Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 24, 1950, p. 5

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thuksday aooobt mtfc u8 the acton ftec mess aommrm c s mr ial mr tr j kjs n s moekwuxl vfafa to ta- wwnce tl avat of thu dsuhur htlto to laalu ldmr swekhamr ua of ifr us mra timif arthur bwrirhamr rjs no j aetoa th nurliii to uk puc on srpuraber mk at burl hill united church smithapab wilfred binnie dies only son of alex threshing is the order of uw day quite a lot of wheat wit- badly crown owing to so much wet weather ur wilfred blnnl paw id away la ouelpa genarnl hospital h was the only ion of th late ur and mr alex lunnl ife ujvea to mourn hit low two atsurs urs dirk arrwrtt ifthal of oualph anj ura norman adamson nora of slreetavlue intrrtneot took place in guelph cemetery ur and mr iwrnc iloboun rf copper cliff spent a few days last wli with ur and ura arn old ucenery mission band waa bald on sun day ur and ura kan cotton and family are holidaying tn maaford ur and ura oasb and bruce have returned from holidays ur qlhb occupied the pulpit an sun- 7 van wyck cleaners rtekap and delivery our truck u on your street every day pttone 373 this it your utl chaste tooew 1147 ftatwajtt at ihctwell affective aueutt at if you to e 0 o o i 4 contemplating fljj alerting c an any g l o ik following 3 pattern hn adotation po eteknauy yours n nkstlove r temtmbiancc yeull by placing your 5 rachun jewellery aawl gift shoppe tmt se 58 substation change in midseptember cmiimud from j fuj the project of providifig a private office for th clark to the com- mission after reviewing th pro posed changes coaunbeion felt that am other plan should be atudied before work u com menced this nutter waa left over for further consideration by the conunlatton the following accounts were passed for payment hydre bp bell telephone co serv fuh htpc of ont power tiuii symon rdwe aupp 1 ttd snap on tool of can ltd supp t n whtthamt oar cat 14m northern beetrtc co ltd aupp tea mardonald klectrlc ltd supp ism federal wire cable co upp 1 m ura ii wlmer 1160 eipreea 6 transport 4j1 wefervohts deparfmewt pnwer ft heat at iprin t m it h i niarhfnrd ltd mm can tlran co lad t3m national iron corp 17343 u1tm srcrrtary ucgearhte reported that tsooooo had been transferred from the town account to the waterwnrva account in order to pay for the pipe and fltttnc bought for the evtenatoaa to the waterworks system and for the renewal of service under the per manent roadways- the commis sion has foll a policy of re newing all service pipes under the highways where the pipes have become rusted the new service are being laid with copper piping for a permanent installation cleasung hahoncoontyhealthunit report on denta survey the fallowing is the report by dr 0ueara on the first year of the dental public health project conducted under the hauon county health unit over a period of yeert mure and more local school boards in the county have assumed the cost uf dental treatment for the children in the primary schools- now practically all rural school children have this ser vice this program hai ben made possible by the irovlncil depart- ment of health making available funds for this purpose the depart ment pays 30 per cent of the cost of treatment locally agreements have been made between the local school boards and the practicing dentists whereby the dentists do this work at a moderate hourly tatr with free dental treatment v auction sale i j vests k iterse drawn tassje- ssents testa famuere etc the undersigned hac mrurd instructions from uatft dota klausev to sell by public auction at hrr farm on no 3 highway one mile rest of trafalgar on hattmoat hkttcmitrm t t 1 jo o clock the following cattle one hoi item cow milking due in nov one iteg jcr sry cow milking due in nov two llolstein heifers due in dec one holsteln heifer 2 years not bred one llolstein htlfrr 6 months two jersey cows milking in full fli bred again i jersey cow due time of sale 10 yorkshire hogs 100 lbs each poultry 153 leghorn pullets tsying so rock roosters x geese 94 goslings faru iupleufnts etc one tractor sfurrow cockshutt plow cream separator one grain drill deering slower 3 ft wheel cultl vator rubber tired farm wagon and rack electric saw and frame electric brooder electric uotor onaalslh ild 13 cycle large quan tity of brooder and poultry equip ment slush scraper walking plow s seufflers horse disc quantity of wire fence number of steal posts dump rake draghar row lawn uower steel wheel barrow large steal tank oil bar rals extension ladder quantity of rock wool insulation quantity of electric equipment hay fork harness number of cement blocks number of tile aet of truck chains small quantity of grass sead logging chains forks hoes shovels and some carpenter tools furniture one kelvlnator electric refrigerator i yearold oectrtc washing uschlne electric radio electric stove gel twin single bads poster style drassar and ehsat of drawers to match an tique drasssr x floor lamps din ing room suit chairs and buf fet studio couch and x chairs to match singer sewing uschlne drop head electric humidifier new odd electric lamps odd fancy tabic six steel single beds and springs library table ward robe odd wash stands kitchen cabinet odd table and chairs 1 cook stove 1 heater electric heater tennis net new ice box store scale skates boots hall seat dtshe cooking utensils etc no reaere as farm is sold and proprietress is leaving for denmark nothing to be removed until set tled for terus cash settltment with clerk da uf sale hlndley and elliott auctioneer ph lors rockwood or 177j milton c evea clerk b 2 roys taxi dovt be late phone 128 allable one would think that hal- ton county school children would be dentally perfect however this has not been true by far the most common defect found in school children has been dental da- cay it became obvious that child ren were going to the dentist only when something drastic occurred such as an aching tooth a dental absceav a huge cavity or when urged