Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 8, 1950, p. 2

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pace two the acton free press thursday juve i5a olljtf artau jfrrr jlrrag piui4 fci twiu i aw oia awlkovu4 wcwoj um owl pt ollw uh8mi 0t ubscurnoh ratiui rw vta uit4 uutiml ul tc- mk jj 4 m calr tu l via clua l 4f u rbi4- 4jwebt1sjkg 9attom ui u ajtkuwa fatolto will t lfcm t au nf th pt 4rtuij u u wl hmi if ufmitfl ikkt tl ui im i fcuu to uj u ur dwtknui a k4 mu hmj j jrtuat it i wrilu b lb ojmviu tj r ihi4 i tu fcw cmu 41 alga j bjr ik tlvwilm 14 vttb mi wrw w car ttte ulaly mul u ihlu tfcaraaa ttfj w ikii mm w ur rr t mii if w4 emtmtaj r tfc p wr u iuuu4r ull a m uuk 4amta l im mltf t wik utwt lb kwij wjf tk moj rtw im i ik fcl ra4i bf 0mr1 iw ittlmtlmi g abup dills uit kjiioful 4 bum ottk ty mfcua ii frew fourth stwvy window ulually on our trips to toronto we are a pait of the rushing mot in the streets downtown last tnp we had some time to contemplate from a foumh storey window on the university avenue traffic toronto s traffic problems are of course caused by such a large proportion of the popula tion wanting to go the same place at the same time at 5 00 a m on any morning tliere s no more traffic on university avenues five or six traffi lanes than there is on main street here you can hear the birds singing just as you do out in ihe smaller centres sunday morning the traffic starts later and seven in the morning finds it a deserted thoroughfare from eight a m until again earty the next morning auto traffic fills the street down in the morning filling all the downtown buildings and in the evening evacuating lite big buildings without big buildings concentrated in a small area toronto or any other city might nut have traffic problems many a time we have marvelled at the mighty power of niagara and some of the other develop ments of the ontario hydro electric commission watching the off ce staff of the commission fill the sixtoen storey building and learning that other floors of office workers of hydro are quartered in other buildings m toronto we mar vel more at the stupendous ability of our water powers of the piovmcc to sustain such a gigant centralized staff hydro has certainly gone be yond the visions of sir adam beck fifteen years ago when we had occasion to visit provincia hydro the little old six storey build ng was ado quate for the commission tooklng down on passenger autos from above g ves an impression that big engines and elab orate fronts with the new extra large trunk compartments have crowded the passengers space in rather cramped quarters on some cars the passenger compartment looks like a bubbl on the machine on some there is a special art required in sliding into the seat it seems tha owners soon develop the motions naturally for their own cars it s quite easy to note the pas sengers strange to the car in making entrance cr exit from the cars colors of cars from an elevated viewpoint present every shade of the rainbow the painter s spray or brush has run wild in shades if we are going to get a cho ce of colors for a new car there is nothing more confusing than seeing them all pass in review any color is nice as long as it s bright and shiny our viewpoint has been brought back to the home surroundings this week we re told a new desk awaits us at the office with the top all cleared for action and the compartments all ready to be filled up at the old desk is the unior member of the family who has now fitted in with a loyl staff for the few weeks of our absence end will con tinue during the summer months our apprecia tion to all of them for their loyalty and good work our importance has dwindled visits letters cards flowers end kindly mes sages were all appreciated in the fourth storey lookout more than we can tell you everbttv busiu we used to think of education as something we took in our hand in the form of a diploma perhaps it was out of high school or out of university for the privileged or hardworking