Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 29, 1950, p. 4

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page pour the acton free press thursday junk mill mm district news vtrioua itrfau conmtnittjr artlvitu in cpmitiusiitie nearby whm many of oar rmultr ar interred nassagawey a a n i congratulations to hob cos martin davenport and ivan mr lasod ttho wrif surrvatful in pas ting grade right nimi ilob cos passed ith honors a number frotn thli district at tended the llaltim federation pic nlc at lowvllla par and all report a nlrr day and a good picnic tttf funeral waa iwld m sunday afternoon of lttin infant son of mr and mtl a ikavetipnrt from i he him r f mi and mia va llav nmnl st juhn s hurt h inter int nl in st john cfnihry the vn jtatl of the community is ri tenth d it th wrriiu slitv lurry plrkintf li the order t tin i and a iimm1 mp la i ing pktktd mmeiiouse in a rl ly ctmti ted aofthall gam between s s 0 and hsu hrhl in high park on friday the furtm r wrrr wlnm ra ij tl in th seetmd game the boys of bolh schools defeated the teacher and glrli jlt mr tony ivum is hom from illdtey college for the summar rev wm j 1ane nf yellow grass rath will prcat h at t imi house presbyterian church on july 3 at 1m firing a plmlr lurrh and star to vlalt with htm congratulations lo thus at our local schools who were alt success ful in meeting high tt hool entrance requirements mrs j f fllcrby and mlas c mccultough attended the summer meeting if oltrirt of the agrlr littlirat societies of ontario at colllngwood a week ago nrcrnt visitors include mr and mo w mllltere or kitchener and mr and mrs hpefee mcklnnon w ith the mltlleres oi sundav mr ales wright home from to rontn mr and mm victor mills mil v mill and mrs ijttle all of toronto ilh mr and mrs mi1u on sunrtav mr and mrs sturm and hllde garde of toronto lth the paul spttirr mr at d mrs itlll ftrown and non nf titonto with the mitchell mm f shclhoume mr and mrs can hum and mr and mrs itrown of toronto u 1th the w shrlhcmrnr a wrck ago tte and mrs wm tjtne and son ito of yellow firsui lask arc with the a w bentons while x lilting in the neighborhood mr and mr stanley fall la of me tnggart sank were at the same place on sundav night kockwood uu everton sundav visitors with mr and mrs v head were mr and mrs charlie head and lon weapon mr and mrs kllchenr tlead and valeric and mr and mrs fred murray ouelph the mccutcheon reunion was held on satudav at the homa of mr and mrs t o altken ilarrts- tnn with a rood turn out towae attending from avrrtnn wer mr and mrs t d mccutrheon mr and mrs harvry jrstln and bobbr mrs t t smith and joy and mr and mr will smith mrs duncan ktngsbunr and catherine rpent last week with mr and mrs mac mcleod and famllv thombtiry mr and mrs walter coullnjt or- angcvllle sited on sunday with xlr and mrs llarsrv jestln nnd hobby sundan mtors with mr ceo jestln w ere mr and mra jim porter shelbourne and mr sind mrs arthur porter kitchener mr cm wright rt cathahres lulled an sundav w ith his brother hirold and family mr and mr wbltnev milton tsttc4 on sundav with mr ben simons mr and mrs clarence itortop rockwood lilted on sunday with mr and mrs w ii itortop mr and mrs chas fountain via ited with mr and mrs dick grili oakvillc on sunday six month tecord tnik sets ot ttlhets arthur or1fkn no rival the farm of mr arthur griffen recently reported another triplet birth at rjl 2 acton ft cow cftve birth to three normal catvec in th print of the year two ewea tv birth to two triplet lamb this ti something of record from what we can gather one arm producing three aeta of trip let within six months perhaps don fatrbum of neighbourly news can find a rival on hli sun day broadcast or perhaps mr ar thur griff ens farm has no rival in that respect lt tuesday rvtnutg monthly meeting ut the i tot k wood iturtuullural hocu ty was ha id at our school fllnu wire shown dealing with farm hum a and aur ruuiullnga with a film showing tiw di strut live work of insects and aluga in garth n and farm roo ur uartln uaucr had charge of the niaihiiie aiul followtng the flints mhjtint thisiness uf the hoclsly wmb irled out at tu tofttlua