Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 1, 1950, p. 7

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thursday junk ix ism 1he acton free pfless page seven ceolacarr optometrist ouom4 daueb st ra imt v smash up no not uit thrown to- gthr but wall plannaxj illustratod huttvtcal edition thai what the special an mveriary edition of the acton free pren it going to be wilh almost 100 il lustration the special edit ion 11 to be a tequel in miniature to actons early day the limited lupply of copies means obdik now bv tvbhmifunu to flv artmi mm trvu avhty thk ai1uey has throe badrooms and bath a large living room with dining alcove and a kitchen with dintng spare th full bailment has stairs leading down to form a utlljty room with cabinets for coals and storage and room for a lav atory agalnit the bathroom wall whfti the laundry equipment and heating plant arr placed in an en larged room making use of the fireplace chimney the basement can be trlimlnal4 an altrmate sketch without basement stairs may be had on roquaat the bedrooms have wardrobe cloaeta the hall e i man clutet th kitchen a closet and the entrance a coat rloart the living room hat a double glased picture window book shelves and cross light from the dining slrovr 1 ttu eitrrlor finish is wldr aid ing erpt the stone fared living tt m wall im simple roof llni t xtt nd mrr ihr dnrued rnlrsnce overall dimensions are 44 fret by 34 fit t r lir ara 1 310 wjuare feet and volume 2 372 cubic fe t in ludini bmm m nt highways givis condensation of economic facts the ontario ijurau of statutes snd research has completed its an nual economic iurv y of the prov tnre for 10m thu the second kiirh report prt m nted by the jlur j an the survey is planned to give ii balanced plctun of the gi neral economic structure of ontario through a composite statistical an i alysia of the pertinent economic factors and social aer ices which can indicate or mraiure the growth fif ontario and of itn different reg ions the ontario hurau of slatlitirs and ltesejrch u established in ioomtrr 1jm3 bv hon ls m frot treasurer of the prov tnr since us rgaimatlon it has co rctid and classified a great dca1 f materfal relating tn conditions in thi in v mo mil has worked tn drlrrmlnp tht tn nd of our ptovtn cial economic t if it first report iot ouch a grallfving m xinw that a wrond printing was requlnd to sat isf demand tlie sunday school lesson sunda jljnf 4th 1dv th rein rt data mu tat vlinmi ihit 1 ontan i is thi titudk 1 41d iork c untv great i st di nsi 4a per miuan r rilmns wi allh f iliml information it he highest point in algonquin park at i t abor sea lrvl uaturallv show a the v of i pulitu n 1 21 i mile for the w hob of the province the di nsitv is 11 1 lcr squart mile ax of 1mb the ur ivan population of ontario tolnlb d 2 124 729 the rural p pulatu n 1 m0 rfi combining for a lutil of 4 2vs 62 adds zest to the hour down through the yean gray coach una passen ger have enjoyed a full weaiur ol ntw modal comfort o batter and battar buses have baan built this racord it your assurance that you will continue to anjoy all tha odvantogesol progressive public traval service on tha highwovs iouno ttip st iouis 34 10 owtcn sound 535 halifax 49 0 ios angeles s8s 35 sublet le clung tiwold xoay ska ntttaa headquarters invint iihjr faith foldm text i will rejoice in tbt u nl i wit j v in th col of mv salv utum hab 3 16 i isson ttxt hab 1 1 4 12 13 2 1 4 3 17 10 fxmsition i thi prophi t irax r 1 1 4 hahakkuk prophi ilel befon tht exilr he u as a pnlet of god at a tinr of great national inntav his iii vmikf n ktmngly personal tx log a fllrert complaint to gim1 conrrniing th pre ailing ulckisl tn s of tht mi pte and rt eating m sxagen tn the people nn the at tltude of god lit up iks to mm m txhalf of cod sah 1 5 horn 10 14 is hiutikkuk is mwtifbd over th mb ni r of god in the prt nc i f so much t il the cup of inupnt r ni tt ix full through gt nt r nil ns uf spirit ui di ctint u 1th onk in occasional impn wmnt as in th rt lins of htiklah and joslnh ju inh had gone mi idtlv tln th m ml nnd spiritual mile the pn phct v heart l burd nl i hi nn ssjige is a burden beeausi it f wtightrd ulth thi judgnu i i if gim on the prr ailing sin and it in s hr- itv nn the pmpht t ht irt biciuse he know it l equal 1 dktisb ful to n merciful qod the words that follow are a pracr the prophet cries unto god con ceming the existence of no much e il alxiut which the lord set ms to keep tilrnce hi crli s out but god does not sci m to hear fv j there is lolence hut the iord will not a i god opt ns the prophet i fipi to the wldi spread i il hut thi duine lnu is slack and judgment ne rr myiiw to come forth this is the old prohh m hlch faces god s peoph in the mldat of prevailing wickedness we are face i with the sib