Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 1, 1950, p. 5

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wnrasday jume w two the acton ee press ffce pact rrvr mr james fraser spent the week nd with friends in ivterboroujjjh mrr stuart lantr carols john f guelph spent the holiday with friend here friendi are sorry to hear that un r splelvogel hai been ranfin ed to the hospital friends were sorry to hear that mrs jack dennis haa been ran- fined to the hospltal mr bert mason wu taken to the hotpiul last week friends hope for a ipeedy recovery mr don ross medical student 1 apending the summer montfaa at the queen mary hospital montreal mr creaay and ur o elliott are v it it in with mr and mra r ii and mr and mrs harold elliott this urek mr robert darby who under went an appendectomy on saturday 4 doing fine frutnda wish him a speedy recovery mr and mrs j n small of nla ara jails ont and children spent the wrekend at the home of mrs r m mcdonald mrt melvln soper and mrs kobl mrkttrhnie visited at the home of thrlr aunt mrs r sopar and other friends in town on sunday mr and mrs robert warne mr and mrv henry hilts murul and hrlena of rallinafad spent a day last week with mr and mrs flln dall rf allenford mr george w pantry of oshawa visited in acton over the weekend and attended the graduation of his nephew douglas c maplesden tn cuelr h on friday mi eleanor ross student nurse at th sick children s hospital to ronto and mr don ross vtajtad oer the weekend with their par enu mr and mrs a ross mrs helen mccarthy and cllf ford roeler of buffalo n and mr fred cross and freddv of thrtd visited on sunday with mrs sellna rnexell willow st mr and mra w fryer wllmer jack and dda mr and mrs wal lace gordon and children mrs j it hreran and children attended thr funeral at jordon station on friday of the late gordon alrdrte mr and mrs russell s townacnd of 1 ng island n y visited the past meek with friends and relatlv es in acton mr and mrs earl w maalrt and wee russell returned with them on saturday for a holl dav mr and mrs david rowel 1 ind ian head saak dr and mrs c a struart and miss grace stewart of midland and mrs e fairbanks of chippewa islted during the week w ith mrs sellna roazrll willi w st tin romnuinih and friends will tr m rr to hear that while saying maffnn satiirdav morning rev fathi i morgan became 111 and had to be assisted from the church he has leen confined to bed for the past lf das and all wish him a promt t return to good health mr and mrs c w maplearfaa mr and mrs d c maplesden anna and jt hn attended the convocation of thi ontario veterinary college at gu iph on friday douglas cecil maplesden actsn was one of thoa receiving the degree of doctor of veterinary medicine ithe chancellor of thr university of toronto tha rt hon vincent massey conferred thr degree mrtttf gtjttrtt at qfaaii a 0tuu fmaailt- roarer jlvaaoe bo h imh ayjom organlu and choir laodar sunday junf th ibm rfl 00 am- sunday sdrjol 1100 am will b un krllmifton of guelph guel aprakrr pvemng servire withdrawn hallun preabytrry ilally sunday 3 p m victoria iarli uilton llrv y craalry hunter tlurat speaker sun junr lllh 2mh annlvrnury church union ilrv ii v avuuin at both arrvlrra all are cordially invited lrf bntrrijui cuttrrtf in baiufea knox cwuaust acwon w bohkst ii aauuihtbomu m muuvtar sunday junk 4lh 1v looo am sunday lulujul ii 00 anv divine worahlp too p-m- evaauvf worthlp tha lord la ylh unto all lias thai call upon hua to all that eall upon llim la trutlt ujrrui e hurt i ac7ton oilaa b oowh ioau kaa- i a aj orfaolal sunday juni 4th 1bv 1030 am sunday school 11 jo am keep in the hue of cod 12 30 am ommunlon b30 pm thursday lllblc study 8 30 p m t rlday ii y p u fch aumue tfrjurtlj laxuaul w a loateo sunday junf th lv 10 00 am church school 11 is am holy commiimun 7 00 p m ivrnlna prair tims sunday v ill h ua rved ai dcdlcatliin sunday when c ahall aak diyl a hlrsilnk on thoac who will carry out the canau durins thr rrk of june 4th a watooom awmiu you f 0 v a ii s news mow about am a vm okab jo mk1u- notict to creditor- and otueath thr ealatr hakaii jane c biith uu ml thr tan tl ar taaa la thr f ly ml llallaa wl li aveaaarat allmraona ha tn claima aratnl janr crippa in thi campbellvil1e infrmdrd for may 2i aui the trarhrrs of nasssgaweya srlumil area entertained the noard or same in s s no 10 school at t ampbellvllir on monday evening miss snow conducted contests and progressive euchre followed ine were won by mrs a t moon mrs- arthur dyment mrs edgar cairns mr arthur dyment they then sat down to a luncheon plate served by the i ad las aid of st david s church amplmllvliie masonic laodge en tertalned the if ladlts at a banquet th basement of st david t church mr maurice rradhead