Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 8, 1950, p. 3

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thursday juke 1th mm the acton wee wu3s page thru the bowl 2dw hello homemakertl vfhaa oo fearomra interested in frona food quiproent for tha bom nubjr egumtlons as to type tt and use fulness of equlpmant eotaa to aw if there i fretting locker plant in the diatrlrt you may not have ay intention of buying a horn frees r the freetlng unit will ba your beat buy wfcan card pro- duee poultry and mu am avail- fable whr you llva or at fcela- aia prices tb bona fnimr to th typa whare produc u trnwn and vvpt frocan in a eonaunt twpr- ature of below 10 dtga- if tba eoua- try home ownar u tntaraeud tn sail in produce muh a poultry eggs and fruit than taro cabinet or a space rwth in tba chilling tonm of a lorfaar plant u adyuabl thr decision whether a horn fieercr will ba of value or not de pend on how much produce can be grown t homa or purehaaad at wholnsle prices and whether you can keep that fraeier filed to rep- acl fc r practically tba year round the rprrttlon is not much mors than 3 kilowatt hours a day tf the home frreicr is kept filled defrost ln should only ba naceaaary once very i or is months at this tlma belongs in your icebox fashion hint iimii time faioittr out airy iluiiiillay tliltltt tiumrmakrr diets yoiir teen lit many a muuii willi iu rji let eld bertha rnunditl lltxalme handy flap ktt and mi flatlet in 111 luicht 1 ly plaid i rendms and peggy kitt leva bus trip tttey feel sole and kappa in tb care el a cee- petenl end friendly driver and bee lefuby enoy the aellgbtfvl drive and ail the inter esting slants along lb way mem hme let yew laved ones travel by bus add enoymenl to their trip fares are low round trip tettuile 1 10 owm sound sis tirm 495 nortti bjy 13ss lsulict to dune nckeis and harold al the method is simply to disconnect the cabinet st the convenience out let and remove packages to a well padded box then scrape the fraat with a dull tool such as wooden ruler to prtpakk rrvirs ron rnrrzisa 1 fruits are prepared in the same manner as for tha table or for other use sort wash and drain 3 precautions are at telect varieties recommended by your local agricultural advisor bl use only firm w 11 ripened fruit r wash quickly with as ittle handling wiilir telean fiuiu raspberries and strawberrtee do not have to be waahed d drain fruits on a clean tea tour or cheeaecloth pack into car- i tftnt allowing mtr inrh of head span- at thr top r till rirloni with a thin cool vrup tu trwer the fruit ft seal oilntf melted paraffin or heat 1 method if imirkagri are to be taken to imk r punt m iiiiiii tt that mm place rarh package at it filled in mmir rltrlr rrfribrt nt r until all cartona arr filled and rradv s such frulu as black and rad raipbertlcn lilackberries and straw i berries will freeie and keep their colour without addition of sugar or water although the appearance li letter with a vnip for fnilt to be acrcd as pn serve 4 lllanthink of m orhn and im liar fruit is mrt u to ri move skim ii in ah wattle u hrti park aging prarhr and pears to use tp citric acid in tin s nip to prt nt discoloration straw in rrlri hold their shape and do not flat in ivrup if they are left to soak in svrup overnight tx fun packaging the name holdi hue in cannmk tlraw lerr ie ft r ruit juice raw or ciked krepf froien in quart or pint jars pro idinit mr inch of head ipire u left before placing on the rub- ler hand ilass top and screw band i 7 vr to tables mav be frozen on kntuntan tht same dar at fnilti and placed atmut ilusaia and in the same site cartons ultinw l t chronicles ol ginger farm wrtuaa htlllr tr i pr pew owendoune t f wh tk yv jva to pfarr by jwrps utlrr balledge u all know that when we tiaue i fiflrxt on sonte ernt or events i mil trn t h lst it y t he happen liik or ituatlon will be farliier back hile w accept that time la ataing iinnoticitl we do not accept so rradily the fact that with tha luukiuig of llim new fartois entar our lis a n w situation are cre ated piihiipa this is a natural reluct unit to meet our trouble halfway and kihjpa this li the reason that many of u cannot really be lie v nelghtxhir and llv the ussr mi loutlv un n lt conduct of t w iii sere our do not follow tha we had a