by the school nurse or phys ician the treatment program had become solely s reparative rather than a preventive service under the new federal health grants made available in 1mb funds were allocated for strength enlng existing health services in itlating new service and studying public health problems it was obvious that hal ton county offer ed an unique field for the study of dental public health problems the provincial department of health made available ample funds from federal health grants to allow au thorttlm to attack this major prob lem this grant was to be used for several purpose 1 to assess the magnitude of the problem of care ful dental examination of school children fx to promote better health habits by an intensive pro gram of education 9 to evaluate the results of the treatment pro gram by correlation of the educational and treatment service to attempt to improve the dental health of our children it was not to be used for payment of treat ment it is emphasised that th entire funds for this work are derived from federal health grants and are not a charge on the local tax payer the federal authorities will be amply repaid if reliable inform ation can be obtained from this and other surveys it u a long range project and result may not be ap parent for soma years the new dental program made possible by the federal grant be gan on october i 1m0 between that time and the end of june 1030 all the primary achooli in the county were visited and all the students except those absent st the time of the visit were examined in this way a total of s oki child ren were seen it was intended to examine the secondary school students too but there was msuf ftdent time it should be possible to include these next year also it is hoped later to see as many of the preschool children as possfble this is of th greatest importance an unusual feature exists tn hal ton county in that two fifths of the primary school population can obtain dental treatment from private practitioners st no direct coat to themsalvaa the accounts are paid by ths respective school boards 70 par cant from local tax ation and so per rant from m pro vincial department of health grant th parents of th remaining thre fifths of the school children pay th cost of dental treatment themselves there is a situation present therefor which affords th opp of a study of the vslu of a frae dental treatment in this report for th aak of brev ity those whose treatment has been paid for by the school board have been classified as aided while those who pay for their own treat ment have been called unaided the aided scheme has been la use in nearly all the schools of the four townships of the county for varying periods of time the fle towns of the county have not made use of it until january 1050 when one georgetown introduced it as the children of that town were examined before that date this would not affect the compar ison of the four townships nel son has used th plan tine 1049 however the average per capita cost of treatment for the first five vears until 1047 was lass than 1 m for esch school child in 10u it was nearly 0400 par head trafslgsr township began the plan in 1048 but ths cost for the first two years was again less than si 00 per head in 1048 tt was over 0300 and in 1040 07 w per head esquesing township introduced the plan in 1048 but ifttl use was made of it until 1040 whan the cost was 0843 par head nassjtgswaya township much the smallest of the four brought in the scheme in 1044 and here lone the school children seem to hsvr availed themselves of the op portunity from the start th an nual cost has rsmauned very con stant and in 1040 tt was hs per head it might be added that the dental health of thee children is generally better than elaewher although there is no dentist lo ts i townshln it is noteworthy that although a public health dental officer was not appointed until tat in 1040 there was a very marked lncreae in the amount of treatment ear ned out in 1d4b and 1040 it could not be just a coincidence that the helton county health unit rnf into existence in september hm and an adequate staff of pub he health nurses regularly visited the hool it la surely an excel lent example of what public health education can do and of how useless any such treatment plan is unless it is related to an educat tonal program in attempting 10 evaluate the benefits of this aid plan it is necessary to consider any other factors which may influence the results the more important of these are a economic status although this would not affect th aldd population it would the remaind er the aldri schools are mainly rural or semlurban while the oth ers are all urban however th towns in the county are gem rally prosperous and the economic u vel fairly high the number of child ren unahlr to obtain treatment for financial reasons would likrlv be small b availability of dental treat ment because the unaided school are generally in the towns these children have a much greater ad vantage in rural areas the dtfflc ulty of obtaining transportation tt the towns for treatment is un doubtedly an important factor as in other parts of the province the number of dentists is inadequate to cope with the work however halton county l probably better sered than manv other dhrtrlct there are 18 dentists in the coun ty at least 3 in eery town braid es thne in the near vicinity all the dentists in the county are gtv ing treatment to children some to a greater degree thsn other r nutrition the economc status of the population would al so have some beating on nutrition however there i a danger of ov eremphasis in this respect gen erally speaking one would expect the children tn rural areas to have a better diet than those tn the towns ullk vegetables and fruit are more readily available la spite of this the teeth of s snd a vear old children were found to be rather worse in rural than in ur ban arras fd environment from s den tal viewpoint the main importance of this is the availability of the candv store