was master of ceremonies and proposed a uat to the king before eating after the dinner mr k d mahon proposed a tosst to the grand irodgr which was rt piled to by mr frank mcniven mr wm robert win proposed a toast to the ladles which wa replied to by mr tdgsr fl lent on who thanked the ladles aid for the bountiful supper and mrs gcorii inglls replied the group thru journeyed to ilrookvllle hall where progressive euchre was enjoyed prties were awarded to mrs wm robertson mrs hugh mcdonald mr alas nisr mr roger mahon dancing w as then enjoyed to muaic supplied by mrs wm early airs near jack coulter with hugh harris as floor manager rev m mrlcod of kitchener supplied in st david s pulpit on surutav he has graduated from knox college and accepted a call to silvan iake alberta mr and mrs how and lush and boys of nurlington w rre sunday guests with mr and mrs a t the flstate uf sarah late of the town of acton county of hal ton widow who died on or about the seventh dav of april lthio arc required to send itarticulars and proofs thereof to the undersigned before the seven f7 tecnth dav of june ikvo when the assets will b distributed among i mr and mrs robert fllott and the parties h gaily entitled thereto family were sunday guests with h s oi to culm mr and mrs thomas mcphall of which shall hove been filed datr d at acun this thirtieth da of may a d isfto c t laeatht rland fxecutor a 47 3 acton ontario oflvrv mm work refreshed enjrasreraentp mr and mrs ell masters wish to announce the engagement of their voungest daughter ellxabeth mae to john clifford ashley son of mr and mrs robert ashle of h illsburg the marriage to take place the early part of july mr and mrs geo louth george town announce the engagement of thetr onlv daughter violet geor- gina to kenneth elgin dareh son of mr and mrs wllmer darch grand valley the marriage to take place saturday june mth at 3 o clock in st george s church jeorgt town camfmuvhjje business men annual nttwoucs dismay dftaws many skctatots campbellvilte business men again presented their annual fireworks display to a large crowd of spec tators on tuesday uay 23rd all udes of the pond were lined with people anxious tn see the display and only two explosions went askew no damage resulted nd the business man completed an- other successful event which provea to be uite a drawing card for the district people a street dance followed the dis play and the womens institute had refreshment booth needed a bert the bachelor waa paying a visit to the house of a friend a married man and found himself pretty bor ed by all tha ulk about tha son and heir just fancy said the adoring mother has only 17 months old and he s been walking for nearly nine months really aid the visitor wearily donl you think lis about tint he sat downf 0 the did hoping to inspire his worker w ith promptness and efficiency the businessman hung a number of signs reading do it nowr around his factory and office asked some weeks later how the the home of mrs k c menxles on reaction was he shook his head thursday afternoon the president udly j kfrs r elliot opened the meeting i dont ex en want to ulk about after singing a hymn the topic it he said the head bookkeeper taken from the study book waa eloped with tha beat secretary i given by mrs l sharpe the sub ever had three typists aakad for ject was protestantism and christ- a ralae the factory hands decided unity in japan how it came and burlington to celebrate the birth day of mrs william flhot of chat ham who is visiting there we are pleased to congratulate mrs jack flllott a former resident here who has been awarded high honors in a practical nursing course in st peters inflrmsry in hamilton mr and mrs wowson lush were sundav guest with mr and mrs george black mr alfred dawson and miss lin nee dawson were dinner guests with mr and mrs robert inglls on sunday miss ruth roberts caught a is inch long speckled trout in camp bellville pond campbellvilte mr and mrs frank qutnlan mrs frank wheellhan mrs jack whee- llhan and miss reu hubbert wet guests at the graduation of ml is mary teresa hunter from loretta academy hamilton miss reu hubbert mr and mrs jack wheellhan mrs frank quin tan mrs frank wheellhan were guests at the wedding of the son of mr and mrs frank hubbert of rrantford news has reached here that miss teresa hubbert postmistress in toronto was found dead in her home the may meeting of the w ms of st david s church was held at to go on strike and the office boy joined the navy loftd ma yob of yout to vlfilt toeonto arriwng in toronto on aprfl 34 is 73year old lord mayor of york england ur j bowes morrell ac companied by his sheriff he will make a personal call on mayor mccallum and fnvlu him to visit yorks festival to be held in 1051 as