Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 24, 1950, p. 2

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tm acton mm mmt thuwuiav xuourr mi in re leisure hours ntly wvt vmld with rutivt and frtn4ft wko farmwvg in variout prjs of o tio h wat gra at to haar of the general nood crops and bright poiph of tha patn1 taaion it was nc to not too that building war bamg rapatrad rvpaintaxj and thara wat a qanal air of procpaxity in the farming butlnm stock wat good and generally in ontario farming twrntd a good butlnti thar wat another not wa coutdn t over look often our visit were on saturday after noon end tometime on sunday theve ara days when factory worken and towmfolk are not working on the farm there were time when the farmer were working on home and porerty improvement they ere doing the odd oi in long hour we found no forty or ofty eight hoor work week on the farm the improve menu ere the reult of farmer own effort the folk we met were uung the r i ure for im provement of thetr living condition th question kapt coming in out mmd what are town folk doing with thair le lft not many of them are doing their own home improve menu not many mr doing carpentry pa ntiftg papering and uch thing in their short work week yes the farmers of ontario are prosperous but it not accomplished by a shorter work week there a price of ncconiplnhment and contentment on the farm that not noticeable in the shorter week m town it quite rv dent that what one doe with leisure hours ha a liearmg on the living cond tion the ansvcr im t m mass production horter working hours lind more money and more takes it may well be found m what i done in the more leisure hour point of no return i m a nice customer you all know me i m the one who never complain no matter what kind of service i get i ii go in a restaurant and i ii sif wh le the wetrest gossip with her frends and never both ert to serve me but i don t say a word i ust wait if the soup is cold or the cream jour i try to be nice about it it the same when i go to a more i don t throw my weight around i try to be thoughtful about the other person if i get a salesgirl who becomes uppity because i want to look at sev eral things i m polite as i can be i don i believe that rudeness i the answer you see i wasn t raised that way i seldom take anything back to a store be cause i find people so disagreeable about such things but one day i did take back a pair of ny ions i d bought three pairs in a box and one pair had a run in them the girl crossly told me it was my fault i guess it was for 1 hadn t examined them before i bought them but i didn t make a fuss about it i ust decided to take the lots my self a short time later i bought a toaster that burned out after i d had it only two weeks i cer tainly hated to take that back but i thought may be they would know where to send it and i could pay for having it repaired i didn t get the chance to tell them this they were so busy telling me i had burned it out on purpose i couldn t think of anything to do but leave so i quietly walked out i never kick i never hag i never criticie end i wouldn t dream of making a scene no i m the nice customer but i ii tell you what else i am i m the cus tomer who never comes back that s alt i do i ust never come back but unfortunately a dis satisfied customer like myself multiplied by others like me can ust about rum a business i often wonder why they spend so much money on expensive advertising trying to get us back when they could have kept us in the first place by a few words and a smile kiwams magazine on everyones program tomorrow the c n e opens its exhibits for the 1950 event and starts off the season of fairs in ontario we who live in this district visit it ev- ry year end are privileged to see the latest and best in most every field of ontario agriculture and manufacturing its proximity may not give it the prominence which is due for well over fifty years we have been a regular visitor n6t only once during its two weeks but several times each year it has never felled to amply repay the time spent there but how it has grown visitors from afar marvel at its magnitude and well they might for it is the world s