Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 17, 1950, p. 2

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paq two th acton httt hetss thursday august 11th the good old days may have seemed better a future program during uuw ostructton alt road and hgh way signs in acton hve taken a bad beating theyve been buried imaihed and wrecked it was therefore we read with interest that council was planning new signs to be erected at the highway entrances to town we had thought that the business mens association would have taken this protect m charge but again the burden seems to be taken by council juuny strangers pts through acton on no 7 and when no 25 highway is completed there will be many more visitors to this town an at tractive sign at the entrance to town gives the visitor e lasting impression certainly the sewer work on every street has not given them a very goad impression this year but a project of this tle was bound to bring about this messy condi tion highway signs ere very fine but often little outdated and at best not very conspicuous brampton chamber of commerce has recently erected very fine signs on the highway entrances to that town with them are combined in an at tractive arrangement the service dub signs we wish they had been placed closer to the highway but no doubt the reason for their placing is some highway regulation regarding such things lets be proud of our town let s clran up and pamt up after the sewer work is complrted and be proud to tell all who pass through in good b signs that this is acton and we re proud of it it s a program for the immediate future thai will r quire the assistance o all citicns m cooxraiin with council special plates forgotten drivers of all the lengthy articles irial navv been written decrying the number and ypes of cflfe less driving that occur there has ixen little or nothing done to congratulate those who arc cart ful apparently sane drivers with th gifjaniic increase m car sales of ixdth used and new models there is as great an m crease in accident possitnlites everyone wlo p lots a car throuqh the mac anil tanqle of limmei traffic is endincjeicd by the careless motor st but c red for ivt rtmq a i ih nts qcx tc the careful driver a careful driver is not dt f ned is one who cautiously picks his way throuqh traffic or alonq the road al a ver uv spt 4 j for this method can prove a grett a hazard as the unlimited ipeedstrr the careful driver might be classed as an ordinary joe who keeps his eye on the road hands on the wheel a clear thinking mind and a car in good condition vilh qood brakes he dnv cs at a reasonable speed and uses his cool head and quick thinking when fie meets a ctrvless driver comparmq the number of cars that infest the highways with the number of accidents that ex cur each year it seems that careful dnvejs are in the majority if each motorist was to udge his own driving skill we don t doubt that there wouldnf be any careless drivers at all the only rule by which a careful driver can be measured though is by the mileage and accidents unfor tunately this is not even an accurate rule because the accident may have been caused when the two drivers of different categories met in ell however there ore a great many care ful drivers and to this group should go the credit for partially safe roads the provincial government of saskatchewan has adopted a plan for dealing with traffic of fenders which we shall watch with mierest arty driver convicted of a senous offerke has his cur rent license plate taken away find a new one m a distinctive colour is attached to his car there fore all other drivers on trie road know when they are near a driver who has been found qulty of driving to the public danger so far 461 of ifvese disgrace plates have been placed on ses katc fie wan cars 1 70 other motorists have had tfteir kenses suspended altogether plainly sas kalcftewan rreens business wf et her ihe plan will be completely success ful or not can only be tlwwn by time if it is