part of the festival of britain later the lord mayor will be re ceived at toronto university he is also to visit the other historic yorks of north america new yohclrtdyortcrpannylvablar how it was accepted the door is open in japan and the church must meet the opportunity the cheer secreury reported having sent four letters to sick people plans were made for a quilting a few copies of the 75th annlujrsisry our heritage and our faith were ordered current events were given by miss e j mcpfaai several items of interest r special work being done by w1ls mem bars was mentioned the roll call was answered by eighteen ladles using weary as the text word the president closed the meeting and the hostess assisted by the earn- mittse served dainty refreshments and a pleasant half hour was enjoy ed iirhaftox toronto may 30 1d0 iksr mr dills herri tlv the lutard u trustcis of llr hospital for sick c h mrm and the rrtinmiltiti engaged in the building t uml camimugit met for the presentation of a detailed report on the recent camguilkn so success fully cimcludod it is tut longer news to you that the target of m 001000 set at the start of the campaign on nov mix r 21 was not only reached but was looped by i half a million y tin time the camiaalgn closed on maich 31 sob stunt la i contribution wen rect iv ed from subscrltx rs nuui1 tin toronto ar a thanks art t simriully dot to ed mors like yourself becauvi f tin wholehearted intenst wh rh ou took in the campaign and ih f- in port given tn thi n ws and editor ial columns of your pap r the campaign w conductid with lh minimum of expense and in f at i complete costs amounted to onlv tzssqoo just sllghtlv ovi half of one per cent howivrr this letter is not intend ed to be a news story as you well know it is one of the duties of the chairman to close the meet ing with an official vole t thnts and seldom if e r have i tiken on that duty with so much pleasure and heartfelt appreciation for a job so magnificently well done yoi r co operation and active support of this worthy campaign contrlbi icd in no small measure tn its undouht ed success our real ackncwledk ment will be the many in my child ren of this generation and gem rnt ions to come healed in todv i nd mind w ho will laugh and r speak and walk about hippv and healthy thanks to you and thr generosity of the thousipdi of people who contributed to the ho i pitsl for sick children it nidi fund on behalf of lh- board if t u tees the chlldrct and thel ari nt may trnder vo i my mo itralrful thanks yours nceretj r a lai 1 i chairman board of trust s confidential an executive dlcuted some dlf flcult letters to a new stenographer when the girl brought back the copies for his signature the official read a garbled version of his car fully thoughtout remarks return ing the mangled letters to the sten ographer he barked dont you read these totters before putting them on my desk oh no replied the young typist 1 thought they were confidential it lus tome to th notice of the editor of this article column parj grarjh thin thqt there are those am on pit us who do not believe in miracles well oru- happened so th re on the night of monday may 30 arton yts acton beat milton in a basketball game here by is 15 play wa drowsy at first but it siieeded up rspidly in the second quarter with some particularly gottd deceptive play acton took the lead at the start and was still leading 14 ii at the beginning of the last quarter then the fire works started milton scored nearly drawing level then acton scored then milton scored again and both teams played like fiends knowing that the nest basknt would le the winning one yours truly nrarly had a hi srt attack until ac ton finally scored again un an easy shut itie game then turned into u wn tiling match but nobody was injure cn tirrsl comment phew i irie upi milton mrmillsn wwtker at klrit m h sih y willi it a ton llrvirr ikon dav idson jack davidson dsvcklm hutt ihmijfli rorinjor wood k f r sutton tim r k mccoy s on rj pink on th same night at run nrl the annual add dane was held w ith music by thr merrymakers orrht strai attriulancr was not go ml neit yrar s literary society has been elected and is as follows president huns id rlpps act la nation vice iresldint ionatd davldn seen lary ami tyler tn asurer john ware this years officers have don a goml job and we how that this htandard of quality will be upheld in the future i tthi adi t incctlnn has a i re ad v im- n c vt rl in th free press so i we will add n more except to thank mr mclean thnie who cam to ue us and thf insecting of fit r th annual s h ml picnic will be hi id thii r rlday and promises to im a miccrsa as usual mr mclean h leaving us at the end of this year and we would like to congratulate him on his long