Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 24, 1950, p. 7

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tbtmeruir aoatmr utk vm tw acton rats haas 1 trite usm ni tai lla naalaili a riultnluiy church panoaa m bawr amuib ptuiaa ajo bar k a cwny iu j- hm a m it tli 4tom lat id cmk i sunday august ij 150 itm jo- suixuy school 11m j dlvln warahlp t exm union sarvlca a tkataam fr tk wuk fk buur am at avary cloud la btiafat and tklslnf x ftararrr turn my clouoi about and always waar tfcani tnalda out to abow um ltalng- sh albsas 7hnlf inlir m w lbabb bva sunday august tl 1m trinity ii ims am morning lryr 7 00 p m evening lrayr a wilrnat aaju yaa grnfcgtftlsm tflpirttf is fattmatt knox mmot adthh ucv ktobbhth abuanoml sunday august it iuo 1100 im dlvtn warahlp all ara walroma tfcv taal teat po cjla lorrf akall rvsaw uwtr arraacub bspifaf icavrrlt acton otam m ootysli athfaln ctaa t abawaanagk orresjl4 sunday august 17 imo 10ss an sunday school i 30 am the churrh jo pm thuraday thr story of lnclr tom an raraprd alavr thrar ill br toe paalor s cloalng nihut trlday 100 pm ii y i u v lltvung skinny men women gain5 waal itwitlt ftw h wi wf rtaixuej imwi ium oiirfmiilase watt tnmrr fclj 1u1 ir ahjmil r w4 um fm a inm fa bmkom h1 caw s im 47 vit tkttlva w ikuftt tar fad huttl water aj make your selection of new wallpaper ntou thi uutokt stock in wuton ontaiio taa tka w euajajm priced to ault vatfyom youll nj u at chapples bookstore iis wyiuikmn si ouajt angus kennedy proprietor baler twine first developed 10 years ago ium been steadily im proved some twin available today ia so strung thai it would take 1300 bales plied onr on top of thr outrr before thr strands on thr bottom bale broke from thr tremendous pressure sunday school lesson uwer lattrau several instance have occurrtm whrrr srttrr latrralx have not been put in at thr proper grade or d pth due to inaccumle lnformit inn sect inn ft of clause ii or ily ta no 010 of the corporation of the ton pf acton reads no perann amoruitlon body or corporation ahall ronxtrud or in tall on vny private property a wmrr drain connecting with a ew rr of ihe corporation until 1 such partv hat applied to th c rpnratlnn of the town of acton for a permit allotting the con st ruction and installation of maid houw aea er or aewer lateral and paving mch required fer for aurh permit an mav from time to time he fixed bv the corporation of the town of acton and 2 filven twrntr four hour not ice that a houe aewer or arcr ti tcral li readr for inprctlon and i in dcr no condition mul thev r i ip before being inspected rerv person shall be rejulrrd fftrr a houe xrwer u installed or nltrrrd and before the plumbing fixture ronnected therewith are i sed to ha r ame inspected hv a inrrinetint sinltar tnoectnr or mich other person a mav be de iiated from time to time bt the corporation of the town of arton bfore thev are coered up encloa i or hidden from view conic of thl tlv law mav br ob nm on rcniiert at the municipal rffrr and should he ronwlttsl k f- n ork i tarted in rtn ptlon ith lateral or huse aeurat information a lo rr and depth of lateral cin iv okiind hv rontuitlnr the nltiitv rrvetor t the munlclnal offline in mavlng aonllcatton for con 1ructlng lateral or house sewer a s 2 dom and dkt utarttu op htm hs oldlaakioed fcvnarc la wft eaflv kmii idu otcatre work bat now thom day we mm vr wilh lb btnr car wood antoanatie iimuu uaitt- soaat nuata end mparcuaa 1b opcraboa cw vod aadt brings too baalthv arwa lualkii watrrary room of twb bom and it up to 40 ej yvor torasar imi bou get the bub to lb lwoaa to look tale all tke detail today maautactiarad ehrtawriaf iaddstnaaca jjaaiud tonaaa f far oaf rci sunday august ttth uaky vlie uoti1er or jesus gaklen test my aoul mafnlfwa the lird and my spirit rejoices n god my saviour- luke 1 4147 uuon text ui we 1 4441 t u51 uk 3 slu j no 1 2i 27 ar 1 14 on this order exposition i uary s song of lvlw lukr 1 u th general theme of thr uag nlftca i u thr faithfulness of ood- which la indeed thr foundation of thr whole uraslanlc hope begin nlng on a note of persona praur for ills grace to hersrlf v 41 1 touch on god s mrry and urn nlpotrncs tv 4a5h celebrates ills justice va k2 u and rloars with thanksgiving for ills faithful neat to th promise made to israel rf ulc 7 so th grek word tranalatrd holpm means to take poatratr man by th hand and lift him up this god had often done to thr jewish nation all long for ages lie had shown them his merry forgiving thlr bark sllduunt and aavlng them from thr consequence of thrtr sins great and precious promtars had been mad to israel especially to ahra ham who was an es ample of faith ful obedience these promise foreshadowing christ were r worded as to pass over to all be tlrvrrs narrowed to no people or age they reach down to the end of time and pats it to eternllv it is of thr deepest importance to lav hold of nihle promise we walk bv faith 2 cor 7 and faith