Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 24, 1950, p. 3

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aoocst mtfc uac tasuoahiit the bowl 2cyw california comh the lauaflnf md sporting outfit no wsji flrturi young lady u without the trimtailored sheer wool shirt la accented with a cartridge pock et the slacks arc cufftaes and calfbelted grey flannei jk jullh 7 douglas street girara eyes examined glasses fitted foot ailments treated mks auan cklffmhlll treau rtm vtrrseu tn- grsmw nalle it eta carrie apajtaasee far feat eew art 27 arthur st cuajoj hum 1390j hello harownakers in the old days while tomato were still delight among the hollyhocks and mignonette ketchup was made of young english walnuts about the middle of the isth century walnut ketchup had been almost complete ly supplanted by the spicy pungent tomato ketchup now the ameri cans have changed the spelling to tatsup same thing kavonmc catsup 1 iek l qta tomatoes nit 8 medium siied onions 1 s iuy leaves zj ax red pepcrs skin and rut tomatoes into small plrrri dire onions rrtoove seds from peppers and tllver i loll these ingredients until soft then strain and add cup brown sugar and a rag f spires containing 1 tbap whole allspice 1 tbap whole clove 1 tbap whole mace 1 tbsp celery heed 1 tip peppercorns and 3 inrhe stick cinnamon boll all tn- gred ten u quickly stirring constant ly until reduced to h quantity add 3 cup vtnegar and about 1 tbsp salt boll another 10 minutes then bottle in sterllxed containers- seal with sealing wax l phead optometrist era rriilnri sebatlfletlly quick repairs to ghana blnoralan fuu gunm ate a at omirt pjioni 1s3 guelph a m ton professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney riqriilaa aavl ihnin succeaaor to dr j a ucnuran ottlc in sjrrooo black uui si acton dr o a gabbett rajalatan an i corner of willow and rlvar fit entrant rlvur sum ncton ontario phoruut dental dr a j buchanan dim ml tnn oktrulihnu black 1mb at otflc hear a u t run xray 111 dr george a sirrs dantal bufff mill sl cortir rradarick acton otflc hour 0 00 njn to sjo nja telephone 10 c f ieatherlano acton aimillir nniy tl lever hoskin purlins minniialt sucomnr to jenkins uahdy ims uatropolltan bid 4 victoria sl toronto kls 0u1 willoughby farm agency lirnit a oldwt afaney in band ofjic kant bide gaarfatown ranraaantativ wright real estate and insurance f l wright n b wbmbt ma yoratak m wilbur sl acton oat pbaoah auauh out phanaloou i institute of idtatriet baal i board mawhara gualpk a dtatrtet rant aaanta aaaocuuan mibcellancoitn the victor b rumley funeral home fwml ham ilaalaal aniaailaaar phone m nlcht or day serving the community for 45 yaart eye care wm c miliigan r o oalaaat trial wed 11 am to 0 pm t uui st residence or a t mown please telephone 208w for appointment vkteunaby b d young bvsc c l young dvja vatarlaary burg a ottlca tjrookvllla ontario phone uuton lttrl f g oakes vs bvic vatarimaxr 8organ otflc and raaidenc knox av acton phon 1 travellers guide cray coach lines coaches leave acton daylight saving time nv 11js 033 pra 6la am bss a 208 p m 3 03 p m pjn bloss pm u3 5 j7 p m t 27 p m s 13 pjn 11m p m 1 ii am sun to kltchanar only a dally xcpt sunday and hall- day b sal days iturday sunday and noil railways canadian national standard twb dally sj am- dally days a4 ajn 710 njn onlyiju pjn dajr a day fly at gorttown st pjn 5slytjr nt cortiwwn fiui aauapt sstibny and mon- am sunday aad monday u y 1sw tun dally xcpt sun- f 84 jn- uo ojni 44 pjav ily except bl and sun 88 pt m fugstop saturday only 1m pjn sunday only s43 am flatf- at- cuhhay sauce pickle 12 lame grtn curunibers 6 latrge uniuns 3 swtft nd pepptrs cup salt 12 iargr tomatoes 2 tspa curry powder 2 tsps rvlrry seed 2 tbspa brown sugar 2 cupa vinegar lrl and chop flnr the cucumbers onlotii and prpprra sprinklr with salt and irt stand 1 hour feel and stew 12 tomato- and combine with ijljid ytgetablrs add spires and miirgsr snd lml 30 tnln iour into pit kit- 1ittlrm and ral with wn uurai and hirttkk pickijc3 12 ln h i rummlicn 2 sedd tim ptppts 8 pr11 utiall milotis s cp salt shrr ricinnh rm wpprrs snd onlitni rry thtn ilace in layers in crock with ire cut- and iprtnatt ia 1th s cup salt cover with a wrighud ltd ami leave 3 hours then drain make a yrup of 3 cuia vinegar cupa sxigar i s upa turmeric s tsp ground cloves 2 tspa mustard seed 1 tsp celery aeed add drained vegtahles and heat slowly without stirring to thor oughly scald them pmir plrklci into jars and seal ham