ion uf uu nut tuig it f ruaiuiittula mill mimxl ttit annual ioiim i it ion uf kih ihom sunday lumtl aum allo4i id lut ttiuiaday al lh sunie hoiih u faiily wtl atlxultl with ufl mi hmi and vi mug a hi mldiil mi win ju ism in anltl and m utd th iiiilnik with a urtrf mtllitsa uil tin highlight uf uu yimi a tulivll i b mi tuiriia ii llanu led in lii i ouring lh aft mhhui hmi milt i jhh tliatuasitui wi littlulgitl i in oti sunday fu huol work int lutt ling r frum the dlffennt i a ho i la in the tuwnslilp lt v it heiktndtun uf the o u r c waa prrsant and dellvenxt address ea on dirtennt phasra uf sunday school attivllles during the af term mm aosalun llev juhn w ol iver ctuidurted a brief devotional imtumi a solo by ulsa mary rmklnatm waa murh t n joyed llev it w plikrsglh uf rittn mliu gave an inatruttlvt atldmss mi whin l a sunday s iuhii fvang lull rollowlng the ctmclualtml nf the afti mtmmi sraaltui committees ad jtturneil to make further plana for tht evt tilng uttsltui aa well aa ap iwtlnttng ru w of fin rs for the en miing y ar a pit nlc tupper wti tii id in the haaemeftt of the church anil a atirlal time enjoyed by thoa i pnstnt i r or the evrnlng session itrv john w oliver again conducted devotional exerrlaea special num i tiers during the evening were con j trihutod by the stone church t hotr iteports were given by committees and election of office ra meruht m of the chtlr took part in hrli f play the teacher vlalti tht home which created anme in tt n at in the convention for the t oiirlutllng atldrrsa of the evening hev it tleekrndorn apokt on hi at h tt ach win i rldnv thr isihllc st hoot of the townthlp held tht lr annual picnic in fhlhllon park which ua well altrndtnl counting part nta and at holars nnd others prrwrtt over vw people enjoyed an afternoons fun and a port mr gordon swan aton wa chairman for the orcaa i ion during tho evening supper wiit serxed on well laden tables nnd finlthed jut before rain came on mr dave armstrong of hikkwood school was master nf ceremonlea for the afternoon port j frlda t venlng pre communion ser icea were conducted in both the united and presbyterian churches sunday morning the sacrament of the iordi supper wai obaerved with a good attend ance sunday evening the citizens of the community were treated to a fine band concert from the hllts- burg tland hear the conclusion of the concert mr sidney kccot conducted the tland for two num hers all numbers on the program were much enjoyed before leav ing for 4her homes the hand mem hers were arrved with refresh ments in the band room at the school mrs purpura and famltv of fort r rie nent last weev with her mo ther mrs powers miss iaura pow rrs and nephew douglas ketly n turned with her slstt r for a lt i it i mr and mrs c parkin of tor i onto with ittn and my j w ol ier mr itichaut graddixk toronto j xtr and mrt c hi ffemnn en l joved a trip to windsor and detroit laid w cck mr a f j ohm of newmarket in alo acctmnanylng her sister mrs f d mcphedran on a visit to glcnrtdgc nj with mr and mrs ii mcphedran miss fllxabeth mcphedran li auay to england for a holiday go ing on board the boat at quebec following months of overhauling of the former j k keough prop erty on main st ur j a little has created a big improvement tar the premises what was the but cher shop is now a snack bar which will be known as the red door and conducted by mrs mack or the old indian trail off the fourth line of atramosa the friemben of the commun ity club are to be congratulated tn securing the vacant piece of land adjoining main st next to thstfor- mer bowling green and placing eating tables for the convenience ol visitors a slid has been pro vided for the benefit of younii folks which should be conducive for good sport campbellviixe mr and mrs cliarles kurren and ur and mrs robert laklng ipattt several days last week at the thou sand islands and took the boat trip frinn gananoque to clayton new york ilsv ur uclsod of klutunar was in st davids pulpit on sunday and ulsa norms brown and mr william bryant sang a duat mrs william turra is spending a week with her daughter mrs lwls blnkley of carlisle ulu katharine itolmea