Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 27, 1950, p. 1

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ht jvirton tt flrfcss swvwftryahs y no 4 acton ontario thursday juiy 27lh 19s0 eight horn print papas si canl road reconditioning inaugurated 100000 contract let to pave no 25 highway j ix uu1t deputy ulnlsur uf ttlghways brightened up uatg btan41itff and much talked uf situation when h issued rail mi june 14 tor undm on applying hot mix pivmnfnl u that stretch of rued that llm bwfn actoa aad milton and referred lu as the iuoitul lanr u- hlgfcay n is- the highway tille wu alwaxs a iiltlr contrary lo the conditio of the road until rcnily bm widening program was in euguraied tenders for th pa vine of th sur vvarki je r lrrt tor the long jlcd u h mtocal 03110 bm ardr4 to ob lew con- cimtosnlaj in august ttruruun co- of toronto in an interview with mr litt early thli eek he rex raled that work on th 9100000 road wuwd prohabl v nwimrnrt within a month and quit possibly at th milton rmt of the road thli was not horrr definitely decided and tests iw the road would b mad to confirm th possibility the job of applying the hot mix asphalt wttl br completed it is rx- pctd early in th fall so that th pavement will b tn us for thr winter th traffic on this road la not to b blocked during th pa vine mr law said tn chare of th job wilt h mr taylor who will b located on thr job coot in uallv it is with a great dral of relief and satisfaction that see ocn- verv definite pivgreea bring mad on highway 25 and link establtsh- d between no 7 highway and thr qun nirabrth n midland motorist in fatal crash ai a result of injuries sustained in a car truck collision xrmrdx morn in mr fra nc it iter c of m id land died in milton ivixatr ho pltal ihu morning thr aiculcnt occurred tin the vh line at th in t r race t ion of no x asdemad in esqursing about 7 2ft veetrrday morning mr 11 r was going aouth and thr truck drum by klwood carney of norxal mii traxelling west thr irft side of thr car wat tn collision with th right rornrr of thr truck accord ing to poller inxrstlgation mr beer xx as a brother of dr deer of esqucsing and uu xisiting his brother and had just irft hn horne brforr thr acvidnt for a numbrr of xcars mr fran- els brer was a rraidrnl of acton and with thr rvardmorr co sym pathy for hia wife and familv and brother go frxxro many here who learnrd of thr accidrnt with deep regret the iuiliihh toxsnshlp coun cil i planning ltg doings thia war in rrlrbration of thrlr crntrnnlal tn rtujiinctim iththl celebrat ion thrj have prepamt a hlloric- t hvik which mil lnlrrrst rrn fmilv tht irr urd in tht toumhlp the hartt ha v 1 lagr uok i bring printed turn tut li to he timird tn augutt at ihe big thrie dav celebration the 12 khmil citiont nf th towmhtp arr dralt llh in detail and the teopl u ho lived tn that r tton h e all been mentioned from the firt aettlrrt to th prt- ent da owner picture of the council the tonhip kali at ab erfon le and arvrral olhen ha e bet n included lo gtv th ttook tnie historical nlgniflcance for quite wme time the appoint ed historical commute has brrn iuit paparlng th manuscript and checking thr minute detail that pr th authenticity of the book thl book will be a xaluablr ad dilion to the llbrarte of tujtnch nd thr arrhuet of canadian htt i s a report grratent install mrnl buying prr 1 obituary smooth rouino saucik ko mirf huffing and puffing a you rearrange furniture for thr wifr as thr financial pvwt a tww typ cattrr u laid to make hravv pura ndl unohhlt rvrn owr rough flihr thr caitrr u aaucer shaped and is turned at an angle to the floor ntead of stand ing ertically wms enthusiast laurie moor dies widow of very re t albert moore former moderator of th- tnited church of canada annie iaunc forstrr moorr died sunda at her ftummrr home stephen n xtukkoka mr moorr a born at erin and educated at hamilton ladlrn col lege after her marriage he ac- cmmpantrd dr moorr to various ptorate in thr hamilton confer- rncr of thr mrthodist church root ing to toronto when hrr huiband wan appointed arcrrtary of the lord tav alliance dr moorr wa generaj arcrrtanr of thr mrth odist church at thr timr of church union and continued as general trcrrtanr of thr united church member of howard park unttrd church and acttvr in thr work of thr women mlwlonary soctrtv mr moorr t lurvtvrd br thrr daughter norma rorothr and mr p t robinson of toronto thr funeral wa held on wed- nemtav aftemin ith burial