few if we took some of it in our headtnmhe form of knowledge that was all to the good now w know better we know that the business of learning is continuous from the first iutoija4 mi spank by the doctor to our final farewell of him that is why so many have a hand in it we ace forever being educated and educat ing we cant escape it but we can give direc tion to it we usually think of education as something good but it can be bad that fs why it is everybody business tt starts in the home what our homes are the community is the nation and the world because the world is the wrt of all our homes if we have selfish jangling homes we ii have a selfish angling world all the peace conferences from now till doomsday can do little to alter it if we want to avoid that doomsday whth is approaching with accelerated speed and most of us do we d better hasten to tidy up our homes our schools should they confine tfwir bust ness to reading writing and arithmetic the an swer is obvious let us have information and facts by all means we cannot do without them but scientific knowledge is not enough it has already given us a world that we are afraid of what we need to learn now and learn quickly is riow to use our knowledge parents and teachers also must have lite vii ion to prepare children for life to prepare trtein to make a sane world that they wont be afrai i to live m f fixation for living is our most important business so let us put a premium on it let u think plan and ipend for it it will pay dividends why banish them te the kitchen at the first sign of unemployment the old hue and cry agamst married women in business is iwing heard again in certain parts of tht united states and canada in some cases mun cipal governments always irwj fust to iw stamp edad in these matters have announced that no married teachers would be hired only to find that they can t get enough single ones in a free country there can be htlle if any justification for this discrimination so long as the married woman is capable and can handle the job she would seem to have the same right to work as that of a single woman or a man hrr private life and obligations so long as ihey do not interfere with her employment are her own business in most tases ihe married woman has is much need of her salary and wages as anyorv else sometimes she prefers and is actually lietter fitted for commercial employment than for houstketp nq vi ry ofti n by cont nuing to wof k during the fut ft w ytars of marrd life sh s ahk to niikt a substantial iddition to in r hu binds savings toward buying a home in pr p vat mn for ihe tiimq of i family in this w ly she is nutirially h ipmg q ncral employmi n a ou it that is ignored by those who wou i ban sh hor lo thr kitchen peace mr i e s errand to moscow is quite evidently turning out as expected he has bet n told lhil the ussr seeks pothmg but peace that t merely demands that the other members of u n should always permit moscow to decide who may be members and how such questions s atomic bombs should be handled returninq from moscow mr lie has explain ed to messrs bevin acheson and schumann that if he is to be comfortable in his ob as secretary general of u n since russia will make no concessions the other nations shoujd do so effect is not likely to be exactly that more probably the western nations having made up their minds that it was a mistake to try to placate the russians by concessions will be led rather to wonder whether u n is not actually a danger to world peace at present and in particular wheth er mr lie is really a suitable person for his pom any society of nations that is to maintain world peace will face from time to time the necessity of disciplining member nations th t threaten peace no such society can function for ever on ihe basis of trying to obtain unanimity by compromise on matters of principle it wa tor this reason and largely because the canj dian government disciplined its agent in geneva when he demanded that the league carry out its