research into the csuse of dental csrles in latter years has demonstrated s very close relstionshlp between concen trsted sugars such as are found tn candles snd soft drinks and to th decay children in the towns have fsr greater sccess to the than those in the country th effect of sll these factors and others on tn findings is very difficult to estlmat the prohlenss of nutrition snd of excessive sugar consumption are of course inter related and th solution is nutrit ions education th need for this cannot be too greatly stress a when one comes to consider the effects of thii aid plan ss compar ed with the remainder it must be borne in mtnd that it has really only been in operation for from 3 to suj years at most apart from nassagaweya town ship which has only one eighth of the aided school population the amount of uork done before 1048 at less than tt 00 per head per vear can have been little more than emergency treatment 1 ex traction of aching teeth no great differficei can therefore b ex pected th findings show without anv doubt that the aided scheme is giving benefit and procuring bet ter dental health for the children with the more intensive dental ed ucation which is now being car ried out this improvement should be progressive among all th school population future annual exam inations will show if this is the esse it must be remembered that as more dental treatment is carried hut so will the cost increase at the present time even among the aided schools only 43 per cent of the necessary treatment is being done in the unslded schools even a smaller proportion of it li car ried out this does not includ preschool children the school boards must therefore be prepared to incur hesvter expenditure to cope with it row much heavier it u likely to be u difficult to tlnut but there are tiertala d- inlt limitation the major on is the quantity of work the dentist ran perform th traatsaent of the adult population takes up much of their time and they are seeing many more children now than formerly a saturation point must eventually be reached and they are probably near to it now at the present rat of tooth de cay it will never be passible to catch up with th work it 1 for this reason that th preventive as pect of dentistry is being shreased so much it would b far better to reduce the need for dental treat ment by education in nutrition n the need for th reduction of tug ars and in oral hygiene a treat ment service such as is being of fered to th aided schools is es eel lent but to have any lasting value it must be augmented b dental education oshhnoi recent visitors in community homes mi rlvena winter returned tu mrs w j jacasttn s home after a wil with frit ixiii at mount iettnis mr and mrs itusaell st rut hers ixl terrr 1 prnton visited last we k with the f liners aref mr arx mrs jamr slrulhers on wetinridjiv all rnj ved a motor trip to cforirrlrh miss vide abtxlt who has been in itnttsh olumhta fur the past two years and miss mary abbott of ivtroit im nt a couple of days last week with mtaa ada and mr frrelt currle miss mar lee n morgan of toronto spent a few holidays with miss marilyn young mr and mrs fordon andyl fisher of kearna ont are visiting with the formers brother mr snd mrs r fisher misses shirley and joyce chester of guelph were home for the week end mr and mrs thomas klnes had ai recent gursts mr and mrs a e smith of vancouver 11 c mrs a m howe of trenton and her brother mr w ii ma bee of verona nj are visiting mrs itowe i dsughter and sortin law mr and mrs a d mcklnnty guests this week with mr ii hunter included mr and mrs k leigh ton and son paul of mt den nls mr and mrs simpson of wes ton mr and mrs urvrr and mrs ilert craig georgetown mr and mrs j a hunter of guelph miss marlon sinclair guelph was a week end visitor at her home here iiss ivett miller or brampton is visiting her uncle and aunt mr and mrs fred bap tie miss mary fllen wood who is employed in guelph is enjoying a week s vacation at her home here friends here were sorry to learn of the sudden passing of mr albert young the deceased farmed on th townllne for many years prior to moving to acton sincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved family we regret an error in last week correspondence it read urs i hamilton of everton i visiting her daughter and son inlaw ur and mrs ken stubblngton this should have been mrs i jackson of ever ton j- testing equipped with th latest in battery totting equipment we can check your battery to replace e wornout battery we have e ttock of gaa bat tents built to g m engineering standards for split second starting the yesr round we suggest e long life ruggedly constructed g m battery with plenty of reserve power we have a complete line for sll cars and trucks lorne garner motors as baled hay weighs four to five times ss much as loo hay per i cubic foot car should be taken i not to overload the hay mow floor say officials in the division of i field husbandry department ef agriculture ottawa pontiac buick vauxhall main and lower aden gmc trucks ptien 3w now open guelph on tmovali avfntm iast nuuluht owlph se largar briohtar pklur in ths opn air hair th matchlati ton of th inacarspaakar showing this week fridaysaturday august 2526 coroner creek randoiph icott maroueiiti chapman mondaytuesday august 2829 jive my regards to broadway dan daiiey nancy guild wednesthurs august 3031 johnny allegro ocoioi tatt first show at dusk tw shows hlpfctfy lata at cuar adults 30c cmmtm vmlar is kidtl coma aarly to anoy tha children playground use classified ads for results nadian ational exhibition august sth to siptembei 9th except sunday direct into the grounds taducad 4 p includaa latum sis 1 exmumoii fat palj admltaton fr calldrma rata yaar afat leave acton leave exhiimon s4 aw 1030 pm daylight tim exhibition paaaanean travailing en regular buaea will transfer at toronto bui terminal te bum running lnle tha goreunds tickets and information at harold wiles honest

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