in fairv lex cemrtrr acton tho rrxlcr wm conducted bv rrv c ijutenlager mtnlter of tiowam park vnitcd church toronto now substation for aug operation a ngular meeting of acton lub- lic itilities cuniiiiukiutfi w aa hrld n tuaaday earning mayor a uo aiul oiuiaiuti j t ware and j it macaithur rn pm ot letter w a read ft tun chair man robert saunders if the it c it tf ofitailo in which he run- frmd telephmir txmiv e nation w ilh superintendent wilson thr trll r wa er belt r than th piimnim- lv trlrprmmie it ttstnl that jut a mmhi a the new tie in run id te arranged and th lutun tuiilt rr would k- tii phtd to alton fnm n 22 ub- tation it was rip- tel a i ord- ine t- mr snnl i litter the tltlimti ou id te readv by ativtud imh an at i ount w aa pned to pav 1h- itell telephone co rental for tha- ut lle of liell oles on mill st re t thi n- ale 40 iolis n nl il and the a lount was for 44 thi e pdes are to tie porch- aed i the vmmliston when th ti phniu niiiijutn n niox e iheir a 1 tti r wa react from the ltor ton ste i co whuh quoted a prue of trrvtno for nplaung the pi v lit thittom in the water tank and sk tnlalling a catwalk to the rx pan ion joint the secretary t mccieachle w at to confirm th nnter and alo to utate that the commusion prrfrrrrd thl work to be done in october when he dili consumption it not as hen a in the xa rmer weather the m ittcr nf apportioning alarr of mr frank cmmp diruvcd bx the commlwlint mr cnimp u doing work for b the town and the mmmll secretarx j mi7eachle wat tructcd to make a division of rt a he i more familiar w the time consumed in each nf job- superintendent i jimbert rconrinued on pope flie kis 5 conditioning council discuss program ipalltlrs and the ihr foimik mimi mtnotii aaac- kenila king diad at hit re tide nee after a tarlous attack of pnu- monla ha guidad tha nation at prima mm i star for the longest term in hittory hughes cleaver i pays king tribute a mkwn of th luwrd if arbit f at ion to make a more cquilahl- dulrtbutuui 4 cuu for th north llallon high hi ditiut w- held in muion lait thuimlay futii 3 until b so pm ttie luirl u omii is1 if th auesaors of lb live m aasa ttie iumi dreidd that th pr sent ujiia tf the cixuitv quallv 1 siniwiinl was unfair t i quesing and naua t a tn ship alton mlton and nuv mgreit to a t epl a plomkm d m w imsis of vm nl whuh wa piaitullx thi imi of the tentat l iik vtu nl of loitntx loiinrlls fint pntoal ciogi town wa the il objeitor to th -m- flguri fwiueslng whlrh wlll ttem fit init bx th m w flgurt agreed to iektt to coum ii and ceorgi tow n auo akre1 to suhmtt the prow1 lo counlt of emh hnriug hilf of the amount in depute if th figires at itn ptt tlo ntaltr wilt u- kii wlthoxit fin ther argum nt following or th- pioptx4t txjtesmenls for 1 1 lartt school lex x in thr dlttrit atimnt f let acton roooono m vr milton oooono u 7 in an op n diat uuum ot sewriage insteiltatloti pn4dem and dlffl- itiltlis at tin ntlal muii f couimii uimiiu night miix tllot crrrr iinili1 hi mi tli imik woik piogiskjniie whlili ix ieioluluka lo ki ihii iltaiigulat- no lrll was ailatle and 1 uiul ivhtl 11 a lit of aliit on wtiiitt inlallaliui liad uin i ixnpl i 1 and on wluti hull i nlilioionit iiiild im ataita- kiiu ll askd tkat leira be to ihr miw lug stu- u on whit li latrvslt simi niiinlmiuu im it ifiupli ld wo lit aithm ll mill srike uain n ul soith f mm hnluiik jtn rlfcin wllut cuelph lldui kuiu al mill tiom he tiat ks to john 1wo wolki wi intttuitrtl jj- i i itio w k as ojlilr wiatlui allow d it st jouhs sunday school njoy mtogtammf supptt at annual picnic in park si ph i woiimmij i n u ui p i 11 pi i it t- of iii gul- t x tv t 4 jvtu j x ilttm- fl m4v- m 7 l x i gill- 10 12 x itidl x tn md lhilhi i i iv e itol lerrell martu l t2 n oxer enl i i aiii ox r iv mil kit- kit king ihe shx n ilari ihv 1 legged lulu th ncnt sodality of st josephs honor mrs tobt lindsay shower and social night on tuesday eenlng of thi week ihe sodalitv of st josephs church held a shower at thr homr of miss rena nraida in honour of mr robert lindsay nee helen mc laughlin a vrry pleasant sociji rxrntng was rnjoyrd and thr rec ent bridr rrcrlvrd manv lovrlv gift a boiintrou lunch brought thr pleasant gathering in a close agriculture vocational schools from manv of thr northcrntral statr will send exciirslorui to thr canadian national exhibition ag ain this year the visiting student farmrrs will br placed in chargt of glides most of whom arr gradx uates of th ontario