leans on promises hut on these prnmles we may rest securely ii the uother of jesus i like 2 411 m mk 3 21 m the gospels tell ui little of the mother of our ird but three char actrrmlr arc triklnglv ob lou frwn iukr stnrv 0 her cone rration to gods will there w- little in her outard rlrcumtance to have drav n the eve of the world though of the roval line f david her famllv wa poor and oharurr nut god ue a man or woman in proportion to their con sexration 1 sam 11 h the lr- of self there i in u the more room there i for god man wa utterly yielded i uke 1 jiu god could ue her a an int rumen in the unfoldmrnt of iii dlvlnr purpose othcrw 1- thl kticv uould have passed osrr to another 2t hi r familiarity with the scrip tures msrv s song of prale find spontaneous expression in words alreadv consecrated b the unix splril frf paksngrn from b 1 112 l and espectalu i sam 2 1 lft such knowledge of the tllble is neier gained ae bv dallv regul r studx we should studv cod word din into it medltitc on it till it dwell in u hrhlv time i thus kpent 111 bear fruit after man dav hark of eerv great spiritual leader i a god fearing consecrated mother such a mother become a great rhannel for cod grace it t the impressionable vea of childhood when mother influence i paramount that the foundation of a thorough know ledge of god word are most sec urelv laid fl tim 1 11 no prav er touch us so tenderh or remiln with tin so faithfully as those leam ed at the mother knee ft her humilltv there 1 no self glort flcatlon because she has been chosen to hear the longed for re deemer of israel onlv infinite wonder and gratitude for god condescension to her low elae vs 4 4hi far from being able to save others she acknowledges her need of a salour for her soul 111 manr at the cross jno 10 25 27 in the moments of supreme agonv which his crucifixion en tailed jesus forgets himself and thinks of his mother cher the feelings of that mother one mav well draw veil certainly no man ran entrr into its appalling t raged nor adequately sense the poignant suffering which pierced the motherheart but her son lit knew her desolate condition and the crushing effect of the harrow ing sight before her he knew good and 1oel spirited as she was she was only a woman and that as a woman she must be bearing tbe lead f eiahsiiiwt up the death of such a son the sword li now piereiag through her soul v ssi and jesus turns to her to comfort her up to that time h kas looked after her now humanly speaking she will need another her own children are not fitted for the teak for as yet they do not believe in jesus there is nun so fit as john thr disciple whom jesus loved jesus therefore gives last proof of his love by commit ting to john hit most sacred trust in brief and touching fashion woman he says vehold thy son then salth he to thr diarlplr behold thy mojthrr we surely need no stronger proof than this that ery the mother of jesus was nevrf meant to br honored ai dlvlnr or to br worshipped as the friend and patroness of sinners she was just a sorrowing mother who in her hour of need required th rare and proteduon of another it is thus that her son regards her tuftun6yon a faith that needs a platform flv joseph f utter ftutlcdor on of thr strange happenings of uur dav is the way man y people have been ready to accept ai fcome thing new and wonderful a pollt leal system as old as our race all our history is a rcctird of recurring conflict betuevn the individual and thr cncioarhment of ihe state at one time the slate was represented tv an atasolutc king the barons at westminster defied the king and rt mated the power of the people in the first parliament thin then was parliament falling undt r the influence of the monarch and with it cromwell txild challenge revcr im rating down the years you hitm sat there too long fur anv goud iu hu im- n doing in the namt of d go thi n rami the ium of 1nht and halma corpus and the kfim ililn establishing thr lights of th individual and bul waring th m igalnst power of th- statt nm th re re th s who would axk ui t n trace thes- step and would hr us tw llrve thai the are offi ring mhiii thing new aim hojsrful it is true that what thi v offer is made to appear new ii is fes tooned with calrh finer frill and phrae and tempting bait for the i unwarv wr are told that the state will plan for us wilt look after us i run our affairs and spend our mon ev for u and in return w ill pro idr us w ith pr mlums bounties bonuses guirantees and securities iook tuck how ta did the peoph gn w in th ic b oni rars w hep the state w a absolute and then w re no indu ulual litx riles alt the procress f our world spring fnm the liberties w e w rest ed from mthorlts now we are asked to iccept a the modern lew thlt we should give them nil tuck inok nt the countries that still hold i 1irge mei urc of these gain iook how ihev stand out igilnst the dirk picture of thnt w orld thit ha accepted the dom inance of the slate