and successful caret- r as a teacher at ou school mr and mrs it abb ins are sailing for furope on june 28th and mim isabel gammie on the fmpress of scotland on june 30th we wlsn them all bon oyage truck crturn dllllips pissirit driver uninjured six hi aw stews and the driver of a truck narrowly escaped ser lous injury when the truck turned o r in the ditch atxut one mile list of camplrelk ill on the camp ixllville rnn 1 alxut 7 4s a m mon dav driver of tin truck andrew shea of it r i milton told pro incial police th it hi was hedrd in an i aaterlv direction on the road ind w hil rmindmu a sharp cur e thi hi a load of stock hifttd and upset thi truck thi upset xehiclt dumped its six iki ine pavu nm rs out into the ditch unhurt and shea himself craw lid out of the cab uninjured t the truck w ni damaged tetw een 30l and m00 piownrial polce said mr shea was taking his ncently purchased load of steers to a slaughterhouse in mitton st feb ias coming quutlv with little fanfare new high qualltv gasoline has been drifting onto the canadian market reports the financial post by the time the heavy summer motoring drie is on high budget advertising camaigns will be telling the motor ists all about it this ifi the first of a longprom ised superquality gasoline for use in modem high compression auto mobile engines chief will toutt canada john thurman camp chief at oil- well park london england the international boy scouts leaders training centre is due to leave britain by air on july 15 for can- ada to visit gil well training camps from coast to coast emest f mills executive com missioner for training at canad ian scout headquarters will ac company mr thurman on his can adian trip hiroshima survivors willbuild a university dedicated to peace j practical courses offered for young canadians toronto a new two year course in home economics will be offered nut year at the ryemon institute of technology it is announced by principal ii h kerr the course nnder the direction of mrs gladys dobson will include studies in food selection and prep aration textiles and clothing con struct ion bacteriology sanitation food chemistry home nursing and relations within the home feature attraction is the prac tice home a house se up on the campus which will be run by sec ond year students girls in groups of four will live in the practice home and be responsible for run ning the house they will buy the food cook clean and entertain supervised by members of the staff also offered by the school of food technology are short courses in comorctal cooking and baking and a two year diploma course in food administration students are trained in the ryerson kitchen and bakery and the school prepares all meals for the ryerson cafeteria and dining room the ryerson institute of tech nology operated by the ontario department of education offers such courses as journalism furnf ture design radio announcing jewellery and horology there are 2 630 students in attendance cover that seat protect the beautiful upliorjtery of your car or cover the worn parts with durable inepenj ive vest covert that add to your driving comfort we have fibre and cloth style for a variety of car models inquire about these and other auto ac cessories hat lengthen le life and beauty of your car lome garner motors poniiac huick vauxmau cmc tbijcks main and sowar acton phono 37aw forsummertimerelaxation t home or away rlcunlus with full length arms wood frame strong canvas veal with an attractive stried pattern priced at 13 65 and 4 95 porch chairs cily folded and very comfortable can lx had wili scat and back in striped canvas or all wood madf of selected hardwood at 3 95 and 14 so alumiunum porch chairs suubtc for outdoor use or ideal for thr recreation room polished tubular at uminum frame light weight available in red yellow blue and green for one week only specially prxed at 9 95 also available ca by the yard and slfpoe dexk chair covers acton home furnishings phono 30j froo douvory lovely fabrics lor summer sewing lystar voiies dimity plain lnntd batiste r ur summer wesr i ur fhilclrrn s ei m wi ir hlous a dress crepes rayons taffetas spuns etc printed poplin smart iatterni 75c yd haid check oinohams 98c 159 wabasso prints a wielo saloctlan of pahoma and color priced from ya o 7qf yd simplicity patterns sewing accessories throat zlppor sutton oiai ric ik ok ok childrens sun suits u idr election 50 to 9c print dresses sue 14 52 1 to 3 39 childrens cotton jerseys 1 to 6 yeara- 50c to 135 pyjamas and gowns crepe rayon tor ladiea rayon dresses sliea i 2 3 plnlc blue yellow osc just arrived nylon sweaters siim 14 to 30 pullover cardlgam several colors and white 395 595 eluqtt bros phono 31 we deliver

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