greatest annual fair and finest education al show for young and old we hope to be pre- tent for the opemng tomorrow and again on the following friday we know it s on the agenda for locking the car a duty during the course of any year many cars are stolen a goodly number of such vehicle are in volved in accident the uual car thief i da t pa rata attend ngly ha i inclined to be reckless ha does not own the car he he no invest meni tied up in it he it anxious to get tome where a quickly at poible he i nut a greatly concerned about hi own tafely a it someone withm the taw accordingly he i more inclined to peed he it nwt likely to taka chance trie cm id that te will become involved in an accident are to much the greater the owner of the car it of course indignant tie i put to contuierable inconvenience and ex pente ma feel very badly about the whole mat tar that a only to be expected foretght i better than htndtighl tte lino to lock the stable before the hone tiolen so the old adage goe the same may l said aihiui tart itio many people leave the r car unattended and unltxkad ihey extend a lac t invitation to die potential thief then they complain when that invitation it accepted locks are placed on car door for a purpose they are not par icularly tiling of ixieuly en hantrd the apjwarance of the vehit in heme motorist should use them when irfivmrj their ehic let unattended they should kxk them particularly during hour of darkness when the th cf is not so t kt ly to i apprehend ed to leave a veh c le unattended and unlocked in c lunislances m wh ch it can be easily stolen is to invite such act on and there are plenty of car thieves waiting to rece ve and accept such an invitation many motor sis also find it advisable to im mobilize the motor in their cars when leaving them parked m more or less isolated places or at times when there are not likely to be many per sons who would see someone taking thern this can be done very simply any garage mechanic will be glad lo explain how welland port col borne tr bune c more trees one of the unhappy trad lions of north amer can cities ts that trees have no ptvri on ommeraal streets thai statement comes from the edmonton journal which would like to see trees planted on downtown jasper avenue ust as a lot of toronton am would t kc to sot trees back on the r un vers ty avenue one doesn t have to visit either of these thor oughfares to confirm the edmonton paper s opm ion with a few notable exceptions councils in this country seem to have the same feeling for trees as that of their pioneer forefathers at the drop ot a hat they will turn loose a bunch of power saws and down come elms maples and oaks that have taken from 50 to 75 years to grow in street widening or the laying or repair mg of water mams and sewers or even to make way for a string of unsightly poles the trees are sacrificed seemingly without compunction there seems to be a mistaken belief that busi ness and trees cannot get on together even in our tiniest hamlets those who hold that opinion should visit some of the biggest and messt beaut i ful cities in europe and south america or at least get some picture postcards of these places there they will find plenty of broad business streets lined with trees the grand boulevard of paris for instance has a double row for miles and as for retail business it flourishes with the trees as helpers for shade and shelter chopping out trees was the characteristic enthusiasm of our frontier colonial ancestors but is there no hope of local politicians aspiring to civilized urban amenities burlington gazette editorial notes a note of appreciation is due the department of highways in bringing uptodate the pop u la tion figures on the signs at the entrance to town the figure of 2965 is quite a change over the old one of ten years ago at 2100 top prize for canadas best loved husband went to e man who on thetr tenth wedding anni versary gave to his wife a solemn pledge to do t hediihes twice e week for the next twelve months while she sat down to read the paper a rail strike can be a great inconvenience to a lot of people but as long as the necessities are maintained things will still run it does seem too bad