of ulltnn visited with mr and mr george nglts this week ur and mrs reginald twin and family were sunday guests with mr and mrs ieonard wat win and family at inglewood mrs it ftuttrlm uf dundas her mother fend aunt were tuesday guesta with mr and mrs robert in a- ha at a douhlf congregational meet tng at st david church it waa iteel ted not to call a mlnliter until further plana were made about s tllng thr manae property thr viiiiathy t f thli community i elt ruled to mra wlltlnm mr ijiren twi the death nf her brother the late mr john mcniven nf nel aon townahlp mr and mra nelaon howard win pledaarilly auiprlatl on son ttnv hv their family on the orcaalon or their 3mh wetldtng anniversary while mr and mra howard were dinner guests with mr and mrs thorn a howard the reat of the family were making prefia rations for the wedding celebrstlon al home tht immedlatt family prea 1 1 ted them with a basket nf flow era antl an electric fan ouiity council taxation derided assessment settled continued from pays ont all members around this tub at d i ainccrely hope thli will continue lleeve william marshall ot orgi town these figures at em to be very fair however i think ceorgrtown is a utile high but we won 1 argot about that 1 ttelleve our iucumi nt will t auut thli figure when we are finished lltvi ted tyhr acton i hiivi ntt ivitl inatrut tlona fnm my ttiuncll to i ntlnrst thia n com nu ndotlon of the ommltttt i mini toinphmint them for the wry fine job they have done httvt ctttirge currle emjik tin i am mill phased with this meet ing tonight i havt set n a lot of hitlt r ii rap littwthii the north iintl thi m tulh in thla vt ry room hut 1 am glad that titling hat til appt arett 1 tmi am pri i wired to miphrt the motion wnrttcn william vanslckle aa n pri st ntjitive of noiumgawcya 1 uu very appreciative of what you mm havi done i think the acule an at t down in the r commi ndntion is t ry fair the wardrn n minded member the init revision wai in 102ft which com the county an enormous amount of money just because there was strife between the north and the south i am glad to fee this has been agreed upon amic ably while wr sit around this table i thank you one ind nil for receiving the report of this com mittee approval of the new flgurt s end ed a threatened appeal of the is- rmcnl by both htassagaweyi nnd esqucsing township they axgu ed at a previous meeting the equal ired assessment figures were not in accord with other munlctpallt les ford rogers county assessor ex plained to council different featur cs of the new assessment scheme warden vanslckle spoke ver warmly of john mcniven reeve of nelson who died after a brief 111 ness john mcniven i an old stalwart of this council nnd he has doiu n good job i would apprcc i itt it if eery member of this council could attend the funenl on monday warden vanslckle con eluded arrangements are b ing made it was decided to hold the countv picnic on july 8 nt the lowville park councillors ken holdsworth ted tyler k y dick h litchfield j e whltclocx w j robert son and r s hcathertngton were named as a committee to head the cent thatollowlng is a tabulation ot the qew equalized assessment scheme for iftst th proposed per cent column is the share which each municipality wfll pay to the county to meet th expenditure for that year announce results pupils attending acton high school ratults of years work for pupils al high school announced in prom ol on utt tht following are the promotion results fur he school ytar at acton high sthtmil tilt honour ul aie iirrtuigid in order of uirrit and lh iau ijiu in alphauttual or di r attording to aurriaim stud ilu whose namra appear under he ht udlng conditional pass will be ittjuiiud to write and pass tuppu iim nlul i xutntiiatioris in htplrmlmr in aobjtu in wtiuh tht y fullod to otttuln a paas mark null as ihi y wlh to iiptut hit at auhjtttj nst ur tin tpit r sthuul iciradt 111 wr ti di i in tm ntwl r inn in uti ii whlih mi muiki t in 1 nn i ilui ii g july ihi tht atilla will i ul lut 1 u ut th mi hi i i amu1 il oa ii u i h i ihli n t 1 i i i it ii ail i ya j imliiga 1 t ii il it ii i i i t 1 m hnv diwku j rami vll ii