very nice rain last week and as a result everything la looking so much better hut oh dear it is so chilly in the house first week in june and when we are ready tu sit down in the even ing wr are glad of a bit of fire in tlie furnace but thru we ale not silting down very much the lung light evenings give unr a cliance in get s many little odd ona done 1 have even been able to paint at nlfht oh yes 1 am still on that ii but the end la in sight their is only the floor to do now and linn i can say flnl and tie thankful rfintt thin trlla mr i should never ahl to maks a living aa a ia inter i get into kutir awful ml li meaaionallv only i have nv r y i tainted mmlf into a room if ou km what i mean 1 would like to know how 11 la plble to avoid aineais of paint hrr tha re and svirvwhert ll la a secret i have tu ver yet dlsrovtred i the tiasetkoaril and thi ie are paint daulta on the wall do the floor ul their an smtaia in ie and thert on ure thick long and luscious and what did those cows do they nosed around tha ash pile ate branches of ue reached over tha fence and nibbled at a lttle elm partner stt out last year pushed tlieir noses under the ft nre to get at the fresh gre n oats th- n they tnofcerf around for places in the yatd where the grass wai the thickest and grct nrst ind on tt tht y settled down to chew their cud they should be put out to feed on some of the pastures ve tisve seen this year peiluip then i hey might appreciate what lh y lave it tvome for erononiy in govrrnnicnt fly joseph imur autad0 ttie phraf hoy a i cotniulsskmt lias cuiiie to liave a certain mean ing for canadians the subject of the inquiry we have learned by j eiiierience will receive a thorough i luiif tial invt ki i nation tjnfoitun ately we have alau learned by ei perierife tliat the rrporta of a ituyal tunuiueslon ilea ting are easily sub je t tu i lie tit atlitrnt kliuwn as pigtmi holing acts may be rec utnitk nded but adioii dots nut nee i awarily n ult thu aallng no rfhtloii on tht value uf kurh ediniiilfloti inveatl gation many uf us have qui atlon ed in our minds the viitue of tht uggistion rect ntly roade by the jt adi r uf the opposition that a itoal lominlsalofi sit fur tht pur mux of di v iking tin una of utting the baseboard work over your m f iuvrrlinfll j can head and there are splashes on the thf fc th- thr mlnl l root inji mrra down and you s maiu haa indlcatal that tha fov- iih nt la glvinu mieful tonaldtt our northern 1 1 t milv purpoa the old uar fviture wt ii if w path of toast trouble telling our- sle that aurelv things are never a ivad as they streni and that in i the end everything will turn out will hoa opinions about moscow s urn should receive atten tion and respect is it general l alter itedell smith the former united stalet amtasaador to it us i sia as the title of his recent book thrtt ears in moscow tug rur qursttoft box it a h ask how can we conk beets in a pressure cooker to keep them a good red colour anmurr to cook beets irt a pre- lt general smith has had ample sure saucepan u ash thoroughly leaving all hut one inch of tops and the root on place hoeta on rack u ith inch walsr in tht prt vuire saucepan adjust cttv t r and allow opitortunltv esanune the alms if the world s chief j communiat state in discussing whether or not tha hihi leaders want to make war on us their former allies general smith titrs that both lentn and tutored their fot that the world s people old some dav be divided team to flow out the vent to re- loac all air then place on indicator and cook for 10 mms at 10 lbs i pressure it is nect osarv that the j stalln ha aiics pin he cooled imtnihliatetv by placihk in the sink or in a pvn of watr fillet to one half it depth lwn c hr b in com- rtcmove the cover at vxn n the niunism and the believer in cap pnvture i nrmil ind skin beeta ullsm sll general smith sawn with ilt before serving to h nr choice at the end of world mantain deep red colour trip oer them make a dcti rmln cd effort to get into all the corners when ialnllng window sash and you get paint all over the glass 1 find so much time is waited trying to make a neat job of things so that now i no merrily on and clean j up afterward and here is a hint that someone mav find useful if von have tiled water paint von mav have i wen in despair