that people within ajrountry can not agree on their problems when we expect people in many from this district for the next two weekk pother countries to retain amicable relations the good old days may have seemed better back in 1900 tttwn friu k jju u tka kr lru of thurattat august 11 jtm th unseal ataut f turn which hat rome to fhu office fur soma tinvr war bruught in ut waaa ti ur william ouamry church hlrrt ttiy aro iwrlv ft in unfit and f tli foddar corn var hrv kalhrr faanay garden lrty at ovorgrtown un xuaatay riming was great iuiiiw artun fire fir gad won th tug ufwar vrr in ororgrtnwn ftrrmn ily drawing thrlr prurinu vvr ih llii i wire in turrculun in trn i til twlv a4inda itullilrrv fmln th nw altt lug now wing lum1 out at llrown punlng mill art on ur a t itrowr anil ml lara i mfiur- wr in hamllt m yra trntav arllng at groomsman and brldrmatd rwrtlvly th f r trr rthratnn nuttsla on ctay uit wk a ur 00 doiiglai raquralng driving fat row to onrgrlown whrr h had om it to uaan lolmi and wrthrr1l rtnvrr- it tw- amr rrt lou and unmanagatl and during ma anllra got it head in a tiolr in ihr ground and falling tirokr lla llrf k mr w tt krrr of the hnimru pita ham thr f ll twlng to say t hti rradrm rrrtlng hli rncrnl lt o artun on thr horn trip fr m qtif twc w railed off at artnn lirrr wr grvally novr d a day tit mtonrroft th r nldrnr f ii v and mn mrr of thr kr prraa mr morr pllolrd tu thrtiufh thi lark ilrardmorr tannrrtra hrrr th moil approved marhln rrv l at vknrk and th firm it mrftlng with aiirh iik c that a larr itttttlon la hrlng built to kp pc ulth hrlr growing hua th storry cilnvr work ur a mi v laltrtl in rnnnrrtlun wltn whlih aumr 1v hand arr employ cd in thr manufacture nf gkvti vallvea khoe pae moraaalna rt ll la a genuine hlr of induatrv and th rr 1 1 ahtl it v nf thr otitpoat urh that a thriving trade la bring d nr h the traveller of thla en trrpriaing firm there a no uw in talking it a thr dinner palla thnt make the town and art on 1 fort unatr in having manv hint ling rntrrprkr within ii border back in 1930 from k luur o tha pnw pvi of tkurtuuv atiqubt llf i9s6 th raaulanr of ura murray and ulu y murray on mill btrt la tlng ronvrtd into atur and a tirw vnlrnr and ihow window put hi th frunl th putilr of th uaaunlr latdgra of onirgrlown and art on whit h waa piuitpunad prtvloualy waa hrld in tha park on haturday a ft moon and waa a dlghtfu itutlng ur and ura joaph llra for nirly of artnn and now of olov eravlllr ny and ur and un lar ilakrr f watardrwn ralud on acton friandj on monday mr r ptr luld of parapa traaa vlaltd hi rouatn mr j h nny thla wk wrrk nd rrldrrta in ontarlu rlatmd iwrlvi live fight wrr klllrd in motor rar arrldanta an 4 two writ drown on kurtday a buah fir on th farm uf mm ray llnw at stawart t mn deatmyed atxiut forty arrra f buah turn mkwaiit al th lhmrll th t m l ii ktatii t wnahlp pittr it1 in hi a 7bth year enthused crowd floodlight opener georgetown schedule plebiscite grc annual grant ounnl uill hi id iihm 1 nt the iffmbr rh rti n on thi qui f lion art mmi in f i or f or inircd ricr dun u tth an innvml irint of s2so0 to cirorgrtrm n recreartlon c mnuvmon a m baxter askrd council to do thi on brhalf of thr grc rxplaln lng that thr nrganiiation uaa con tinull hamprrcd by lack of fund at prracnt hr said h could not spo rnough monry coming in to piv th director mlary thr rc rnt stay at llomr camp had coit saz3 and thr grc iharr nf thli had takrn all rrady caah crx prtch hair and tuck uld that if a fund campaign was launched thry would ran van in thrir wards council accrptrd thr proposal tended bv esq ur ling township that esqurslng accept 50 prr crnt of thr amount lr ird on georgetown by north halton high school district for 1050 in execs of 7000 up to an amount of s785a the second lome scot to win an honour at training camp at pet- auawa bill hilllrr jr came home last wrrk with thr infantry cup awarded to the best soldier taking first ear infantry training at thr camp previously ken norton had uon a cup in the recruits class herald 11 f i n uthu i tatli flint night miliiii i lit i it ming t ri itiulilea f th n w fl mmlhght ayatou in wiiux ink ttn haiwllrd rrlta i i tit bv mltaftt urmlary