loaf for v combine 12 hralcn rggs fl cupa milk 12 cups cooked ground ham s cups condensed tomato soup 3 cups minced celery or grated carrot 3 cup soft hresd crumbs c tablespoon chopped panlcy 1 cup grated onion is t dritxl savory opt tonal place the- tngredlt nts in butter ed n ilakr the loaf in a mndrr- at- iirn 3v deitttcb ftr anon one hour takk a tip to jvtud apoilakt of faniird to matt 1 prk- si all ranncd tomatoes and toinit jiiu r in it ltilnn water bath wtrr should be deep enough to cover jam one inch 2 alnv wih tnmvoc thorounh l in cold v itt r im fori ou ffiild them a lump of oil may con tain hncti ns uhtch will contam inate the w hole bitch in the prilini procesa 3 n ver tr tn sahagc the firm part of a tomato that 1 partially blighted or spoiled it is more thrifty to waste one tomato than to lose a whole batch t nccr uw powdered spices if you u ant a bright catsup or chill sauce the whole spices in mea sured quantities will prevent brownneas 3 a double thickness of cheesecloth makes a good bag for straining catsup or tomato juice freh dill should be thorough u ashed before addition to cu cumber the flower head may be sustltuted for tender stalks and leaves if two heads instead of fl stalk is used 7 about 4 strips of red hot pepper or 1 tbsp horseradish makes a difference to a bottle of dill pickles thk suggestion box mrs c h says t a quick way to remove com husks is to place the ear on cutting hoard and slice off about s inch of stem end and also tassel end husks and silk will then atrip off ailv 2 to cut com from cob readily drive a nail through a small board and place board on waxed paper stick stem end of cob on protrud ing point of nail hold knife at 43 degree angle and cut straight down the cob mrs j l says to preserve the color of peaches and pears drop tavern immediately into brine a son ai peeled use 1 tbsp salt t gal of cold water change the water after peellnc 3 dozen if you are canning a quant ity mrs p n aaya- 1 to prepare green rtnd from watermelon peel very thin and also trim off all the red flesh before the honey colored part u soaked tn brine for the watermelon pickle j use 3 tbsps alum for a good slxed melon when rind is being cooked to keep it arm thev can have it a new norwegian proceaa re ported in the financial poet la said to turn codflah into a syn thetic ice cream preparation also useful ai an albumen for use in exmaunt drug and paint manufact ure ft la said to be a big improve ment over the prewar german proceaa we acton nts fobs hgggftt chronicles of j ginger farm j uritus 8feaaily fee i tke aeaast ft praas oukmmjukk p ft at inf t ml cows arc the cussedest things thry have just about driven us crsxy this last week with their bawling to make the best use of the pasture partner switches the cows around from one field to an other arid also into a small patch of pasture at the back of the house and what happen kvery time the cows cstrh sight of partner they bawl their heads off espectlng him to tuiti thetn into another pasture just the same as a spoilt child w ill uaw 1 until be gela what he want after being in the bark artl the cows were worse than rri tx- am- here they were able to kit s gimmf feed of apple rut tht y fiuured that just what thi i1m lor ordered oiu dav while they were feeding nt ar iht hnuv partner aikrd me t ki- p an i vr on them while he went up tn the imk fir lti to fla b fence mind they dont get into that iite1 wire under the cherry tn riutloned partner so i took my string beans and sat on the front step to cut them that w av although i could not keep he cows in view all the time i cinild certainly see them if they got anywhere near the barbed wire tverythlng was quiet and i thought how well they were behsvlng themselves not coming near the laried wire at all iut suddenly there was one terrific bellow like an animal in pain 1 jumped to my feet and away went the beans of course i ran to the bark of the vard there was drnwaey one of our durham hrlfers complete with horns with its head right through the wire fence now whit to do 1 remembered partnrr 1 wav thought it advlaahle in aurh n emergency to approach uuletlv nd cut one of the fence wires to releam the cow s hrid lie hd explained to me that if lift in pull hcrvlf ioom shi was liahlr to do a lot of damage to the fenre i could well bellre that a i watrh ed this hi ifi r pulling and tuggins thi v tv and that while 1 stood helple r mi ml ring that part ner had taken the finer pller with him well 1 thought to mynelf he king