trvlnr to clean up splashes that have dried without your noticing them try using very hot water on them tt works mv worst predicament so far has allon to the ou ih t ion suggestion is not ilka ly to glvi many taspay era hope that thi it will be a r dm tlou in this yar s proposed 3 400 000 000 fedira aju tiding a lourst of attlon that all taxpayer would wtltomt and which might it ault in so tit i immedluu govern un nt saving would b tu proceed with tht ituyal commission as quitkly ai posmbu but without de uv to tall into at hon the public aiiourils commutes it is almost impossible for our eletted reprxm ntatlvt i tu t ff ect any economies been reaching the wall and celling important over the well of the stairs i knew i should have had a scaffolding built but it seemed such a lot of work for the small amount of painting there was to do so for the hlrh spots i ex pert mi ntod by using a sponge mop for the paint ing it worked but the job was somewhat patchy when our niece was here she looked at mv work with critical eyes and said if vou had boards reaching from the rail ing over to the step ladder i could ti kneel on them and give that wall second coat and by jove that is ummalpiy responsible to the peo ie exactly what she did with nnth for all buvmmrnl pending ing to hang on to and a 1j fool ml 1h recalled in pn ng drop if she fell partner put a in th ij blati s during brace under the hoards in the mid- j rect nt war mars ulun gov die which he hung on to like grim rnmr upending ran to many bll death i held the boards at one end t dollars and a certain am lnlotn make sure thev dldn t tllp while overlapping and waslt halts inched her way along on her might hat bo n condoned due to mergi nry munition a certain depart mi nlal t xpndlturt s whin t xamin alum of the attending of almost twu and a half billion dollars must be mad in ummlltec of the whole houm hut the ihjbllc accounts committee was created for the pur ptise of saving public money by subjecting government accounts to a carrful scrutiny the committee i can call witnesses it can examine government spending in detail it does not but it should meet ever its findings would tx a ill the close observation of members of the house w ho me j s r ask t how to preveyi i ftcth fruit pu freni thmhni our nttcr allow t cup of fruit for a 7 inch pu ind hli nd together with a cup ugir 4 tbsps umon juice wrap a plect of utt parch- nn nt pipr along thi edge of the filled pit pite ind pi ice pu in n pn hi ateel o i n of 4v dig for 10 mini then reduce the hi at to 3v0 d th kneea painting as she went once or twice she glanced at me mv touslv and said what are you look tt ir ii of tecking our ceintinutng ing so worried nbout aunt gwm friendship or of dividing the world rm all rlpht well mabe artiunel these two hostile centrea- but i was hot all over before sh hiving chiwn division and ultim wa through i had one consolitlnn manv destruction of our capitalist i our acrobat weighed onl 100 the kremlin now seeks pounds now if tt had been ma but enough snld another job i did list week wa clean up the cellar we had n good v t r nuans possible short of wai t dt rov ing us and should clr umstanci s requtn it and com uinit irtorv i ill im readv to attack us dircctl for bemt to mine to reeluce arms ht at we simplv move the indi hiving retched this reahtic con cator on in t lectric ov n to tv and elusion gem ral smith does not ur ltt thi timpcraturt fall gr iduallv i skinny men women gain 5 10 lbs prtws ttoahwiiiiimiejas s t aau r 7il3l asms si thit we an f indoemed to r tlit in a world unitei under communist h hct stat ptace v ormnl smith is pissihli in gt nt ral own words it is im- tsvibh to e st ape tht conclusion it tin im st lssu in cl of pt 1ct is ir str nith and d e rmmation to ppurt 1 r hi 1 t om t 1 ti ins m re 1 inn mic itlt is i 1 1 11 t 1 111 in th r th tl 1 in 1 it 1 in 3 ill fut ts is 1 i ill n it 1 m t 1 h f lv hfi ml op l n tv in i th 11 1 nltv t f ir in v 1 1 n u n i 11 that n ill m siinii r stx n the ivlssuin ltt t n 1 f it pe 1 le t thi fnc lot of stuff there wa also carrv up thlj m probable itussta garden last ear nnd wi nt down cellar a lot of stuff to spring and i knew it that pirt done i attacked tht cobwibs with tht md of a mcuum cleiner it wouldnt le safe to tr thnt