if the otkmll ium ijii au mlutloll hi lliifcht a hen a mlrr phofx im hind h i 1mm h liiipmlnml mayor jmii a durk who on brhalf of the tittii pnaented a ntirllng allver lir it ftrttn rahlp rnt to mr j m wat ur w h h ihul tlili ainull tok ii will s i tn tt ii you of thr appreciation rwrvtnr ferli for tt hat ton h d nr thr mayor wid ii will rxprra in small no jikiim the hatiafitrtlon arid pleas ure yi u have mtili poaslblr tin ur j liring ian or f pnm nulh drill luting into nmcrilr re vrtieratr thr ughout oakv tiles i imncxi diktrlrt thla week uut thr n ise den nit hrild the atart of a s ibtt tv jolt out h iv la undi r wav in oikwlli ibnrb toronto it 1 prdudr to th r surfacing nf illiorne street from lullda to nnxkfuld ituil on thr tt t at tide congratulations ire t xt ndi d o i m v ilf ii ru rt are hurtrr of find c itmlta oaktilli urnklri u ho reali d ihe numndsman s dn am bv rhurkink a no hit no run kin e georgoown juves thr happt rning of august ird onl n batter faced wilf as his mat s d felted thr laitor 7 0 im f ro i delighted wallace park rrottd arvt he wa nrvrr in trouble itt oakvllle tw trier to toss a p- fi ct gme vtn mark pillock j tirnal how bio will we grow only a y ur or imo ago it was being said that on the basis of our prev iuus growth trt nds canada uuuld do well if tt i ver reached a peak population of lb millions and the united states 10 millions the us census this year and canada s in 1051 will make these gloomv predictions look pretty far astray savs the financial post it seems to be the old old story cf not knowing how much a vessel or country will hold until you try lo fill it with esterdays limited knowledge and primitive equip ment onl a fctt million people ttere able to make a living in a country like ours todav uh far more know ledje and far better equipment e can accommhlat far more wtiay a simmttat i maids at th loary in haw york wara tatoiliatfil contly when they tflaaovarad uut sao guaali had mad thlr own bads bafor c hacking out ilia guaata wara m0 fuy rceuu routa lo tha national rcout jamboraa at vallay forg pa an old scout tradition always laava a camp ground as nrat as you found u pollock and campbell ml i i i i high grade memorials memorial enghavimo s3 watr bc turtk gals the acton free press the only paprr eir publuhrd l actam published rach thurdv at m uill st acton ontario antkartird aa hotaau ctaaa uaji paat ottxrt dapartaa ottawa fwhuiwi in 1s75 mraawr audit sanaa ctrcadallaa c w v aaj obtaruojubm dtttalaa cwvx advartlline tttt en isqtmat subscription in advance 330 in canada 300 in united states single copies 6c telephones business and editorial office 174 residence 131 1 aucjhom iais gait livestock market auctloa bajaa hall twy tllllir a4 i sua alakrf i oaluivi sav aat aqulv4 ail tana gaanllaail l t yari l httaavi s via u ua u tilllat ubllt haaavda t asanaira m a aaaaj thu mrtm tor aaltafammy taaal jaltai lal sfca aau w uuif kaav publu ll ajillt i kb ttlm iii hi la 1 1 la taat illullailah yitvln pramlara regularly dulnfaclad low romrnualun nui no aala datrna avlriil rtwu larpa aiaialjannati aiwl hhafaaal i m trm am aafvua t o ataai taaaw a b uaa huih faaau 4h oam x r ml i au i ii nw tauj oau carrolls kel apple juice at le burford peaches 2 2sc ayltaar tomato juice 3 xsc canada first soup v se quknoh v0ur thtut with freshie oruift lemon lima ormpa strmai barry cherry a pa0ka0k makzs 14c pink salmon v 23c 41c sokeye salmon 39c red cohoe salmon 31e clover leaf salmon j5c margeue margarine 37 romar coffee 43e vi 85c ruby brand 0oldeh ckeam style corn 3 25c brown rear honey v 2lc vi 4sc grapenuts flakes 2 35c dandee tea 3sc 7sc robin hood cake mix 30c newport fluffs 23c 3xc 43e lushus jelly powdere 3 k s5e mclarens punch 19c assorted flavors 8 0z btl shhiriff8 cake mix- 3c romar peanut butter a j7c velvet cake flour 3c heinz rary food 3 xse heinz ketchup a 24t ca ne fruit jars s17t et41 mason jars 930 tl07 tops siix- for ssn 17c 3ic jar rubrers7c fob pioklima white hxtxz vinegar cal lrwa craperauit 3 ltq aumalle ceuiv hearts 15c duchaaa coeltlan amis slc bananas lb life fresh daitv cucumbers aches temsieel tffppmn canlupe graitm caullflewaw

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