agrtculture collrge at gurlph the following i th ih lit mkoiu king tx i himoii iiumn r of pirliai hugh cu iier sonit nit n ittrurt x ou bx lh ir i onit ndehip and personal friend hip some stitemen bx their hare for publicitx ochicc ex rn more public nccuim than thrx nghtlv diserxe in the death of rt lion mackentir king canada ha lot a matctman who in rrx opinion did not get full crrdll during hh lifetime for his devot ion tn dutv and for his unparallel ed contribution to our national life i am equally sure that hist- or will gixe him full crrdlt thi- man w as content to sac rifice motl of thr usuau amertllles of life and devoted hlarnlirr lift lo public serx ice some mn have a depth and strength of character which ou rrcogniir but find it i difficult to definr thr impact of his llfr of thr persecutions suffer- i ed hv hi grandfather was often apparent to those who knew him 1 intimately and in my opinion was 1 one of the dominant sources of hit strength of charactrr and hla evrr apparent drtrrmlnatlon to keep canada a united nation ctorgetown 1074 000 0 at mnk navawrxa t 000 000 1 1 tt col fmiu iti 7v ftoo tit to pipitlo if the matter cannot be milled llittx lv the hoard anv muni ipality ht i- iul and mailin marh the right to appeal their dec i dim to iik 1 t ggd r llttx ann ran thr municipal hoard and the dec- miir t pit ororm whe1har iion will he final for a trrm of row mc 1 ter hiir and t ir l hhotl k be m rumble ii ii apiwnrs that n imitu il tiitn mugiil pnt corcnrnn merit w ill he made b i ween ceorce v kl k ih sho nx while ln n nnd fpieing on the t mp 1fin allolment of as mih nt tin i jiphi t oldfh an inmg flown mieting of the artutt ntion i1imi from that omnln to the united vrhmtulsl tor today w as cancelled in x lew of this development pe i m nled glat balla- xon i g t airxuk acton contribution i horse stalled nearly 2 per head broken tie rod this week the local banks re port that the mnion knitting com pany and their employers have added safto to the manitoba flood relief fund which brings thr total reportrd from acton to w 233 it certainly a very fine total for a town of lets than moo population it makrs an average of nearly 3 per capita fleardmore co employer con tribution was tl4fl4 and other am ounts prevlouslx published were u ass s3 acton and district cit izens have certainly made a splen did contribution to thli worthy fund british footbejl clubs may the reason so many fans faint at fame is because they go without lunch to get to the game t goiti rslii on our annual vacation no more issues of paper until august 10 coin fishin ye this week is the last issue of the home town paper until august 10 when it again makes lis appearance prod uced by a holiday refreshed suft tha one week holidav that the staff la to enjoy is from july 29th ta august 7th inclusive and our office and plant will be complete ly shut down for the annual vac ation when we announced our in tended vacation and ruggested that job printing requirements be met before tha holiday our plant was awamped with phone tails and o- i den from cautious firms and tnd- ustrlee that did not want to be left without an abundant suppjy of printing ahead of them it may not be possible to meet all these de- mamls but every effort poaslbk- l being made to complete the work schedule before friday evening since our office will be closed during the vacation correspond- a broken lie nut on the right vule and a bent lie nd on thr left ride of the engine held tuesday 6 v p m engine at thr station here until earlx wedesday morning when repair were completed and the engine enabled to move the broken tie rod between the two front wheels on the right ilde of the engine broke off and drove into thr ground a foot and a half completely cutting off the end of a tie on its downward plunge for tunately the rod broke just as the train was starting or thr conse quences might have been more serlout an engine was called from the wcd and it took the cam from the patjienger train on to gurlph while other through trains passed the standing engine on thr siding pangera reported a alight jolt but other than that none were aware of anv serious damagr thr station was thr hub of art- i ivltv tuesday evening ai cltljenn gathered to watch and speculate on the repairs of thr giant iron hore t it ipolal i i iltid oot ihl i vl- old e k n xi llw miu nnd lur lh in llv i pal nil uud omtiw trd a r koiuiioii was p on 1 mpow ik th iot1 i on i til to pur v hi- n vn nut lul