j lllkl ll ii sill roil i j i alldii hit i ui i v kuth lltown ilht ry hi nm al hew moll mitlm mill hii mathi miitliai sylvh mvln imalhtmat i t marlon humllt hi 1 grn hy miithmi itli tirade uh llotoia ialx 11 klti hit marhara tiinu r patricia sargt nt llonald houton jeorgr wan anil tvlrr p duviii mi v y barbara ll ii iliinl wllllamstm ondllionul iuaa ken mann urograiihy french mauretn met rlnlall rrenrrf annamarle slitr kngllih history llarb urn smith history joyie vlrk try ihitory geography audrey wllkiiimiu mathematics shirley wihwm svit nee french joe ion rngllah mutht mallra ciriuli 10 honors pat terry chris twirnh joyce imlrrt nt iv allan hi ii n keelnn marjnrle w me lnlse colea iiim lta anhlhald jack oav iiihoii it mi r i rce mnrgan t fna ti r jumea freer hetty price john wsre ondltloiuil pass llonnlr car lihh llliotory mitlh mnllri don aid dawklna shop flnlm huf nag i dllntory l hutt itlnl 11 h ii koslkonkl mathematics shirlt v paul mnthemstlcii ilob llmiiliv ifngtlhh i llerature ijit ln miiim i thnmiw fnnch math imtlis tid tylrr french ma tht malic at ii ttv wilds l history k i il tl ii imn lnn nrl i nlltl n 1 piss it n ill rlpps ilr n hi inwf ird houglns al l trnl i m limit r rt nrh al k hi i ihishs ht ttv ijiwson riikllsh hist ry i 1 march mint ilnn h alghro cintun oikm hist irv phmiloi ireni h s 1 f ntllsh hist ry ilnvlil si m ifnmh algebn flsie touns nd himnrv pnmthy wirn history phslcs or ult 12 hon rs anthony hiii kl ind fret funnger ieno ilr ildi and hon en coir tonal imni ilrum hi mt it h itn r tquih pss jt an armstrong conditional pish donald david on french joyce orei r hist orv chrmlrtrv shirley thnmp son algebra dick wood chom l trv ijitln mt mhers of nrvrr iitc never abti nt club oa fna jennings nit ronald ltostnn barbara turn r 10 duncan olbson margnn t rosti r elaine hufnagel shirley paul helen somervllle ida arch ibald john ware 12 leno bral- dn 11 mildred armntrong trophies a t brown for grade 0 profic- irnr isabi lie ritchie wm cooper trophy for profle- lenc in rrnde 10 pat ti rry h ii hlnlnn troph for middle school cencral proficlrnc anth cn buckland dr cullen tmphv for proflc- lcnc in middle school science anthon bucklind dr nuchnnnn trophv for lrofk itnc in middle school languages 1 1 no braldn dr mcnlvtn tropin for profic- unc in middle school fnglish frd furlnger f s blow troph for proflc- lcnr in middle school mathrmat fes anthonv rucklnnd dr f g onkcs trophv for prnficltncx in middle school hlit- orv leno rralda scholarship of 23 00 donated by the lakeside chapter 1 o d e to the student who completes in one venr the course in grade 12 with the highest academic standing and who continues to the upper school anthony buckland i knox evening auxiliary hold brief in memoriam mrs wilmer watkins host munirlpalitir t i9s0 awn per cent proposed proposed present added equal ass j acton 2000 000 nil 2000 0m iu 103 burlington tsot am 00 7506 000 19 0 883 georgetown 1537 000 100 307000 3000 000 687 508 milton ooo ooo- nil i3c 487 oakvllle t 731 000 so 7 801000 18 55 loot 2 37000 100 750 000 1033 1817 nassaffaweya i tec ooo 90 1000 000 til 874 nelson 7 62000 nil 7602000 1083 10 48 trafalgar 5 001000 85 0 809 000 21 13- 5878 48081000 100 00 10000 notice the tex ritter show which wu achcdulod far july 5lh al tha milton arn hi baan cancelled queen victoria yeachets mono miss ttusy cuutk puium doultofl tawi iamf i kilcoolry oardt ns by tht wuleis of ijikt ontario uu rrtinliy the tut nt of a lutppy gutht ing uf the qui t n vn utriit st lnxt t urti i nut lo honor mis itntx ha 1 1c thy j lark upon the completion of ht r it ui huig curt vt following dinner mr j k hig gart i sprtssetl his sincere appittis tloll of mlu jul llr s rut ellrl t wurk u a rlioary t ltsa lrt her during his prlnclitautilp i quit n vu tut la uhool ml the phasure tt v i i king with a m istm with t r it i it uivlng iersnallly many i mtr it wilii is wur pmunt to iay tltrlr mittts ti miu luik uinniii tin n i i m t tm ii mall- rt wlm nt i titli til uu group with hla n u uilu ing in tht pit h nlutli ii tf a t f i y 1 it ill n ul i hoop on i i f f lh lull ra puat un m t i mi h in it svttg h k r it y milk