strorvgly enforced it would work very well but the penalty is a severe one bringing bad drivers into public disgrace and legal authorities who have to live with the drivers who come before them on traffic charges may be reluctant to im pose severe penalties too often it is not the weakness of laws themselves but the weakness cf those whose task it is to enforce the laws which permits abuses tl might be a very good thing it a man who t as len convicted of drunken driving were or dered to have a red license plate on ins car other drivers who saw the signal would take special caie wimmi they were near bun but we are afraid that such a tenalty m ontario would make il even more ditluult to jet a conviction on 1 drunken driving charge than is ihe caie at pre sent such 1 penalty would probably in- effective if it were rigidly enforce d but rl t nforcemenl tf any traffic law is dihicull and unpleasant imdssy watchman warder top six inches it has boen wisely staled that the wealth and health of tins world lies in the top sm inches of its surface conservation of tins top sm inches is a problem of maximum importance to every ia tion in order that its people and their posterity may be well nourished or even survive cinul 1 and other countries flfr pending t utuirois of millions of dollars every year to j it vent this six inches from ixjing washed or i it wn aw i how t vi r if the greater part of this six incht s of soil i kept in yri or fort st th s piohlom is virtuilly solved altnoutjh the products of grassland m their natural stile cannot be used as human food th dairy cow can convert these products into the most valuable food nutrients thai man has known there s nothing to compare with the dairy cow from the standpoint of efficiency in ti mmg inedible forage crops into the food nutn ents particularly proteins needed and desired t y the human race thus it will be seen that a major contribution to economy of our country is made by the dairy cow nourishing the nation while maintaining the top six inches of our soil this is of prime importance to the health and prosperity of our country backjn1900 tokm ft the ittu thr ffwt press of thursday august if jmo civic holiday nrit mondav tkr a day off aiwl enjuy ourwlf cnnlrwur mrnry hill lu hu uff of brtrklayrr at wwk this h ui ttw wimm mlmh m making n rtrrllrnt jut vt it ur t stov uut ane rhor im it haul uill hlrtt hu duputvr of hi him k and bukliteu tu kitmrv iraa willi tttaiiimili al tutmrvuliui l- aitait ptibllr miwul utrd will rl altafitf with 93 034 thka yrar ltitriu munlrilal ejmumrrit 1 v iitlativr grant 1174 fbim hurt halarlrt 1 740 furl si74 hruurf tla suppilri 34 w lilrr rt ut 7s cutlrgf kla 3 7s tlir bylaw prtjilbltliig titrrl- rlduuj imi the sidewalks rwiit i b- a drawl tettrr fur ruling 01 th walk la indujgrd in with injuf iltjr tv numrniui ryclut owsig tu ah grrat hrat lakt rk 07 drgmmi dairy product wrrr tut rnaikttd at 1 n milt a ittittrr famine urrvallrd tm sat nrd thr nit miry dfij 4 trgrrm jrlrt- fvturdr afti i rthmi and sunday morning tiimm thould lirwiit of a gang ot kwlixtlrr who mr nvi llng throiikh thr rural dltrtrt t lirn inj itnthorllv to xamlrtr thr well tht v 1 latnlnr ihr watrr through mlrroom and find all klml of tiu r and lo lvphot1 i no anil tu runt tin f inm r nd hit wtf in lhik through ittr rnh romim v in n th v m of r u rm n iti hi thai w ill ilw id im rond hi tnp if w r tin xrrv flight id farrurr ik kui d to ap muiii n nn1i whi ti th fks ii t hl 1 rt i ului h piov t a littl plain 1 mmi- i hull n v j 1 rtill k o jail th n twlrn- no nthi r ptirr of mtonunimlation for tht m conit dlt siininu r of oaksillr brought jtihn injiani un old min rnrnmtttrtt a n rant to ul fi w div ago intriiim tiroth r inn what voting tr follourtl on foot oinl u ntil j till r vmillrr to t him in tihi but th jailrr tnhspitlb nd nfiisetl milton chimpion back in 1930 taktm from thr luur v if rrr freu vf thursday auy 14 jkjo uightiiiig ttrurk tt- in th aid uf ur wilbin uddl tw ulu sltt duru g thr wvnr