with it ben fitth return for libertv look back and remember that the state w as alw n autocratic that even todav it tike our resource to na for the benefit it offer but it ak double for it demand your llbertie also what these dav seem to need is a leadership that still believes and i readv to lle or die politically for the concept that what we have fought for through our hsitnrv in still our caue that personal free dom and individual self reliance and human dlgnkv and human re sponsibllltv mean more to us than temporary benefits that degrade us surely most of us still so believe surely it should be possible to find leadership that forgetting expedl enri ha the courage to make a platform of that faith school acmitiorts incomplete in sept good progress is being made with the alterations and addition to tbe preernt high school building it 1 true that all the rooms will not be ready for thr re opening of school on september ith however the commercial the music and the art and cjrfts rooms will be complete ly flashed the home economics shop library and offices although not computed in their entirety will be functional at opening time the gymnasium cafeteria a laboratory and two regular classrooms will not be ready for occupation until a later period the architect and con tractor are cooperating with thr board in every way in thr provls ion of operating facilities there may brsomr inconveniences dur ing early autumn tuit elate wot will be carried on without any de lays before a large crowd at the ljons park last wednesday night the ieglon team eliminated the dundas legion team by the score lft4 winning the fourth game la the trst f five aeries at a specially conducted service in st like s church on sunday morning a beautiful stained glass window was dedicated to the glory of ftod and in loving memory of andrtw pettit and his wife jane i iotieer resident of this district and faithful attendants at st i uke during their lifetime the nnv iling was done by mrs w white of state college pa wh with her sister miss marv petlit f burlington were the donors i f th window in memory of their parents they were thanked for their gift to the i hurt h bv tin rec tor ll c y lfiathiti can lit in this pttiihttittcma kvtsy year science la ereat ing mure miracles to asake hviag easier ia rouatless ways and what we see today la only the beginning of an amasing new era of comfort aoil convenience jjut it seema to as that some people are riprrling too many miracles ror instance they believe that by some kind uf asagte old age brnrate will prov id all the money thry re ever going to need ken thry retire i brlievs in security for everyone but i want mine planned to suit my own in dividual needs that s why 1 have smg vwm uf injiirance itll uke all the insurance v got now and maybe more to kelp provide thr kind of retire- teat income i want and teeaf u uy life insurance la ffee- tms lou i had my choice of stesens of different kinds of policies and y life undr writer helped me arrange a balanced programme that glees my f easily prstfeeftea aei while it but ida a better income far asy oij age tome what may i m still relying on my own life in sursnee ike millions of other eaadians 1 ve fi uad it thr sure road to security th life insurance companies ia canada so tatsitohal woum s hmouju ucusmr ruk advertising is an investment music iucataaaaaaaaaav seohf s to midwav statatmlaatate eoe show us aia roacs bsjib pasjums sm bancmdfj hsmf a1spiamis tfkas siotob show agbicultubi fuht pobsiqn exhibits ml i mobsi show plowek belt bare weah ad sou asuf stsfawef av hilton perry ltd shone 341 w acton radio service gturaalcca rtaun to an hakes astl manning electric phonbsm u ith modern equipment a fsrmer todav worries leas about the wea ther he still makes hav while the sun shines but machinery uke tractor rakes and automatic balers hae cut hts haymaking time in half rapid test fob hay cure a quick method of testing hay to drtrrminc if it is safe to place in the mow has been developed at the michigan state college the equipment as described in c i i agricliitural news constiti of an oen cylinder weighing scale and moisture chjpl to de termine the moisture bontent if ha the ocn is fastened to the ex haust of a truck tractor or auto mobile a sample of hay is folded and pressed into a metal cylinder o under and sample are weighed then placed in the oven th engine is started and allowed to run a little faster than idling speed u takes from five to seven minutes for the hot exhaust gases to dry the hay the cylinder and sample are then weighed again by using the chart which comes with the equipment the amount of moisture which was in the hay before drying can be quickly read if the reading shows thnt hav has more than 30 per cent molstunk it is not tofe to place in the xnou canadian national exhibition toronto aug 25 sept 9 t c ukmshaw u wooo a hogmfs cnnal uaaaatr

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