a tluit f u li i n it i i it ii i v i u w ii ti it i i i i i i ii l k vhi i s u i ii v v ik- will i i- i i if ii i i i oi la til fl ii hi ii v i w ihvill iki1 i i i lit 1 i it la hi in tll m i i k ii i ivli u i ill tl r i 1 11 ul al i i ti i k i i ii al ir in iii i witl it ih i j ii li i irwi i i y i iii i i i in 1 1 ii i r l -i- i mm 1 v r 1 n laing i i it nta mihgl i w ih tl a uu id ula wi it ii in i a f in r j v f winking with the y i t i thli ir tt mid hi r hni v f ii wilil v llh uu staff stu uuiiiri i it frlinda ahi wita i hiking t nrt hi a tliiingt of urllvltlrs in in i imi i t iwn of ai inn slutiln ih honors tf tin vin lug was miss issim i mi kerlhrn i ti r titer in prluuir v it ut hlng w llh miaa riiik uittxl ituvis tr staff j tu httouie phyaliitl ldii in ttructrtss at kent scihmii tlie tlimmt wlahia ir th tiuthiis ihc t imnlf i thi gift nf a rudlo i cuitom mado venetian blinds st oof aluminum wood prompt dtuvv ffeti eillntala acton home furnishings phem joj 4 ssil f ip mtd hrrlhfrt isazei tite lot us give you an ettimale on your lewor problem miwlrrn pltunbing and ilrutin h40ne 370j acton if your feet are too sore to walk to our store jum all orv2k and if you buy f nllit worth or more o iloltal o we witt pay the taxt fare to your door modern plumbing heating phone 70j acton lorne scots participate annual event at waterloo over 70 ranos attend ovi r 70 hands wt re gathered ut tht waterloo mualc rvatlvl hrlrt inat saturday making it one nf the i irgi nt blithering of bond in can ndn in nimh tlllon with nine nthfr h o is thi irne sttits from oeor 1 i l wn plnctd fifth with m p ints a no in this fin was the i khl municipal hand from klrl wlaionln usa thla hnnd was in of si vrrul thnt journeyed nvrr if r w h it npeiis tn be an incresi li kv ptipulnr event hi suits in the class follow 1 1st nt wmarkrt cltlrens 03 i tilnts 2nl kill municipal itand 1 kit 1 wise usa 02 mints 3rd jnorwtth mulcil socli ty 01 points 4lh inmlngtfin hoys twu point mh lennie seids ceorgrtown rfli tints flth mi nford cilln ns wi l tints 7th hanover musical soc i i iv 07 jx ints bth prcntnn ieglon itirt ns ri points 0th tlrnmpton rill7i ns rstj points 10th 7lmmrr i m m mijnn tie nf windsor mh p unts attention everyone thtll will bi a fill dtmonttiation or tiuvitlon friday june 30th from i 30 p m hii i im p m at tht- luiinriinii irion hall skrilxnl by hassard radio on display will ba th 16jncli trafitvlslen tauvition rtkatvar avvoni intfrintri tf ttitvihion hiiodiji not mihh tiiih llrmonhtkation i quality tut counts us 194ford troclor qunrnntecd to bo in firit doss condition 1 1948 uicd ford trnclor uiftj 1930 dufant rorttlitor good condition 1930 ford model a coupe thompson motors ford and monarch sales service phona 69 mill straaf acton the regular nutting of knox rvtning auxiliary was held at the i hnnu of mm wllmer wtkln the m prtsldcnt mrs f andt rson open j ed the mi eting and conducted a p hrltf devotional ser ice in memory ft of tht lite dr a c stewart ftj mrs wilds group convenor took jg chire of the program the scrip q tun u ns rend bv mrs j sayers w mm ii dolmer and mrs a lelsh iff mm mrs van flet t offered the g rimr the stud book toward au ntv rvivtn in japan wan given hv mrs rwwll pattrrion mrs c i m i ei shin in rendtrttl a vocal solo f nievs thi hniist she wan ar companied on the plino b mrs a k mann following the divntiont n social lour a spt nt prcst ntntions wore made to mrs d c maplesden who is u i ing acton and to mrs russell j patti rson a recent bride g inies and fun were enjov t d and a ditntv lunch was served h the roup leader and her committee new milton arena monster dance and carnival jitney dancing 83012 midnight to ownsy yemm and hit hamlllonianl hockey club draw for elactnc rtfrijrator bingo pendulum howling blind auctton and many olhar gsmtl of chanca and skill saturday evening july 1st admission- 10 donation or manitoba flood ballal fund sponaorod by milton heckay club wrestling commencing friday july 14 and every friday evening following m m a t ii m ii i whipper watson yukon eric lou thesz at new milton arena 845 pm

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