obligation of disciplining italy that the league broke down mr lie s recent action has probably been the final blow to any possibility of keeping u n functioning unless russia be expelled public opinion in the western nations did not back mr hoover when he suggested that plan western nations still feel that it is wise to keep u n alive tn the shadowy hope that it may some day work but mr lie has practically removed even that vague hope aoczatfoycsycilfsioizz recollections ol acton c3qczdlfoic5o1ciorzr back in 1900 tftkrn fraai ike luur af thr frr prrsa f tlury june 7 1 fa is it ii about tan- thr rorp ration hay nop wai bring cut from thr ititcu thr businru tit thr canada fluvr works u extending to that ud ditiurial ipacr la fircfuiiy thr old itaptist church btilildinit tut con tetjuently been leased and the hoe uc detartrnrnt i muvrd tin rrtn the fint uaoetall match of the iiaum ii played m monday niht lrtnn trami pukitl from those tmploytd on ttir at aide and wrt aide of mill street mr w a slurry artrd at umnjir acton wu not behind in thr it i ebratlun utt thursday woul was received of th tapturr of inliiin rarlv in thr morning and ihr town fathers wrrr soon around u ikn u up a demonstration th mornmtc u nlnrnwl bv hit disc hrj- of nun 1m in inn n utiil h ur t v iiimi in n form all wits at ton at two i in m iikhm n u n f nm i ux tin town hull rxim tnik if the bund ind upwjii u f 4 u htpi mhln i i ldi n ii ii nil i mill st itosmt avt no i minn st kiiii in in hid i th ik l i it th v rm nl a half hour ftinjdnit ri nnd uiit uddmkstd tiv lb v a mir pin r mi almost a thniind himih niiiuii utlid in tin pnrk in tin v iniiik for fitting piomm tin umax of tht evfnintt tame in hi fltiwutks a im rum supply m onlrnd from toronto in tin afh r noon th dtopluv urihr tin dir t lion of mt wn john aim ton unit w murk un the txtt rr seen in acton and itulmhd nlniot firlliine known in tin line it was w ith imiih sorrow on ni wan rrrilwil lure lint thur duv of tht uinitvomt udd n d lh of mr andn u wmrrn of st luii mi nrrn wu itorri in acton in 1k12 n f w wk ufti r his fiith r n1 m tin r airutd in jrudu fim kiihii s hand marrir ii l mohai al tl 1 i i m i tot 1 m f f mi l i i 1 i i i t ff 1 t ml i 1 1 i m fit m uck itto r r r i ur 1 tt t r i r f t r lav j i 130 ui u i s t p ul f ail ii s h is 1 11 h 1 tin 1 irnu it mil ul 1 k n tin dis m i- 11 nhiioi mil r mltlllk fin i v 11 1 ml m 1 1 t ti n tl hii vrl out tsnoo si dlint m 1 s f iii us hi tl s n tin ir f irn hi n this bpnnjl th ii i ion i uidwl ib for th ap i rt i hui r ech ral tit tmn an j u ulbrixi k f r th i it ral prorn s mvi and ir h k andi rson for tin ns t ji tl s u ho i the pre 3 nt n m h r for mallon cli tl nv bill t im pltm d in milt n on s turdix ind srr tw tl n h th m r of 2 0 the follow inn oiii nv i th ti ini k il i ivhnnn i uou is tt ircn chi w w it rhm t t1 r gibbons choi thi il of tht ft ncc aruiind thi hsdni substitlon nt acton is iutt an impmirrmnt in bcnutlfy- tnj thi surroundlnrs niki neswlck at the fnnills r sidenci john htrtet acton on sundas june 1st 1030 alice m vannatt r imiomii wife of r bnijcr lli s wick in hi r 73rcl star editoaial notes the boer war ended 50 years ago and a large celebration wai the remit in town fire- work were only part of the days entertainment the 75th anniversary of the acton free press is to be celebrated with e special edition this july and its pgs unfold the interesting story in pictures- and words of early acton end its development fashion note from britain llifkctint thi trtnd towards she r ibius i nosil mibrial thiffon mow is intrihlurtd b cons luut ud dries of london in thi ir aut i umn collection this shows an op i iu pisti 1 toned en p pittt rn on a fche r bl ick ground ii inn n hci llki effect l sifcns rnnife from larte flower tds to imprt ssionist pattt rns and m at keomt trie motifs this fabric is also shown with the pattern in self tons for such basic colours as brown wine and black well known for th ir prints this house includes a special late