to dnmiffe the fenre invw t ui 1 might as well help hi r do it so i got into the next field nml walked along irv quietly until i wn fnring the heifer t could see 1hit if i could onh p t one hoin back through thr fence he niikht niinage to get the ri 1 of her head free without too much trouble so i grabbed one horn w ith both hands and hung on for dear life together we rocked back and forth the heifer the fence and i one time she pulled bsck o dr i thought the whole fence was going and i with it finally the heifer quietened down a bit and i managed to get the tip of her horn through the square wire mesh sure enough that was all that was necessary in a few sec onds drowsey had her whole head horns and all free once more she backed hurriedly away and then te my surprise she came running up to the fence agsln pawed the ground and bellowed like a bull whother she was mad at me or the fence i wouldnt know but fortun ately she didnt try getting her head tangled up any more i might add that all the time i waa doing the mercy act the other 14 cows were also grouped around the fence bawling lustily they dldnt make the work any easier because i knew what would happen if the fence should collapse honestly cows are the cussed est things if youll escuse the expression sunday afternoon we hsd an other cow adventure daughter and one of our nieces was here for the weekend so we went to the back of the farm looking for choke cherries we also wandered into one of our neighbours fields where there were about 30 head of cattle immediately they saw u they came across the field on the run have you noticed cows are the most inquisitive things hesldes be ing cussed as they oame nearer we turned and faced them and they stopped dead we walked on and they came after us again then tippy cam running out of the bush and put them to rout i called her off thinktng the cattle would now be ready to leave ui alone your eyes desetvt tmt stst cbniult r m bell baatslauaaj -a- a sta vpjjjtarltia nwt439r12 bun but no back they came again we had only a little way to go to reach the fence so niece babe took to her heels and was over it like a shot daughter and i were not really alarmed although if you get in among a herd of strange cows you never can tell which reminds me a few weeks ago we had a visit from two gov ernment inspectors tracking down dutch elm disease they told us that across the road there appeared to be no one at home but that a huge angry bull had chased them out of the field they didnt find out whaghcr the elm trees on that farm were diseased or not so there you have it although i had no idea i was going to fill this column with cows when i sat down to write it cash needed dont sell bonds you may need cash in a hurry and think of selling your bonds to meet that need rut iwwtds that have laeen saved for over the are often pretty hard to re plaee and there are better way of raising the money here a what william clayton manager of the lixal hranrh of the flank of mont real aukgesta if you want money for a girod purpose pav us a call at the n of m your bonds will erve as seeurlty for one of our inwcnd personal bums and will assure you an appreciably lower rate of interest than for a loan without such security as a matter of fact the interest on the bonds very nearly covers the interest on the loan tl of u personal loans csn be re paid in easy regular instalments hy making use of this service when you need cash in e hurry you will protect that reserve fund youre building for the future the nest time you need money on short notice talk to mr clayton eirtertuining buy coke by the carton vto oasy so walcdntsy sarv ice cold ins fc0 seres asaaai u saaw uuag 6 bottle carton 251 rfcsa u ae jeesjst gataftaasaaf ttto sf fuj fish tatsaaif aaa taasse lasv the orangeville holtling work oianoivilli ont pmonf 137w any way you look of it your telephone is big value youll find th cott of telephone rk ho not goto up ot much at moit other things you buy i irn with rerrnt rate int-rea- jour 1tljhmm till rvt o lillle u rrmiini one of ihc mallr linn in ur family imlirt and it aiyet ku m riiurh in moments of argent nerd it neitimrr and eed may he laejond pjier in term- of da today efulnra it mean mnrr than rrr lief ore twtee as many people are willun reach of your iclephaa today a there were ten years ago telephone value has steadily increased today a always your telephone big value the iell telephone company op canada

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