and ix li i to put io nl- hi g- i oup r tiglne r d immi wat to pin d t otite b hitng i x k nd tidr- so iht m gihiling progiam t otild br looitrtimit 1 on th lnti ii lions of lb idwid iommittee 11 idnt igin r mirgmed lhit mii addition ill f t of trait- it pih hild to mtimir th line in the creek ud iketwerfl itmhk md chuiih to the pumping ltloii iolltllll ugled to dl this following lh oiignial igreement w ith the spailnn control ting co who scroti to pmx hjlf the in- i kmm in rot tti raldint engineer reported lhil progress wa tieing made on i omllnrf on poo fijm tomorrow night annual rotary fair in acton park tomorrow- night alton rotarx club presents its third annual fair this ear the iiitlxltx it- all packed into a night show with pa mile ion the irlrrrts paradeable ttand all the big midway of games pony rides out door mox lea etc featured on the platform in thli big free outdoor fair will b har old doag of toronto dancer n- man band and versatile entertain- f er and geo fountain and hit hoys in western and mountain ballads the draw for eight prim will take place during thr evrnlng and there will be booths and a big night proceeds go to assist the rotary inlta hrlp for local crippled rhlld- ren and community service work thr fair is thr main fundraising event of thr yrar for thr rotary work and deserves the patronage of town and countryside in quito ecuador young tej- rher substituted for a friend who was taking a werks honeymoon a month later at a party someone started to introduce lh groom to her oh he answered brightly i know mias it very wrll in deed she substituted for my wife on our honeymoon rnu are akrd a save thet- copy and not mail it until either the end of the week or the first of the following week the double hud- get of news mill be presented in the issue on august 10 this of fice will also observe ctvtc holi day on august 7th and advertisers are asked to have their copy for advertisements tn as early tueaday morning as possible advertising with mats will be accepted up until 11 em tueaday august ftth and advertising copy without mats wql be accepted until the usual dead line on tuesday it will assist us greatly if advertisers and corree- pondents will cooperate in ack nowledging these deadline holidays are a pleasant thing to look forward to and the staff has made varying plans for their ob- l servance of the vacation three were rfospttaxlzed and four bthen injure when thete two cart were in headon collision until august ib then when on sunday evening at about 845 pm on the second conceuion thrwetmilet north of actonrthe rectum with mother 7j fl 50 rvlodol car wet driven by bruce fletcher of rr 5 guelph end the older model cor was driveh your home towtv paper we hid r farewell by william anderson main st action photo courtesy m nellls second accident hospitalizes three four others injured in headon crash thrr people were admitted lo gurlph gnrr1 llotplul sunday night and four nthrm wr injur ed whn thrlr car mrt in a head on colllilon with another on th sec ond concession three mtlea north of acton about 8 30 sunday rrw- inf taken to hoapltal were xtruc fletcher 43 of r r s guelph sutfertnf from levvral fractured rib sevtre bruise and shock hli wife evelyn fletcher 40 with laceration to th head nd left knee bruise and shock and their 14 year old daufhur margaret who nl later released when it was found sh had received only minor injurie injured were douglas fletcher it minor leg injuries roy fletch er 13 minor lac injuries joyce fleteher it minor arm injur and roy wamrrf r rr by gurlph with minor injuries ur and mrs fletcher most ser iously injured of th group of sev en occupants in the fletcher car were reported by the hospital to h in falrecndltton early in t week according to provincial police the two cars one driven by bruo fletcher headed north on the sec ond concession snd the other dri ven by william anderson main st acton hesded south met hesd on on the brow of s nfll damage to th fletcher car a i ho model was estimated to be approximately tmo mainly to th front end th other ear a ls model received about is0 dsmas william anderson of main street acton has been charged with fill ing to cv half th road to another vehicle following th sunday night accident provlnclsl police revealed wednesday mr and mrs fletcher most aar- lously- injured of lis smn sengers in th fletcher esr war kleasedfrom th anrl haspttal it is learned

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