nee of ood i the en spirit of god which true christians possess thc are enabled to see sin irt all its deadlines and power mort cltnru than do others the vers acutt ness of perception onlv increases the difficulty wher think of the silence of god through it all we can well under kiiiit of gmi ii is what madi ab raham the fm nd of god dtoin 4 31 it transformttl david as a m uttilng alruif r into a rejnlrlng naint utnni 4 b bl ii ii thi very foundation of otir salvation i horn 4 ms2i i jiullfiiation bv faith is the car dlnal principle by which we may j pntprtatt tht grace of our iortj ji sus christ its foundation rests upon our wlllingneu to ballarra tin n lnt ion of got in the script urn horn 10 i7 if a man d- not begin thi n hi has nnwhi re to begin god ps aks to us through his word and expects us to accept it 2 tim 3 18 i7 thm word tills us that god m nt his son to tin for a 1om and kin fill run ijru 3 in horn 5 7 fl i dttl ins that the on who dud n from thi diait and asci ndi d i nil hi awn and all who n p nt of tin ir mns and put fjith in him will reere rternal justification ind hf il tim 3 10 ac mm 39 it x 10 iii abidink faith 3 17 19 thi prophet rs m als what the jo f ur ik ttion m nns if nil i irth i k thills fill i i7 if th flk tnis iktt no hlovtnms and con 10 fnul if lh vims ful ri sts als if hi hi rd di i c ir t t hi will n j id in thi i ortl ir it is iidud thr ruht kind nf j w h l s r in t ike pit nsun in our salv di n ind all is in thi world fail phil 41 it must have been thi- kind if convictions which sustained thi christlin marts rs m th ir ti r nbli trnls for multltudts havi be n pi rsecutetl in htstorv for thi ir i arthlv goods as wi 11 as of their lives hut thev live toda in glor with christ while their persi r tors perished eternally unless the too ri pentinl are we able tn im nr pain nnd loss for thi sake of thi saviour who kv ills all f r us ips 18 1 27 1 1st 12 2 2 cor 12 9 10 i ptt 1 70 2m tpu rillv ind tru 1 uxt fl icl tii thrink hout nvufii a di prugmg unjustified and l rhap pennant ntly harmful im pnvsuin of newfoudland as a poor hi idtion resignedly tx ing founl room in the canadian family has been rapxflv growing in canada i v i r sine- the old island at thi mouth of the st ijiwrenee became c anadian it is true that the products of the sea have been traditionally newfoundlands almoct sole eco nomlc reliance and that hie fish ing tndustfv is in difficulties hut those official voices at st john i and ottawa so vociferously cam paignlng for federal aid for fish ing should not t mot her newfoud land a transformed outlook from a one industry economy and fall also to tell of the contribution already being made to the canadian fam llvs running expenses canadians have been told mi much about the needs of fishing they have not been permitted to real ire that two years ago pulp and paper dramatically overtook ma pmurt and rose to the lead lug industrial role th- combined n wfturlnl production of the flow ater and anglo newfmindland com lanli s toptmd fishing in product jmd iximm value in hha did ii again in iimb and undoutttedly will again n p at this v ar thi grt all st single industrial unit oiitrlhuted bv newfoudunit to ttu f anadian etonomv with c onfeit r ntlon was not a codfish tnterpris- it was the wnitds opi rations and mwsprtnt mill nf a pulp and pam r rompany on the unknown west coast i a t year alom this singli industry illowatirsl nddtl t50 000 000 in needed amrrlian funds ii tin credit side of canada s not newfoundlands trade balance it i mploved just short of 10 000 with u payroll uf more than 13 000 000 with thi m rvict shipping and sup plv tndustrti s it supports included how ater s at comer ilrook can tn fairly said to provldi thi livill ho1 fir 10 pr cent of all new foundland s wage camera canadians should know thi si hnghti r things should know new foundl mil no longer lives vuth the dni rs lohen nt in a one industrr etonomv but asi di p ruts on a vi rimd one that is thriving i x p initing rttkivlng the mployment situ ttlon raising the llv ing scale nml nnnii illr trinimg cantila mil im ns in v iluntib trading dollars fn m ihi unitetl stati s a thirl mdumrv mining is also fillnl suth futurt promise niwf iindl md his i future to lipid inidai own thi t nth pnvinct is pilnk its wav far bt ti r thin can wtians n aim if nt w foundliikti rs do not want the poor hi in i ton impn sslon to stick thi ir offinil volcis should relieve the prospect of gloom they an port riving for canadians the tastes the test for tea canadians buy more salada than any other brand salada tea t wanted dead animals wa ar paying tha htghaat pvwvmlubf r for aj r crippled tavrai aaittala horses cattle hogs telephone collact for immadtata atarvde laing cartage flpckatino pok ooadon tocntf umjti rbudum tut orvs taxi