after noon to midnight series showing multi colour designs on black grounds through a special process these prints are stightu fluorescent lundir artificial light the technique making the pattern appear to stand out from the black ground they are shown on moracains and fila- j ment raj on crepe de chine which hat the supple handle of silk and include such designs as leaping fauns in groups of three with an i occasional stylised tiny flocr be- tueen jester performinff before ladies of the court striped boxes u ith lids thrown back to show flowers spilling out of them and larger motifs suitable for evening dresses with groups of halfopen flowers and full blooms or clusters of flowers surrounded by ribbon j rings 4 just arrived be the first to use the new congowalt tila 85c a linaar feet this tit comet tricolours of graen yellow blue black anrl while and red and white congoleum cold seal rugs in all sites modern plumbing heating then 7701 aclon carrolls burford peaches 2s5s lbartlett pears 35e i marmalade 232e kellokss cornflakes x5c c b date nut loaf 19c special ltwk vallbt bievk 4 8 peas xoc natures beat tomatoes x i7o a wax beans j dandee tea 38c 75c romar coffee 42e v83e frys cocoa vrls- tim 39c w hi harvest margarine domestic shortening 31c grapenuts flakes 23sc ayluer corn kernels 3x5c ayluter jumbo peas vj 17c special cloves leaf red cohoe salmon 29c homes punch 33e mclarens punch sie freezeasy x23e wafer pickle 23c uakt v0ur 0wh icc c1x1u aylmer rkd pitted cherries 25c rsee plutie tnmbur with mother parkers tea 53e oakruit california spoclal oranges 288i dei nw laro buiwhs carrots each frh harpagrown spinach lb 56e wfus7se 3 29c 35c 10c 10c business directory medical dr w g c kenney phytatimm and hurgai succttaor to dr j a mcvwcaj offtrr tn syroon block miu st aclon ihtlrm pbfm 7fflafuabar ctttsntvi m piaa la qr d a garret fistic amj barf mm coirirr of willow and river si entrinc hivr straal cion ontario phona xm devtal or a j buchanan dmlttml rag officelriihman block muu offlc hour- 0 am- to pm x ray telephone 1u or george a sirs qpataj btfgfaa mill st corner frederick actoa offir floun too tm to 5 jo p6 telcphone ib lttual c f ifatherlano atfv rarrutar a hollrlur otary pourov olhr ii flu kmukm lit lever a moskin clururpd arountojiu succruon to jrnhinh iiarov ims metropolitan bid 44 victoria st toronto el dial vrttrinarv b 0 young b w c l young dvw mortuary hrfo f fire ilroklll ontario phone milton 1uh f g oakes v s bvsc v etarlaar hargraai offirf nd iteaidrnre knai at acton phona im mi j txxa n eor the victor b rumey i funfral home- i uneral llwi lleul tmhalaaae ih n v r ght or dy s f u j ihr n m i unity f jr 43 yran wl lol thtiy fapv agency i nt 1 uti t aittrto tn tnada ii i f fi krt it ii ttooto rj t n lt prcs njtk a ton i llewmn phniw dforirtown 3sw weight real estate and insurance r u wh1giit n ii wright jo wilbur st 318 ork rd acton onu guelph onl i phone 05 phone 149u kluatora da1tor fiuarvr mi mix r appraisal int -v- of i canada 1 mnntx r uclph l dutrivt real hxtatr hoard m mix r- ctirlph 4 ontr1 t injru- rimr afirnu aosociaton travellers guide cray coach lines oiirh iwr cton 1a i k1it samng tv it rathtuiul ih tt i r h wt m 1 m 2im l m mi3 pm 6 33 p t s33 p m hlo sh p m v uetbautktl lo i ir i pm p m p m j i m 0 12 p t 11 33 pit 1 1 j i i i s n to k h nrr l dail xirpt sunda and holl- d i x t saturday sunday and holi- da i railways canadian national stwdvrp timf eaatboomd da 1 5 a n oail u t sun- iins j s4 am 10 p ni s nday i nh m 19 p m dml axcip sun- da flvivr at eoriretown 8 17 pm dallv fier at gortton 10 11 p m umthauatl dally except sunday an 1 moa- 1 3i a m sunday and monday i nlv 12 iw am daily except iua- u 84sam 6 50pm 744 pm- duiin exctpt sat and sun 5 4h p m iflaffttopi saturday onlv im pm sundav only tt43 a n- iflajt- stopt esh dai1vh h tenutoh atpartgim cukflowr radltlmt h h uhu tanaiui knaappb otttnwtlfht 7 douglas street gukxph eyes examined gtxsses pitted i m

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