stunt w ith tin uprikht vacuum bits mikht ci t inti the motor nnd ruin it lint with n tmk tvpt ilm st invthinn is inihli uv ulnc th ritvm timl it 1 t simph mitter t 1 11 t rid of dirt cohwih m i spi 1 t rs thi pv r llttl spidi rs thi v tu t r hive 1 chinci to m t iv iv it ill nothi r k d think is in 1 tt nsion lnht n ct ding hkht 1 mv k od in n it c mi s li f ir i iv plict s itut of c 1 1 st u miv n t 1 i 1 n ii ir i ik his 1 im 111 vt mi cmld dr p oni of tht m tolitirlan named harry truman k uneel mon than caual attention bv hmding a sort of public ac count commit let that ultimate ly siveei thi ami ncan taxpajer millions of dollars by its rmful examination of the spend ing of riiblic mon y perhap it would not be presumptlou to sug g st that some canadian politic in or pirn like note of where that sprmkboird led tht ime mr tru mm rnroi gftm s oit motiirrs in ont ino alom c tut troup iatlu vhuh somt fiorto auxiliani otht is of wo ubs nd ho in i1m th sivitik thioiikh lift insiinnii 1 it thin woo for w mm ind t hilil in niol 1 if c inidnns siv ink was every man you will be delighted with this fragrant tea salada orange pekoe new idea all steal btlixt winter air caisitmig n o is tin- time to install your furnace for next season kkkk kstimvlks bilton plumbing and heating 2 bower avenue telephone 341w acton ont tax notice1950 municipality of acton second instalment now due attention is drawn to the pavmmt of 19v taxes which an now paable in rour instatim nls taxtt aie payable to the municipal treasurer at the acton public utilities office intulmrnl arr oar st isiim second instalment third instalment fourth instalment june isth august isih octostb 16 a of on m 1 inu tinmil 1 1 c n h iii im in iii 1 ill h lull iii ii i p main of s nl h 11 nlh will im iji t 111 thi imiiunt r main lnylli i- ill nlh iliv of jun thi p nillv applies tin nt in 1 mill ii 111 inni r the attention nf itnti pa t r li dirirtid ti the pcnaltlel and other clautra as pnntil on the rinnr sil nf mi tax notice and lxplainrd in ditai on pun tax ilill mxkf rtsmist sow tnd ttki mil b tv soticf hitii lot hiuv mvkinti rtlmivt j mcgeachie collector rtm 1 hou in m nt wmc milugan no will b in acton to practice optometry the first and third wednesday of each month from 10 a m to p3l at the residence of a t brown mill street please telephone 206w acton for appointment ot tier ti sin th of course was ad ilrt saini hi own countrxmen hi tiivic ipplu equalh to this dem- h tain nation digs ivied vlsitinb pastor was enjojinx a round of coif uith his host when a crest calamltx befell htm tak- ing a michtv swinn he missed the ball completely oh boulder he exclaimed his mvsttfted companion asked for an explanation i meant the biggest dara on earth came the reply total nlue of nonrealdnet in- eatments in canada amounted in llufl to seven and a halt billon dol- lara almost three quarters of which was held in the united state ml still hive room to spar wtll mn poor irl hoists hit pone we hited saving goodbve to thtm ur certainly hope they hi a rood home and will be weli treated the small tractor ii now on the job and the men found it erx hand for toting stuff around when thex were fixing f 1 nces one dax when bob was awav i heard the tractor start up nnd immediale- 1 i was oytslde to imestigate i had a feeling partner was just wilting for an opportunity to trx it out when no one was around he used to dne the big one but this little fellow with its starter clutch and gears is something else again sure enough there was partner in the driving shed experimenting with the gears aa spon at he was ure of himself he let the clutch out and wai then away for moat of the afternoon the cow are out to gran pint to a patch at the back of the house part garden part natural past- do you moid first victory loan bonds this issue has men called for redemption on june 15th 1950 at 101 for each 100 it is in the interest of all holders to present their bonds promptly for payment on or soon after june 15th 1950 because after that date this issue will no longer earn interest arrangements for redemption may be made through invest ment dealers banks or other savings institutions ottawa the government of canada byi bank of canada fiscal agent rf

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