phone 260r we hove added n new 1950 car to accommodate our e pandmg business n to aid ui n continu ng prompt courteous sfrvice alto phon farly for quick dalivary of our supor hot dogt and hamburga or soft drink ok vs taxi phone 260r imports of knitttd cloves ftom japan mnrkrt braida shoe store acton since imports of japanese knit ifil glnves into canada start oil lae in tmh four canadian glove plants have had to cloao and more than too canadian wnrketi have lost thilr job tho rlsinff tld of jap irove imports into canada during 1m 9 reached a total of r3 000 d7 en pairs which was tcjual to nearlv stind the condition of the prophet nmf of j crtcin1ljin prxxluctlon an 1 he privet this pravrr ther nt f the t tnl canadian mir i ike him wi fit 1 mv stifled ov i r the seeming inaction of gihi rtut the loi d is not slick conn r i ing his prom in si me mm o unt slickn s but is lonkmiffennk to u- wird not willing that am shoul i pi rinh hut thit ill should conn t ii pt nt uici 2 im 1 0 1 tht u n miff inn of ootl is nlv i iii it r his n fir sinful nun i i conn t rt p nt in i failurt to hi t d surh nu us pi tu nn i nlv lav up in sti tt a n i it r u ignn nt it th ttid n m 15 t fli this wis thi cx of 1rul 2 ki i 7 lti and judah 2 chron vi 1- 17 and it is c r tain to hs the same with hardt ned and unrep ntint sinners fjno nrfitin a itrjst tht bachelor was paying a v isit to the house of a friend a married man and found himself pretty bor ed bv all the talk aboyt the son and heir just fancy said the adoring mother he s only 17 months old nnd he s been walking for nearly nine months uinllv said the visitor weartlv don t sou think us about time he sat down irso w chemical toilets commtv houu modarajj your proparty by lav tulluie a chaauca tcuarchaap aad ay to laatalt no wacar pa aura nqwrad no worry about odor or troublaa bsstaad all tka comforts of a dry homo proaapi hipwant fully purantaaj wnta in cor fall aotmaiioau tweed steel wouu ltd twkd omta1io et alius f r dutv pur in i f f tt t during m t of vattiis win insuffinetit ti sti in the men islng flow if jnp tli vi imports cundun k 1x in inuf u turi is ass rt th it unit i r mipt it tu n is t ikt n n mnining null must i lose and mort t m pluv et s w ill b thn vv n out t f w v i k i ixed v aim s to ik effective must thi v stiti bt incn ased in ordt r to s iva i c inidun industrv ind its triimtl workirs from ovtrwhilm- ing jip 1 1 mp tition mudt pi ssibli bv the pxtnmtli low wagts art costs of manufjetun which pn j v ul in japan i located chu flv in smll towns the can id 1 in knitted glove industry i oonsistcd of 2 plants which em plnved oir 1 100 people and prodi pollock and campbell high grade memorials memorial engraving 82 vvitw st north galt telethons tu acton public school kindergarten enrolment chiklt nam da to of birth parent or guardian surname first day month year addroaa tolophono hlldren auukl be 5 ears of af befare dereanbrr list 19m pltme conifjltte this form nnd send to acton public school before june 10 ii hibakkuk rtvrutlon of jt h ovih 1 12 13 2 14 the prophi t rives one of the nt vluabl- ntrprttion f n700 dojn pair of iml jihov ih hi ses s him as t tt mar and inio t holv because of this he expresses assurance thit gods promises will not fail and his judffment will be correctixe men mas be persist ently sinful but thev are onlv weaing a nit for their oun cn- tanclement sometime the will be caught sin and sinners cannot en dure onlv jehovah endures be cause he ii everlasting heb 7 24 2s j from the prayer teatlmony of the prophet we pass to a reply from i jehovah and tn the statement is the enunciation of tha fundamental i principle that the just shall live j by faith this grace is the central theme running through all the cloves and mitts during 1mb in thit vear imports totalled 19 000 dozn pairs but in 1040 as japanese gloves were imported at pncis i which were well below the cost of manufacture in canada canadian production dropped to 174 000 doz- en pair in that vear plants were closed in mitchell alltlfton sea- forth and palmeraton ontario and the number of people employed dropped to 400 remaining plants in grandmere montreal stratford kitchener lraslde and toronto are operating fir below capacity th violin nearly perfect jibj not been improved in centuries do you hold first victory loan bonds this issue has ken called for redemption on june 15th 1950 at 101 for each 100 h tt fai the interest of all holders to present their bonds promptly for payment on or soon after june 15th 1950 because after that date this issue will no longer earn interest arrangements for redemption may be made through invest ment dealers banks or other savings institutions ottawa the government of canada byi bank op canada7 cueal arrfc

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