hoiin lat v ndwv aiottut i w divug j 1 with i kpnng board h tn rttd at rv lkr through thr tfforta t iii n tumnuiit tuildi r tim miunitlpl iffior 110 vl thr old hydro p lr frotrt thr i itti t it t mill mn rl 1 lh two lutoi lxfe m ill idd linprovlrt it sturdj ii to rink fiiii pi ingt pltd a a r up fron lb- ait- oi ub at th anna t m opiu k aadifitid t alttl l in aillll mr a klimr t 1- linil agikultorl l 1lr fol hallon 001 ty kit ir g ur a i marvanol 1 bjiav 111 ts on monilav aigutt 11th ph lb tl itlm lurlph to lli a tor d ur j mr hit mahbiril itohr htson anhiitv at lti imioi of thi i r 1 1i w 1 in tday autit ft 1ivj ht ii i ibnm m a j r daoghtrr of ur and mr w i anrlrnnn artrm t william hib- rt n on of mr dm i t rl von of toronto till ii hlttltson at mh ii 11 1 tiril hi ilil on mi v autm t hlli him j w ii mi i n t mi 01 1 builington fifth swim regatta attracts 2000 fans willi rl millur w rm it 1 i r un 1 lot- f it a 1 h1 r 1lorr v n tv thousand f th m th ffth mi tl swirn lb tt m ord im th lurhnt n md ro s a- 1 hi i hi hit jut uldn i h lp h in uniss t- r n th y t tn with u ik ii nt 11 th t it a pr th t i georgetown three fire calls within 48 hours t 1 m t r f t up r th 11 t 1 hi i 1 w1 i iimilt f 1 vt r ih 1 1 i i j ii nl nil i f 1 f 1 it n i 1 f i ti n 1 n l thn n nil th i it hi f i t h editorial notes with ihe c n e and the fall fairs n a few weeks it appears that summer is nearmg its end responsible citizenship the founding fathers who initiated canada s confederation were men who knewdemocracy s big idea that god shall rule in the affairs of men and that it is from this idea and none other that the conception of man equality and broth erhood springs on such an idea they could unite and move forward without fear but today democracy is fighting for its very life anpther big idea the slate shall rule in the affairs of men is on the march to capture the hearts and minds of men a materialistic philosophy that can lead only to con fusion and chaos we are in a war of ideas one godinspired insures freedprrt theotherwhic builds on hat leads to slavery we ttill can choose so let s start tcr pioneer again to make democracy live pnly we ourselves wherever we work end live with people can know specifically what that means the yardstick is the moral test of absolute hones ty purity unselfishness and love and the guid ance of god if our dream of a free inspired democracy is going to meet match and surpass the challenge dt world communism we must do three thlpgs 1 live it more effectively at home 2 sell tt more effectively abroad 3 develop e world strategy for our christian ideology which is as corriprenenstve and effec- live as the march of militant materialism a tie up of the railroads is predicted by a irike force seems to be the popular thing to be i sed in most walks of life these days grand valley reports a reduction m tan rate this year due to lower county rate lower village rate and library rate the school rate is increased no water shortages no long dry hot spells bountiful crops throughout the province yes its been a mighty fine summer with little cause for complaint for those who labor down m prince edward island two residents were prosecuted because they possessed shaving i lotion which contained alcohol the liquor con- trol system there is administered by a temper ance commission which made the regulation be cause the stuff might be used as beverage says the summer side journal it has been used as a beverage with staggering results- and m ontario were told hair lotions and such are still favoured drinks with some of the addicts 1 mippt r 1 tn n i- it thi mm n miumlul ind ni ti ill n hod th it ii no d mh h id r him d th fil dirm a 10 siluiti nmrmnc in in cvlr w iv cilltd to norxrt vh r th motor in n nci cult m irhmi hid tumid out in som n ilt stor ind filhd th huiltlmi with vmoki saturdi ifti rnoon a mti ill fir starti d during n pair to a car at t ntl sinrlur cirai on main st and thi alirm mounded again 11 i not nrc iiar tn takr th- trnrk from