing the sup ply of goods to meet it devices of that kind may enable the ame cake to be sliced up a differ ent way but they do not increase the size of the cake which is what we must do let us face the situ ation- not as we would like it to be but as it is you cannot pos sibly find a solution to our present problems by juggling with money or finances or fiscal measure we need and tnust have more and more efficient production if we are to solve our difficulties without loaf of standards what sir stafford cripps and the wiser leaders of socialised britain are saying is just what other non- socialist observers have been say ing the soft road does not lead to security or prosperity that road goes by way of effort by thrift by initiative by daring and by stimulating on j correcting com petitionand by no other way if only it would rain that li what we were saying this time last yrar and today we are saying it again everything la so dry the fields pastures and gar dens- yrs and aluthe dust on thr roads but itftflnltely we made our annual inspection trip to mal- ton airport yesterday and we swat lowed bushels of dust all the way over and most of ne way hark rut we forgot it all at the airport as wr looked over tha wonderful improvements that have taken place line our lattt visit the old of fiers and waiting room havr been converted into a modi rn alrv rrst- aurnnt our in the iirw building there urr parlous waiting roorm mill offlf t i in id rr thr whole mtuc t ii rr thrrr is an observation ihf wliih i would inibglnr would hmomlmlodatr loflo people from it u m ihvrv at lose uartrrs pune- ointn in for a landing or taking off for distant points tast and west you ran watrh the ground rnw i basing around like so many ants eirept that these ants tiavel by jr p nd tractor 1 a plane lands immediately a little tractor manoeuvres a run way into positing for travellers to alight from the ship another trar- lor trailing three to five little trolley i ars is loaded with pas- s ugt r baggage which it totes ar ound to the customs office pas sengers alight as nonchalantly as they would from a streetcar nun vvilh tirief rusts or golf clubi fashionably dressed women home with rather bond vpnsslons motht rs with battles in arms or voungm r toddling at their side the chllilrsn excited the mothers oo otrupled tn ik lmit and last to leave tho plane the stewardess nod the pilot and co pilot then another ground crew takes over the big ship is refuelled for its next take off luggage is brought up by the little trucks whlrh also carry a loading escal alor one end of which la irvated to the baggage compartment of the plane the esralator la set in motion and up goes the baggage without benefit of redcapa then a jeep comes along with a box like con tainer carrying refrigerated food supplies the entire container is raised to the level of the ships recrlving door by means of an in visible hvdaullc hoist in a little while loud speak era announce the number of the flight and its destin ation and p resent v passengers fill the ship again helped bv a trim voung stewardess receiving them at the door of the plane then the pilot and cnpllnt upon whose skill and integrity the lives of so many people depend once more take over at the controls the ground crew finish their jobs and the big silver bird roars into action again as it wheels around for a takeoff down thr runway those on the observ- tion roof hang on to their hats and catch their breath as wind created by the four whirling pro pellers swirls around them i dont know why but a visit to the airport always increases my con viction that to travel by air is about as safe and pleasant a means nf transport aa on could hope for in this day and age and i never see a plane take off or fly over our farm without wishing i was one of lis passengers who knows some happy day maybe i shall be but right now we at ginger farm are not so much concerned with what happens over our heads as we are with what goes on under foot you see right through the centre of our farm and also through the two farms east and west of us there are little stakes here and there complete with flags in dicating that the department of hikhwas is at work on a new surveying job the whole neigh bourhood w agog with curiosity be cause rumour has it that a new fourlane highway running from montreal to windsor is being plan ned and will probably angle right across country leaving us with 45 acres on one side of the road and irnfortatili cotton to wear anil wx a mutt for your sum nit r wardrotx in n tty plaid ft midline in every detail from its full ictrxrd and te klrd nklrt to its off shoulder rap- collar ixdlrr ii on tli nthf r well having had 1 ilinji with the highway drpart nit nl tn fore we know it moves mighty slow its wnndi ri to terform so at present we are just sitting tight and awaiting further devrl i rnenls other i hanges have already taken plai e around here whlrh are of moit- concern to us nt the moment we are paying goodbye to our tried and trusty horses also to our big i high powered oil burning tractor and in their place we have a small fxreedlngly mobile tractor that will we hope take the place of the horses and yet lw equal on a mailer scale to do the field work formerly done by its big brother tractor with all this going on wr have nl so he n enterialnlnn one of our nires w ho is now a nursing sister it sunny brook hospital spent a fi w diys with us last week sat urdav night tlnb took her back to toronto and then rame home bringing with him daughter and a friend and i am still busy with the paint poll if youve an eye for a buy see the coodvear at jbiim iitjaal thompson motors isd mju tt hkwii 69 tq8p ia1h t sf vici 0 the new goodyear daluxe gives more mileage t 34 more mileage than the uf- milesfre goodyesr it replaces gives tddtd protection irombloip- outi plu9 suptr- tracnoa its canadas most poh- ur tire the pver- whelming choice of ihnfry motorists newcastle disease tt sis with newcastle disease tn chickens by the division of animal pathology canada department of agriculture have shown that the virus causing the disease has not yet been found in the droppings from infected birds hats rtoht the soap i j more suds front u duflo softened water whips up creamy suds jiffy quick lono lotting ltlndtothekand tudt that speed through dishwashing in lg time dishes are cleaner than ever be fore glass and silverware really sparkle duro softened water makes food taste better uten sils tost longer saves you money every time you turn a tap get a duro get the best canadas premier wetsr softener a ww mamw it a ii urmt yw u ouso it cor w i duk imsmjuam pays ur rwh tad yar h aaucfc m m kunirj rfahs la waatoj wsmn ft is wssw wtt attfra bi au mmd aeaaa a it imaaua skaj awu kw vtu a dufto tsawr l bilton plumbing and heating s2 sower avenui acton ont telephone 341w notice all ratepayers of aeton please take notice that per mit niiiht be secured before any private laterals are installed on your own premises connactiens la tha sawaraga syium mull net ba mada until impaction it complalad by tha town intpactat hrmits mav si securcd at thi clmics owici fox a fk of 100 india plans complete prohibition of alcohol wm c m1lligan ro will ba in acton to practice optometry the first and third wednesday of each month fhom 10 km to 0 pit at the residence of a t brown mill street please telephone 206w acton for appointment

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