tht fire hall and tho fin wan put out with slight damagr to thr which a mronk mipportrr of thr sta nt i inm camp mnc iti incpptlnn it wr georkrtown lions club ntrd nt a met ting lat kdk to i sjxnd at least 1400 next war on a i similar project k lion prridi nt l j l iambrt a one of thr prime mo crt of thr two u erk camp uhlch um inanctirattd in 1wp and w hlch hai been er mceenful thi ear the lions club paid m00 of the jtm cost of runninc the camp remembered in town a founder of the argonaut bible clas which he conducted during his residence in town stanlev f howard died mddenly lant wrdnesdav at hi ummr home ut ilarr s na herald i it h n 1 1 h t i ink ti- i n n fl un i i t i 1 hrr k it i 1 r h h vt f i rnr on ont 1rt dnvn h mkk 11 h illwl th f r u t xt k ii hd with xt r cu h r hx c n vt11 h irli pr t ti1 dm lxl i truck dnw r f r ii illl rn 1 thi fir m n arrived on the ine dimur i di nr i th v 1 1 nj of the nr thi iturhnkton tl ind flirl f mmunih n mrl h hi thiir inmul pirnir at insilh pirk on sundiv unut ftth dunnk the ift rnoon a prti propr im w nm off cuette winmrro errs iit spr co operatinr with the manltnbi r partment of hi alth and public i v ifan entrtmnhpit of the de partment of agriculture ottawa applied 0 thousand ballon of fuel oil mntalmnft one ton of ddt in an effort to control moquttoe af t r the flood water ha lubsided in the winnipeg area through the cooperation of the rcaf two da kota dc 3 xpraxed 20 miuare mile in the short pace of three daw on the north aouth and wet uburbi of the ritv and check in j dicated nearlv 00 percent control in the area coxrred i last year the federal government bought butter at s8c per pound and is now selling these stocks at 51 cents a pound when the cost of storage is considered the taxpayer iwill pay from 10 to 15c per pound on the government s invest- ment that should have been a lesson for any speculator but now the government is buying fresh butter at 53 cents a pound you figure d rut rts too expert for us- the acton free press tv only ptiptr kirr puhtuhrd in anc published rch thuru 1 v mill st aclon ontario tuthrlird skwd cutulrt ortir- dtt ottawa fmmhuci ik 1s7s mrxwr aju baiwaa chmauuaa cwn awl oalaria qiitii dtthuai cwv aafcmrtuiia en rauwl simsckimon km aovano jm in canada 300 in units statu single copies 6c ramiones bosinesi and editorial office 174 reidnce 131 foot ailmanrc treated mitt allan cmrejmliu trrau v rrturm im grb sail baalam ku arrtr aaa4lalua far fat raamfart 17 artkw tt oulll nw ufoj cecil a carr optowflbist 0uilfh t osuplal tl ti 101 auction tau golf livestock market aurllan salaa hau ntrr tm1iy at i pjav man la oauiw bav al qulp4 aala ba raawuha1 ima yu tl teltkiul mm- visa i h u pubua tfiaaria to ami arc a tua4 uiu anailut ur ulitumory aaa ma a tha aala tl utaaf k lock kaeallaat aoeomaaodatlaa far aaaaplala aaaparaal aglla pullie addaat mitam i top bukt aurtluaml faat acauaua ii inn lui m illi iliitfilrrtid t w n uniii i si aala no chart h rataa ts urk awntumnnu aa4 earutua daalarm bua aarvlaa to oalra afcirtrplaf eaaitia a fl lum hinr rkaaa oam h yii- akul itimlnl rkaa uuj oajt carrolls tox tvmbum 27c 1 ot jab kcixooo i rice kriatlel4e xoc cv 240 kraft swanky swigs dandee tea s8e v 7g burford peaches 2 25c kel apple juice 2 15c orange juice 2- v yjt blended juice 41c salmon red sockeye x3c w sc clover leaf blueback 35c fancy red cohoe v sic fancy pink xse vi 4le keta tor economy xt 3se aylmer prune plums xl x atis tomato juice 3 25e mclarens punch k 2ie lemon pie filling k ie jutland sardines 2 21c canning supplies mason jar caps- 31c mason jar lids 16c fruit jars xx7 141 heinz vinegar 65c mrosn trraa heinz ketchup 24c sp aghe tti 14c heinz cereals 22e pard dog or cat food x a x7c cal val jilt okanges dsian dudaau arvus local good siia cabbage each crisp lars bund i cttrav hearts naw buht cattots 29c 25c 8c 15c 14c wesh daiiygraan ant wmfawt baata bunch carrah corn cucumbara imp o haad uttoca grapatruillamwtav t

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